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Southern Shifters: Stick Shifter (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 10

by Moxie North

“I really think I did, Dad.” Delaney felt a tear in her eye as she said what her heart was feeling. Everything was happening so fast, but it felt so amazingly right.


  “Delaney, say it again,” Will ordered. He was laying over her propped up on his forearms above her. They had just spent the last two nights locked away in his suite at the hotel, and they had barely left the bed.

  “I love you, William Klein,” she said up to his handsome face. Her heart was bursting with the love she felt for this man. There wasn’t a second of the last two weeks since she had known him that he didn’t go above and beyond to make her happy.

  The second they landed in Las Vegas, he had the driver of the limo that picked them up take them over to a high-end motorcycle shop. He told her to pick out whatever she wanted because he was going to take her riding in the desert at night.

  Delany felt like a kid in a candy store. Her new pink and black Ducati was a-freaking-mazing, and she picked out a pink and black set of leathers, two-piece this time to match. The two-piece was for ease of access for Will since he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He also made sure to buy new helmets that had microphones in them so he could talk to her as they rode. Even that small lack of communication irritated him and his cougar. Being able to hear her voice as they rode solved that problem.

  The bike was being delivered to the hotel so they could ride later. Will’s bike had already been shipped back from North Carolina after they’d spent a few more days riding and driving through the hills. It was like the longest date in history.

  Will had her meet his family on the first day in town. They pulled up to a mansion that looked like it had been attached to two more mansions it was so big. Will explained his family’s pack often had members living with them as they aged so they could live in comfort. Delaney thought that was amazing, and after she met his parents, she could see where Will got his thoughtfulness.

  They welcomed her with open arms and a kickass party. There must have been two hundred people milling around the house. Catered food and music drifted over the desert as Delaney met the entire Klein clan. His sisters, Emily and Margo, were not nearly as bad as he’d made them out to be. They were gorgeous and looked like models. The girls were friendly, and their antics with their mother’s constant matchmaking for them made for a very funny evening. The girls declared they weren’t interested in anyone unless their mom found them hot twins.

  They really shouldn’t have made that challenge to their mother. The gleam in her eye that Delaney saw meant the girls were in for trouble.

  Will explained to her that he was getting the meet and greet out of the way so he could have her to himself without interruptions. She thought that was an excellent plan considering they hadn’t gone more than eight hours without making love since the first time. Delaney would be embarrassed at her unending need of her man, but he was just as greedy with her.

  “Truly? I don’t want to rush you. I won’t say I’m not happy as fuck, Monkey, but we have plenty of time.”

  “William Klein, when you are balls deep in a woman, and she says she loves you, take it as truth,” Delaney said, giving her head a little shake at him.

  “Did you just say balls deep?” Will emphasized the word with a thrust of his hips. He was still deeply embedded in his favorite place in the world. Now that he understood the incessant drive to be with your mate, he could understand all the mates he’d ever known with their nonstop touching, kissing, and fondling regardless of where they were or who they were with.

  “Yes, I like you balls deep. You realize we are going to have to move up this bonding thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if you hadn’t already knocked me up with all the sex we’ve been having. We should probably get married too so our kids have the same name.”

  Will couldn’t deny that was always on the back of his mind. His mate round with his child, kittens running around. Yeah, he wanted that. Now his mate was telling him she was ready for that too. Words he’d been waiting for, even dreaming about.

  “Delaney Jane Klein. I like that. No, wait, I fucking love that, Monkey. You thinking Elvis or big wedding? Oh, and that is coming after the bonding. As you said, I’m already half way there for the bonding part,” he said this as his cock started to swell again inside her. “And have I told you how much I love your hair down? Unless we are riding, I always want to be able to run my hands through it.”

  Delaney hadn’t realized how much her hair would affect her man. She’d met him the day after their first time together with her long hair brushing across her back.

  Her man fell to his knees in front of her. Sure, it was a tad dramatic, but she thought it was cute. He clutched his heart and closed his eyes. Once she got him up, he dug his hands into her hair and hadn’t stopped petting it since.

  Gasping Delaney offered, “Oh yeah, bonding first, then marriage. I was thinking you, me, and a minister at the Grand Canyon. I’ve never seen it.”

  “Baby, you want to get married on the moon, I’ll make that happen. Lucky for me, there is a Tiffany’s downstairs, so we can find you the biggest ring they have. No wait, you need two. One for showing off and one for when you’re working,” Will said thoughtfully.

  “Okay, we’ll worry about jewelry after you make me yours,” Delaney said with a little laugh.

  This brought his attention back to her from his shopping plans. “Delaney, you already are mine. If you didn’t want to bond for years, I would be exactly where I am now. With you, loving you. There is nothing in this world that would keep me from making you happy. Bonding with you is just the cherry on top of my very sweet life.”

  “William Klein, you are too good to be true. But I’ll be your cherry any time you want.” Delaney reached up to seal her mouth to his.

  Will kissed her back hard and long before pulling back and staring into her eyes. He knew his cat was showing as her eyes widened under him.

  “I want it now,” he said with a growl. His mouth came back down over hers, and his hips started to move at a pace that had her seeing stars behind her eyes.

  Delaney happily gave over and knew she would be proudly displaying her brand new mate mark by tomorrow along with William’s ring on her finger.

  About the Author

  Thank you so much for reading my story! There are more to come so be sure to sign up for my Newsletter or follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

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  Also by Moxie North


  on my website


  Be My Bear

  Bearly Cooking

  Bear in Mind

  Bear With Me

  Bearly Healed

  Bearly a Memory

  Bearly Breathing


  Cougar’s Victory

  Cougar’s Luck

  Cougar’s Gift

  Kindle Worlds – Southern Shifters: Stick Shifter


  Jingle Bears

  Valentine’s Surprise

  Check out more FREE TO READ stories through KINDLE UNLIMITED on my author page at Amazon -




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