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All I Want Is You (Kimani Romance)

Page 15

by Girard, Dara

  “He is.”

  The next three nights were a whirlwind of activities. The cameras couldn’t get enough of Venus. She decided to attend three parties in two nights and let them flash away. When a reporter asked her about her long absence, Monica told them a convincing story about grieving over her husband’s death and left it at that. But Monica knew one party where she had to make an impression: Lavinia Walker’s candlelight soiree. She knew that Anton was an acquaintance of hers and she wanted to make an entrance, so she and her sister dressed to impress.

  Nikki wore a glittering-silver floor-length dress with a thigh-high slit while Monica selected a sweeping gown made out of embroidered damask, with flowing sleeves and built-in strapless push-up bra, which afforded a clear view of her cleavage. Both women sported elegantly designed twenty-four karat gold jewelry. While Nikki selected a pair of transparent three-inch-high heels, Monica decided on a pair of two-inch strapless black patent leather heels and a pair of off-black patterned silk stockings.

  Fortunately, it was a small, private affair with only fifty guests, so Monica didn’t have to deal with the media and lots of absurd questions. She knew most of the guests and they were cordial. Their curiosity was evident, but they were too well mannered to pressure her to explain more than she offered.

  No one wanted to upset her and they kept their distance.

  “Do you see him?” Nikki asked, searching the crowd.

  “No, but he’ll show up. Eventually.”

  This was how she’d first met Anton years ago. Delong had been hosting a party after a successful gallery opening and Anton had attended. She remembered that his handshake was a bit too soft, his eyes too hard. She knew she would be able to sense he was in the room, just like any prey who understood the nature of a predator.

  “There you are, Venus,” Lavinia said, coming up to the two women. “I still can’t believe my eyes. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Monica stifled a groan. Lavinia had told her that twenty times before. “I was so worried that this evening wouldn’t be a success. I know that my parties are always a success, but you can still worry, you know, because anything can go wrong and I would hate for anything to go wrong even though I’ve given everyone strict instructions. But the fact that you’re here, here in my house—I’m sure that if the rug caught fire no one would notice.”

  “Thank you for the invitation. I’m glad to be here. I thought it was time to see my old friends again.”

  “Of course! Think of us like family. I’m too young to be your mother, of course, but think of me like an aunt. I’m here for you.” She looked at Nikki. “And you, too. The work you did on the Hampshire estate was divine. Absolutely divine. I want to talk to you about having my guest room redesigned.”

  Nikki opened her mouth to reply but Lavinia continued. “Speaking of guests, you’re not the only surprise I was to have. My husband got one of his friends to come, and although I’ve invited him for years, he’s only shown up now. And he’s especially interested in meeting you.” She motioned to someone to come over.

  Monica resisted rolling her eyes. Someone was always interested in meeting her. “Really?” she said with forced interest. “Who?”

  “JD Rozan.”

  Monica stiffened in shock. “He’s here?”

  “Funny, he had the same stunned expression when I told him about you.” She clapped her hands together in delight. “Ah, there he is. Oh drats, my husband wants to talk to me. Excuse me.” She hurried away, showing her obvious irritation at her husband’s poor timing.

  JD approached just as Lavinia was making her exit, giving Monica no means of escape. Oh, God, he was here. What was he doing here? She never thought he’d attend parties like this, but then again, she didn’t know what his other life was like away from her. She didn’t know who his friends were. What he did in his spare time. She didn’t even know where he worked. Had he brought a date with him just for the sake of appearance?

  He smiled and stretched out his hand. “Hello, I’m JD Rozan.”

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Monica replied, struggling to keep her voice neutral. It was the first time she’d seen him without the shield of her tinted lens. She didn’t know his brown eyes were so clear, his skin like burnished velvet. As he cast his eye over her with masculine appreciation, a part of her was thrilled and another part shriveled up. Would he recognize anything about her?

  “This is my sister, Nikki.”

  JD redirected his attention to her. “Nikki Dupree, right?”

  “Yes,” her sister said, surprised that he’d recognized her.

  “Lavinia was telling me about the work you’ve done on the Hampshire estate and I’d really like to talk to you about a job. I have a farmhouse in Georgia I’d like to make some minor changes to.”

  “A farmhouse?” Nikki said, sending Monica a curious look.

  “Yes, I—”

  “Lavinia said you wanted to see me,” Monica cut in.

  “Yes, sorry,” JD said with a sheepish grin. “I don’t want to take up your time.” He released a long breath. “Wow. You’re more beautiful in person than I imagined.”

  Monica held back a sigh. She’d hoped he would have been more creative than that. “Thank you.” Soon he’d be complimenting her on her eyes and hair.

  “But something’s missing.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  He pulled out a velvet attaché and held up a necklace. “I think this would be perfect.”

  Nikki gasped. “That looks just like—”

  “It’s lovely,” Monica interrupted. She knew her sister recognized the pattern Monica had mimicked from their great-great-grandmother.

  JD lifted a questioning brow. “May I?”

