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The Psyche Diver Trilogy: Demon Hunters

Page 43

by Baku Yumemakura

  “She’s fine until you get close, then she goes mad.”

  “Begging you to fuck her, right?”

  “Indeed,” Biku answered.

  Renobo had readily told them Kukai’s location, but nothing else. And they already had a good idea of the general location from what Toyama had said. If they questioned her about Kurogosho, she clamped her mouth shut. They could have tried to force her, but they knew it would be hard to get her to speak. She had given them information on Kukai’s sokushinbutsu to ensure her own safety, believing that they would keep her alive as long as Kurogosho remained in possession of Kukai.

  But Fuminari had no interest in Kukai. His only motivation was gaining Hanko’s head. On top of that, he doubted Kurogosho would ever trade for Kukai, even to get Renobo back. But he might trade Hanko for her. Fuminari considered the idea. Kurogosho and Enoh would hardly keep Kukai in the same place forever, especially now Biku and Fuminari knew where it was. That much was clear.

  The true purpose of Biku’s call had been to confirm that Kurogosho was there in person. That he was there meant that Hanko and Kukai would be there too. It was easy to move Kukai, but it would require time to move a Psyche Converter. And they would not want to move Kukai each time their location was blown, just as they would prefer not to keep him in a single location indefinitely. Fuminari and Biku were not police. That they knew the location did not necessarily mean anything.

  That was Biku’s reading. He had given them four days, believing that Kurogosho would not attempt to move Kukai during that period. He understood that there was little chance that Kurogosho would accept the conditions he had laid out—trading Renobo for Kukai—and so his plan was to infiltrate Kurogosho’s residence before the four days were up. He would attempt to steal Kukai back. Renobo was a ticket to help things run smoothly, a trump card if things went wrong.

  He remembered what Enoh had told Renobo when they had captured her—tell them where Kukai is. He would not have said that without good reason; so they were either planning to move Kukai, or lure them in to settle things. Kurogosho had spoken on the phone, but it was too early to conclude that Kukai was there.

  It was probably a trap to finish them off. They might arrive only to find Kukai and Kurogosho gone, with the Shinmeikai armed and waiting in their place. It was an obvious possibility, and the location, remote in the mountains, was perfect for a showdown—for either side.

  But Fuminari was not concerned with Kukai, he wanted Hanko. He had no interest in what happened to Kukai, as long as he could satisfy his debt. And he was willing to use Renobo as leverage to achieve the goal. He had a plan of his own—to escape with Renobo. He would offer her to Kurogosho in exchange for Hanko.

  He wanted more than a simple exchange of bodies. He would demand a one-on-one battle. He believed they would grant him that, at least. If he lost, he would die. If they agreed, the fight would likely be staged before the rest of Panshigaru, so he would die, even if he won. But there would be closure. He felt no debt or obligation to Biku. Even if he had, it would mean nothing. Theirs was only a temporary partnership, a mutual convenience and nothing else.

  Ryoko got up and began to empty the supplies from the paper bag. She carried some to the fridge in the kitchen.

  “What’s wrong?” Biku asked Fuminari, catching the man’s heavy expression.

  “Nothing, nothing at all,” Fuminari answered.

  Biku chuckled, a faint grin forming over his crimson lips.


  “You’re a bad liar, Fuminari.”

  “The fuck?”

  “I can’t tell what it is you’re planning, but it’s obvious you’re hiding something.”

  “And what if I am?”

  “It’s fine.”


  “Everyone is entitled a secret or two. More importantly, wouldn’t you agree…”

  “Agree what?”

  “…that it’s about time for us to be moving on? I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing.”

  “Sure. We should go back to Tokyo, or a motel somewhere.”

  “Great. I might make an initial survey around the Megami Lake tomorrow. A contact of mine in Tokyo seems to think it’s possible to contact the architect that designed the residence. If so, I can obtain the blueprints. We can cross-reference the plans with Renobo’s description.” Biku glanced down, then got up. “I’m going to shower. I’ll check in on the lusty hag before I sleep.”


  It was 2:00 a.m.—the dead of night.

