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Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  And not of hint of it touched her, bothered her. In fact, she relished in destroying the waterkin, she enjoyed the heat of the fire and letting her repressed powers loose.


  So lost in her own powers of destruction, she hadn’t heard the fire and water truck’s approach, the flashing lights from hundreds of feet away working to douse the flames, extinguish all of her hard work. She’d won, she’d destroyed, and this was her right as firekin. She had earned the right to proclaim her win however she saw fit. Firekin, Salamanders in particular, often celebrated in this way. But her lover, her true love, was at stake.

  The firefighters worked tirelessly at the edges of the blaze, trying to extinguish the inextinguishable.

  Easing toward her, dodging and dancing around the flames, Brant edged closer to her with each passing second. She knew, without a doubt, that his gear wouldn’t protect him for long. The closer he came to her, the hotter it became. Her fire was part of her and her anger still fueled the magically induced flames.

  Breathing deep, she wished her body to calm, draining the power from the inferno and feeding it back into the earth. At its very core, the world was fire, and her flames would be welcomed there, welcomed into the fold of heat that lurked beneath the earth’s crust.

  One by one, the smaller fires, the burning bushes and cacti, extinguished before the firemen’s water could touch them. Second by second, the air around her cooled until the only heat left was that of the Arizona desert.

  As if he could sense the lessening of the heat surrounding her, Brant sped up his pace, following the extinguish line until she was gathered into his arms, wrapped in layers of fire resistant material, his face pressing against her neck, helmet spinning on the ground at her feet.

  “You have some explaining to do, Phoebe.”

  Oh. Shit.

  Unwilling to explain just yet, Phoebe did the only thing she could think of to get her out of revealing anything. She fainted. Or, at least, pretended to faint. She was pretty sure she did a good job, especially when the ambulance showed up and stuck needles in her arms. Damn, but that hurt.

  * * * *

  Phoebe closed the hospital room door with a soft click and dragged her IV pole and oxygen tank back toward the uncomfortable bed that occupied half the room. After her “fainting spell”, the hospital insisted that she remain there for observation. They thought that maybe she suffered from smoke inhalation, being in the center of the fire as she’d been. She snorted behind her oxygen mask. As if.

  Quiet as a salamander, she eased the phone from its cradle and dialed the number from memory. It took her mother three rings before she picked up.


  “Heya, Mom.”

  “Phoebe! How are you dear heart?”

  Now or never. “Fine. Started a massive fire today, nearly lost Brant. Decided to go mortal, you know, the normal stuff.”

  “What?” Her mother screamed. “You… And… Fire…” Her mother’s deep breaths could be heard over the phone. “No! Start a firekin portal this instant.” The cracking of tile echoed across the lines and Phoebe imagined her mother standing in her pristine kitchen, stomping her foot in frustration.

  “Mom, I’m in the hospital. Not exactly ‘portal’ friendly.” Especially considering a firekin portal was essentially a fire started by one of the firekin.

  “Hospital? Phoebe, I’m warning you, if you don’t open a portal this instant…”

  “Mother, I just wanted to let you know what’s going on. I’m not a very good Salamander anyway…”

  “No. Don’t do a thing until I get there. Do you hear me, young lady?”

  Her mother kept rambling, but the knob on her door was turning, so Phoebe cut it short. “Love you, Mom. Talk with you on the mortal side.”

  She dropped the phone in the cradle and lay back against her bed, pillows cushioning the flop of her head. Well, that went well.

  * * * *

  Brant snuck into an empty hospital room and closed the door behind him, anxious for privacy. After nearly losing Phoebe forever, he knew his decision was the right one. No way could he live an eternal life without her by his side. There was only one choice.

  The phone rang once before his Dad answered. “No.”

  It really sucked that Phoenixes were able to read each other’s minds within the family. Damn it. “But Dad—”

  “No buts. You are not going mortal over some…girl! You’re throwing away your life, for what? Love? No. Find a nice little phoenix and settle down like your brothers did.”

