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Page 12

by Laura Marie Henion

  Eddie peeked over at the alarm clock, on the bedside table. The red light indicated it was nearly 6:00 a.m.

  "We've got time. What do ya say, Phelps?” He smiled, as she continued to purr, with half-closed eyes. Their stares focused on each other, as she opened her heavy eyelids completely.

  "You've got seniority, Lieutenant.” She winked.

  A moment later, he rolled on top of her and straddled her hips, while her hands wrapped around his neck.

  "I could look at you, hold you like this, all day long,” he told her, softly kissing her nose, her chin, and then her lips.

  Lauren arched her hips forward in response. “I had something a little different in mind.” She placed her lips over his, kissing him deeply.

  They made love to one another again, then held each other closely, damning the clock, and their limited alone time together.

  An hour later, they reluctantly got out of bed, showered, and shared an early breakfast, until Eddie's cell phone rang.

  * * * *

  Eddie answered his phone, while standing in Lauren's kitchen, preparing to head back to Ridgeburgh. “Lieutenant Tennellie."

  "Hey, Eddie, it's Ken. I just got a call from the Creek Valley P.D. They said someone reported finding a body in the backyard of Silver's apartment complex. It's a female, around the age and description of Jillian Monroe. I'm headed over there now. Do you want me to pick you up or meet you there?"

  "I'll be there in thirty minutes."

  "Thirty minutes? Where the hell are you?"

  "Just keep things cool until I get there. I'm leaving right now.” He hung up the phone.

  He quickly explained things to Lauren, who then called Tom and Jack.

  "Want to leave with me right now, and get a ride back with Tom later?"

  Lauren paled, and he knew immediately what went through her mind. He understood it, but he also felt hurt.

  * * * *

  She took a determined breath. “I don't think we should do that. I'll wait here for Tom. You go ahead."

  To her, Eddie looked disappointed, but going with him was not an option. If she did that, she might as well paint a billboard on her face that said she was screwing the lieutenant from Creek Valley. No way. This was exactly what she'd avoided in her career, up to this point. A guilty, confusing feeling crept into her belly, as Eddie kissed her.

  She waited for Tom to arrive, as Eddie ran out the front door, and took off out of the city.

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  Chapter 10

  Ben Silver glanced around the basement. It'd taken him a couple of hours to get things ready, and he still had to add a few finishing touches.

  He listened to her voice, over and over. The anger consumed him.

  "Detective Lauren Phelps. You just might be the one.” He glided his finger across the television screen.

  He absorbed her beauty, her classy style, and the way she did her hair. She had a lot of the qualities he liked. The fact she acted so authoritative was irresistibly enticing.

  She made him at the restaurant, and came crashing through the door in time to save her partner. She had guts, courage, and would be a challenge.

  To capture her, act out a complete fantasy, and then leave her body to be found by her fellow detectives would show them all how unstoppable he really was.

  He would have to plan this one out carefully.

  He rubbed his chin, felt the nervous, excited feeling he always got when he planned a capture, but this one was different.

  He sat down in the chair, glanced around the room at his numerous trophies and memorabilia.

  "An appropriate decoy is what I need. A way to get Lauren alone. Something that would block her good judgment."

  He racked his brain, then stared at the television screen one more time, before rising from the chair.

  "Oh, yes, you're special. You and I are going to have some fun. I can hardly wait.” He walked over to the torture machine and started setting up new chains, handcuffs, placed a brand new mat over the blood-stained, concrete floor.

  Lauren deserved the best, and she would be getting the royal treatment, as long as she cooperated.

  He picked up the remote and pressed the Play button. Ben listened attentively to the sound of her voice, the way she would say his name. The more he watched her, the more desirable she became.

  So far this morning, there wasn't a word about the newest body he'd left, and that annoyed him.

  How stupid were these cops? He'd left Jillian right there, in the middle of the complex's courtyard, for all to see. To top it off, it was his apartment complex, and patrol cars searched the area.

