The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely Page 4

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  Emma held out her hand. “He raved about your food. I’m looking forward to a delicious Italian meal.”

  “You will not be disappointed. We are a bit busy, but I saved a back table for you or one of your team. I heard you’d arrived earlier.”

  “Word travels fast.”

  “My daughter, Maria, is dating a young man from another team. She was at the base to see him when you all returned. Word of your arrival on the base traveled quickly.”

  “I’m glad it did, since you have a table for us.”

  Arnaldo grinned and escorted them to a back room with five tables. “The one in the corner is for you. What would you like to drink while you look over the menu?”

  Niall glanced at Emma, who said, “I like Merlot, any kind.”

  “I shall bring you a very good Merlot that Niall also likes.” He handed them the menus and hurried out.

  “He is very nice.”

  “Yes, and his wife is the same. I’ve only met the daughter once when they were very busy, and she was helping them out. She’s studying to be a nurse.”

  “Quite a family. I noticed you steered me to this side seat and then looked around before sitting facing the door.”

  “You are too observant,” he said and shook his head. “No one will put anything over on you. SEALs always like to be seated where they can observe whatever is happening in the area around them.”

  “That makes sense.” She picked up the menu and started reading it.

  Niall studied her. She was different from any woman he’d met. Not much like Morgan and yet there were some similarities.

  She peeked over her menu. “You are staring. It makes me nervous.”

  He chuckled. “Liar, I don’t think anything can rattle you.”

  “Why not?” she asked and put her menu down.

  “You’ve been raised to know your value, ah, to have a basic understanding of people you meet, and to not make snap decisions.”

  “And you know this how? You hardly know me.”

  This time, it was his turn to blush. He picked up his menu. “I know. I’m not certain where that came from, but forgive me for making more quick observations about you.”

  “No problem. I sort of like it.”

  “Then I’m right?”

  She laughed and looked back at her menu.

  “That wasn’t an answer.”

  “I know.”

  Niall walked her to the door of the condo. “I enjoyed our evening,” he said.

  “The meal was delicious. I loved meeting Mr. Calabria and his wife. Will you come in for coffee?”

  “I’ll come in and check the condo, but I don’t have room for coffee after having it with dessert.”

  “I’m sure nothing has been disturbed while we were gone, but if it makes you feel better, then go ahead and check it out.”

  She watched as he turned on all the lights and inspected the rooms thoroughly. “Am I safe?” she asked.

  “Yes, and I’ll sleep better knowing I checked all of the condo.”

  “I gather from what Vi has said that all the SEALs are very cautious about personal safety, even in port.”

  “She’s right. We are especially careful about the people we like.”

  “I’m flattered. You like me.”

  “Don’t let it go to your pretty head.”

  And then he surprised her by leaning forward to kiss her on the mouth. It was over before she could do more than gasp. He smiled and jauntily walked out, locking the door as he closed it behind him. She heard his steps quickly going down the stairs.

  She walked to a mirror in the living room. Her hand touched her lips. Niall had taken her completely by surprise. She had little makeup on because he was waiting as she dressed. She’d left her long hair up in a rather messy knot.

  I’ve never looked worse, and he kissed me. I hope I didn’t have this silly grin on my face when he left. I’m afraid I like him too much.

  Emma walked into her bedroom, undressed and headed for the shower. She turned on the cold water. Her whole body felt hot. No man had ever affected her this way with simply a kiss, and that included the one time she had a serious, close relationship.

  She’d thought that was it, and then he threw her aside and started dating someone else. She’d been glad when he left town and stayed gone. She’d heard he’d finally married a few years after their breakup.

  She hadn’t dated much after that disastrous relationship and never trusted anyone else enough to date them more than a few times. Whatever this was between her and Niall, it was moving fast. I must be careful and watch myself, or I’ll get hurt.

  She shook her head as the water poured over her. I’ve been protecting myself for years. Have I passed up opportunities and that’s why I’m still alone? I helped Vi see what she had been doing. I’d know if I’m doing the same thing. She turned off the water and quickly got out of the shower and dressed for bed.

  Tomorrow, I’ll tell Vi about the date with the Captain and ask her what she thinks. Still, she tossed and turned. It was after two before she fell asleep.

  “You went on a dinner date with the Captain?” Vi asked.

  “Don’t yell. Yes, I did.”

  “Sorry, I’m just so surprised, and happy for you both.”

  “It was one date. We were both hungry.”

  “But he came all this way to ask you out. He has to have an interest in you.”

  “We’ll see. I’m not beautiful like you. The SEALs all have gorgeous wives.”

  “No, they don’t. The SEALs have lovely wives, and you are just as pretty and have a beautiful spirit.”

  Emma raised her eyebrows at her friend. “And you are biased.”

  “True, but you have never seen your worth since that horrible guy strung you along. You thought it was your fault. It wasn’t, and you are so lucky that you didn’t marry him.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you know he recently got a divorce? A friend told me, but I didn’t think you’d be interested.”

  “I heard he and his wife have several children. How can he do that?”

