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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

Page 2

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Are you sure the other SEALs won’t mind me joining you tonight?” Emma asked.

  “You worry too much,” Vi said. “They’ll enjoy meeting you and accept you right into the group, as they have me.”

  “Yes, but you're married to one of them.”

  Vi grinned. “Maybe we can find a nice SEAL husband for you.”

  “Relax,” said Vi’s husband, who went by the handle Hawke. “Enjoy yourself.”

  Emma smiled and took a deep breath as they entered the crowded room. Several men waved at Hawke from across the room. He guided the women around the dance floor and to the tables someone had pulled together to make one.

  “About time you got here,” Kijika said. Without commenting on Emma’s unexpected presence, he stood and pulled another chair up to the table by the two they’d already saved for Hawke and Vi.

  Hawke introduced Emma.

  “It’s nice to meet you, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to remember all your names. At least not at first,” Emma said.

  “That’s all right. Just don’t ask the guys their nicknames or it gets very confusing,” Caroline advised from where she sat by her husband, Matthew, better known as Wolf.

  They’d just ordered drinks when one of the men said, “I don’t believe my eyes.”

  Everyone glanced toward the door, and Emma was surprised to see Captain Buchanan headed toward the table. Immediately, a seat was emptied for him.

  “Don’t get up, Cookie. I can sit anywhere.”

  “No, Captain. It’s a special night when you can join us, so sit at the head of the table.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I don’t get here more often, but I didn’t go up in the mountains today. My Mom is taking Melissa to a play. I’ll join them tomorrow.”

  “Whatever the reason, it’s great to see you,” Bear said. The men and women all raised their drinks in a salute.

  Emma noticed a slight flush on the Captain’s cheeks. It was clear his men thought a great deal of him.

  He noticed her and smiled. “Welcome to our group, Emma.” The captain raised his glass, and the others followed.

  She felt the heat of a blush on her cheeks. She was relieved when the waitress came back to get more drink and food orders. Conversation hummed around the table. Emma enjoyed listening and watching as the group talked and laughed. When the band started playing, most of the men got up to dance with their wives.

  The captain rose from his chair and approached hers. “May I have this dance?”

  “Yes, uh,” she flushed as she realized she didn’t quite know what to call him. “Captain Buchanan. Thank you.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “It’s Niall.”

  On the dance floor, Niall put his arms around her, and she felt her face heat again. The music was slow, and she was aware of his strong body close to hers.

  “How do you like San Diego so far?”

  “It’s very large, and the traffic is a bit scary, but I’m sure I’ll acclimate soon.”

  “You appear to be a resourceful lady. I’d expect you will, but I also hope you like the area.”

  She’d been staring at his chest and now looked up. His eyes were hazel and when he smiled, she felt warmth spread throughout her body.

  His strong arms pulled her tighter against him as they continued to stare at each other. When the music changed to a fast number, she blinked and looked around.

  “I believe the waitress brought our food to the table. Shall we go eat?”

  “Yes, I’m hungry.”

  He kept his hand at the back of her waist. Her body reacted to his every touch. What is happening to me? I never react like this towards a man. I’m cool and collected.

  When they got to her chair, he turned Emma to face him. “Would you mind if I move you to sit up beside me?”

  Stunned by his question, she hesitated.

  “She’d love to move and not be sitting between all of us,” Vi said.

  Emma turned. She noticed most of the others had followed them off the dance floor. “I’d be pleased to move up to the end of the table.”

  Niall’s grin and the twinkle in his eye had her forgetting about all the others around them.

  Niall surprised himself when he asked Emma to join him. He placed her plate where Ranger had been sitting. Ranger moved over beside Hawke.

  Once they were seated, Niall studied the first woman who’d aroused his interest since losing his wife. What was it about Emma? She was attractive, and he liked a woman who was a bit taller than most. He’d danced with many of the women his friends urged on him in the last year or so, but he’d had no desire to pull any of them closer.

  I like that she still blushes, and there’s a gentleness about her.

  Seeing she’d ordered a hamburger, he said, “Aces is known for its burgers and fries. Next time, if you like Reuben sandwiches, those are delicious, too.”

  “I will try one on my next visit.” She glanced down the table at the large group. “Are all these men on the same team?”

  “No. Matthew, better known as Wolf, is the leader of one team, and Jackson, known as Bear, is the leader of the other team here tonight. All the teams are close, but these two like to spend more time together. When in town, they often arrange activities they can all enjoy.”

  “I think I understand. After what you and the teams must go through, it’s a way of letting off steam. I’d guess also celebrating the life they have at home, and that they completed their work and arrived back safely.”

  “You’re a smart woman. I don’t think I’ve heard our ritual night out, when we get back from a mission, explained better. You’re blushing again.”

  “I doubt I blushed nearly as much at home. But I knew everyone there and had for years.”

  “I never had a chance to live in a small town. My Dad was an engineer, and most of his jobs were in big cities. He might go somewhere else at times to fix a problem, but his main base was in places like Denver and Seattle. Once we lived in New York.”

  “We come from very different backgrounds.”

  “I guess we do,” he said. “After I retire, I think I might like a place a bit smaller.”

