The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely Page 3

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “You look deep in thought, Captain Buchanan,” Emma said.

  “Sorry. I have a bad habit of letting work thoughts creep into my mind.”

  “You have lots of responsibility.”

  “I do. Shall we join the others by the grill?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. I’m going to see if Caroline needs any help in the kitchen.”

  Emma stepped away and headed for the back door. I don’t want him to feel he has to pair up with me. He’s being nice and just trying to include me in the group. I’m afraid I might come to like him too much.

  “Hi, Caroline. Can I help?”

  “No, but thanks, Emma. I have everything under control. It was nice of you to bring the fruit salad.”

  “I didn’t want to come empty-handed.”

  “Sit, let’s have a cup of tea and get to know each other better,” Caroline said.

  “Are you certain I’m not taking up time you need for other things?”

  “I’m free to take a break.” Caroline walked to a cupboard and pulled down a beautiful teapot. “I have about six,” she explained. “I love teapots with the matching cups, and I like to use tea leaves.”

  Emma watched as Caroline got the tea started and then placed a plate with various cookies on the table. “One of the wives brought these. They’re homemade. I’m sure she won’t mind us sampling them. Our men will finish the rest up quickly.”

  Emma didn’t know how to ask the question and decided to ease into the subject. She was curious, and she really wanted to know.

  “Your husbands have very dangerous jobs. But everyone appears so happy and unconcerned.”

  “We appreciate all the time we spend together. Maybe our husbands’ jobs make us realize that no one, whatever their job, has a guarantee of how long they’ll live. We have plenty of time to worry when they’re off on a mission.”

  “That’s true and very wise.”

  “How’s the job hunting going?” Caroline asked.

  “As I told the others, not so good. I have a substitute teaching job, but that won’t be enough to meet my bills. Once I start hitting my savings too much, I’ll have to consider going home.”

  “Oh no! We can’t let that happen. We’ll all be on the look-out for a job you might like.”

  “Josie said to use my imagination and look in other directions.”

  “I like her. Ranger needs to smarten up, or another guy will see her good qualities and he’ll be left behind.”

  When the timer for the water rang, Caroline got up and poured their tea. She placed sugar and milk on the table.

  “I’m glad to have another hot tea person in the group. None of the other wives like hot tea.”

  “My mom used to play with me when I was little. We always had hot tea with my dolls.”

  “What a wonderful idea. I bet you’ll make a great mom.”

  “If I ever get the chance. Most men like me as a friend and come to me about advice regarding a girlfriend.”

  “But you knew those men all your life. Now, you’re in San Diego, a large town with many smaller ones around it. I bet someone will look at you differently.”

  “Let’s hope so. I want to be married and be a mother someday.”

  Wolf stuck his head around the door. “Food’s ready. You two better get plates before it’s all gone.”

  “That’s almost impossible with the amount you’ve cooked.” Caroline walked up to her husband and kissed him. “Come on, Emma. My husband cooks the best barbecue and the wives have brought tons of other food.”

  Emma followed them out. She saw Vi signaling to get her attention. It wasn’t until she got to Vi’s side that she noticed Captain Buchanan behind her. When he smiled, her face flushed.

  Darn it. I can’t stop blushing around Niall. What is it about him that unnerves me? I’m always in total control. I don’t like this strange reaction.

  She followed Vi and Hawke to a picnic table in the shade of a large tree. “It’s a bit warm today,” Emma said. “I thought San Diego was always cool.”

  “It will be soon,” Vi said. “I read about how the temperature was warmer this summer while I was gone. The weather doesn’t seem to want to change into fall quite yet. When it does, the nights are always nice.”

  “Can I join you,” Niall asked.

  “Sure, Captain,” Hawke and Vi both said at the same time.

  “Good.” He sat his plate close beside Emma.

  He’d had half the bench to the left of her, but he moved closer, and his arm brushed against hers. When it did, a warm glow flowed through her body.

  Niall appeared pleased with himself when his eyes met hers. Keeping her composure, Emma moved slightly to the right to put some space between them. An amused expression moved over his face.

  “Was I crowding you?” he asked softly.

  “A little,” she said and hated the shakiness she heard in her voice. Seeing they had the attention of Vi and Hawke, Emma tasted her food.

  “Everything is delicious.

  “I especially like your fruit salad,” Vi said.

  “It’s a light treat for people who don’t want dessert,” Emma said.

  Niall deliberately tasted her salad. “Delicious, but I’m having it and dessert.”

  “You men don’t have to worry,” Vi said, “with all the exercise you do each day.”

  “True,” Hawke said. “When I get old, I might end up with a big belly.”

  Vi and Emma both laughed. “No way,” said Emma. “I can’t even picture it.” For a minute she’d almost forgotten the man sitting beside her. She glanced his way. “I doubt you’ll have a problem, either.”

  “I hope not. Just because we retire doesn’t mean we stop taking care of ourselves.”

  Emma couldn’t stop herself from looking at his strong, well-muscled body. When she glanced at his face, he had a smile for her. “Do I pass muster?”