  Vi shrugged. “I guess he got tired of acting like a good husband and father. The person who told me knew the wife and said he’d cheated on her more than once, so she’s getting the divorce. Smart woman. She finished her college degree after they married, and she’s a supervisor in some big company. Apparently, she has a friend who’s a divorce lawyer and is taking him to the cleaners, as they say.”

  “Good riddance. What a creep. I didn’t have as good judgment as I do now.”

  “Then don’t let this wonderful man get away.”

  “He still misses his wife.”

  “I think he’s coming around, especially since you’ve come to town. Several of his men have mentioned it to their wives. They think he likes you.”

  “What a gossiping group of men.”

  “Only to their wives and then the wives may talk about some of it with each other,” Vi said and laughed. “We don’t let them know, or they might quit telling us interesting tidbits.”

  “This is all too crazy. Niall still hasn’t gotten over his wife.”

  “I don’t think anyone’s tempted him to consider someone else until you came to town. Look how he talked with you at the barbeque and had you blushing.”

  “Since I got here, everything seems to be upside down. I thought it’d be easy to get a teaching job and it hasn’t. I’m filling out a paper to do some sewing jobs.” Emma shook her head. “Maybe I need to go home and think about coming back, if I get an offer of a teaching job next year.”

  “No way. I know you. You’ll start back at the same job you had back home, and you’ll never return to California, just because it’s familiar and comfortable.”

  “I don’t know if I like it here.”

  “You did, and you will once you have a job you like. Just stay longer before making your mind up one way or the other.”

  Emma took a deep breath. “I’ll see. B
ut I’m not making any promises.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot! Hawke and Bear wanted me to ask you a question. The guys have a short mission, or they think it will be short, coming up in a week or so. Captain Buchanan won’t be able to go with them since he can’t leave with the trial starting next week.

  “His roommate from college is being charged as a traitor to our country. When I returned home from the Middle East, I think I might have told you something about it. His team hopes you might agree to sit with him while he waits, for what may be days or weeks, before being called in to testify.”

  “Why does he need someone to sit with him?”

  “He can’t be inside the courtroom since he’s a witness for the government. It’ll be long hours of just waiting. They’d planned to have a team member with him, but until they get back, he’ll be alone and bored.”

  “I don’t think they’re giving him enough credit. I’m sure he can keep himself occupied.”

  “Maybe, but would you do it for the team?”

  “Only if Niall agrees and wants me there.”

  “All right. I’ll tell Hawke what you said and get back to you.”

  Chapter 4

  Niall had barely gotten in the house when his cell rang. He looked at the call display and smiled. His smile disappeared almost instantly when she began speaking. He demanded, “What do you mean, you had a heart attack?!”

  “It wasn’t that serious,” his mom said in a soothing tone. “But the doctor says I have to slow down, and he has me on medicine to help my heart.”

  “Are you in the hospital?”

  “I’m going home in a few minutes. I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to worry.”

  His heart pounded. “Where’s Melissa?”

  “She’s fine, Niall. She’s here with Gil. Don’t worry.”

  “I can’t help but worry. I love you. Your doctor is right. Even if your heart attack was a minor one you need to rest. I’ll drive up tonight and bring Melissa home with me.” He waited a moment as Gilbert got on the phone.

  “Niall, I’ll take care of your Mom and Melissa until you can hire help. She’ll stay in bed, and I’ll cook and watch Melissa.”

  “Thanks, but are you sure Mom will obey?”

  Gilbert laughed. “She hates being in bed, but if I promise you to keep her there, then she knows we’ll both get upset if she misbehaves.”

  “Thanks. Let me speak to Mom again.” He heard Gilbert tell her to take the phone. “Will you do as Gilbert says? I’ve been checking on private schools and I’ve found two I like. A friend of mine is a teacher. I’ll ask her to check them out and I’ll get Melissa enrolled to start next Monday.

  “Ask Gilbert if he’ll go to Melissa’s school and get the papers needed for the transfer here. Mail them to me. I’ll need to get her all checked in before I come this weekend. Have them mailed overnight and do as Gilbert says and rest. You want to be able to go on those trips you talked about on my last visit.”

  “I feel like I’m letting you down. I said you had six months to get everything arranged.”

  “Mom, I can handle this. After all, I’m a SEAL.” He chuckled. “We can do anything.” He heard her laugh and it made him feel better. “I want you to get well and be around for a long time.”

  “Let me know what plans you make for her. I want to still be around for her wedding.”

  “Then be good and take care of yourself. Now, let me talk to Melissa.”

  He was glad that his daughter didn’t sound traumatized by seeing her grandmother in the hospital. She seemed to regard the whole thing as a bit of adventure, talking about the nurse who gave her books to look at and the boy — whom he gathered was the son of another patient — who showed her pretty fishes in some tanks in a family waiting room.

  She chirped a happy farewell and he hung up.

  Niall sank back in the nearest chair, deep in thought. He had to make plans sooner than he’d expected. I wonder if I can work out the same plans I had in mind with a lot shorter timetable? My team leaves in the next few days on another mission, and I hate not being able to go.