  Monica nodded, and as he fastened the clasp around her neck, Nikki sent her sister a look and mouthed “Where did he get that?” Monica shook her head in a plea for her to leave it alone.

  “There,” JD said with a satisfied smile. “Now you’re perfect.”

  “It’s exquisite,” Nikki said. “Where did you get it?”

  “My girlfriend made it. She makes one-of-a-kind jewelry. She’s already designed pieces for the actress Lana Davis, her royal highness Princess Denya and Julia Conrad, the new wife of multibillionaire David RH Conrad. Her popularity is quickly growing.” He handed Nikki a card.

  Nikki glanced down at it. “The Silver Stone?”

  Monica could only stare at him. Here he was at an exclusive party surrounded by important people, and he was selling her jewelry? Then it hit her. This was how Anton had found her—through her jewelry. JD must have shown her designs to several important people and led Anton right to her.

  “Did I say something wrong?” JD said, concerned. “You have a strange look on your face.”

  Monica quickly gathered her thoughts. “No. I’m just amazed by your girlfriend’s skill.”

  “Yes, she’s a magician. What she does will shock you.”

  Nikki sniffed. “You have no idea.”

  Monica nudged her.

  JD licked his lip, taking her back to the first day he’d done that. She remembered the first time she’d been mesmerized by his full bottom lip, and now she knew what it tasted like. Her heart cried out to tell him the truth, but her mouth stayed stubbornly silent. “You once modeled my mother’s creations,” JD said, “and I was wondering if you would be interested in doing the same for The Silver Stone. I promise to make it worth your while. I contacted your agent, but she said you weren’t accepting any new projects right now.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a silky tone. “I’m hoping I can do something to convince you to change your mind.”

  “You’ve done well so far. I’ll call you.”

  “Great. Now I’ll leave you two.” JD offered a brief smile then left.

  “What’s going on?” Nikki demanded in a low voice.

  “I don’t—” Monica’s cell phone rang. She swore and quickly turned it off before JD heard the distinctive sound. She
’d been carrying it with her, just in case he called, to assure him that things were okay at the farmhouse. She knew that he would come if he thought anything was wrong, but she’d forgotten to put it on vibrate.

  JD came back toward them, puzzled. “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” Monica said.

  “I could have sworn I heard…” He shook his head. “Nothing.” He glanced away. “I guess I’m missing her more than I thought,” he said to no one in particular.

  Nikki glanced at Monica then said, “Is something wrong?”

  “I’ve been trying to reach my girlfriend all day and I just get a busy tone. I hope she’s all right.”

  Monica plastered on a smile. “I’m sure she is.”

  “She lives alone in the country. Anything can happen.”

  “It’s late. She’s probably in bed.”

  “Yes.” He took a deep breath. “It’s just that every time I’m happy, something—”

  “I’m sure she’s fine and she’ll be happy to know you’ve been thinking about her.”


  “Will you excuse me for a moment?” Monica asked.

  “Of course.”

  Monica hurried into the bathroom. Nikki followed close behind. “Okay, things are getting really weird. Who is that guy?”


  “I know his name. I mean, who is he to you? Why does he have your jewelry, and what’s this about a girlfriend in the country?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Nikki pounded her hand on the sink. “Then make it simple or I’m going to go and ask him.”

  “Can’t you just trust me?”

  “No. Now tell me what’s going on. You nearly fainted when you saw him. Does he have anything to do with Anton?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “But he’s not supposed to be here.”

  “Okay, so who is he and why does he have a necklace that looks just like one of your designs?”

  Monica glanced up at the ceiling. “I’ve been seeing him.”


  “As Monica Dulane. He thinks I’m a small-town jewelry maker. I’ve been wearing a disguise.”

  “Must have been one helluva disguise.”

  “It was. I could have fooled you.”

  “Well, he obviously loves you…uh…Monica Delaney.”


  Nikki brushed away her correction. “Like it matters. You have to tell him the truth.”

  “That I’ve lied to him all these months?”

  “He’ll understand. God, look at you. If he doesn’t understand, some other man will. You’re Venus, remember?”

  “I don’t want another man.”

  “Then go out there and let him help you. He has the money to protect you.”

  “But who will protect him?”

  “Everyone knows JD Rozan can take care of himself. His last girlfriend, Stacy Neil, even admitted in a magazine exposé to stabbing him because he helped put her father in prison. She even got a book deal out of it, but that’s another story. The point is that he’s a strong man. Tell him about Anton.”

  Monica wanted to. She knew that once JD got over the deception, he would help her. Then she thought about the fight in the alley. How he loved to win. He wouldn’t just find Anton. He’d want to destroy him and in the process might be destroyed. “No, I have to handle Anton myself.”


  “Because Anton will stop at nothing.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He killed my husband.”

  Chapter 16

  Nikki stared at her sister, dumbfounded. “You think Delong was murdered?”

