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Society Wives

Page 26

by Renee Flagler

  Chapter 50


  Nadalia wondered how she would deal with being in the same room with Sage after weeks of avoiding contact with him. Tonight, not only would he be unavoidable, but also she wondered how she would manage being in his presence with everyone else around. Everyone knew they were separated since she had permanently moved back into her mother’s Long Island home.

  Nadalia applied a saturated coat of red lipstick, pressed her lips together and turned from side to side checking her reflection. Although the pain of Sage’s betrayal was still fresh, it had been a while since she cried herself to sleep, giving her eyes much needed relief. A facial and massage gave her an added lift in both her spirit and appearance.

  Satisfied with her make up application, Nadalia slipped into a black, beaded gown that hugged the curves of her hourglass figure. A fresh trim gave her jet black shoulder length hair a polished finish. She could set any red-carpet ablaze.

  The closer she got to leaving the house, the slower she moved. She couldn’t stand Pearson up after promising to donate a fur coat for the auction. The designers worked overtime to create an exquisite mink cape.

  Nadalia and Sage had always been such an integral part of the auction. She was sure that Sage was donating his usual pair of prime tickets for club seats at the Met Life Stadium.

  She just hadn’t figured out how she would handle being around him with everyone else there.

  Nadalia exhaled and shook her head. Delaying the inevitable was senseless. She grabbed her silver evening bag and crystal covered pumps and headed out the door. The ride to the Hamptons seemed longer without Sage, yet she managed it without breaking down. However the closer she got to the venue, the more nervous she felt.

  Nadalia wheeled her sports car up to the valet, pushed her red lips into a friendly smile as she handed the young man her keys and walked into the posh venue with her head held high. Slipping passed the red carpet, she headed straight to the hall where the cocktail reception was being held, glanced around and then she went into the ladies’ room to check her reflection. Nadalia fluffed her hair, and ran her finger along the lines of her mouth, cleaning up any of the lipstick that may have run outside the lines of her full sweetheart lips.

  Stepping out cautiously, Nadalia moved into the cocktail reception with her chin forward, winding through throngs of elegantly dressed woman, and polished men sharply decked out in tuxedos. As she passed, she offered cordial nods and delicate waves to familiar faces. A festive air hung in the atmosphere, but Nadalia’s nerves were too frazzled to be swept up in it.

  I can handle this. She pepped herself up and released the breath that she’d been holding as she leaned on the edge of the bar.

  “One Louis XIII and one Cabernet Sauvignon please,” she told the bartender. Her intention was not to get drunk, but she needed the cognac to take the edge off quickly. Throwing the liquid back, downing it in one gulp, Nadalia winced at the slow burn passing through her chest and closed her eyes. She put the snifter down on the marble bar top, picked up her purse and turned to leave.

  “Hello, Nadalia.”

  She froze right in the middle of her turn. The depth of Sage’s voice flowed through her with the same sting as the cognac she had just downed. Nadalia closed her eyes and swallowed long and hard, before turning in his direction.

  “Sage.” She was proud of how steadily her voice held up in that single word.

  He stuffed his hands in his pants pockets. “How have you been?”

  “Fine.” After a few ticks, she added, “And you?” She wanted so badly to appear unaffected, but remembering how much she loved the richness of his voice made it difficult. She had yet to look him in his face, fearful that she would break.

  Sage touched her hand and her breath caught. She swallowed hard again and pulled her hand away from the familiar touch of his strong fingers.

  “Please don’t do that.”

  “I miss you.”

  Nadalia shifted her feet.

  “I just want to know if we can at least be friends.”

  Nadalia exhaled, relived that he understood that what they once had would never be again.

  “I still love you. Always have and always will. I understand that you can’t...don’t want to be with me anymore, but I can’t see you not being a part of my life in some way.”

  Nadalia nodded. Not in a way that responded to his friend request, but in more of a non-committal way that let him know that she’d at least acknowledged him.

  He went to touch her hand again and immediately she pulled back. Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought to keep it together. Encouraging herself, she repeated in her head, you can do this.

  “I’ll try to stay out of your way tonight; you don’t have to avoid me. I’d just like to be able to talk to you soon.”

  Nadalia shook her head. “I know. I just need a little more time.” She looked away.

  She could feel him staring at her. She could smell the cologne mixed with the natural scent of his body emanating off him. She could see his rigid manly stature through her peripheral vision, but still refused to look at him. She couldn’t trust herself just yet. Proud of the fact that she was keeping it together and hadn’t run out of the event, she decided it would be best not to look at him. Even stealing a glance could have thunderous affects. She didn’t want to be reminded of how handsome he was. Of how much she still loved him. It was too soon to handle looking into the depths of his brown eyes, or taking in the strong jut of his chin. She kept her eyes on the people. The beautiful dresses. The smiling faces. The other men.

  “There you are!” Pearson’s voice cut in, piercing her concentration. She was focusing hard on everything and everyone else that she could.

  “Hey,” she said. She received Pearson’s hug and gave her an air kiss.

  “Pearson!” Sage greeted. “You look great.”