  His smooth voice sent another ripple of awareness through her. She forced her attention to her food and tried to ignore the sandalwood scent she smelled whenever he leaned close.

  “Are you looking for compliments, Captain?” She tried to give him a stern look, but feared she had failed when he grinned.

  “Just curious.” He went back to eating and talked only with Hawke and Vi until he stood to leave. “It was nice to see you again, Emma.”

  She nodded and kept eating, but she heard his chuckle as he wandered off.

  “I’ve never seen the Captain show any lady so much attention since his wife died,” Hawke said. He smiled at Emma. “I think he likes you.”

  “Please don’t tell me a big, scary SEAL is trying to get his boss and me together. Niall is a nice man and tried to make me feel at home with the group.”

  Hawke threw his head back and laughed. “You’ve got me there. I never make predictions. It must be a result of being married.” He turned to Vi. “I’ll blame it on you.”

  “Oh, look. They’re starting a game of horseshoes. Let’s go watch.” Vi got up, and Hawke and Emma followed.

  Hawke leaned down and whispered to Emma. “You couldn’t find a better man.”

  “Who are you?” Emma said and laughed, hoping Hawke wouldn’t notice her blush.

  Chapter 3

  Two Months Later

  “Emma, how’s it going?” Vi asked.

  “Not bad. I got three days of substitute teaching this week, but I can’t survive on those few hours. I’m going to start looking for some other type of work. They keep telling me I’ll have a full-time job by next year, but that’s not soon enough.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you’d have no problem.”

  “I gather teachers’ salaries here are better than many states, so their turnover rate is not as high. But California is an expensive place to live. I did better back home because of the much lower cost of living.”

  “You’re thinking of going back?”

  “Not just yet. I want to give it a good try.”


  Emma tried to sound casual as she asked, “Do you know when Hawke and his team will be home?”

  “The team arrives this afternoon. I can’t wait. It’s been a long two months.”

  “I know you’ll have a great reunion.”

  “You bet. I’ve cooked all Hawke’s favorite foods. It’s in the fridge. I doubt either of us will be hungry for food tonight.”

  “Have fun. By the way, I like the new shows you’ve been starting for the station. They’re good.

  “I’m glad after your scary problems in the Middle East and then recovering at home afterwards, that they had such a good position waiting for you.”

  “Thanks. I enjoy my new job, and I have no desire to report the news from overseas, ever again. Can we pick you up tomorrow night to go to Aces Bar and Grill?”

  “Maybe. I’ll let you know.”

  “Come on. You can’t hide out in my condo and still expect to meet a nice man.”

  “I’m not looking for one.”

  “Your nose will grow longer if you keep saying things that aren’t true. See you tomorrow night around seven-thirty.” Vi clicked off the phone before Emma had time to refuse.

  Emma grabbed her jacket and ran downstairs and out into the cool evening air. She loved to walk up and down the hilly streets just before dark. The brisk, cool weather had her taking a deep breath.

  I wish I’d been able to forget about Niall during this two months. I’m afraid I’ll end up with a broken heart, no full-time job and return home a complete failure.

  The hilly section of street leveled off in front of a mid-size shopping area. Emma hadn’t visited any of the restaurants and other variety of shops. Since she wasn’t ready to return to the empty apartment, she decided to explore the area.

  Halfway down the row of shops, customers stood in line at a soup and sandwich place. “Is their food good?” Emma asked a lady at the end of the line, just outside the door.

  “Oh, yes. The soup and sandwiches are excellent. It’s a Mom-and-Pop store, and they’ve had this place for about fifteen years.”

  “I’m new to the area. I think I’ll come back before I walk home and get my supper.”

  “You won’t regret it,” the lady said.

  Emma nodded and continued her exploring. Three doors down, she saw a dress shop and a sign in the window advertising for a seamstress. I love to sew. Maybe I’ll ask about the job. It can’t hurt.

  The woman behind the register smiled. “Can I help you look for something?”

  “I was wondering about the job listed in your window.”

  “Are you a seamstress?”

  “Not professionally, but I’ve made clothes on and off my whole life. I made this blouse I’m wearing.”

  “It’s a part-time job.”

  “Can I take the work home?”

  “If your credentials come back all right. I have paperwork you’d have to fill out before getting the job.”

  “That’s no problem. I’m a part-time teacher, and I had a bundle of papers to complete for them. I’m new to the area, and they didn’t have any full-time openings this year.”

  The woman opened a drawer and pulled out paperwork. “This top sheet explains more about the job, and the pay. The other sheet you need to fill out and return to me. Can I have your name and phone number?”

  “Sure.” Emma wrote down the information, took the papers and smiled. “Thanks. I’ll get these back to you soon.”

  Feeling more optimistic, Emma returned to the soup and sandwich shop. The line had gotten much smaller, and she soon had her meal to carry home.

  Emma had started up the first hill when she heard a male voice call out to her. “Do you need a ride?”

  “No, thank you,” she said without looking and continued to walk.

  The man laughed. “Emma, do a lot of men offer you rides? It’s me, Niall Buchanan.”

