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Club Comrade

Page 10

by Michael James

  When I got home, I went right to the shed where Billy had been held for the last two days. I told him about my mother being alive. He acted like it was a huge shock. I believed him when he told me he had no idea and that the body with my father must have been another lady same size as her. I believed him because their bodies were so badly burned from the wreck that they were unrecognizable. We never did check dental records or anything like that because we know it was my father's bike from the plate we found on the cliff. We all thought he must have flipped or something for it to fly off.

  Billy, Bo and myself have been working on a plan for the last month to get my mom back alive. We have been staying at Porter's for the last two weeks. I have Reed and Kyle back home keeping an eye on everything there. Harper Chapter has been keeping their noses buried in the sand. I make sure Billy calls him often enough to keep the deals going. Right now, my main focus is Blackwell, I'll deal with Chad when this is over.

  Today is the day that all our planning and work come together. At dusk I am sneaking into Carmen’s old home. She told me about a hidden path that Blackwell’s staff uses when her father believes someone is on the grounds. I know where every motion light is and where every security camera is; thanks to Carmen as well.

  Porter has a few of his men keeping an eye on Blackwell for the last couple of days. It's only fair as he has men posted around Porter's compound as well. They can't be the brightest bulbs in the box as they haven't noticed me here at all. I have made sure they know Billy is here. It's perfect really. They believe he is still on their side since we are still selling them guns and drugs.

  All I have to do now is wait for dark and for Blackwell to go to bed. The rest will fall into place once that happens. I can't say that I am as calm as a cucumber because I am far from it. I am so close to having my wife and kid back home it has me antsy. Four weeks is a long time when you learn the girl you fell for three years ago is the same woman I forced to marry me, and we had a child together, it makes your mind and heart go a little crazy.

  The door to the room opens after there is a knock. Porter steps into, “Hey, I've been thinking.”

  “I hope you haven't come to get me to change my mind. You can save your breath because I'm not backing out.”

  “Nope, I want to come with you tonight.”

  “That is not going to happen.”

  “Come on, Blake, you are my best friend. I need to know someone has your back.”

  “I appreciate that, but my answer is no. Nobody knows I am here, Porter. I can't take the risk of you getting caught.”

  “I need to do something. I owe you. How could I not see Cole is yours? He was here for over two years and I saw him every day. Christ, he looks just like you. How did I not see it?”

  “Don't beat yourself up over it. It isn't like you knew I had a kid.”

  “I know but still.”

  “Don't. I need you to take care of my wife and son if anything happens to me. I'm counting on you for that.”

  “Damn it, Blake, you better be careful, and you best be walking in my house tonight.”

  “I will be and so will my mom.”

  “I still can't believe Sophie is alive.”

  “Me neither. I don't think I will till I see her face to face.”

  “You have about an hour before dark. Do you need anything?”

  “Nope, I'm good.”

  “Want to go over the plan one more time?”

  “I got it. I'm going to call Carmen.”

  “Alright, I'll leave so you can call your wife.”

  “I'll see you tonight.”

  “Good luck, old friend.”

  I don't call Carmen right away. Instead, I get out the picture of my parents from my wallet. “I'm getting her dad. I will bring mom home where she belongs. I wish I could do the same with you.” I stare at the picture knowing I cannot fuck this up tonight. It may cost my mother her life for real this time, if I screw this up.

  I put the picture back in my wallet. I set it on the small table in front of me. I then empty my pockets of everything. I don't want to take the chance of anything falling out. I cannot leave anything behind that could possibly link me to Blackwell's death. I wanted to make him suffer. To bring his ass to my compound and torture the son of a bitch but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I have less of a chance of getting caught if I slip in, end him, and then slip out. By the time anyone realizes the prick is dead, my mother will be on the back of my bike going home.

  I call Carmen and to hear her voice is calming. She has a voice that I could listen to all day long and not get annoyed. She has a giggle that makes me instantly happy. To hear Cole call me daddy makes my heart feel fuller with life. He is me through and through. Poor Carmen will have her hands full if he keeps acting more like me when I was his age. My father and mother told me many stories through the years. I might have been a little too dare devilish before I got sick. I made up for those two years of chemotherapy when I got better, though. I think I straightened my ass out after I was sick the second time around. My father said I looked at life differently after that. Counseling other sick kids made me grow up and help someone else. I guess he is right because I have always wanted to give back. It is why it is important to me to get the club back to what it was made for. Guns and drugs were never part of the club.