  “Damn,” he said when his cell rang again. “Who is it?”

  “Sorry, I must have called the wrong number,” a feminine voice on the other end of the line said with a chuckle in her voice. He almost groaned. Way to make a good impression.

  “Don’t hang up, Emma. I do occasionally growl, but I didn’t mean to do it to you.”

  “Are you all right? You sound sad.”

  “Overwhelmed is the better word. How can I help you?”

  “Vi was here. She told me you are having to stay behind this trip and sit in a boring courthouse for hours on end. I wondered if you’d like company.”

  He shook his head. “The team is worried about me and put you up to this offer.”

  “I didn’t object.”

  “Maybe it would help to have a lovely lady keeping me company. I just talked to my mother, and she had a heart attack. She downplays it and said it wasn’t serious, but I need to get my daughter enrolled in a school by Monday. I hate to dump this on you, but I really need the help. Would you do the legwork for me? I have papers on the two schools I prefer, and you could advise me on which looks best to you.”

  “Oh, I’d love to help. Mostly, I’m sitting around bored and considering returning home.”

  “Give it more time. I’m due at the courthouse tomorrow at nine o’clock. I can pick you up around eight. If you still want to come, that is.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Niall clicked his phone off and smiled, despite his worry for his mother. Maybe the plans he had begun to consider might work out anyway. He just had less time to accomplish it.

  “You didn’t have to wait outside for me,” Niall said as he opened the door for Emma.

  “I didn’t want to slow you down and make you late.”

  “We have plenty of time. It only takes fifteen minutes even if the traffic’s a bit heavy. I know all the back streets to drive on.” He glanced at her. “I appreciate your help. When my mother called last night, I knew I had to get Melissa soon and wasn’t sure what to do. Then I thought of you.”

  “I’m glad. I’ve been so bored not working that I filled out the papers for another part-time job. Your suggestion sounds more interesting than any previous offer I’ve gotten. I’ll visit the two schools and give you my opinion.”

  “I don’t want to get in the way if you need to apply for this other job.”

  “It’s not urgent. I’m okay for a while.”

  “Good.” He made a turn, and she saw the courthouse. “We’re almost there.”

  Niall checked in and sat where directed. He explained Miss Trace would be doing some work for him during the day and would be coming back later.

  They looked over the material about the schools. “They both look good, but you or someone representing you will need to see them in action. I’ll go there for you and talk with the headmistress, if she’ll see me without an appointment.”

  “Are you sure you won’t mind? I had a brief visit to both, but I’d like your opinion.”

  “Not at all. Maybe the school needs a teacher, and I can apply.”

  He shook his head. “I believe you can accept almost any situation and find the positive. Morgan was the same way. Here, take the papers and go.” He gave her the keys to his truck. “I’m anxious to hear what you find out.”

  “I’ll check this nearest school first, and then I can tell you about it during lunch.”

  “Hurry back.”

  Niall watched her walk away. She does remind me of Morgan in some ways, and yet in other ways, Emma’s completely different. I like her, but I’m not certain about the idea that keeps cropping up in my head, and now I have less time to decide. Moreover, the trial is starting and who knows what will happen there.

  He leaned back and looked out the side window, resigned for a long day. He pulled the book he was reading out of his briefcase and settled in.

  Surprisingly, the directions with the paperwork were very good. Emma put them into her cell phone’s GPS and found the school with no problems. She parked outside and sat for a few minutes. A group of girls who looked to be about seven years old came out the front entrance accompanied by two women. They headed for a large shade tree at one side of the building. One of the ladies followed the girls. The other, noticing Emma in the truck, walked to meet her. She unlocked the gate and came to the driver’s side window.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I was admiring the building. I’m here to see the school and talk to the headmistress.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No. I hope she will see me anyway. A friend of mine, Captain Buchanan, is considering this school for his daughter. He asked me to give him my opinion. I’m Emma Trace.”

  “I’m Mrs. Butler, the headmistress of the school. Do you have his number? I want to speak with him before I discuss any information with you.”

  “Of course.” Emma handed her the note Niall had thought to write. It included his number.

  The woman pulled out a cell and called him. “Captain Buchanan, this is Mrs. Butler. Emma Trace is here and she wants to speak with us regarding your daughter’s attendance at our school.” She listened a minute. “Can you tell me what she is wearing?”

  She eyed Emma critically. “All right, I’m certain we can accommodate her. Thank you.”

  Emma wrinkled her forehead. “Did he actually remember what I was wearing?”

  The woman laughed. “I was as surprised as you, but yes, he did. Please come with me, and I’ll show you around.” She led Emma to the group sitting under the tree.

  “We like our students to get fresh air and be outside more. They are discussing books they’ve read recently,” she explained as they neared the girls.

  “The literature I read indicated this is an all-girls school. Has it always been?”

  “Yes. Most of the money for the school was donated by a well-known couple who had five girls. They wanted it to be only for girls. We take students until the eighth grade, and,” she lowered her voice, saying with a smile, “there’s less distraction without boys attending.”


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