  He laughed deeply. Full of pride, he was convinced no one could stop him.

  This was his game, and he was ready to play. He'd already planted some other evidence that was sure to stir things up. More importantly, screw things up, throw the cops off, and give him the time he needed to get to Lauren.

  The media was calling him the Co-ed Killer. He kind of liked the sound of that. Taking the detective would leave them shocked, and throw them off the trail. After all, Detective Lauren Phelps was not some Co-ed.

  An idea came into his mind.

  He needed to use the old man's car one more time. It was risky, but as the plan developed in his head, he was willing to take the risk, so he could have Lauren Phelps for himself.

  Wouldn't it be great if the lead investigator on the case went missing, and became one of his victims? What a laughing stock the law enforcements would look like—a total embarrassment, an outrage. Oh, how he loved this power.

  He smiled, as the old rock and roll music played in the background. Right now, the room was empty, but once his plan was in motion, he wouldn't be alone for long. He'd stocked up on food and the necessities. He wanted to keep Lauren alive as long as he could. He had so many ideas, so many acts he wanted to share with her.

  Ben gently glided his hand over the naked body of the plastic doll that stood chained to the wall, beside the metal closet.

  There was nothing like the real thing. The anticipation was building, and his heart beat faster. He stepped closer to the small metal closet, to take out the antique blue poodle skirt that belonged to his mother.

  He lifted the plastic, and looked at it in front of the mirror. Lauren's image was still frozen on the television screen. He could see it in the background, while he stood in front of the mirror.

  "None have ever had the honor of wearing this dress. But I choose you, the lovely Lauren Phelps, to be mine for eternity. You, I will never return."

  * * * *

  Eddie pulled off the parkway, nearly tipping the car as he took the narrow bend too fast. The speedometer read 105 mph. He applied more pressure to the gas pedal. He was trying to get to the crime scene.

  He had a feeling he should've left Lauren's place first thing this morning, but he chalked the uneasiness up to nerves, and the old guilty feeling he'd held for so long.

  It was funny that he didn't have it once Lauren touched him, and initiated the first move. She was amazing, and lovelier than he imagined her to be. He didn't want to leave her this morning, and the longer he held her, the more he wanted her to be his.

  It felt incredible to wake up with her body wedged up against his. He wanted to be intimate like that with her again, and he wanted more time alone with her. But, her comment before he left caused a feeling of uncertainty in him.

  Did she have the same strong feelings he had, or was she used to this?

  Lauren had no idea what he'd gone through, and the intense pep talk he given himself, to build up the nerve to come after her and wait outside her house. She was a knockout—an all-around, perfect woman. She had to have plenty of men in her life. There was also the age difference between them.

  He heard Jack tell Ken that Lauren was thirty-four. She could pass for being in her mid twenties.

  He was forty, and had been married once, even though it was for a short period of time. Maybe that would turn
her off? Maybe she wanted someone closer to her age, and someone who'd never been married?

  A bunch of questions went through his mind, as well as many reasons a relationship between them would never work. He was scared. Lauren seemed to sense his reservations, and gave him that push he'd needed to get over his fear and guilt. She had no idea the power she had over him. She was exactly what he needed, and had been waiting for. He would embrace the time they had together, for as long as it lasted.

  * * * *

  Eddie drove down the main road, only minutes away from the crime scene. When he got to the complex and exited his car, he headed to the scene on foot. He was shocked at the amount of people who were around, including the local media. His palms sweated, and his heartbeat began to slow down with each step away from the car. He hadn't driven like that in ages.

  He showed his identification to the officer in charge of keeping the crime scene log. Once he made it through the side walkway and around the building, he saw the body, and the forensics team doing their job.

  "Eddie!” He turned to the left. Ken was talking with two detectives from the Creek Valley P.D. He knew the two detectives, and had worked with them in the past. They also all belonged to the County PBA association.