  “I know he was. There’s no proof, and to others it appeared that his death was an accident or suicide. His cancer was in remission and some speculated that his cancer had come back and he couldn’t face it. But that wasn’t it. He was in good health and looking forward to the future. He wouldn’t have left me like that, and he didn’t have accidents. He was very careful. Anton orchestrated it. I overheard him talking to one of the guardians, I mean my captors, that he’d offered Delong over two million dollars just to spend some time alone with me. Delong refused and Anton felt insulted, as if Delong didn’t think he was good enough for me, so he took him out of the picture. He knew I had few ties and that I traveled so frequently that no one would suspect anything when I disappeared.”

  “You’re right. Initially people wondered where you were, but we all assumed you went into seclusion, and soon everyone lost interest.”

  “He counted on that. Nikki, he’s a dangerous man.”

  “So what are you going to do about JD?”

  He was a complication. She had to reassure him that things were all right. “I have an idea.” She opened her cell phone and dialed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ll see,” she said then lightened her voice when JD picked up the line. “Hello, darling.”

  “Monica? I’ve been trying to reach you.”

  She wanted to rush out of the bathroom and into his arms and tell him everything, but she had to be strong. For his sake. “I know. I’ve been busy.”

  “What are you doing right now?”

  She glanced around, searching for an idea. “I just finished taking a bath.”

  “One day that’s going to be something we do together.”

  Monica glanced at her sister and blushed. She decided to change the subject. “You sound like you’re at a party.”

  “Yes, I am, and I have some good news for you.”


  “Venus is wearing one of your necklaces.”

  “Venus, the top model? I thought she’d gone into seclusion.”

  “She’s not anymore.”

  “Is she beautiful?”

  “She’s gorgeous. How would you like a trip to the city?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Darling, I know you’re shy, but you can’t miss this opportunity.”

  “JD, stop thinking business and just enjoy the party.”

  “I’ll try.” He hesitated. “Are things okay with you? I got a strange call from Treena.”

  Monica cringed. She didn’t need Treena worrying about her, too. “I was just telling her that I thought I’d seen evidence of another dogfight. But I was wrong.”

  “I can stop by in a day or two if there’s any trouble.”

  Her heart began to race. That was the last thing she needed. “No, I’m fine. Really.”

  “How about I come just to cause some trouble?” he said in a sexy, playful tone.

  “Another time. Oh, I have to take something out of the oven.”

  “I guess I’ll let you go.”

  “Yes, good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Monica put the cell phone back in her purse and Nikki shook her head. “You’re never going to get away with this.”

  “I need it to work, just for tonight.”

  The two women left the bathroom.

  “There you are!” Lavinia said, grabbing Nikki by the arm. “I have to get your opinion on my new chaise longue.” She dragged Nikki away, leaving Monica alone to mingle with the rest of the crowd. After an hour she slipped into the hallway for some space away from the stares and questions. That’s when she saw him. He was at the far end of the hallway. She could see how the light glinted off his glasses. He moved toward her and the light illuminated his features.

  “Hello, Venus,” Anton said.

  Monica froze.

  “Don’t look so surprised. You knew I’d come. I’m surprised you didn’t notice me sooner. I’ve been watching you all evening. Watching you with different people, especially Rozan. Funny how he talks about his little jewelry maker Monica all the time.”

  “What do you want?”

  Anton’s gaze traveled the length of her. “You know what I want.”

  You’re not going to get it. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  “No, I’m not
worried about that.” He turned and stared at the elegantly lit crowd inside the ballroom.

  Monica saw his gaze focus on JD. “You leave him alone.”

  Anton grinned. “Is that some kind of threat?”

  “It’s a warning.”

  “Nothing will happen, if you behave yourself.”

  “I have nothing to offer you. You have everything a man could hope for.”

  Anton shook his head. “No, not everything. I don’t have a wife.”

  Monica’s mouth fell open. Of everything she’d expected, she hadn’t expected that. “What?”

  “I’ve reached the age where I’m ready to settle down.” His voice deepened to huskiness and he lightly fingered her hair. “From the first moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. No other woman has burned in my heart and mind. I need you. I want you. I love you and I have to have you. Marry me and I’ll let all the others go. You’ll have anything your heart desires.”

  “And if I don’t marry you?”

  “People will get hurt.” He held out a piece of cloth. It was the hem of one of Lola’s signature West African dresses. The look of horror on Monica’s face made him smile. “It’s your choice.”

  Monica took the cloth and traced her finger over the pattern. At least she was still alive, but for how long?

  “You know where I’ll be. Meet me there in two hours.” He glanced at JD. “Don’t forget to say goodbye,” he said then left.

  Monica continued to stare at the cloth. She held Lola’s life in her hand, and the other women were still trapped. He wanted to marry her and then they would be set free. If she didn’t…

  She shoved the cloth into her purse then went and found her sister.

  “I have to go.”

  “You saw him?” Nikki guessed, reading her sister’s troubled face.

  “Yes. I’ll take a taxi.”

  “No, let me go with you.”

  “I have to do this alone.” She wouldn’t let anyone risk their life for her again.

  Nikki hugged her. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” Monica dashed into the hallway, ordered a cab and got her coat. She exited the grand house and waited outside in the circular driveway where two valets were on a smoke break, waiting for the taxicab that had been summoned.


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