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Society Wives

Page 12

by Renee Flagler

  Pearson shrugged. “I guess so.” She nodded for another martini.

  “I’ll be retiring soon and I want you to run the company.”


  “Pearson! It was your father’s joy. The thing he seemed to love the most, besides you of course.” Candice appeared to have gone off in a distance somewhere in her mind. “I wouldn’t want to leave it in just anyone’s hands,” she said, reaching for the freshly made martini.


  “Just think about it,” Candice interrupted, waving off Pearson’s potential comment with a toss of her hand. I’d hate to hand it off to someone outside of the family.”

  Pearson felt like a boulder had been dropped in her lap. “I don’t know anything about the business.”

  “But you know how to run a business. You’ve had your foundation for what...almost ten years now?”

  Pearson was surprised that Candice knew that bit of information. “Yes, but that’s different.”

  “If you can run one company, you can run any company. Your father wanted this. He built this company to be a legacy for his family.”

  “Oh no! Don’t try to guilt me into doing this.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing.” Candice cast her eyes at the ceiling as if she were searching for the right words there. “Listen.” She twisted her body to face Pearson full on. “How about this? Come spend a few days in the office and see how things are done before you shoot down the opportunity. Make your decision after that. Let’s week. That would give you enough time to shadow me and see how we operate.”

  Candice turned away from their conversation as if all was settled. She nodded and the maid delivered their plates with an appealing presentation that could rival any upscale restaurant. Shortly after their meals of grilled sea bass with risotto and green beans arrived, Pearson dug in, hoping to soak up some of the liquor swimming in her belly. She was convinced that she needed those drinks to help bear this meeting with Candice. She had to make sure some of the effects of her martinis wore off before she got home.

  After eating, Pearson was ready to leave. She’d done her duty and endured a few hours with Candice. It was a little better than what she expected, but she still felt the sting of her mother’s unapologetic admission. She had more questions, but couldn’t handle the answers just yet. She’d wait for their next bout of ‘quality’ time if she could subject herself to it.

  Chapter 24


  The moment Ryan woke with that nauseating taste in her mouth, she knew she was pregnant—again. It happened every single time. She and Anderson didn’t have sex that often so she attributed this most recent conception to the night of Nadalia’s holiday party several weeks back. Getting pregnant wasn’t a problem for Ryan. Staying pregnant was her issue.

  Ryan pulled back the covers and a chill ran across her arms. She held herself and looked around the lonely room. Anderson had been gone for weeks now, filming in various cities across the country. The odd thing was that he’d been checking in more than usual. Something clicked the night she raised up at him at Nadalia’s house. He’d been giving her just a little more respect. She liked the attention, but knew that she still didn’t fully have her husband and never did. She wondered if she ever would. Things hadn’t always been that bad and she longed for the Anderson who had won her heart in the beginning.

  Sliding her feet into a pair of tan lambskin slippers, Ryan stood, stretched, and made her way to the adjoining bath. She reached into the far back of the vanity and pulled out one of the pregnancy tests she hid in there. Ryan relieved herself and just as she had suspected, the test was positive. Ryan jumped in the shower and threw on a pair of jeans and a soft pink cashmere sweater and boots. For breakfast, she stuffed a few crackers in her mouth and washed them down with a small cup of ginger ale. Anything more would run the risk of coming up on her way to the city. She packed a few pieces of fruit and a few more crackers to take with her.

  It was still rather early so she decided to call her doctor a little later. This time, she wasn’t going to wait for a visit. She vowed to be sitting in front of her doctor within the next twenty-four hours talking about strategies for keeping this baby inside of her.

  Maybe this would be the key to their marriage finally falling back into place. As the mother of his child, Anderson would have to respect her even more, she thought.

  Ryan planned to keep it a secret from everyone, including her mother, until she knew if it would actually happen this time. Maybe she would tell Vonnie, since she was both a mother and a doctor. She might have tips to help her maintain a successful pregnancy. What could she lose by telling her?

  Ryan stuffed a leotard, spandex shorts and shrug to keep her arms warm in her bag, but then took it out. She’d still meet her old dance buddies at her friend’s studio, but she wouldn’t dance today or in the near future until she knew exactly what was going on inside of her body.

  When Anderson was out of town for extended periods of time, Ryan took advantage of the time to reconnect with her dance community, using their rehearsals as workouts. She’s even entertained going back to teach at the university, but Anderson didn’t want her doing that, so she stayed home and played the rich wife role. She often argued that the wives of his friends all worked and even owned companies. Anderson didn’t care and would retort that he wasn’t married to them. His wife wasn’t working and if Ryan wanted to remain as his wife, she’d have to comply or be threatened to be sent back to the rat hole he found her in—although she’d since upgraded her mother’s small apartment to a modest three bedroom ranch home in Garden City Park.

  Anderson’s absence gave her an opportunity to indulge her passion just a little. He didn’t know she kept ties with the artistic community she used to work with during her brief stint as a dancer on Broadway, where she’d met him after a performance. She’d try her best to get her fill while he was away, visiting studios, taking classes here and there to hone her craft, and checking out performances. Other times, she’d busy herself doing volunteer work, keeping house, hanging with her mother and doing yoga. He didn’t want her getting involved with too much else because as he said, he didn’t need people in his business and he needed to keep his circles tight.