  The alarm goes off on my phone. It is time for me to make my move. “I love you, Carmen.”

  “I love you, too, Blake. Please be careful and call me as soon as you are safe.”

  “I will. Give Cole a kiss for me and tell him I love him.” I hear the tears in my wife's voice. “Carmen, don't cry. Tomorrow everything changes.”

  Chapter 27

  The last two days have been the longest two days of my life. My plan was perfect until I sensed someone in the tunnel with me. I hid up against the dark wall and grabbed the person behind me. I put a choke hold on my own sister. I could have killed her by accident. If it wasn't for the squeal she let out, I would have either knocked her out cold and left her behind, or even worse; killed her. I can't stomach thinking about the worse part. I was furious with her, but I had no time to take her back to safety. I had no other choice; I had to bring her with me. We hid in Blackwell’s closet, waiting for him to enter his bedroom for the night and fall asleep. My plan wasn't to shoot him, as it would make too much noise. I still had to sneak around the fucker’s house to get my mother. I was just going to slit his throat and watch him bleed out as he stared up at me. I wanted to be the last person he laid eyes on as he clung to life. I would have done it with a smile on my face, too. But like I said it was perfect before Scarlett showed up. I don't even know how she found out two nights ago was the night. I can only assume Bo told her the plans. I know the two of them have become close friends. Hell, for all I know they could have a thing for each other.

  How Scarlett snuck out of my uncle's house almost four days ago is another mystery. I will find that out another day when I sit her down. Right now, she is on the back of Bo’s bike heading back to Ohio. I had to get her back there so no one can later question her whereabouts. I need her seen on a bus or plane coming back home, especially, now that she jumped out of the closet when Blackwell entered the room and put a bullet in his forehead. It was a great shot, but I'm not going to lie; it pissed me off for many reasons. After she took her shot, she dropped the gun and I hurried to pick it up and shoved it in my waistband. I dragged her ass out of the bedroom and down the hall to the where the employee staircase is. We ran as fast as we could. Scarlett was in shock and it slowed us down. I found the employee quarters and the room that Carmen told me is my mother's. I told Scarlett to watch the hall while I went in a got our mom. I used a small flashlight I had with me. I covered my mom's mouth with my hand. She fought me until I leaned down and said, “Don't scream, Mom.” I let my hand go.

  “Blake, my boy.” Her arms embraced me.

  I whispered that we had to leave. We got the hell out of Blackwell's
house before anyone found out. How the gunshot didn't set off any alarm bells for his minions is beyond me. Even though no one saw us, and I blacked out all the cameras, I still worry his death will come back on Scarlett or myself. Yeah, I dumped the gun into a river on the way home and the bullets in another location. You just can never be too careful. I was happy to learn my sister was at least smart enough to wear gloves and she had her hair pinned up. I still fear they could find a strand in his room.

  I haven't had a whole lot of time to talk with my mom. We basically left Blackwell’s, I put her on my bike and took off for home. I have had some time to think and there are a million things I want to tell her. She isn't going to believe it when I tell her the baby she delivered is her grandson. The hardest thing to tell her is going to be about dad. She might already know or have a feeling. She didn't ask about him before getting on my bike.

  In just about an hour we will be home. I haven't slept in the last two days. I have been driving my bike non-stop. My body is drained but my mind is wide awake. I get my life back tonight and that is enough to keep me awake. I cannot wait to hold my wife and son. I am excited for my mother to meet Carmen and Cole again. It's been over two years since Blackwell stole Cole and over a year since he sold Carmen to Chad. I think my mom will be glad to hear Cole really was named after my dad.

  Being home is a wonderful feeling, but it will be even better once Carmen and Cole get here. I hugged my mother for about ten minutes straight. I told her about my father and we cried together. She had a feeling something happened to him when he didn't return from the bank. She didn't want to talk about being at Blackwell’s, she said when she is ready she will. I told her I was married and have a son. I don't tell her who I am married to, I need to see her reaction to know her feelings towards Carmen. I'll know right away if she likes Carmen or if I'll have to prove she isn't her father.

  My mother is going to stay here for a bit, so I told her to take Scarlett’s room for now until we figure everything out. I have a spare bedroom, but Cole is going to need his own room. I need to kill some time, so she helps me put clean sheets and blankets on the bed. I'm afraid if I sit still for even a second, I'll pass out. I want to be awake when she walks through the door.