  Fuminari opened his eyes slowly. A bluish-black darkness filled his vision. Streams of moonlight filtered through the window and the treetops outside. There was a light wind, a rustling of leaves. He kept still. Ryoko slept to his side, he could feel her bare arm on his. It was a point of warmth, like a soft flame. Her chest rose and fell in a gentle wave. It rose again, keeping a constant rhythm. Fuminari concentrated, monitoring the pattern of her breathing. She was in a deep sleep. He had made sure to spend time with her before she had fallen asleep, to attend to her with his tongue, lips and fingers. She had fallen asleep naked.

  He moved a little, watching for a reaction. Her breathing remained unchanged. A motionless wind entered the bed, coming between them as he eased himself out of the sheets. The room was cold from the night on the plateau. The chill pressed against the bare flesh of his huge frame. He could still feel Ryoko’s warmth, her smell. He gathered his underwear up and put it on. Then he pulled on his jeans and camouflage shirt. He grabbed a few other things and slid a brown envelope from under the bed. He placed it on the sheets where he had been.

  For a while there had been a faint voice, coming from under his feet. A ghost-like sound, a sobbing from below the ground. It was Renobo.



  Where are my men..?

  I need you…

  I need you here…

  Fill me…

  Stick it into me…




  Let me suck you…



  The muttering was endless. The voice was like an icy hand, chilling as it stroked his spine.

  “Uh huh,” Fuminari’s thick lips curved subtly.

  He turned the doorknob in his hand. It made a quiet, metallic sound. He eased the door open and exited to the corridor. He made his way down the stairs, his heavy frame hardly making a sound. There was a tiny creaking of the floorboards. Then he was outside the room.


  Fuck me…


  Let me suck you…

  He inserted the key. Another small sound. The voice faltered. He inched the door open.


  He sensed her swallow her breath as he slipped into the room. Here too, moonlight seeped through the window.

  “Fuminari, is it you?”

  The voice was hoarse, broken. He stood there in silence. The old woman was tied to the bed near the window, facing upwards in one of Ryoko’s dresses. Her face was lined with deep wrinkles, obvious under the moonlight. It was a grotesque sight. She stared at him with eyes like damp chasms. Gone was any resemblance to Renobo the seductress. She had become a spent and tattered old hag.

  “Hee, hee!” She made a strange sound. Something like joy crossed her features.

  She showed her teeth. They alone remained white, as before. “You’ve come for me at last, Fuminari,” she said, her hoarse croaking song-like. “You’re here! Good. Take me, however you want. Don’t be shy. Fuck me for as long as you wish.” Her voice was a whisper.

  It was ugly to behold—her broken voice still held traces of that horrific, cloying lust.

  Fuminari approached slowly. She was tied so that her legs were apart, wrists and ankles bound to the bedposts, waist strapped to the frame. There was a little give, allowing her some mobility.

  Fuminari came to a stop at the bedside. He pushed his left hand up
the skirt of her dress. She swallowed heavily, eyes stretching wide. She was naked underneath. Fuminari pressed his thick index finger into her crotch. She was already wet. He drew himself closer, bringing his face directly above hers.

  “There we are,” his lips lifted a fraction.

  He pushed his finger inside her, up to the first joint. Renobo’s yellowed eyes seemed to melt, become buried under folds of skin. Fuminari stopped there.

  “We can do this as much you want.”

  He pushed further, up to the second joint. He felt a hot wetness clamp tightly around the thick digit. It was incredible. Her insides compressed like they were trying to chew off his finger, like it was caught in the jaw of a ravenous, toothless creature. His finger was sucked in to the base. She was staring at him, mouth twisted in a v-shape.

  “See, I don’t lie,” she whispered.

  Hot breath gusted over him. Her magnetism was phenomenal, it was as though liquid seduction oozed from between her wrinkles.

  “You stick your viper in here and I’ll fix it in no time.” Her red tongue darted over her lips.

  If it were capable, his finger would have ejaculated. Fuminari fixed her with a sly grin, then pulled his finger out.

