The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely Page 8

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “Thanks. I have the best parents in the world. I’ll talk to you soon and let you know what happens.”

  “Do. We’ll be waiting anxiously to find out.”

  Emma’s anxiety had gone down considerably by the time she hung up. But now I need to talk with Vi. She hated to call on Sunday when Vi and Hawke usually enjoyed their alone time, but this seemed important enough to bother her friend. She dialed the number before she changed her mind.

  Vi answered on the second ring with a cheery, “Hi, Emma. We were just discussing you. Hawke and I are going to the beach for the afternoon. Want to join us?”

  “I’d love to. Actually, I want to talk with you about something important.”

  “We’ll have plenty of time while Hawke runs and swims.” Vi laughed. “To him, going to the beach means exercising. We’ll pick you up in about an hour.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  After a quick swim, Emma and Vi settled on their towels and Hawke took off running. “I’m curious to hear what you need to discuss with me,” Vi said. “It sounded urgent on the phone.”

  “It is. I have to decide on an answer by tomorrow.”

  “Do you have an offer for a full-time job? That shouldn’t be difficult to decide.”

  “Well, it is full-time, but it’s not what you’d call a regular job. It’s a position as someone’s wife.”

  “What! Explain!”

  “Captain Buchanan asked me to marry him and take care of his daughter. We like each other, and I think we’d be compatible.”

  Vi gaped at her. Finally, she said, “But I thought you’d want a love match.”

  “I do, and it is for me. I’m falling in love with him, but I’m pretty sure he likes me only as a friend.”

  “Ah, a lopsided love. Can you marry him knowing you’ll probably fall deeper in love and he may not?”

  “That’s what’s holding me back.”

  “You were going to meet his mother and daughter. Did you?”


  “And how did that go?”

  “His mother was wonderful. I think she wants him to marry and is hoping I’m the one. Melissa is a sweet child. She’s been living with her grandmother all this time, and Niall’s mother has taught her well.”

  Emma stood and walked toward the shore. She looked off into the distance, wishing she could see three or four years into the future.

  Vi walked up beside her and put her arm around Emma’s waist. “I say go with your heart. You’re a wonderful woman, and if he already likes you, it won’t be long before he loves you.”

  “Stated with unbiased certainty by my best friend in all the world,” Emma said and smiled.

  “You know I’m always right, or practically always.”

  “Shall I remind you of how you almost missed out on reuniting with the love of your life?”

  “True, but you are smarter than me. You’ll figure out the right answer. Just let me know right away. Let’s go swim again.”

  Niall had paced the floor many times since he’d proposed to Emma. Of course, it wasn’t a regular proposal. Not romantic in the least. But I can’t lie. I like her, but it’s too soon to know whether we can fall in love. She’d be a great mother for Melissa and solve several problems for me, especially when I need to go on a mission. He thought that if only Emma had been married previously, she might consider his proposal more acceptable. Logical. Friends helping friends.

  “Daddy,” Melissa called from her bedroom.

  Niall hurried to her room. “What’s wrong, honey? Can’t you go to sleep?”

  “When is Miss Emma coming back? I miss her. We went swimming, and she read to me before bedtime.”

  “You like her a lot?”

  “Yes. I miss Grandma, but not as much when Miss Emma is here.”

  “Where’s your swimming suit? I’ll take you out to the pool and then read a book to you.”

  “Really?” Melissa jumped out of bed and ran to her chest of drawers to get her swimsuit.

  “Put it on. I’ll run and change, but don’t go out to the pool until I’m back.”

  “All right. I promise.”

  She was waiting for him at the back door when he joined her. In the pool, they tossed a ball back and forth and then worked on her swimming techniques. Niall found he was having fun and loved seeing his daughter laugh and hug him.

  “Enough for now. It’s getting late. Go dry off, and I’ll join you to read your book.” He changed quickly. When he returned to her room, she’d partially dried herself.

  “Don’t get in bed. Let me help you, and we’ll dry your hair.” Once in bed, he’d barely cracked the book open before she fell asleep, exhausted but happy.

  Niall poured himself a drink and sat before the unlit fireplace in the family room. Tomorrow, he had to convince Emma to accept his proposal. His daughter was already attached to her. But she’s going to have questions, and I suspect one will be about having a child. Can I go through that again?

  Chapter 8

  Emma had made up her mind. Her fingers trembled. She had difficulty buttoning her blouse. Once dressed, she fixed cereal and toast for breakfast, and a stronger cup of coffee than she normally drank.

  Her doorbell rang right on time. She opened the door to see Melissa hoisted up in her father’s arms, a proud grin on her pretty face. “I rang the doorbell, Miss Emma.”

  “Well, good for you. You get smarter every day.”

  Melissa put her arms out, and Emma reached to hold her. “You are going to your new school today. Are you scared?”

  Melissa shook her head. “No. I like meeting new friends.”

  “Good for you. Having friends is important.”

  “I hate to break this up between you two, but I have to get to the courthouse. I hope today I get to testify.” He ushered them out to his truck, after checking to ensure the condo windows and door were secured.