  The last two days felt long, but the last two hours are the worst. My eyelids are getting heavy. I get a Red Bull from the refrigerator and step outside. I sit on the porch swing and down the drink. I light a cigarette and kick my feet up. I put my head back and blow the smoke out into the air.

  “Blake Comrade, I told you to quit smoking.” I laugh.

  “It's good to have you back, Mom. Now, I'll have a wife and mother telling me what to do.” I don’t let be known that I'm perfectly fine with it.

  My mom sits down next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. I close my eyes as I rest my head on the top of hers. I enjoy holding my mom. I never thought I would be able to do this ever again.

  “Daddy.” My son comes running to me.

  I get up when my mom sits up. I am so happy they got home sooner than expected. “Hey, Buddy, I missed you.” I pick him up and his tiny arms wrap around my neck.

  I smile at Carmen standing on the porch leaning against the pillar. I put Cole down and go to my wife. I take hold of her beautiful face and kiss her. I am the luckiest guy in the world. I have everything on this porch I could possibly want. I break the kiss even though I don't want to.

  “Welcome home, Baby. I've have missed you so much.”

  “I know. I don't ever want to be apart again.”

  I take Carmen's hand. “Mom, this is…”

  “Carmen Blackwell and Cole Blackwell.”

  I narrow my brows. I look at Carmen for an explanation. “My name is Carmen Comrade now and Cole's last name has always been Comrade.”

  That's a relief, but this reunion isn't going the way I hoped. “Mom, Carmen isn't her father.”

  “I know that. I watched her hide out in her room pregnant, scared and sad. I saw with my own two eyes the love she had for her baby as I delivered my grandson. I saw the pain she went through looking for Cole. Then she disappeared, like she gave up on her own baby. Now years later after being a servant to her evil father, I find her with you. I don't know if I trust her with my only son. She is a product of evil.”

  “I'm nothing like him. I didn't leave, I was sold.” Carmen swoops Cole up and runs into the house.

  “I am sorry, but she is a Blackwell.”

  “No she isn't. She is a Comrade. I love you, Mom, but I love my wife, too. If you couldn't see back then that she was just as much as a victim as you were, I don't know how you ever will.” I walk away. I put my hand on the handle to the screen door.

  “You are right. I did see it. Does she know that Scarlett killed her father?”

  “Yes. Believe it or not, she wanted to do it herself. I am going to go and take care of my wife now.”

  I go into the kitchen and grab an envelope off the counter. I carry it down the hall to my room. I lean on the door frame and say, “I have something for you.”

  “She hates me. Your mom hates me.”

  “No, I don't. I owe you an apology. I'm sorry, Carmen.”

  My mom steps past me and puts her arms in the air, wanting a hug from her. To my surprise Carmen hugs her. When they break apart. They start chattering about Cole and the birth. I don't leave from my spot as I hear more details of my son's birth. Cole wanders over to me and I pick him up. He lays his head to my chest. I hold his head full of blonde curls.

  I carry Cole over to Carmen and my mom who are now sitting on my bed. I hand Carmen the envelope. She takes it but doesn't open it. “Carmen,” I say interrupting them, “please open that.”

  She rolls her eyes at me and I let out a laugh. She rips the paper open. “Oh, my, God,” she says, leaping from the bed, “it's our marriage certificate. I am legally Mrs. Blake Comrade.”

  “I was thinking maybe you want to redo our wedding?”

  “No way.”

  “I think you could do better with our vows.”

  “And ruin the great story for our children? Hell no, Babe.”

  Thank you for reading Club Comrade. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review on Amazon. Even if it’s just a sentence or two. It would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated. XOXO- Michael James

  If you enjoyed Club Comrade, you may also like my other books:

  The Way We Love series:

  Pink Skies At Night

  Shadows At Night

  Nights Are Unlimited

  Concealed By The Night

  Shattered At Night

  Freed At Night

  Winning A Cowgirl’s Heart - Trilogy:

  The Rodeo King

  The Best Friend

  The Fate Of My Heart

  Winning a Cowgirl's Heart -Complete Box Set

  Construction Vs. Corporate- Trilogy:



  Toying With October

  Pieces Of Me

  A Christmas For Eve




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