  “Your men said you spend most of your off time in the mountains with your mother.”

  “She lives in a beautiful spot.”

  “How about your Dad?”

  “He died.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Your parents still live in your hometown?”

  “Yes. They’ve been pushing me to jump out and fly away. They wanted me to see more of the world.”

  “Smart people.”

  “You think so? If you had children, would you want them to spread their wings?”

  He glanced down the table. “I don’t know.” He studied her for a moment. “I have a daughter. My mother takes care of her. That’s the main reason I go to the mountains as often as possible when home.”

  “Oh, how lovely. How old is she?”

  “Melissa turned four last month.” He pulled out his cell phone and showed her a picture. “Here she is with my mother.”

  “She’s beautiful.” Emma looked up at him. “She must take after her mother.”

  He laughed. “Fortunately, yes. Her mother had green eyes and red hair. Melissa’s eyes are green, but her hair is more auburn than red. I lost her mother when Melissa was born.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss.” Emma put her hand on his. “I’m sure the last four years must have been very difficult.”

  “It’s gotten better. Having Melissa has helped. Morgan was so excited about having a baby. Part of my sadness is her not getting to see the beautiful daughter we have grow up and as an adult. He grimaced. “I don’t usually talk to anyone about this. My family and friends already know. You are easy to talk to.”

  “I’m glad you trusted me enough to share this with me.”

  He nodded and finished his meal. The music had started again. “Would you like to danc
e? I’m a bit rusty, but I’ve always enjoyed dancing.”

  Her easy smile captivated him. “A rare male to admit he likes dancing. I definitely will dance with you.”

  Ranger leaned close to Hawke. “What’s happening to the Captain? I’ve never seen him dance this much with one woman and they talked a lot while eating.”

  “He’s met her before. They seem comfortable with each other. Still, you’re right. He’s giving her more attention than anyone since Morgan died.”

  “Who’s Morgan?” Vi asked.

  “His wife. She died during childbirth about four years or so ago,” Hawke said. “He was a mess for a while. Thankfully, his daughter was okay. That’s why he seldom meets with us. He usually goes up in the mountains to visit his Mom and his daughter when he’s in town.”

  “Oh, how sad.”

  “Yes, but this is the first time he’s smiled and shown an interest in a woman we haven’t practically shoved under his nose. That’s good,” Ranger said.

  “I don’t know. It could be the Captain and Emma are both fragile, in a way,” Vi said. “Emma’s starting a new life and is more vulnerable than usual. I hope she doesn’t get her heart broken right after coming to the big city.”

  “Emma has a good head on her shoulders,” Hawke said. “She may be just what he needs.”

  “Maybe, but what about her? She needs a man who can love her fully,” Vi said. “Not one still mourning a dead wife.”

  Ranger shrugged. “No worries. The Captain seldom ever joins us. She’ll find a guy who’s around more.”

  “How about you, Ranger?” Hawke teased. “Have you seen that nurse lately? The one who said to put up or shut up?”

  “Nope. She’s a strong woman. When she does come here, she ignores me.” He shrugged. “It’s for the best. I’m not a marrying man.”

  Hawke let out a laugh and slapped his friend on the back. “Oh, boy. You just said the wrong words. We all thought we weren’t the marrying kind, until the right woman came around.” He smiled at his wife. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Vi said. “I like our alone time.”

  “Wave at Emma to let her know we’re ready.”

  A slow tune was finishing when Emma saw Vi wave, hold up Emma’s purse and point to the door. “My friends are ready to go. Thank you for keeping me company, Niall. I enjoyed the dances.”

  They turned and walked toward the door where Vi and Hawke waited.

  “I enjoyed the evening, too. Newlyweds,” he teased, loud enough for the couple to hear him. “They have to go home early.”

  “Yep, that’s right,” Hawke said, unbothered.

  “I’m sure we’ll meet again, Emma. I hope you keep liking San Diego.” Niall nodded and turned to rejoin the other SEALs and their women.

  As the trio left the bar, Hawke asked Emma, “Did you have a good time? I haven’t seen the Captain show a lady so much interest since his wife died.”

  “We were both alone, and he made me feel welcome. He’s a nice man.”

  “Yes, he is,” Hawke said.

  When they got to the condo, Hawke and Vi insisted on seeing her to the door. Hawke checked all the rooms. She figured constant vigilance came with being a SEAL. “Okay, it looks good. See you soon.”

  He and Vi waved and hurried down the steps.

  Emma walked to the window. She loved the sight of the city lights down below. “And yet I’m lonely. I’ve never lived by myself in a strange town. I hope this works out.” She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I’ll give it a good try.”

  Chapter 2

  Niall drove up the mountain to his mother’s place the next day. Melissa ran out to greet him as soon as she spotted his truck coming down the drive. He swung her up into his arms. “How’s my girl?”

  “Daddy, I saw ladies dancing last night! They were pretty.”

  He smiled at his mother standing in the doorway. “She’s excited.” He put Melissa down and took her hand for the short walk to the front door to hug his mom. Inside, his eyes had to adjust after coming in from the bright sunlight.