  Niall and Emma walked Melissa into the school, where her new teacher assured them she’d keep an especially close eye on her for the first few days. Melissa had already taken the empty seat and was whispering to the girl next to her. Her teacher smiled and added, “I don’t think it will take her long to adjust.”

  Emma agreed. “Here’s my cell number. Call me if you need anything.”

  Emma and Niall walked back to the truck in silence. At the courthouse, Emma went inside with him. Before he took his usual seat outside the courtroom, he fished the fob of keys out of his pocket and handed it to her.

  “Why don’t you go on wherever you’d like for the day. You can pick up Emma later and then me. I’ll call if I get through here sooner. Maybe you’d like to do some shopping for Melissa. She likes new things.” He handed her some money. “Have a good time.”

  “I noticed she’s about to grow out of some of her clothes. I’ll get the next size, and they’ll be ready when she needs them.”

  “Sounds good. Have a good day and have lunch on me.”

  “I thought I’d come back at lunch and join you.”

  “That’s fine, too.” He glanced toward the courtroom door. “This waiting is getting to me. I like to be active. I hate this.”

  Emma reached into her purse. “Maybe this will help pass the time. It’s a list of my questions we’ll discuss later tonight. That way I won’t be springing a surprise on you. They go from the most important to the ones we can negotiate.” She smiled a bit ruefully. “On second thought, I’ll skip lunch with you. I’d rather not discuss any of it until tonight.”

  He nodded his agreement, and when a man approached to speak with Niall, Emma waved and left.

  The man waited for Emma to leave before speaking, his voice low and blunt.

  “A former friend asked me to give you a message. We know where your daughter is going to school and where your girlfriend lives. For their sakes, if I were you, I’d reconsider my testimony.

  “And if you come after me, there are others to take my place.” Niall felt temper and fear rise in him as th
e man turned and walked quickly away.

  He tried to take a deep breath. His chest felt the way it did when he was in battle and got punched hard. He sat quietly and focused on the demands and a plan. Suspecting they might have a way to watch him, he didn’t reach for his phone. He’d go for a coffee at a nearby eatery where he knew the manager, and ask the man to leave his cell phone in the bathroom for Niall to use.

  He frowned and pulled back his shoulders. The man on trial was no friend of his. He’d protect Melissa and Emma, and see the traitor stayed behind bars forever.

  Jackson Langley was having coffee and a cinnamon roll with several of his team members when his phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number, so answered brusquely.



  “Hi, Captain. How’s the trial going? I know waiting must be driving you crazy.”

  “Yeah, I hate it, but not as much as what happened a little while ago. I had a visitor at the courthouse right after Emma dropped me off. A man told me some nebulous ‘they’ know where my child goes to school and where to find Emma.”

  Bear’s voice went hard as he said, “Melissa and Emma are being threatened?” The men around him stopped talking, all their attention on his side of the conversation with their commanding officer.

  “Yes, unless I agree to change my testimony. I’m sure it’s not an idle threat. Several witnesses have disappeared, and the authorities have looked for them with no success. I’m sure it’s the reason I’ve been kept waiting this long to testify.”

  “You want us to guard Melissa and Emma?”

  “Right. Run it by the Commander. If he agrees, set up a rotation to ensure one or more of our SEALs is always guarding them. Even if I’m with them.”

  “Will do. I’ll call as soon as I speak with the Commander and have our plan in place.”

  “Not my cell. I have no way of knowing if it’s monitored.”

  “Right. I’ll put a burner phone at your place to use for now. Call me from it when you get home.”

  “All right. I guess I don’t have to tell you to be careful.”

  “What kind of SEAL would I be if I couldn’t avoid any possible surveillance and let myself into someone’s presumably secured private residence?”

  “Of course,” the Captain said dryly. “Thanks, Bear. I know I can count on you all.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Satisfied to leave the security details in Bear’s capable hands, Niall called Melissa’s school. Tersely, he explained the situation to the headmistress.

  “I’d like her to stay inside the school building, Mrs. Butler, and I’ve arranged protection for the school.”

  “I’m sorry, Captain Buchanan, but I can’t put the other children at risk.” She did sound genuinely regretful as she added, “Please come and get Melissa and keep her at home until the danger is over.”

  “I understand. I’ll have two of my men come and get her shortly. They will have Navy identification with them, and please call when they arrive so I can confirm their identities. Damn!” He swore after he hung up. He understood her position, but it was going to be difficult to explain to Melissa. She’d had so many changes, and this was one more.

  He punched the speed dial to Emma’s cell, but she didn’t answer. Then he called Jackson back and explained the new plan. “Go get Melissa right away and then keep trying to contact Emma. She has my truck and planned to do some shopping. I don’t know where she might be.”

  He left the phone in the bathroom and saw the proprietor go in to get it. When he paid the bill for his coffee, he thanked him.

  “No, problem, Captain. Anytime I can help, I will.”

  Niall walked back to the courthouse. He’d done everything possible. Now, he trusted his SEALs to do what he couldn’t for himself.

  “Thanks, Commander.” Jackson hung up the phone. He’d returned to the office before calling, so no one would overhear anything. His men had gathered there with him.