  “I am settling down, with a mortal.” He sighed. “I love her and almost lost her today.”

  His father scoffed. “Love her? Boy, love has nothing to do with giving me grandchildren. Period. I don’t want some little mortal brats that I’m going to lose in seventy years. Do you hear me, Brant? No, I won’t—”

  The knob on the door turned and Brant cut his father off. “Love you, Dad. See you on the mortal side.” With a snap, he closed his cell phone and cut his Dad’s protestations off before they could continue.

  A nurse walked into the room and Brant plastered on a smile from ear to ear. “Sorry, was just using the room for a little privacy.”

  He skirted around the startled woman and headed toward his lover’s room, anxious to see her again and assure himself that she was okay, his father’s objections forgotten.

  Immortality was overrated.

  * * * *

  Stepping onto the plane in Atlanta, Virginia Williams, Phoebe’s mother, was thankful for her immortality and the ability to heal at an amazing rate. Otherwise, she’d be driving to Arizona and not flying. Flying was for the birds. And considering her alternate form, a salamander, she wasn’t all that suited to being in the air. Damn her daughter for not opening a portal for her, and since the only safe place to open one was within Phoebe’s house, she had to honor her daughter’s wishes and not pop in unannounced. Last time she’d done that, well…she’d seen her daughter’s birthday suit for the first time in a long time, and she didn’t feel like seeing it again anytime soon.

  Navigating the pathway up the aisle, she paused near row three and sized up the attractive man sitting in the window seat. Dark hair with a hint of silver at his temples, a strong square jaw, and what looked to be a well-muscled chest that flexed under her gaze. She smiled, unashamed at being caught appreciating the man’s attributes.

  Her kin sensing abilities told her exactly what sat in seat 4A. “Phoenix.” She tilted her head in greeting and lowered herself into the aisle seat, crossing her legs to show off her thigh.

  The man smiled in return and placed an elbow on the armrest between them, edging closer to her. “Salamander.”

  “What is bringing you out to Arizona, and why aren’t you fluttering along on the winds?” And how can I finagle some time with you? “Is it your final destination or…” She let the question trail off, hoping he’d finish it for her.

  The attraction between them seemed instantaneous. He reached for her hand and she allowed him to bring it to his mouth, a kiss brushed across her knuckles. “Skies are dangerous with all of the planes, and yes, it’s my final destination. A bit of family business to attend to with my son, and then I can be all yours.”

  The word “son” piqued her interest. “A son? Really? Hmm…”

  “And is Arizona your final destination, or will I have to follow you around the world?”

  Oh, he was a smooth one. “I’m actually heading to Winthrop, Arizona. My daughter has gotten this harebrained idea and I’m hoping I’ll be in time to stop her. Seems she’s decided to…” She leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. “Go mortal.”

  She nibbled his ear, gratified by the moan that she drew from him. If she didn’t know better, this man, this phoenix, was destined to be her second mate. The attraction, the need she felt for him, was something she hadn’t felt in years and years.

  “Really? Sounds similar to my boy’s problem.”

  “Hmm… What should we do about that?”

  He nuzzled her neck, and she felt her pussy grow heavy with desire, aching to be filled by this firekin man. “I think we should deal with our little problem by bringing them together, forcing them to fall in love, and then we can begin our own lives together for all of eternity. How does that sound?”

  “You feel it too?”

  “Oh, darling, if I thought for one moment that the airplane lavatory could hold us, I’d mate you here and now.”

  His words sent a shudder of desire down her spine. “Let’s give it a shot.” She smiled mischievously. “Then we can deal with our wayward children.”

  “What about your mate?”

  She shook her head. “We parted ways after my daughter’s birth. We weren’t true mates. You?”

  “The same.” He smiled wide. “Now, I believe we were headed somewhere.”

  “To the lavatory to join the mile high club, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Sounds like a plan I can definitely get behind.”