  A tall, grey-haired man stood across the room from his mother. Melissa let go of Niall’s hand and ran to him. “This is Mr. Gilbert, Grandma’s friend.”

  Niall glanced at his mother as he crossed the room and put out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  His mother walked to his side. “We thought it was time for you to meet Gil. He’s been such a help to me over the last four years, both with Melissa and things around the house.”

  “I’m sorry I’m gone so much, Mom. But I always help when I’m home.”

  “Of course you do, but Gil helps the other times.”

  Niall looked from his mother to the tall, lean man standing relaxed by her side. “Is this serious?” he asked.

  Gil put his arm around Niall’s mother. “Yes. I’d like her to marry me.”

  The words surprised and shocked Niall. “How long has this been going on?”

  His mother rolled her eyes. “Niall, you sound like my father. I’m a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions. I’ve held Gil off these last two years, but we’re getting older, and you can’t get time back.”

  “Wow, I’m just surprised. I want you to be happy, Mom.”

  “I was sure you would be. I’d hoped you’d find someone by now, but I understand it takes a while before you can get past loving someone the way you loved Morgan.”

  “You loved Dad.”

  “Yes, and he’s been gone almost six years.”

  Melissa pulled on his hand. “Come with me, Daddy. Mr. Gilbert made me a house to play in outside. It’s big.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him out the back door.

  “See, Daddy?” Melissa pointed to a small house just her size. It had real windows and one big room with many of Melissa’s toys. She walked inside, and he bent to see all the dolls she wanted to show him. When he straightened, his mother had joined them.

  “Melissa, honey, I’m going for a walk with your daddy. Holler, if you need us.”

  “Okay, Grandma.”

  His mother smiled. “She’s a happy child.”

  “You’ve done well with her.”

  “And you, too. But Melissa is getting bigger and needs a mother.”

  “Is she getting too active for you, Mom?”

  “A bit, but mainly I want to marry Gil, and we want to travel while we can. I love her dearly, but she needs a father and a mother. Hasn’t anyone piqued your interest in these past four years.”

  “No, and I guess I got complacent and let things go on longer than I should have.”

  “I want you to be happy, too. I know you enjoy being with us, but you’re a vibrant, handsome man and you need to find love again. You’re too young to live alone. Morgan would say the same.”

  “You think so?”

  “I do.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. How soon do you need me to take Melissa home with me?”

  “Let’s say in the next six months. Gil and I want to marry then and start traveling. My doctor told me my heart is not as strong as it was, and I need to relax more.”

  “Won’t traveling be tiring for you?”

  “No. We’ll go on short trips around the country, or we may fly to Europe. Whatever we do, we’ll take our time and enjoy life.”

  “I guess I’d better be thinking about how to have Melissa with me soon. It’ll be great having her at home. I’ll make plans to see she’s taken care of when I’m away. Thanks for giving me all this time, Mom.”

  She hugged him. “She’s always asking about you. You have a good bond with her and the energy to keep her busy.”

  Niall drove into his driveway Sunday afternoon. He took his overnight bag into the bedroom, put it down and looked around. He hadn’t changed anything since Morgan’s death.

  I’ve kept the whole house just the way she left it. Her mom and mine cleaned out the closets, but they didn’t touch the furniture. They’d seen him
frown when they started to make a little change.

  He walked through each room. How did he start? His cell phone rang. He answered it with more than a little relief at a reason to put off making changes.

  “I thought I’d take a chance and see if you were back,” Wolf said over the line. “We’re having a barbecue at my house. How about joining us?”

  Niall glanced around the room. He needed a break from his thoughts going around and around all weekend. He’d worried about what to do with his house and how to find someone to care for Melissa. Being around others would do him good.

  “I’ll be over shortly.”

  When Niall arrived at Wolf’s house, both Wolf’s and Bear’s teams were already there with wives or girlfriends. Ranger introduced his date to Niall as Josie.

  “You must be the nurse who’s given him a hard time. Good for you. Keep it up.”

  “Hey, you can’t take sides with her,” Ranger protested.

  “Yes, he can,” Josie said. “I intend to continue to be difficult unless he’s changed, as he says.”

  Hawke, Vi and Emma joined them. Niall stood back and let the others talk. Emma told them about her substitute teaching job.

  “I must admit to being disappointed. I didn’t expect to have a problem getting a full-time job.” She shrugged. “Hopefully, it will work out, and I won’t have to move back home.”

  “I keep telling her not to worry,” Vi said. “But she likes to be independent and pay her way, so she doesn’t listen to me.”

  “Have you done any other type of work?” Josie asked.

  “Not really. I went to college and came home and got a job right away teaching second grade.”

  “The hospital’s always looking for people. Your skills might work in some other areas.” Josie smiled. “I wouldn’t worry. I’d bet you can be creative and look for something different.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Emma said. “I might change my whole life.”

  It suddenly occurred to Niall that maybe he and Emma could help each other out. From the little she’d said, he got the impression she loved working with kids. She needed full-time work. He needed someone he could trust to care for his daughter. Of course, it would mean she’d have to move in and stay at his place when he went on missions. He’d give it some thought and get to know her better before broaching the subject.


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