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The Fireborn Chronicles

Page 4

by Mary Andrews

  A middle aged man in black with the most unusual platinum colored hair answered her from the ship's open door. “She's mine. You like her?"

  Alandra shrugged and looked for the ship's name on its hull. “Who writes a name on a black ship in black?” she asked, annoyed that she could not make out more than a couple of the letters, an N and maybe an E.

  “I do,” the man in the doorway answered again. “It spells Nemesis. Has a nice ring to it, huh?” He nodded toward the car where Ira remained unconscious. “Is he still out cold?” He reached around a corner and rolled out a medical gurney.

  “Yes,” Missy's supposed mother called.

  “Well, let's get him wheeled in, and we'll see if he's worth keeping.” The dark ship's owner wheeled the gurney to the car and supervised Ira's placement.

  “Remember not to make contact with any exposed skin,” the woman warned.

  Alandra smiled. That's one lesson she's never going to forget. Alandra was surprised at how difficult it was to hear most of these strange people's thoughts. They've been trained to shield them, she finally decided when her fact finding attempts only produced occasional segments of unguarded thoughts from the woman and her two big bruiser-type guards. Even the driver's mind had remained locked shut.

  Once on board, the captain led them through the cargo level to the freight elevator that deposited them onto the main deck. He pointed the men pushing the gurney to the sick bay just across the corridor.

  * * * *

  Alandra could not stop pacing except to pause once more at her brother's side to check on him. “I don't like this,” she complained. “How can you commandeer our services from The Wall? And I've never even seen the inside of a rural transport vehicle before, much less the likes of that luxury town car you called up. I've never heard of a Wall Master being leased out to another agency. And where's your security? The girl with a gun over there isn't exactly motivated to shoot the only person who can help her. Aren't you afraid?” she asked the commander.

  “Oh we're not from any local governments,” Rael told her as he retrieved something from one of the drawers along the wall. “I ordered your release to my service."

  Alandra stopped, dumbfounded. She had seen the look of astonishment on Gnazio's face when her armed escort had flashed a Gov-Ident on the way through the central office. “Who the hell are you people?"

  Missy's Mother tapped her foot nervously and glanced at her chronometer for the tenth time. The sleek weapon in her hand had never strayed from Alandra. “Commander, we're wasting too much time here."

  “All right, Celeste, I guess we've waited long enough for this kid to wake up on his own. You just keep that gun on her, and I'll hurry her brother along.” He pulled a small capsule from his pocket and broke it beneath Ira's nose.

  Ira awoke gasping for air.

  The commander gave him a few moments to gather his wits and resituate himself.

  “Where am I?” Ira managed to say as he pulled himself to the edge of the gurney and sat up.

  “Glad you could join us, Mr. Haze.” Rael presented him with a praetorian salute, allowing Ira to clearly see the glowing crimson Ident-emblem as it appeared across the back of his hand. “I'm Gov Operative Rael Pointe, and we need your help here with an important case."

  Ira stared at him in disbelief. “I've seen a lot of uniforms in my life, but I don't recognize yours, though it does look good with that white hair of yours. Why no insignias?” Ira slipped off the gurney and tried his footing. So far, so good, he decided when his legs held. He drew himself to his full, six-foot height, allowing his body language to speak for him.

  The commander smiled. “I'll assume your sister has briefed you on everything you missed by now."

  Alandra looked sheepishly away. She had indeed told him what little she had been able discern from his first moment of consciousness. There's something weird about this guy, Ira. Don't trust him.

  “I already told you that the FIND failed,” Ira stated. “She was alive when I reached her, but there were no landmarks or discernable clues to locate her. She was exhausted and fell asleep, but I got the distinct impression that her captors mean to kill her."

  “That is correct, and we don't have much time left.” Commander Pointe motioned them to follow him. “I'll explain as we walk."

  Ira shook his head. “I don't go anywhere at gunpoint."

  Celeste lowered the weapon but kept it at ready. Ira and Alandra fell in line behind the commander.

  “As I understand things, you two don't get out much, right?” Rael asked.

  Ira frowned. “Leaving the compound is a death sentence for us, and if you don't really have the High Counsel's authorization, you'll be facing it right along with us."

  Rael laughed and stepped into a much larger room a short ways down the corridor. “Come on kids, I'm about to broaden your horizons.” He motioned to their surroundings. “This is the common room. Anyone who joins me on my ship comes here to meet and eat.” He pointed to the back of the room where a large table sat surrounded by chairs. “Those are food and drink processors along the wall if you need anything, and over here is the lounging area.” They followed him to the left side of the room where a comfortable assortment of lounge chairs, sofas and seating awaited them.

  He dropped into tall backed chair and motioned for them to be seated on a sofa nearby. “Ok, kid, this should work just fine for what I'm planning."

  Ira looked over to his sister before speaking. She nodded back. “All right, I'm in this deep so I don't mind helping the girl out if I can, but though I really liked your neon tattoo or whatever it was, you still haven't told me just who the hell you people are."

  Alandra gasped as she heard their thoughts. THE Government, Ira, they're from The Government-Universal!

