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Honor of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 17

by Lori King

  Just the offer was enough to make him fall even more in love with her. She had every right in the world to know why he was so angry, and to feel the hurt he still clung to, but she wasn’t asking for any of it. She just wanted him to be comfortable.

  “I’m okay. I just needed a minute.” He stepped into the living room, and felt like he’d transported back in time. Sonny was already joking around with Noah who seemed to have introduced himself as her new uncle, and his mother was standing in the kitchen doorway nervously waiting for his reaction. “We brought a pie.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Thank you. For the pie, for the visit, for the new granddaughter…”

  “Granddaughter?” Sonny piped up. “So when Luke and mom get married, you’re gonna be my Grandma?”

  Faith nodded. “If you’ll let me. I’ve always wanted a grandchild.”

  “I’ve never had a Grandma,” Sonny said slowly. “Mrs. Codger is old, but she’s not my real grandma, she’s more like my mom’s best friend.”

  “Mrs. Codger?” Noah asked.

  “Our roommate, she’s a widow who moved in with us a couple years ago when I needed more help with Sonny. She’s been a Godsend,” Tavi explained.

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” Faith said. “I’m sure she thinks of you as a grandchild, Sonny dear.”

  “That’s not my real name.” Sonny followed Faith into the kitchen to put the pie away, and Luke could hear her explaining their real names all the way. It was so easy for Sonny to just accept everything. He supposed it was just her age that allowed her to be less cynical than an adult would be.

  Turning he found Nathan standing a few feet away from him, waiting for acknowledgement. Nodding at his mother’s husband, he said, “Nathan. How are you?”

  “Good. It’s good to see you, Luke. I know your mother was over the moon when you called,” Nathan said, gesturing them to take a seat in the living room. You look like you’ve packed on some muscle in the last few months.”

  “Training for the CPAT will do that for you,” Luke answered, trying hard to keep the snarkiness out of his tone. “I take it at the end of next month.”

  “Good for you. I’m proud of you for giving it a go.” Nathan’s response did strange things to Luke’s insides. He liked hearing that his stepfather was proud of him, but he hadn’t expected to. Generally he didn’t care what Nathan thought of anything.

  “Thanks.” He cleared his throat and threw Noah a nervous look as a plea for help.

  “So Tavi, Luke, have you guys explained everything to Sonny yet?” Noah asked.

  It was a great conversation starter and a safe topic, and Luke sat back to let Tavi take the lead in telling the story of how their afternoon went. As they all talked he found himself relaxing more and more, and feeling like his family was somehow right again. That didn’t make much sense considering his father wasn’t here, but he couldn’t deny how nice it was to see his mom again.

  By the time they’d eaten dinner, Luke was feeling downright comfortable in his mother’s house again. Sonny had already taken to calling Faith Gram, and she and Nathan had settled on Papa Nate as his new moniker. He’d completely forgotten that his mother had a purpose in inviting him and his brother to dinner until she brought the pie in and delayed serving it, as she went to stand by Nathan.

  “Boys, we wanted to talk to you about something,” she began. “Nathan and I would like to do some travelling. I’ve always wanted to see Europe, and now that we’re both retired from the Beta lineup, we’re going to spend some of our retirement savings to see the world.”

  “I think that’s great!” Noah said, gifting his mother with a warm smile. “How long will you be gone for?”

  “Well that’s just it, we’re going to turn the house over to Devin for someone else to use, because we’re not sure how long we’ll be gone. We’re going to start in Italy, Florence to be exact, and then perhaps Rome. We don’t want to have the burden of bills back here to worry about.”

  “You’re just going to take off and leave with no plans?” Luke asked.

  “Yes, I suppose so,” Faith said, tilting her chin at Luke in a gesture that was very familiar.

  It was Sonny who responded. “But you just said you wanted to be my Grandma? Now you’re leaving?”

