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Star Force: Paradigm (SF35)

Page 10

by Aer-ki Jyr

  “There’s a ruling family of lizards, which we’re referring to as Templars and Sovereigns…the latter is an upgrade, physically as well as rank. They rule the overall empire, while the genetically grown versions deal with local matters. That’s how they keep from having rogue systems splitting off from the whole.”

  “Back up, you said ‘family’ and not genetically grown?”

  “Live births…or, well, as far as eggs go. They maintain a bloodline rather than genetically growing what they need. But that’s not the big thing she discovered.”

  “No?” Emily asked, finding that rather significant.

  “She got a glimpse of their overall battle plan. They’re not aggressively gobbling up every system they can get their hands on, they’re being patient. Very, very patient.”

  “Since when?”

  “They’re toying with us and the Alliance while they build. They’re master builders, and the combat on the frontier is a diversion away from their other worlds. As time goes on those worlds level up through a tiered system, unlocking bigger and better tech, some of which we’re going to have huge problems with. They’re far more powerful than even the Alliance knows, and instead of rushing ahead and bleeding themselves dry, they’re building more than they lose, and they never stop building. Every year that passes all of their untouched worlds get stronger.”

  Emily was silent for a moment.

  “Sounds like they’re playing the same game we are.”

  “Except their ultimate goal is to spread across the galaxy and keep on going.”

  “Good luck with the V’kit’no’sat.”

  “True, but from their point of view they are the rightful inheritors of everything and they have to dispossess the squatters. They’re not doing this in self-defense or because of a grudge…they’re purposefully trying to dominate everything and everyone. And by dominate, I mean kill just about everyone else, save where they can find a use for slaves.”

  “What about the Nestafar?”

  “They screwed up big time.”

  “Serves them right,” Emily said, thinking hard. “Where does that leave us?”

  “I’ve only talked to a handful of the others, but from here on out we’re going rogue. The Alliance is doomed, and while we’ll honor our commitments and help out where we can, that avenue to victory has always been a mirage. If we’re going to survive the storm that’s coming we have to do it on our own.”

  “I don’t follow how we’re better off alone than with the Alliance.”

  “We have something they don’t.”

  “The pyramid,” Emily said, catching on.

  “We have to upgrade past the lizards and establish a strong hold on our territory. We have to build a wall so strong the lizards can’t get in no matter how many trillions they throw at us. Wasting resources going to the aid of our allies would diminish our ability to build that wall in the time we have remaining.”

  “How much time are you figuring?”

  “Maybe a century, it’s hard to tell. Depends how much of a pain in the ass we are to them.”

  “So we should stop making raids?”

  “No, odd as it sounds. We do that and we’ll invite an escalation. If we keep them on the defensive they’ll wonder how strong we are and hold back until they’re ready. If they perceive us as weak they’ll try to expand into us and grab as many worlds as they can, then push on further letting those worlds level up while we’re distracted on other battlefronts.”

  “So they’re fighting on a bluff out here?”

  “Out here, yes. They don’t have the strength to hold as many worlds as they take, and rely on intimidation to shield them from counterattack. But go further back into their territory and they’re sitting on an enormous fleet and resource base.”

  “So they’re just playing with us, letting their JV get some experience?”

  “They don’t consider us or the Alliance to be a credible threat, and haven’t gone all in as a result. If they ever do, watch out.”

  “If we’re going to build this virtual wall, does that mean we stop sending fleets off to fight the Nestafar?”

  “We’re working on a plan for that now, and the answer is no. We keep fighting the Nestafar and aiding the Calavari…just with a slightly different agenda. Sara named it Operation Conduit, and I’d like your input before we send a draft back to Corneria.”

  “Not one of your projects then?”

  “Not directly, no, though it will require cooperation across multiple star systems and fleets. I’m staying here and keeping the lizards busy, distracting them while they’re distracting us,” Paul said ironically.

  “You’ve got me curious. What’s the gist of it?”



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