  “Why thanks!” Pearson said, spinning to offer them a better view. “We’ll be moving into the other room momentarily. You’ll be sitting at the front table with me.”

  “Okay,” Nadalia said.

  Pearson’s look let her know that she sensed that something wasn’t right.

  “I need to run to the ladies room. I’ll see you two inside.” Nadalia hurried off, thankful for Pearson’s interruption and the opportunity to make a clean escape. She had gotten through the initial part of their encounter and was confident she’d make it through the rest of the night. It would take time for the love she had for Sage to wear off, if ever. However, she knew now that she could make it. Not that it would be easy, but it was doable.

  Then, she could work on being his friend. She could at least give him that.

  Chapter 51


  Anderson was Pearson’s emcee for the benefit and he had yet to arrive. She dialed his number.

  “I’m five minutes away,” he answered, jumping right to the reason for the call.

  Pearson barely heard him over the music playing in the background. “Well, come on already. You’re making me nervous.”

  “I’ll be right there, Pearson.”

  She tapped the phone, ending the call and went in search of her mother before checking back in with her staff. Candice was seated in the same place where Pearson had left her twenty minutes before, which was just outside the room where the cocktail reception was being held.

  Candice’s decline had become much more evident in recent weeks, taking her to a point where her money and vanity were no longer able to hide the fact that she was seriously ill. Pearson could see that Candice was thinner and her movements were slower. Seeing that her mother was fine with Walter by her side, Pearson kept moving.

  The young firecracker of a PR agent pulled on her to take a few pictures with some of her prime investors.

  Pearson saw the event manager scanning the crowd in search of her. The look on her face gave Pearson no doubt that she was coming to deliver some bad news.

  Niles appeared by her side to let h
er know that there were still a few issues with the sound equipment and that would affect the music from the live band that was setting up. Telling her not to worry, he promised to handle it.

  Pearson realized that she no longer had the two manila files that she’d been holding in her hand. She stopped, closed her eyes and tried to recall where she left them. Trying not to panic, she turned to retrace her steps. Those folders contained the emcee’s speech, the program outline, and several checks for vendors she had to pay at the end of the night.

  With so much going on around her, she craved a drink. If she could just have one, it would help mellow her out just a little. Pearson had kept her smile all through the ensuing chaos, but the more that came her way, the more she wanted to crawl into a corner with a bottle of scotch. Right now, a single glass of wine would help settle her nerves.

  “Babe.” Pearson jerked at the sound of Niles’ voice. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted to let you know that we worked everything out. They’ll be ready to start whenever you are.”

  Pearson sighed. “That’s great. I was starting to get a little anxious.”

  “I’m here.”

  Pearson took that to mean that he was there for her both literally and figuratively. She didn’t need a drink. She had Niles. Pearson looked toward where her mother sat. She had Candice too, if just for a while longer.

  “My man, my man!” Anderson greeted Niles with a hug. Giving Pearson a quick once over and approving nod, he smiled and greeted her as well. “Looking lovely as always.”

  “So glad you’re finally here, Anderson. You scared me for a minute. I have a few things I want to run over with you before we get you up on the podium. Excuse me, Babe,” Pearson said to Niles and led Anderson away. She wanted to ask about Ryan, but kept her mouth shut.

  As they snaked their way through the crowded reception, Pearson thought about the fact that she had seen everyone, but Ryan, Vonnie and Mike. Based on her conversation earlier that day, she knew that there was a good chance that Vonnie and Mike wouldn’t show up, but she remained hopeful. She was serious about them coming without having tickets. She was also very serious about remaining friends with Vonnie after they moved.

  Within the next few minutes the Maître d announced the event would be moving into the banquet hall. Once all the guests were settled, Pearson took to the podium, offering up a moving speech about pulling the event together despite so many unanticipated occurrences in both her professional and personal life. She credited Niles, her mother, her diligent staff and the young women the organization supported for being her motivation to help her get through it all. Trying her best not to shed tears in front of her three hundred guests, she introduced Anderson, reading his bio and highlighting his most well-known films to date. The sophisticated crowd stood to their feet as he made his way to the podium. A few cat calls rang out as he stepped up, looking especially handsome in his well-fitting tuxedo.

  Anderson graciously smiled, nodded and gestured for the guests to be seated. Pearson followed his line of sight and noticed Ryan seated at the table with Niles. She was happy to see that she showed up, but wished things could have turned out different for them. Vonnie and Mike were still missing.

  Pearson focused her attention back on Anderson, who was effortlessly stealing the hearts of the audience. She was glad she’d asked him to be her emcee. She knew he was a great actor, but she hadn’t realized just how charming he would be in this capacity. She considered the crowd captured.

  Once the young girls from this year’s program got up to tell their stories and talk about how the foundation impacted their lives, she was sure her guests would be impressed and be more than happy to write big checks to help G-Day continue their work.

  Movement at the head table caught Pearson’s attention. She peeled her eyes away from Anderson’s speech and was elated to see Vonnie and Mike taking a seat with the rest of the crew. She looked over and Vonnie winked and threw her an air kiss. Everyone whom she considered essential in her life was in attendance on the most important night of the year for her.