  "Hey, Tennellie, glad you could make it. Looks like we got your missing victim. We ran it through the city's Missing Persons, and she's a close match,” Detective Bruce Hays said, as he continued to write notes down.

  Ken and Bruce filled Eddie in on what they found.

  A few minutes later, the detective's attention was drawn toward the entrance, as Lauren and Tom showed up.

  Eddie noticed the way she looked so serious and in control. The surrounding officers acknowledged her presence, determining she was the one in charge. But, she didn't take over. She respected the fact Bruce Hays and his partner, Peter Young, were the lead investigators in this homicide. It was their town, and their responsibility.

  Ken introduced Lauren and Tom to Bruce and Peter. Both men gave Lauren the once over, and seemed to be on guard.

  "It's nice to meet you, Detectives. As you know, we believe this victim is connected with the serial killer we're trying to find. We'd like your cooperation in this case, so we can work together to get this guy. If you could share your findings with us as soon as possible, we'd greatly appreciate it. If you need our assistance, please don't hesitate to ask,” Lauren said, and both Bruce and Peter smiled at her.

  They shared what they believed had occurred so far, and made her aware of the woman who found the body.

  "Any information or leads from the residents in the building yet?” Lauren said.

  "Our men are still going door to door. We'll let you know if anything comes up,” Bruce told her.

  * * * *

  She did all she could to avoid eye contact with Eddie. Maybe they made a mistake, and should have thought this through, or waited until they captured Ben Silver? She stood there, feeling rather silly. It was as if she were back in elementary school, and everyone knew she kissed the boy during ‘Spin the bottle.'

  She shook her head, trying to clear the ridiculous thoughts from her mind. No one knew she and Eddie were with one another all night, and she would be sure to keep it that way.

  Lauren was nice to everyone, and made sure only the necessary people entered the crime scene area.

  "Detective McNulty, Detective Phelps, we may have something over here,” Detective Young yelled out. He stood near one of the forensic technicians.

  Lauren and Tom made there way around the fence, to the corner of the yard. Directly behind the opening was a dirt covered area, and a side road with tire tracks, deep ones.

  The technician had taken some pictures, and now prepared the tracks for casting. John, the technician, had a casting kit. He carefully prepared the mixture, so they could get a clean and accurate impression of the tire mark.

  Lauren walked in a slow pace around the area, to where she believed the back of the vehicle sat. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. An uneasy feeling filled her belly. Something was here.

  "What do ya got, gorgeous?” Tom called over to her, interrupting her thoughts.

  She held her hand up, signaling to give her a moment. She had no idea what came over her, or how she felt the pull toward the surrounding dirt area. It didn't make sense, but she blamed it on instincts. Eddie and the others watched and waited.

  She carefully squatted down to the ground, not letting her knees or body hit the dirt, only her feet.

  At first, she could only see a mound of dirt, then a bit of discoloration. Her focus absorbed the area's perimeter, revealing there was a drop of blood. She was sure of it. There was also the mound of dirt, about two inches high and three inches long.

  "Tom, call over another technician and have them follow my path,” Lauren said, still in a squatting position. She'd found a formation of multiple blood spots around the mound of dirt, and she'd have to walk backward, to be sure she didn't contaminate possible evidence.

  "What do you need, Detective?” Claire, another technician, asked, as she tried to follow Lauren's steps.

  "I have drops of blood that seem to lead to a mound,” Lauren told her, and the technician looked over her shoulder to locate them.

  "I see them.” Claire scanned the area around them. She took pictures of the evidence and the surrounding area, as well as the position and location between the blood, mound of dirt, and the tire tracks. She grabbed a container, and carefully collected the blood-stained dirt. Then, she handed the containers to Lauren, who placed them in the case for safe transportation to the lab.