  “I want two SEALs guarding Melissa and Emma at all times. At least they’ll be together.” He explained that Melissa couldn’t stay at the school. “The Commander said if I need more men to call Alec Galen and use him and some of his team. Since they just returned stateside, we’ll try to do it alone.

  “I’ll make out a schedule for the next week. I doubt it’ll take that long before the Captain is called in to testify. Once he does, we’ll still keep an eye out until the trial is over.”

  “It’s about time we got some work to do. I’m just sorry it’s happening to the Captain,” Shadow said. The others nodded.

  “Then let’s get ready. The sooner we’re out there, the better.”

  “Where’s Emma now?” Hawke asked.

  “Melissa’s at school, but Emma’s out shopping. She could be anywhere. Hawke call Vi and ask her to try to reach Emma. Have her tell Emma she’s in danger and Emma’s to call me or Captain Buchanan.”

  “On it.”

  The trial was still in process when Niall returned to the courthouse. He walked over to the guard, “Can you get a message to the Prosecutor for me?”


  “Ask him to speak with Judge Carter about taking away the defendant’s phone privileges, all of them. I can’t explain now, but it’s vitally important. I’m glad they’re holding him in jail during the trial. Don’t rush off. Wait a few minutes and then go. Some of the bad guys may be watching us.”

  The guard was smart. He didn’t look around. “I’ll see if I can get you some water.”

  “I’m sorry to be a pest, but sometimes coffee makes me thirsty for water, and I forgot my thermos today.”

  “No problem.” The guard waved and disappeared. Another man took his place.

  Niall was glad he hadn’t brought a drink with him today. He’d been so concerned about tonight he hadn’t thought of it.

  I’ll study Emma’s questions to pass the time, or I’ll keep worrying about something that I can’t do anything about for now.

  Emma had found a children’s store that had clothes and toys, anything a child might want. At first, she’d had fun sorting through all the cute little girl outfits. But in the last few minutes, she’d gotten an uneasy feeling, like someone was watching her. She glanced around, but didn’t see anyone but another woman looking at dolls.

  Deliberately, she moved to another section further away. She looked back several times but didn’t see anyone. Then she quickly glanced back again. She saw a head drop below a rack of hanging clothes.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her fast-beating heart. It was probably nothing, but she’d feel better if she got help and stopped in the bathroom to called Niall. Trying to act casual, she moved toward the register and the woman standing by it.

  “Hi. Did you find everything you were looking for?” the clerk asked.

  “Yes. Can you tell me where to find the women’s bathroom?”

  “It’s down the right aisle on your way out.”

  “Great.” Emma decided to use her credit card instead of the cash Niall had given her. When she bent to sign the credit slip, she added a note.

  Call the police. Someone is following me. I’ll hide in the woman’s bathroom.

  The clerk picked up the receipt and almost shoved it into the cash drawer without noticing Emma’s hasty scrawl was much longer than a simple signature. She stared down at it for a moment, then closed the drawer. “I’ll contact you if we get more of these type of dresses in for winter.”

  “Thanks.” Emma picked up her bag and headed toward the entrance. Before reaching it, she swerved and quickly walked toward the ladies room. She sensed someone still following her. Near the door, she turned and faced him.

  “What do you want? Get out of my way, or I’ll start screaming.” And then she did. She yelled for help as loud as she could. People came running, and the man cursed and sprinted to the front door and out. A bare second later, Emma heard a car squeal away.

  “Are you all right?” sever
al people asked.

  “I am now. Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  A short time later, a couple of police officers hurried into the store, making a beeline for the group of concerned people surrounding Emma. “Is anyone hurt?” one of the officers asked.

  “No, thanks to these good Samaritans,” Emma said. “A man was following me around the store. I yelled at him, and lots of good Samaritans quickly arrived. The man took off in a car. I heard it drive away.”

  “Did you get a good look at him?”

  “No, officer. Every time I glanced back, he ducked. When I finally saw him up close, I was so upset I only noted he had dark hair and some scars on his left cheek.”

  Emma listened as others gave a more complete description. She took out her phone and saw Vi had called several times. She punched in the call button.

  “Emma, where are you? We’ve all been frantic. I called your number several times.”

  “I had my phone in my purse and didn’t hear the ring. I’m okay, but someone was following me. I’m at the children’s store in the mall close to your condo. The police are with me.”

  “Hawke will be right there. Stay with the police. He’ll explain when he arrives.”

  Emma felt a thrill of fear stronger than she’d ever known. “Are Melissa and Niall all right?”

  “Yes, we’ve just been frantic about you.”

  “Tell Hawke I’m inside the east entrance to the building standing by the ladies room door.”

  “I will. Sit tight.”

  Emma glanced around and realized her rescuers had wandered off once the police had arrived and finished questioning them. She hoped Hawke got here soon. I feel vulnerable by myself, but the police did say they were leaving a man right outside.

  An officer walked over to her. “You’ve arranged for someone to pick you up?” When she nodded, he said, “I’ll wait with you until your ride arrives.”


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