  Once the program was over and dinner was served, the electric slide, followed by a series of other popular line dances got the party started. Guests kept the dance floor filled as the band played a dynamic mix of pop, jazz and R&B from hits from the sixties to the best of what was currently gracing the airwaves.

  Pearson was pleased with the outcome and enjoyed watching everyone have a great time. She also saw that Ryan and Anderson barely spoke, but she did appreciate the new air of confidence that Ryan seemed to wear.

  Getting back to business, she walked around to see how the silent auctions were going. Her assistant had found the missing folders with the vendor’s checks and Pearson’s relief washed away her anxiety. The bids for the fur coat that Nadalia had designed and donated had reached upwards of fifteen thousand dollars. All the other bids were also going well. Pearson beamed and discretely prided herself for getting through this without a drink.

  Niles had really stepped up to be by her side and help her get through, showing firm patience during the times she became weak and gave in. His love and support helped her overcome until she got to a point where she refused to take a drink for both her sake and his. She didn’t want to disappoint him.

  Thinking about Niles, Pearson went searching for him, spotting him at the table chatting with her mom.

  “May I have this dance?” she asked, holding her hand out to him.

  Niles looked at her mother and stretched his eyes. “What do you think?” he asked jokingly.

  Candice pretended to think about it for a while. Pearson pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips.

  Candice laughed. “Go ahead. She’s kind of cute. I heard she put this whole thing together. She’s probably pretty smart too.”

  “Brains and beauty,” Niles said and nodded his approval.

  Pearson took him by the hand and led him to the dance floor.

  “I’m proud of you,” Niles whispered in her ear as they swayed to one of his old favorites by Nina Simone.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, so thank you.”

  Pearson closed her eyes and snuggled into Niles’ shoulder, letting herself be taken away in the comfort of his arms. When Pearson looked up, she saw Nadalia heading out. Sage was still seated at the table with Candice.

  “Excuse me a moment, babe.”

  Niles kissed her forehead before releasing her. Pearson ran through the swaying bodies and pushed through a few chairs trying to get to Nadalia.

  “Nadalia! Wait!” Pearson could have sworn Nadalia started walking faster after hearing her call her name. She gestured for a gentleman to get Nadalia’s attention and she continued running in her direction.

  Nadalia turned back, following the man’s finger as he pointed. Pearson thought she saw her sigh. Nearly out of breath, Pearson caught up with her just as she was about to exit the venue.

  “You’re leaving already? Where’s Sage?”

  “Yeah.” Nadalia didn’t bother responding to Pearson’s second question.

  “Wait.” Pearson took Nadalia down a quiet corridor where the two of them could be alone. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

  Nadalia tilted her head and smiled. “I’m fine.”

  Pearson pulled Nadalia into an embrace. “You call me for anything, you hear me?”

  Nadalia nodded and hugged Pearson again.

  “You better keep in touch. I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” Pearson said. “Who would I have to bicker with?”

  Nadalia chuckled.

  “I love you,” Pearson said.

  The declaration seemed to put Nadalia on pause. She closed her eyes and nodded before saying, “Believe it or not, I love you, too.”

  They embraced one last time before Pearson followed Nadalia to the exit, then watched her leave. She was so caught up with what Nadalia had just revealed, she never heard Niles call her name.

Babe! Come on!”

  “Huh? What?” Pearson turned and stopped short, alarmed by the look on Niles’ face. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s your mother.”

  Niles took her hand and they ran back through the hall. People cleared the way as they passed by. Gripped by fear, Pearson’s breathing struggled past the sudden lump in her throat.

  Inside, a small crowd gathered around the table where her mother and friends sat. Pearson quickened her pace, pushing through the guests.

  Candice lay on the floor, wearily lolling her head from side to side. Several people were around her, fanning her while Vonnie held her head in her lap.

  “I need a towel. Get me a glass of water for her,” she ordered. “Please back up a little people. Give her some air.”

  “Oh my goodness. Ma! What happened?” she asked frantically to no one in particular as she fell to her knees beside Candice.

  Sage handed Vonnie the glass of water.

  “I need you to try and take a sip for me. Okay?” Vonnie said to Candice in a cajoling voice.

  Candice tried, but her head lolled and fell back into Vonnie’s lap.

  “Ma! Drink the water!” Pearson felt her own chest become tight. “Ma!” she cried out. “Please drink it. Please!” Holding her hand behind her head, Pearson tried to lift her up enough to get a good angle. Vonnie put the glass to her mouth, but Candice was too weak to drink. She laid her head back and let it fall to the side. “No! Mommy, please!” Pearson could no longer control her emotions and the cry that she released shook her entire body.

  Pearson felt strong arms lifting her and at first thought it was Niles. Sage helped her to her feet and sat her in a chair.

  “Thanks, man,” Niles said and hugged Sage before lowering himself beside Pearson. “It’s going to be alright, babe. An ambulance is on its way.” Niles rested her head on his chest and caressed her back.

  All Pearson could think of was that she wasn’t ready for her mother to die.


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