  The plane taxied and took off without a hitch. The moment that the fasten seat belt sign went off, Virginia was on her feet, heading toward the first class lavatory, the phoenix hot on her heels.

  They burst through the door, pushing it closed behind them and locking it with the flick of the latch, their lips crashing together in a passionate, scorching kiss.

  “I don’t even know your name,” she panted and moaned while he unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her bra-covered breasts to the cool airplane air.

  “Brenton. And you, lover?”

  “Virginia Williams.”

  He froze.

  Oh hell no! He was not stopping now.

  “Brenton?” He better not be putting on the breaks.

  “Williams? As in mother of Phoebe Williams?”

  “Your son?”

  “And your daughter.”

  “Are idiots,” they both spoke together.

  They laughed, foreheads pressed together, lips barely touching. “Does this change anything, Ginny-mine?”

  Oh. Oh, no one had… “Not a thing.” She kissed him, lips coming together, opening the barest hint to allow their tongues to touch and stroke and learn. “You?”

  “Never. I’ve found a true mate and I refuse to let you go. I understand my son’s reasoning now. Because you, my dear, would be worth going mortal over.”

  Chapter Three

  Hours later, Brant entered Phoebe’s hospital room, ducking the fireball that came at him the moment he crossed the threshold. He tucked and rolled, hiding behind the other bed. He peaked over the edge, searching for the source of danger.

  Turned out it was his girlfriend. Good thing she’s throwing small balls of flames. Otherwise, I’d have my entire department down here witnessing this. Sheesh.

  “You.” Fireball. “Are.” Wall of flames—at least she kept the heat down and away from the sprinklers. “Firekin.” Two balls that time.

  She didn’t give him a chance to get over the fact that she was, in fact, firekin as well.

  A quick glance around the room revealed no other hiding spots, so he just yelled from where he was. “So are you!”

  “How could you not tell me? The more I thought about it—no one but firekin could have made it through the lava-hot flames at the house.” She tossed a smaller ball his way and got him in the shoulder. The burn hurt for a split second, but within moments, it healed. “I was going to give up my immortality for you!”

  “How could you not tell me?” he hollered back, anxious to hear the answer himself.

  Then it hit him. His woman, his lover and mate, was firekin. Which meant no mortality. Woo-freaking-hoo!

  “Seems like you two should talk. Without the fireballs, dear.” A woman’s voice broke into the barrage of fire.

  Considering the cease-fire, Brant stood, facing Phoebe. “Phoebe?”

  He looked toward the woman and recognized her as Salamander immediately. But it was the person at her side that shocked him to his shoes.

  “Dad? What are you doing here? And with? And who?” He couldn’t wrap his head around it all.

  “Brant, this is Virginia Williams, my second mate and Phoebe’s mother.” His Dad wrapped an arm around the woman’s waist and pulled her close, burying his face in her dark brown, nearly black hair. The woman, his mother-in-law for all intents and purposes, looked a lot like Phoebe. Or rather, Phoebe looked a lot like her. Smooth chocolate skin, full lips that his dad was kissing at the moment, and curves for miles. Yeah, it seemed son was a lot like father. And gross, parents kissing in front of their kids. Ew.

  “Phoebe? How come I can’t…?” Cause he couldn’t. He couldn’t sense her nature worth a damn.

  Virginia smiled ruefully. “Oh, that’s a bit my fault… It seems, way back in the family tree, there’s a Salamander or two with the same affliction. Her father didn’t have it, so we’d hoped that it would skip our Phoebe. Unfortunately, not only can Phoebe not sense firekin, she can’t be sensed by other firekin. Though waterkin seem to not have that problem.”

  “It could never be your fault, Ginny-mine.” Then his Dad did that disgusting thing again. He kissed Phoebe’s mother. Double ew.

  “Ew! Dad! Come on, kids here!”

  Brant eased around the bed toward Phoebe. She seemed just as disgusted as he was by their parents’ display. When he was close enough, he reached out and traced one smooth as chocolate cheek. “Phoebe.”