  Despite the cold, Ryan drove halfway to the city with her windows open until the rush of winds were too much to bear. After meeting up with the women, she planned to take in a musical and enjoy a nice lunch before returning to the Island. At some point she’d call and make an urgent care appointment with her GYN.

  Ryan pulled her car into a lot on 43rd street, right in the heart of the theater district, and headed up to her friend’s studio. The dancers were already on the floor stretching when she arrived. Catching her friend, Nadia’s attention, she nodded and continued to instruct the group on the next move. Ryan pointed to a folding chair near the corner and Nadia frowned. Ryan frowned and rubbed her belly. Nadia nodded again and guided the group to the next movement without breaking her eight-count.

  It was hard for Ryan to watch the dancers on the floor and not be able to join them. She longed for the days when she indulged her passion on a daily basis. Before Anderson came into her life, dance had been her knight in shining armor, promising her a life bigger than the one she had always known.

  Nadia clapped her hands and the dancers stood awaiting their next set of directions. Nadia moved with grace even as she walked over to switch the song on her iPod, which was connected to the sound system. An upbeat classical rhythm filled the space with a mix of soft harmonies against an eclectic bass and Nadia snapped her fingers as she counted the dancers off.

  “Five, six…five, six, seven, eight,” she yelled, casting a stern glare across the sea of dancers, all donned in black leotards, tights, and ballet shoes. “And reach! And up! Yes! Just like that, Talia. Do it just like she did next time. Keep going. And out…one, two, three, four, and hold.” Nadia called out directives like a drill sergeant as she guided the dancers through
several renditions. She moved about the room joining in on certain steps or snapping her fingers, and yelling to make sure they were hitting all of the accents.

  Ryan allowed the rhythms to capture her. She made small movements from her seat, gliding her arms in the same fashion as the dancers on the floor. Then she closed her eyes and swayed to the beat until it reached a dramatic end.

  “Okay. Take five. Get some water,” Nadia yelled and the dancers filed out of the room. She directed her attention to Ryan as she wiped her neck with a hand towel. “Not dancing today? What’s up with that?”

  “I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me.” Ryan held her stomach for affect. “My tummy is just not right.”

  “Aw! I was looking forward to you helping me work out a few kinks on a new dance I just choreographed.”

  Ryan formed her lips into a half frown and half pout. “I would have loved that.”

  Nadia raised her hands in excitement, startling Ryan. “Oh! Guess who was selected to choreograph the new musical that Leland Bogart is going to be starring in?”

  “Are you serious?” Ryan jumped up. “You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s great!” Ryan hugged her friend as a slight wave of jealously passed through her. She was happy for Nadia, but couldn’t help but think that it could have been her had she continued on her desired path.

  “I screamed down the house when I got the call. Well…after I hung up, of course. I couldn’t believe it. This will be my first gig where I will actually be working with a Hollywood star.” Nadia smiled as the exhilaration flickered in her eyes. “Broadway has its share of celebrities, but it’s nothing like working with someone as rich, famous, and gorgeous as Leland Bogart. I can’t wait.”

  Ryan laughed. “I bet.”

  “Honey, I’m still single and from what I know, so is Leland. I just might snag me an A-lister, too.” Nadia threw her head back and cackled.

  Ryan laughed with her, but didn’t share Nadia’s zeal. She knew that being married to someone like Leland couldn’t be easy. As much as Nadia wanted what Ryan had in her union with Anderson, Ryan longed to be free to indulge her passion the way Nadia did.

  “You’re going to hang out a little longer, right?” Nadia asked as the dancers began returning to the studio.

  Ryan looked down at her watch. “Actually, I have to run. I have a few more stops to make before heading back to Long Island.” The morning had passed and she still hadn’t called the doctor. She wanted to see if she could get that appointment.

  “Okay. It was so good seeing you.” Nadia hugged Ryan. “Next time, be ready to dance.” Nadia wiggled her hips.

  “I will. I promise.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that. Bye, hon.” Nadia clapped her hands and directed her attention to the group before her. “Are we ready, people? We need to clean this up.”

  Ryan gathered her coat and purse and eased out of the studio. She could hear Nadia giving orders behind her. “We’ll run it a few more times. And…five, six…”

  Suddenly Ryan couldn’t wait to get away. She dialed her doctor and was thankfully given an appointment for later that afternoon. That would leave her with just enough time to dine at one of her favorite restaurants before heading back. She’d have to catch a show another time.

  Ryan decided to leave her car at the lot and hailed a cab. She didn’t feel like tackling city traffic until she was ready to leave. Now that it was lunch time, it took a while to flag down a taxi. When one finally pulled over, she made the mistake of telling the driver that she was in a hurry and ended up with red knuckles by the end of her short ride. Several near misses had her shaking in her heels by the time he pulled up in front of Tao, one of the cities most frequented Asian fusion restaurants.