  “What are you doing?” Renobo’s voice sharpened.

  “Keep quiet. I said I’d do it, but later.”

  “You fucking…”

  “I’m leaving this place, you’re coming with me,” he said.


  “If things go to plan, I’ll even return you to Kurogosho.”

  He stabbed his fingers into her again, two this time. Her eyes flew wide and she let out a shrill howl. Fuminari covered her mouth with his other hand. His large fingers went in easily. The same force clamped tightly over them.

  Her eyes rolled white and she began to push her hips into him. The bedsprings creaked softly in the darkness. Fuminari began to withdraw his fingers, keeping his other hand over her mouth. Renobo shook her head in protest. Fingers clear and with her mouth still covered, he waited for her jerking to subside before continuing.

  “We continue this, but later.”

  He peered down, looking for her assent. She nodded under his hand. He began to untie her ropes with his other hand. Then he slowly withdrew the hand from her mouth. She screamed out loud.

  “Biku! Fuminari’s trying to escape! He’s betraying you! He’s abducting me!” The words flew out in continuous succession.

  “Fuck it!” Fuminari punched the side of her face.

  “Heeee he he, Heeee he he!”

  Renobo’s red mouth opened wide as she cackled with cramped laughter. Something white was over the red of her tongue, one of her front teeth—smashed when Fuminari punched her.

  “What is this?”

  The voice came from behind. It was Biku; he stood in the doorway, passively observing. He showed no signs of having just awoken. He had known Fuminari’s plan. He had probably been behind the door for a while.

  “This shitbag Fuminari comes in saying he’s going to abduct me! That he wants to fuck me, this old bat, just him and me. Heeee he hee!” Again, the cramped laughter. She sounded like she was on the verge of insanity.

  “Biku, I’m taking this hag with me,” Fuminari growled.

  Biku’s expression was the same as always. “May I ask why?”

  “She’s coming with me!” Fuminari roared, responding to Biku’s cool voice.


  Fuminari said nothing. He dropped instead into a fighting stance, feeling a thirst for blood surge through him.

  “It pains me to say this, but I can’t let you do that.”

  Biku extended his right hand out before him, lowering his center of gravity as he did. Neither was within striking range, but the gap could be closed in the blink of an eye.

  “I knew it would come to this eventually,” Fuminari said, metering the air in his lungs.

  “Must it be now?”

  “I’m gonna rip off those lips and ram them up your fucking nose. Any discussion can be done after that!”

  Before he had even finished the sentence Fuminari had closed the space between them. He kicked up from the floor, sending his right foot flying in a vertical arc towards Biku’s crotch. His foot blurred with power enough to punch straight through Biku’s hip, pushing shattered bone through his lower abdomen if it connected.

  “Hyaa!” Biku expelled a sharp breath and took to the air, dodging backwards. As he did so, the tip of Fuminari’s foot scratched against his abdomen. Biku’s head flicked to the side the instant before Fuminari’s foot would have connected with his jawbone. The motion was made in mid-air, while he jumped backwards. The attack brushed past his ear as Fuminari’s leg continued to arc towards the ceiling. Biku’s hair shot up, creating an audible rush of air. Fuminari’s leg continued upwards, with Biku now below it. Fuminari reversed his attack, bringing his leg down towards Biku’s head, pivoting with his knee to accelerate. If his heel connected, it would break Biku’s neck.

  Biku was quicker. He slammed his elbow upwards, aiming for the joint underneath Fuminari’s knee as the leg came down. In the same moment he formed the fingers of his left hand into a blade, striking towards Fuminari’s exposed crotch—fast enough to cut through to the man’s anus. The elbow strike would dislocate Fuminari’s knee.

  Fuminari pivoted, moving sideways and twisting his upper body to avoid the attacks. Biku’s elbow shot through thin air. His hand shot out behind Fuminari’s back.

  It was over in the blink of an eye.

  Just as the two readied themselves again the room was rocked with a high-pressured explosion of energy, an extraordinary force coming from the window. Something massive reared up to block the view—a distorted shadow. Fuminari felt a thrill rush down his spine.