  “Not forever, darling! We’ll be back for visits, and if your mom and Luke are okay with it when you’re older you might even be able to travel with us somewhere.” Faith’s eyes were dark with hurt and apprehension as her gaze darted between Luke and Noah. “It’s something we’ve always talked about doing…”

  Tavi waited to see if Luke would respond, but when he just sat there, blankly staring at his mother, she stepped in. “I think it’s a wonderful way to spend your retirement. I have to say I’m quite jealous.”

  Faith blushed and smiled. “Oh don’t be, I’m sure Luke will take you someplace beautiful for your honeymoon.”

  It was Tavi’s turn to blush and she glanced at Luke. “We’re not exactly talking about weddings just yet.”

  “In due time, Tavi,” Faith said. “Really boys, I’m not asking your permission, but I would like to leave on a high note. And I was thinking, perhaps Luke and Tavi might want to take over the house instead of a new family? We were going to sell all of the furniture, but it would be nice to see it used.”

  Luke looked to Tavi but she didn’t know what to say now. They’d just barely gotten comfortable with the idea that they were a mated couple and now everyone seemed assured that they were going to marry quickly and his mother wanted them to live in his childhood home. Tavi’s brain was spinning now, too.

  “Thank you, that’s kind of you. Right now, um…”

  Luke rescued her from putting her foot in her mouth. “Right now, we’re still working out the details. Tavi just lost her job, and she needs to figure that out first. Then we’ll talk housing.”

  Reaching for his hand under the table, she gave it a firm squeeze of appreciation, and he lifted it to kiss her knuckles. The sweetly affectionate gesture nearly brought tears to her eyes, and she turned away so that he wouldn’t see the emotion on her face.

  “That’s certainly big news,” Noah said, “and I agree with Tavi. I’m jealous. I’ve always wanted to travel.”

  Faith looked at Nathan who hurried to invite Noah along, but he politely declined. “No, this is a dream trip for the two of you. I wouldn’t even consider intruding, besides I have school to consider. If I keep my nose to the grindstone I can graduate within the next two years.”

  “What are you studying?” Tavi asked, genuinely curious.

  “Music History. I enjoy playing with Gray Skies, but that’s not something that will ever be a career,” Noah explained. “Someday I hope to write and teach music, although I’m not really sure what grade, or where.”

  “What do you mean where?” Luke asked in a harsh tone that seemed to unsettle his brother. “Why wouldn’t you teach here?”

  “Because opportunities for music majors are few and far between. I’ll have to go where the road leads me,” Noah answered firmly, looking for all intents and purposes like he was prepared to do battle with Luke over his future.

  Luke stared back at his older brother with confusion and hurt plain on his face. “I’m not knocking your dreams, man. I just can’t imagine this place without all of you guys. Dad’s moved away, now Mom and Nathan are leaving. I’ll be the only one left.”

  Tavi’s heart ached for Luke, and she scooted her seat a little closer to his, leaning into his shoulder for support. For just a moment it was on the tip of her tongue to reassure him that he might be losing part of his family, but he was gaining a whole new piece, but she just couldn’t go there yet. Everything was happening so fast, and they hadn’t even really discussed what their future held. His family seemed pretty damn sure that they would be together forever, so sure that they’d already welcomed her daughter and her into their hearts, but what if Luke changed his mind when he realized what a burden a wife and child w
ere. Was it possible for him to love her enough to stick it out?

  “I’m not leaving just yet, little bro, don’t freak. Who knows what life holds in store for me. Hell, just a few weeks ago you were a single man on a mission to be Kansas City’s most eligible fireman, now you’re a mated man with a ten-year-old stepdaughter.” Noah snorted out a laugh, and Luke cringed.

  He mouthed the word “sorry” to Tavi, making her feel even guiltier for her own doubts. He knew how uncomfortable the whole situation was for her, but there wasn’t any way to fix it now.

  “So, now that you know our big news, I want to steal my future daughter-in-law for some girl chat,” Faith said, reaching for Tavi’s hand.

  “Can I come, too?” Sonny asked, licking whipped cream from the tines of her fork after she scraped her plate clean.

  Noah jumped in. “Nope, you’re coming with me, Sunshine. I’m going to take you upstairs and show you the secret room that Luke and I used to use for a club house. I’m pretty sure there are still toys in there, but I can’t fit through the doorway anymore. You’re going to be my eyes and ears so that I can make sure I didn’t leave any good treasures behind.”