  Ryan tossed the driver a twenty and got out in a rush, slamming the door behind her. She wanted to give the driver a piece of her mind, but wouldn’t have been able to get the words past her thumping heart, which was now lodged in her throat.

  Ryan shook off the dread of her ride and headed inside. She confirmed to the hostess that she was a party of one and was led toward the seating along the wall, a bit of distance from the enormous sitting Buddha statue.

  From the quiet nook where Ryan was seated, she could see the majority of the restaurant. She looked around and what caught her eye caused the nausea she felt earlier to come rushing back. She slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming or throwing up, whatever tried to come up first.

  Ryan stood and rushed to the restroom, bursting through the door. Luckily no one was inside. She ran into the stall and stood over the toilet in case the churning in her stomach wanted to relieve itself. When she was sure she wasn’t going to vomit, she came out and splashed water on her angry face. Red crooked lines trailed across the whites of her eyes and tears filled the wells, but didn’t fall.

  She wanted to approach Anderson and find out who that woman at his table was, but remembered she wasn’t supposed to be in Manhattan in the first place.

  She took several deep breaths and tried to reason with herself. She didn’t see the woman’s face, so it could just be a fellow actor, co-worker or even a reporter out for an innocent or working lunch. Nevertheless, what was he doing in New York when he was supposed to be in Los Angeles filming?

  Ryan pulled her phone out and dialed his number. The first call went to voice mail and she dialed again. The second time, he picked up and she choked back a scream.

  “Hey babe,” Anderson said cheerfully.

  “Hey!” she said. Her voice was as shaky as her hands. Then she was at a loss for words.



  “Well, what’s up?”

  “Um. Where are you?”

  “Having lunch right now. Why? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I just wanted to know…when are you coming home?”

  “I’ll be home next week. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. I just miss you. Hold on a sec.” Ryan tipped out of the bathroom and peeked through the dimly lit restaurant. Anderson was still seated at the table with his phone to his ear. The woman was seated across from him giving her attention to her cell phone. “Andy.”

  “I’m still here.”

  “Okay. Well. I love you.” Ryan continued watching him. She wanted to see how he’d react in front of his lady friend.

  “Okay, babe. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Tell me you love me.”


  “I said I love you. Tell me you love me, too,” Ryan insisted as she watched him through narrowed eyes.

  Anderson turned slightly from his lady friend. “You know I love you too. What’s this about?”

  “Nothing. See you when you get home next week.” Ryan ended the call.

  Ryan took several deep breaths to keep from losing her composure. Intuitively, she placed her hand across her stomach as she observed him. He put his phone aside and continued his conversation without missing a beat. Ryan watched for a few minutes more to see if she could glean anything else from his maneuvers and when she couldn’t take anymore, she slipped out the front door. Her heart pounded so loudly she felt like the thumping could be heard outside of herself.

  Ryan had never seen that woman before, but would make it her business to find out who she was.

  Chapter 25


  Adrenaline coursed through Vonnie’s veins as if the news she had received earlier had just come in. She found it difficult to contain her excitement as she waited for Mike to come home from work. This was too good to tell in a phone call. She had to deliver it face-to-face so she could see the excitement in Mike’s expression.

  Vonnie still couldn’t believe all of the notoriety she’d received after she delivered a speech on childhood obesity a few months ago. That twenty-minute talk placed her on a trajectory that she had never seen coming. A few weeks after she spoke, calls started coming in from magazine editors, and televisi
on producers asking her take on issues concerning the matter that meant so much to her. Vonnie had come across scores of children suffering from major conditions that normally affected adults, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. As a self-proclaimed ‘former fat kid’ she also knew firsthand how insensitive people could be toward an overweight child—from peers to parents. The subject was personal for her.

  Today’s call got her so excited she could hardly stand still. She’d been asked to appear on the infamous Rayne Medley’s talk show to talk about the effects of childhood obesity and offer tips for parents to combat the issues, and to talk about her own experiences as an obese child who as they say ‘beat the odds.’

  Vonnie tried to release her nervous energy by tidying up the house. When she found herself cleaning the kitchen countertops for the third time, she put the cleaner away and took up pacing.

  Mike called earlier and she almost spilled the news. Vonnie literally bit her lip to keep from ruining the surprise. Now, she sat in the great room nursing a glass of Merlot.

  When she heard Mike’s car pull into their circular driveway, she jumped up and raced through the front door. Vonnie accosted him before he could get out of the car. She laughed at the stunned look on his face.

  “What the hell!”

  Vonnie covered his face with kisses. “I’ve got great news!”

  “Okay…” Mike just stared at her, which made Vonnie giggle even harder. “Well, are you going to tell me right here or can we take this inside where it’s warm?”

  Vonnie looked down and realized she didn’t have on a coat, though she still didn’t feel the cold sting of the twenty-something degree weather. Grabbing Mike by the hand, she pulled him inside, pushed the door closed and backed him up against it.

  “Hmm! This news seems delicious,” Mike said when Vonnie came so close that they could feel each other’s breath.

  Mike closed his eyes and kissed Vonnie and their passion was unleashed. By the time they pulled away from the kiss, both were breathing hard.


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