  Claire carefully sifted through the remaining dirt, and located a gold, heart-shaped locket. She stopped to take pictures, then continued to collect the evidence. Below the locket was a folded piece of purple stationery paper.

  "What is it?” Eddie said.

  Wearing protective latex gloves and using pointed tweezers, Claire carefully opened the note. There was no name on the stationery to identify the owner, but the words stood out in bold black marker.

  You're Mine and We Belong Together

  Instantly, Lauren had a bad feeling that made her stumble, and nearly sent her to her backside. She exhaled, controlled her shaking limbs, and tried to hide it.

  She made her way back toward Eddie and Tom and explained what was found. They discussed the possibilities.

  "What the hell does this mean?” Tom said.

  "Now the asshole's leaving clues, like a fucking game?” another detective added.

  "Or, he's trying to throw us off. Make us head in a different direction."

  Lauren avoided making eye contact with Eddie. She had a feeling he would recognize her uneasiness, when she spoke. He was about to move closer to her, after she caught herself making the statement. She was sure it'd seemed strange, and as she attempted to move away. But, she felt a strong presence behind her, then a hand under her elbow.

  "Hey, gorgeous, come here for a minute,” Tom said, wrapping his arm around her waist. He guided her to the front walkway. She saw Eddie looking intently at them, frowning. She hoped he held his distance, but one look at his facial expression, and she could tell he was jealous and concerned.

  As good as the sex was, and as connected as she felt to Eddie, she was started to regret that she acted on this attraction, while still working the case together.

  Obviously not missing a beat, she saw Bruce Hayes and Peter Young smirking at one another, as if they assumed there was something sexual going on between her and Tom. Maybe it was just her guilty conscious. The image of the billboard sign 'I'm screwing the Lieutenant from Creek Valley' appeared in her mind.


  "You okay, Lauren?” Tom slowly let go of her waist.

  She glanced around. It was obvious, by the other detectives’ expressions, they'd noticed his concern. Glancing back again, she absorbed the fact the two Creek Valley detectives were smirking. Great, now they probably assumed that something sexual was definitely g
oing on between her and Tom.

  Damn it to hell!

  Lauren felt Tom turn her toward him, as he voiced his concerns. To the right of his bicep, she could see Eddie practically snarling.

  "Lauren, did you hear me?

  She needed to pull it together.

  "I'm fine.” She released a sigh and straightened out her shoulders, acutely aware of her own body's attempt at eliminating the worry she held.

  "What did you want to talk to me about?” She was trying to figure out why she had this bad feeling in her gut. It's not like this was the worst homicide scene she'd ever encountered. Feeling the throbbing ache reach her stomach and head simultaneously, pictures flashed through her mind. There had been some doozies over the years, some real sick bastards and bitches, but this seemed different. There was a sensation of helplessness.

  "You looked a little distracted back there. Is this case bothering you?"

  Tom's voice brought her out of the fog in her mind. She needed to calm him. This reaction was nothing like her. She also knew Tom could read her like a book. Lauren needed to share some of what she felt, but that would reveal her weakness.

  Control your emotions, Lauren. Where's that tough cop attitude of yours?

  "Are you kidding me? Of course it's bothering me, and you know damn well that this guy Silver is playing with us."

  "Because of the locket, you mean?” Tom said.

  "Yeah, because of the locket, the droplets of blood that are only located on the ground next to the locket, the location of the body, and that damn note. He planted it. He's playing with us, Tom, and...” She couldn't complete her sentence. Instead, she glanced around at the crime scene, suddenly having a totally different feeling about the case.

  Tom touched her cheek to get her attention. She did all she could not to jump out of her skin. What is wrong with me?

  "What is your gut telling you, kid?"

  Shit! Fuckin A ... Don't ask me that question. He didn't just ask me that question. Breathe, Lauren, breathe. Think like a cop, like the homicide detective you are. Somehow, somewhere along the lines of this case, you've gained some sort of connection to the killer. Use it. Absorb it all.


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