  “Treasure?” Sonny’s face glowed with excitement. “Like real treasure? Diamonds and stuff?”

  “Nah, boys don’t go for that kinda treasure. I’m thinking there might be some vintage GI Joes or He-Man figurines in there,” Noah said, laughing as he led her down the hallway. The sound of her voice asking what He-Man was, drifted back into the room and all of the adults laughed at her childish enthusiasm.

  Following Faith into the kitchen, Tavi felt her stomach somersault as she prepared to face down questions she wasn’t sure she was ready to answer. To her surprise, Luke’s mother didn’t start giving her the third degree immediately, instead she asked questions about Sonny, and Este, and their life together.

  “So you’ve raised that girl all by yourself all these years?”

  Nodding as she dried a plate, Tavi shared a piece of herself she’d been avoiding. “Yeah, when I got pregnant with her and chose to drop out of college to have her, my parents cut their ties with me. Her father wasn’t much of a stick-it-out sort of guy. He left the day I told him I was pregnant, so that left nobody but me. I was lucky when I found Este, because I needed to take on a second job to pay for Sonny’s retainers. She had terribly crooked teeth. She’s going to need braces before too long, but until I find new employment that’s out of the question.”

  “What kind of job are you looking for?” Faith asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve done everything from retail, and waitressing, to housekeeping and clerical work. I’d just like to find something that pays better than minimum wage at this point,” Tavi admitted. “I know the government thinks that’s enough, but I’ll be damned if it covers my bills.”

  “I respect the fact that you want to work. It would be easier to ask for help wouldn’t it?” Faith asked, handing Tavi another dish to dry.

  “I’ve had to ask a few times, but I figure if I can work, I should work, so I do.”

  Nodding in understanding, Faith wiped the counters, and then tossed the cloth in the sink. “One thing I’ve learned is that good things come to good people. You seem like you’ve done nothing but give for the last decade or so, and I think if you’re patient, life will give back.”

  Smiling, Tavi murmured, “Thanks, I think you might be right.”

  “Luke’s already in love with you.”

  The statement caught her off guard and she nearly dropped the dish towel to the floor. “I’m sorry?”

  “It’s clear when he looks at you. He’s in deep. How do you feel?” Faith’s beautiful hazel eyes, so like her sons, met and held hers, and Tavi felt like she could see into her soul for a moment.


  “Stop it, Mom.” Luke’s voice echoed across the room and Tavi jumped. Frustration filled his face, and he moved protectively to her side. “Tavi and I need to move at our own pace. Stop pushing her.”

  “I’m sorry.” Faith did look genuinely contrite. “I’m just so glad to see one of my boys happy, and in love.”

  Tavi couldn’t respond past the lump in her throat, so she just turned away and placed the folded towel on the counter. Sonny’s laughter broke the tension, and they all turned as one to watch when she barreled through the kitchen door.

  “Mom, guess what?” she yelled.

  Reaching out both hands, Tavi caught her blonde whirlwind up in her arms before she could plow past her into the counter. “Easy, sweetheart. Inside voices.”

  “Guess what, Mom?” Sonny insisted. “Come on, guess, you’ll never guess it in a million billion trillion years.”

  “Wow. Okay, what?” she asked, playing along.

  “Luke has pictures of girls in just their underpants on his bedroom walls!” Sonny shared in a loud whisper, giggling hysterically. Tavi’s eyes shot to looks in question and he flushed with embarrassment.

  “I guess my mom hasn’t done any redecorating in my room since I moved out. I was a high-school boy the last time I used that room,” Luke explained.

  Tavi held up a hand, and laughed. “Enough said. Sonny, why don’t you take Faith…er…Gram, into the living room while Luke and I talk for a minute, m’kay?”

  Without another thought, Sonny caught Faith’s hand in hers and led her out the door, leaving Tavi alone with Luke.

  “I’m sorry,” Luke said the moment they were alone. “I’m not sure what I was expecting from this visit, but this wasn’t it.”