  The window imploded just as Fuminari roared. An ear-splitting explosion sent shards of glass flying into the room. At the same time, a thick arm came through the gap and grabbed the frame towards the top of the bed.

  “Heeee he he, Heeee he he!” Renobo wailed with shrill laughter.

  The bed was being hoisted upwards, pulled so that the head was partway through the window. Fuminari leapt at it without a moment’s thought. He grabbed one of the wooden legs being dragged across the floor and the bed stopped moving. It was already halfway through the window, but Fuminari’s strength matched that of his opponent. The bed began to creak, wood splintering as both forces struggled to gain the upper hand. Fuminari’s shoulder muscles pulled tight, arms bulging like steel wires under the short sleeves of his shirt. Then Biku was there with a mountain knife in his hands, cutting the ropes that held Renobo down. She was laughing maniacally. Fuminari untied the rope from around her ankles and body so that Biku only had to cut the rope around her wrists. It came free.

  Fuminari roared, flashing teeth as the thick timber of the bed began to crack under the immense forces pulling at it; then there was a sharp crack and the whole assembly began to split in two. It came loudly apart. Renobo fell to the ground, Biku scooped her over his shoulder.

  “We’re getting out of here…it’s not just Hanko out there.”

  He was already sprinting for the door.

  “Fuck it!”

  The force tugging at the bed was suddenly gone. Fuminari charged after Biku. He saw Renobo, slumped over Biku’s shoulder and folded at the waist with her head over his back. She was laughing. Laughing, and screaming.

  “Come on Biku, come on and fuck me! Biku!” She reached down, pushing her hand in between his buttocks. “You’re Tachikawa, right? Come on! Let me suck on your cock.” She was already moaning.

  The door led them to the living room where the lights were on. Ryoko was halfway down the stairs, naked except for Fuminari’s hemp sweater. The fabric stopped above her knees. The gap for the head was too big, making it look like it might slip off at any time. She looked sexy as hell. She was holding the brown envelope Fuminari had left for in one hand. She was staring w
ith wide eyes as Fuminari burst out from Renobo’s room.

  “What’s going on?”

  “They’re here!” he yelled.

  The living room windows exploded. The curtains prevented the glass shards from coming in, causing them to hit the floor with a dry clatter. A gun came through the shadows behind the fabric.

  “The lights!” Fuminari shouted, diving for the wall-switch below the stairs.

  The gunshots came as the lights went out, ripping through the darkness. A bullet hit the wall next to where Fuminari had just flipped the switch. He was already tumbling over the floor. Two more bullets impacted the same place. They had seen him as he killed the lights.

  He came out of his roll next to Ryoko and pulled her under him. They would not aim for Biku while he was carrying Renobo. That left him and Ryoko.

  “To the garage!” Biku shouted.

  Through the kitchen. A door led to the garage from there, and the garage would still be locked. Fuminari cut across the kitchen, holding Ryoko close. He crossed the door to the garage and shut it behind him. There was no lock to it, but it would buy them time. Whoever was outside would be unfamiliar with the house. They would have to first find the kitchen lights, then the door. There might be enough time for them to get moving. The Land Cruiser was there, doors open. Renobo was thrashing about, keeping Biku from getting in the driver’s seat.

  “I’ll drive!”

  Fuminari pushed past Biku and hurled Ryoko into the driver’s seat.

  “Unlock the passenger door and get in the back!” Fuminari yelled to her.

  He pushed her out of the way and jumped into the driver’s seat. Then he pulled the choke and turned the key—already there—to start the vehicle. The 3168CC diesel engine burst into life with a deep roar, sending out a cloud of black fumes. The engine rumbled, thunderous like the howling of an enormous creature, shaking the vehicle like a carnivorous predator. Fuminari floored the accelerator. Power surged through the vehicle’s frame, ready to charge at any moment. The choke was still out.

  “The door!” Biku shouted, now in the passenger seat.

  “Who needs it!?”

  He shifted into reverse and set the lever to the lowest, most powerful setting. The lights in the kitchen came on. Renobo was howling.


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