  “Brant, I…”

  “I love you, Phoebe. Mate with me? I don’t know if we’re true mates like our parents seem to be, but I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “But you lied.”

  “So did you.”

  “I like to think of it as miscommunication,” Virginia interjected. “And dear, since Brenton and I are true mates, it makes sense that the two of you would be as well since you are our children… Just a thought…”

  Phoebe took his hand, soft fingers brushing his knuckles. “So maybe…”

  “More than maybe.”

  Brant captured her lips in a searing kiss, tongues dueling for dominance.

  And in the background, Brant heard Virginia say, “Come darling. I think this reunion will be a scorcher.”

  In the end, it wasn’t. Just as their parents left, a nurse entered, breaking up their party before it had a chance to get going, and informing them that Phoebe was being released and could go home at any time once she completed the paperwork.

  Brant filled it all out and held it for his lover’s signature before the nurse had a chance to remove all of the monitoring devices from Phoebe. To say he was anxious to be alone with her was an understatement of gargantuan proportions.

  Chapter Four

  Phoebe dressed in record time. She tossed on her dress, thankful for the built-in bra (easy access), slipped her feet into her sandals, and decided to forego the panties. In the blink of an eye, she was ready to go home. Whichever home, whether it was his or hers with its singed exterior, she didn’t care. She just needed to be alone with him.

  They walked hand in hand out of the hospital, quietly walking side by side as they strode across the parking lot, straight toward Brant’s waiting truck.

  At the truck, he held the door open for her, following her in and stealing a quick kiss between heartbeats.

  “Yours or mine?”

  She leaned out and kissed him in return, anxious to have his lips against hers. “I don’t care.”

  “Mine is closer,” he reasoned.

  “I can blow things up during the mating at mine. You know I will.” She smiled, half-hitching up one corner of her lips.

  “Very true. Yours it is.”

  Darkness had descended by the time she was released, and she could only see Brant’s silhouette as he walked around the front of the truck. Watching him in his tight jeans, and catching a glimpse of the hard ridge in his slacks, she knew immediately what they needed to take the edge off.

  He slid into the seat nex
t to her and she scooted over, reaching between her legs to pull on the lever that would allow the seat to scooch back.

  “Phoebe?” He sounded concerned, but not overly so. “What—”

  “Need you, lover.” She rubbed the ridge of his cock, squeezing and massaging the hard dick beneath her hand. “Want you. Here. Now.”

  “Now?” He moaned and thrust against her hand. “Now.” This time it wasn’t a question, but an absolute statement.

  Phoebe nibbled his neck, enjoying the musky, fiery scent of man and smoke and nature all rolled into one. She couldn’t figure out how she hadn’t realized that Brant was firekin so long before. He tasted like kin, felt and loved like a kin. She should have figured it out long before now, should have known and then they could have been enjoying the life of a mated pair. Too many years had been wasted, and now she was ready to make up for them all.

  Brant turned his head and captured her lips in a searing kiss, their tongues twining and dancing, fighting for dominance. Before long, they were mimicking the act they’d soon be performing: the sweet lovemaking and fucking and touching and stroking of lovers.

  Her pussy clenched in anticipation of what was to come, aching to be filled and filled and filled again. By only one man. Brant.

  She unsnapped the button of his jeans and pulled the zipper down. With his assistance, she freed his cock, the tip wet with pre-come. Swollen, purple and heavy, she rubbed her thumb over the slit in the head of his dick, spreading his seed, rubbing and stroking his shaft, using the pre-come as lubrication for the act.

  He thrust against her hand. “Yes,” he hissed. “Oh, yes.”

  His lips were on hers again, tongues sweetly shifting and gliding and tasting. His flavor was of smoke and man, and something more that she couldn’t define. But she didn’t care. She just needed to have him, only him, forever.

  Phoebe shifted in her seat, swung her leg across his lap, and straddled him. She rose up on her knees, the head of his dick teasing her opening, and she decided to do a bit of teasing of her own.


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