  Ira frowned and leaned back against the soft cushions of his seat. “You're a Universal Government operative?"

  “Yep.” Rael smiled at him again. “I guess you deserve the details too, so listen up. I'll have to be brief. The child, Missy, is the third daughter of the High Magistrate of another planet several systems from here. Almost one year ago she was ceremoniously given into my care. She's what they call a Koladar or political hostage. Her home world wants to petition for membership within The Universal-Gov Systems. In accordance with their customs, we must prove our competence to allay any opposing contingencies. So we are assigned to keep her safe until their time of holy determinations, and they will attempt to hunt her down and kill her. If they succeed, our ineptitude is irrefutably unforgivable because the K squads have to publicly announce themselves to us before each assassination attempt. It's all very deliberate and public, so no second chances are ever allowed. Well, we had to choose a planet similar to theirs to stage the test. Yours seemed like a good idea. So we've been here for a while with no problem, but this morning something went wrong."

  “How did they find her?” Ira asked.

  “They didn't,” Celeste laughed. “Ironically enough, some ignorant, uninvolved, local terrorist group from this ignorant planet managed to snatch her up for something as stupid as ransom money! Isn't that a slap in the face? After all that time, effort and meticulous planning."

  “Yeah,” Rael shook his head. “We were required to maintain high profile, so we traveled in style and must've made a great target for these dissidents. You see, it's part of the trial that we know who our opponents are, so I haven't had any problem keeping them at bay, but ... well, let's just say, you're her only hope now, and if you do well, I have a permanent job offer for both of you."

  Alandra and Ira exchanged glances. I don't like this, Alandra said. Something about this man bothers me. Every time I try to read him, I feel this grinding in my head. Don't you feel it?

  Ira frowned. There was something different about this man, and it was unsettling. This is our chance to escape The Wall.

  “What do you want us to do?” Ira asked.

  Rael smiled big. “All right, I knew you'd come through for
us, kid. Alandra, I need for you to link your brother's mind to mine so that I can catalog his findings.” Tiny silver plates glimmered, barely visible, beneath his platinum hair.

  Alandra gasped and clutched her head. “What are you?"

  Rael sighed. “Compu-linked. I'm told that PSIons have trouble around me when I'm jacked in. I'm sorry about that, but the girl's life depends on this. I'm currently linked with the local search units as well as the world interface net. I need to interface your data from the FINDING, kid. If she concentrates only on sending your memories to me, and she refrains from probing my mind, there should be no danger ... discomfort maybe but not danger.” He looked meaningfully at Ira.

  Ira sized up the situation and nodded.

  Alandra sunk back into the soft sofa.

  Ira felt her revulsion and fear.

  I don't think I can do this, she thought to her brother.

  Ira reached out and held her gently, and once more she smelled the ocean, heard waves crashing on the shore, saw the morning sun spill light across darkness ... then a dark dusty room and Missy's small cry of fear.

  She's so young, Alandra thought to her brother.

  “And frightened,” Ira said.

  Alandra looked over at Rael and shivered. “Ok, I ... I'm going to need to touch you for strongest contact. I'm so attuned to Ira that I can hear and see his thoughts from quite a distance.” She looked over at her brother, “You stay seated where you are so you won't fall or anything.” She turned back toward the captain.

  He pulled his chair up in front of her. “Good enough?"

  Alandra nodded.

  “I will need something of hers to locate a pattern from,” Ira began.

  Rael shook his head. “If this doesn't work, we can do another Find, but for now I want you to visualize what you saw in as great a detail as possible."

  Ira shrugged. “If you think it will help."

  Alandra leaned forward, and Rael took her hand in his.

  * * * *

  ...The room, every filthy corner of it ... PROBABLE CONSTRUCT: NORTHWESTERN HEMISPHERE, FORTY YEARS OLD...





  The images surfaced and resurfaced two, maybe three times before Alandra broke contact. She huddled in the arms of her brother, who stroked her hair and spoke softly to her. “It's all right,” he told her. “Let it go.” Her pain dissolved, and her mind began to cloud. She pushed away from him and glared.

  Celeste dashed across the room to the table screen to view the accumulation of the findings. “This is great Captain.” She ran her finger along the screens and headed for the door. “Notify the locals I'm on my way,” she called back from the corridor.

  “It has already been done,” Rael replied to no one in particular before rising from his seat. “Both of you look like you could use a cup of coffee. Let me get you one. I think you'll like it. It's a special blend I came across recently."

  Ira and Alandra sat in silent debate as he walked away.

  Get us out of here, Ira, Alandra demanded. You can exert your control over him? I'm pretty sure we are alone on this ship now. I haven't felt any other presences since our arrival. We have nothing to lose anymore. Make him take us away and set us free somewhere safe, anywhere, and then make him forget. No harm done, and we're free. Please, Ira, please!

  Ira shook his head. No, Alandra. He followed the captain across the room to discourage his sister's silent pleas. They did not cease.

  “The whole ship answers to me,” the captain was saying. “I maintain a surface interface with Nemesis at all times.” He filled the flash cups with water and deposited a coffee-tab in each one. The water flash-boiled at their touch.

  Ira inhaled as the strange aroma burst across the room. “Mmmm, what a wonderful smell."