  Her head jerked around to stare at the driver who’d brought his truck to a stop at the curb beside her. A wide grin spread her across her face at the sight of him. “I heard you all were returning this afternoon.”

  “We managed to leave a bit earlier and caught a good tailwind. I’d planned to call you first, but impulsively decided to come on over. I thought you might put me off if I called. So, about that ride ...”

  Emma felt herself blushing. Hesitantly, she said, “Oh, well, all right.”

  He got out of the truck to take her papers and food, then held the passenger door open while she got in. His familiar scent made her want to breathe more deeply, but he was too observant and would notice.

  It didn’t take long to return to her borrowed condo in the truck. “That’s a good long walk,” Niall said.

  “I’m used to hiking. I love the outdoors.”

  He carried her things up and waited while she unlocked the door. “Did you have spray or some other type of personal defense with you?” Niall asked as he placed the food and papers on the kitchen table.

  “No, the area seems safe.”

  He made a sound of disagreement. “Before you go walking again, you need something with you to protect yourself. Can you shoot?”

  “Heavens, I’m not going to carry the gun Vi insisted I buy. I need to take lessons first and get a permit to carry it with me. But I’m still not going to take it with me every time I leave the house.”

  “This is a big city. When out alone, it’d be smart to carry your gun. But you do need to get those lessons first, so do it sooner than later. Remember, this place can be very different than the little town you left.”

  “I’ll think about it. Why are you here anyway?” She frowned, and her tone was sharp.

  Instead of seeming annoyed or angry, Niall smiled. “I like a lady with a bit of spunk.”

  “Did your wife talk back to you?” Realizing what she’d said, she put her hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry. That was insensitive.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I wish more people would talk to me about her. Ask a simple question or remind me of a happy time. Not keep walking on eggshells around me after all this time.”

  “Maybe it’s your fault.”

  “How so?”

  “Do you ever casually comment on her, so that others might know it’s all right to do so? Your team doesn’t want to hurt you. They’ve seen the pain, and so they tread lightly.”

  “And you’ve noticed this in the few times you’ve been around them?”

  “It’s pretty obvious. Even though it’s been two months since the barbecue, I remember that while we watched the horseshoe contest, one of the wives started discussing some concerns she had about her pregnancy. One of the men, probably her husband, saw you nearby and motioned for her to stop talking. She quickly changed the subject.”

  He frowned. “I never noticed. Thank you for telling me. I don’t want my team or their wives to feel uncomfortable around me.”

  “They care about you and want to protect you.”

  “You’re very observant.”

  “I watch people. You learn a lot about them that way.”


  “You never answered my question. Why did you come to see me?”

  “I’m not sure.” He shrugged. “I got the idea, and it sounded like a good one. I guess I hoped you hadn’t eaten and would join me. I know a good restaurant not too far from here.”

  Emma nodded toward the bag holding her soup and sandwich. “I can put that in the refrigerator. A good restaurant meal sounds better.”

  “There’s a restaurant downtown at the waterfront called the Wisteria Italian Restaurant. The owners have one by a different name closer to the base, but it’s a bit louder and gets crowded. Bear recommended this one to me. I haven’t tried it yet. Do you like Italian food?”

  “Who doesn’t? It sounds great. I need to change, but I’ll be quick.”

  Niall went to stand by the large picture window while he waited for Emma. It overlooked part of the water and downtown area. He noticed the lights on an a
irplane coming in for a landing at the airport right in the middle of the town.

  The forefathers didn’t plan well when building it so close to the downtown area. Now there is nowhere to expand.

  He turned to face the room as he heard Emma come down the hall from her room.

  “A woman of her word. You changed quickly.” His eyes roamed over her from her head to toe. She’d dressed in black slacks and a periwinkle blouse that accentuated the purple in her purplish-blue eyes.

  “Will I do?” she asked.

  “Definitely. You blush a lot,” he teased.

  “More around you than anyone else. Behave. I don’t want a red face when I’m at the restaurant.”

  “I’ll try, but you make it very difficult.”

  “Did you say that to all the girls when you were younger and dating?”

  “Only to my wife.” When he realized what he’d said, he briskly walked to the front door and opened it. “Shall we go eat?”

  “Yes, I’m starving.”

  His mind raced as he drove toward Wisteria. What is happening to me? I’ve never behaved this way with anyone but Morgan. She’s the only woman who made me relaxed enough to tease and be myself.

  Thankfully, it was a relatively short drive to the restaurant. Niall turned to Emma. “We don’t have a reservation. It might mean waiting a bit.”

  “No problem. Maybe we can order a glass of wine while we wait.”

  “For sure.” He opened her door and held out his hand to assist her from the vehicle. He recognized the proprietor, who greeted them in the entranceway.

  “My friend,” Arnaldo said. “It has been far too long since I’ve seen you. You haven’t visited my new restaurant. It is good to see you home and healthy and here to eat.”

  “Emma, this is Mr. Calabria, better known to his customers as Arnaldo. He and his wife own and run both of the restaurants I told you about.”


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