  “It’s been interesting,” Tavi agreed, “but I’m enjoying myself.”

  Luke stepped closer, pinning her against the kitchen counter. The moment their bodies touched she felt the burning begin in her belly and she realized that she hadn’t been feeling ill during dinner.

  “I think I’m through the worst of the transition,” she said, resting her hands on his biceps. “My head doesn’t hurt as badly when I’m not touching you.”

  “Mmm,” was his only answer as his lips found her jawbone, and he trailed kisses down her throat.

  “Luke, we can’t. We’re in your mom’s house.” She whispered, even though they were alone.

  “Everyone is distracted right now. Come on, I’ll give you the nickel tour.” He released her instantly and she nearly collapsed to the floor. Her body felt limp as a noodle, and desire rolled through her veins.

  “You just want to show me those hot posters on your wall, huh?” she teased.

  “Baby, those posters don’t hold a candle to you,” he murmured, leading her quietly down the hallway in the opposite direction that everyone else had gone. “You know I’ve never done the deed in Mom’s house before.”

  “And you’re not going to do it now!” she insisted, still giggling at his playful side. When they reached the stairs, he surprised her again by scooping her up off her feet. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

  “Uh-uh. These stairs creak, and I know exactly where to step to avoid getting caught. We’ll be up there before you know it, and no one will be the wiser, now hush.” He nearly ran up the stairs, without breaking a sweat or gasping for air, and Tavi watched his chiseled jaw in awe. What couldn’t this man do?

  “You’re kinda hot when you’re bossy,” she said seductively, running her fingertip around the shell of his ear. He shivered, and a low growl escaped his throat.

  “You’re hot all the time, baby, and if you keep touching me, I’m going to drop you. That would be very unsexy, so give me a break,” he pleaded.

  “Poor baby. You’re the one who started this,” she whispered, nipping at his earlobe, pleased when goose pimples rose on his skin and his arms tightened.

  “Fuck.” He groaned as he pushed open a door in the upstairs hall. They’d barely made it through when she wiggled out of his grip and onto the floor. Continuing her saucy play, she pushed her hands up underneath his shirt skimming her fingers over the ridges of muscles on his abdomen. “Oh baby, I love it w
hen you touch me, but we don’t have much time.”

  She grinned against his chest, as she licked the tiny brown disk of his nipple. “I know, so shut up and let me work.”

  Lowering herself to her knees, she heard his swift intake of breath as she pressed her nose against his jeans. The rock-hard length of his cock throbbed behind the zipper so firmly that she wondered if he’d have a permanent scar from the metal teeth. Easing it down so that she didn’t accidently bite him with the closure, she released his dick into her hot hands.

  “Tavi you don’t have to—”


  Before he could protest any further, she ran her tongue up the length of his dick and around its thick crown. He tasted musky and salty, and his spicy fragrance seemed to seep into her pores as much as into her lungs. She wanted to feel his release deep in her throat, and hear him moan for her this time.

  Parting her lips, she enveloped the satiny shaft with her mouth, wriggling her tongue in a serpentine motion against the underside of it. His feet spread just a few inches wider giving her room to take him deeper, and she complied easily. Slowly, she continued easing him into her mouth a half inch at a time until she could go no further, and then she concentrated on relaxing all of the muscles in her mouth and throat. Once she was breathing calmly around her mouthful, she swallowed.

  “Holy fucking hell. That’s the shit right there. Oh my God, that’s fucking, amazing! You’re amazing! Tavi-baby, damn…” he babbled as she continued to slowly deep throat and swallow around his cock, teaching herself to take him deep because she knew she could trust him not to hurt her. The sound of his praise and adoration was enough to bring her to the edge of climax with nary a touch, and when he suddenly took ahold of her hair in his fist, and eased her back off of him, she stared up at him in a daze.

  “Get your pants off,” he demanded harshly. His eyes were blazing with need, and whatever creature was inside of her responded. Shoving her own jeans to her knees, she bent over the low dresser next to the door, perching her hands carefully to support her without disturbing the clutter on the surface.


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