  Rael smiled. “Yea, I developed a taste for it during a misspent youth.” He handed a steaming cup to Ira. “It's a subtle blend with a hint of almond. I think you'll like it."

  Ira sipped carefully from the cup, allowing the warm draught to thoroughly relax him. “This is good,” he admitted. “It's so soothing."

  Rael laughed. “It's not soothing, kid. It's a stimulant.” He carried the other cup toward Alandra.

  She accepted it without response. Despite her brother's interventions, she still found the captain's presence disconcerting.

  Ira dropped down beside her.

  You can't shield me forever here, Ira. I've never felt like this around someone before. I can't stay anywhere near him. He's an abomination.

  Outside of this ship we're the abominations, or have you forgotten that? Ira leaned back and sipped his drink.

  Rael sat across from them. “Kid, I did some research on you before I sent Celeste. This planet's government agencies keep pretty good records."

  Alandra held her breath. I wish I could hear his thoughts now. I'd love to know more about those documents.

  Let's see how he handles things. Ira frowned and lifted his head enough to reflect the room's lighting with his eyes and asked, “And what do you think you learned from them?"

  Rael smiled. “We both embrace solitude, but I think we could work well together. We have a lot in common."

  Ira reached out with his mind and softened the lighting in the lounge.

  Rael looked around. “Nice touch. You did that, didn't you?"

  Ira nodded and spoke with just a hint of menace. “I'm not looking for a new master."

  “Good,” Rael said with a little more force than he had intended, “because I'm looking for someone who's as good at what he does as I am at what I do. If you're not interested, I can send you back to The Wall and look elsewhere, but I think you would appreciate the peace that comes with this type of life. We're specialists, kid. And no matter where you are, specialists are loners. It's the price we pay for what we are."

  Ira considered this for a moment. “I've never been called a specialist before. I've always just been a property of the state."

  Alandra remained silent. Why does he keep calling you kid? Sixteen is not that young, and despite all his white hair, he's not that old.

  “Your talents are wasted here,” Rael was saying. “After this assignment, I've been approved to compile a new task force."

  Ira smiled. This was what he had been hoping for.

  Rael's temples flickered. He noticed Alandra flinch in response. “Sorry,” he told her and then addressed his ship aloud. “Nemesis, com-on."

  The large screen on the wall sprang to life as the face of a husky uniformed man appeared. “This is World Com, Northwest, calling Gov-ship Nemesis. Come in, please."

  The captain looked over and said, “This is Nemesis, Pointe speaking."

  The image on the screen shifted to reveal Celeste with Missy in tow. “Coordinates are entered, Rael, try to hurry. I won't be able to relax until we're safely aboard and on our way to relocation."

  “You got it. We're on our way. Nemesis out.” The screen went black again. Rael turned back to his guests. “I can't go hauling you two around dressed like that.” He motioned to Alandra's PSI-suit and Ira's black robe. “We don't have time to explain your presence to every officer we meet."

  Ira sat dumbfounded. “You know we can't just roam the streets here,” he began.

  Rael cut him off, “I've got some extra flight suits in my quarters. They'll do.” He got up and started for the door.

  Ira and his sister exchanged glances.

  Is he serious? Alandra asked.

sp; Ira's mind raced with the possibilities. “Wait a minute!” He rushed down the corridor after Rael.

  * * * *

  The Nemesis’ sleek ground transport seemed conspicuous amidst the lumbering vehicles traveling the streets around them. But the captain shrugged that off, as it also made them look important—which they were.

  Ira and Alandra now wore silken black flight suits similar to Rael's. Ira tugged at his. They were form fitted, and he couldn't help but feel self-conscious. He preferred the flowing robes of The Wall to this.

  “You two will pass for a special escort,” Rael finally decided. “Nobody will question that you're with me.” He seemed pleased with himself, and as a finishing touch, he handed them each a set of dark shades.

  The security station finally loomed before them. As their vehicle slid to a stop at the front door, Ira's throat felt parched. He nervously fumbled with the hatch-handle, but since nothing he did could make it open, Rael finally had to come around and open it from the outside.

  “Relax, kid, if I'd known this was going to be so traumatic for you two...."

  Alandra's eyes widened, “Something's wrong,” she whispered.

  Rael eyed the station suspiciously. Nothing looked out of place.

  “Green,” Alandra said. “I see green everywhere!"

  Rael felt his stomach sink. The K Squads hailed in green before an attack. It signified notice of assassination.

  The station doors blew open, green clouds of gas billowing forth. Black-clad assassins spilled out onto the public sidewalk. Six in all, a tightly knotted block of four, herded Missy's tiny form between them while the other two defended the doorway.

  A pulse rifle, firing from within, caught one of the doorway's sentries in the chest. The sheer force of it splattered him into his partner and cleared the exit. Celeste scrambled through it, gun still ablaze.

  Rael caught a piece of debris along the side of his head as a fragment-grenade cleared the sidewalk of unwanted pedestrians. He dropped to the ground, unconscious.

  From the safety of the transport, Ira and his sister watched, unnoticed, as the assassins tightened their ranks.


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