The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely Page 9

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

  “Thank you. Why did all the other police leave?”

  “They have other calls. You’ll be safe with me.” He put his hand under her elbow. “We can sit in my car and watch for your friend.”

  Emma glanced up at his face. Her nerves bristled when he put his hand on her. She pulled back. “That’s all right. I’m more comfortable staying in the store. I told my friend right where to find me. He’s a Navy SEAL. He can handle himself.”

  “If you think waiting here is safer, then I’ll go on. Whatever happens is on you.”

  He moved as though to step away, then turned and pulled out his gun. “I insist you go with me.” His voice had changed, no longer pleasant, but gruff and demanding.

  “What did you do with the police officer who wore that uniform?” she demanded. Instead of being afraid, her anger spilled over.

  “He gave it to me reluctantly before I shot him. You’ll be the same if you don’t start moving.”

  He grabbed her arm and pushed her ahead of him. She let him get closer and then stopped suddenly, ducked, shoved him and screamed.

  He pointed the gun at her. “Damn you. I warned you what would happen.”

  A shot rang out. Emma cried out, expecting to feel pain. Her attacker yelled, too, and the gun fell out of his hand. Emma stared, uncomprehending, until the man bent to snatch at his gun and Hawke growled, “Don’t touch it or I’ll shoot a more vital part of your body than your hand.”

  Relief flooded Emma as she saw Vi’s husband stride closer, a weapon in his hand. He flicked his gun at the man, who followed the unspoken commend to step back a few steps.

  “Get the gun, Emma, then stand back while I check to see if this guy has anything else on him.”

  The store guard ran up with his gun drawn. “What’s going on here? I thought the police took care of everything.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll find a dead officer outside,” Emma said.

  Soon, more police arrived. The downed officer was located, wounded, not dead.

  “Thank goodness,” Emma breathed. “I’m glad he’s still alive.

  “Hopefully he’ll be well enough to testify at your trial,” the police officer holding the cuffed gunman said.

  Hawke excused himself and called the Captain. “We’ve got Melissa and Emma safe. Your lady was being trailed and she almost got shot.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry, she’s fine. She’s got more balls than the men trying to capture her. I’m going to take her and Melissa on base. The three of you can stay in one of the visitor houses until this is all over. Better tell Judge Carter to stop any phone privileges for your former friend.”

  “I already did. The prosecutor told him what was happening, and the he agreed to stop the calls. Also I hope to testify tomorrow. It’ll be over soon.”

  “Good. See you later.” Hawke clicked off his phone and walked back to Emma. “Ready to leave?”

  “Yes, very. But where did I drop my bag?”

  A clerk stepped up. “Here it is.”

  “Thank you. You all were very brave.”

  As they walked out, Emma whispered to Hawke, “Could you put your arm around me? I’m shaking and I think I might faint for the first time in my life.”

  He placed his arm firmly around her and bent his head. “Don’t you dare. Those folks behind you think you’re the bravest woman they’ve met.”

  She took a deep breath and straightened. “I don’t want to disappoint them. Are we close?”

  “Just one row up.”

  When he helped her into the front seat of his vehicle, she asked, “How did you get here so fast?”

  “I was close. When Vi called me, I’d already started to search for you. And I knew if I let anything happen to you, Vi wouldn’t ever forgive me.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head as she sat. “And I’d never have forgiven myself, either.”

  Chapter 9

  When Emma arrived at Hawke’s home, Vi ran outside and hugged her. “I was so worried they’d kidnap you before help got there.”

  “I was lucky. People came when I yelled and then the police, but Hawke was the one who got me out of there.” Emma smiled back at Hawke. “Where is Melissa?”

  “She’s with her Dad. They shut down the trial for today, so they’re at home.”

  Hawke added, “The Captain wants me to bring you by there. He said Melissa are worried about you. But I thought you’d want to see Vi first.”

  “Thanks. I need a minute to calm myself before reassuring Melissa. She’s a smart little girl. I don’t want her to pick up on my anxiety.”

  “All right. I’ll call the Captain and explain that I’ll bring you over later.” Hawke left the room, and Vi hugged Emma again.

  “You scared me. Never did I think bringing you to San Diego would put your life in danger.”

  Emma forced a smile. “It’s been the most exciting trip of my life, but I hope it won’t ever happen again.”

  “The SEALs are looking for these men now. They’ll find them.”

  Emma sat on the edge of the sofa. “Too much has happened in a short time.” She reached out and took Vi’s hand. “It started when you returned to town and hasn’t stopped yet. I’m not certain I want this type of life.”

  “Has this changed your decision about marrying Captain Buchanan?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Take your time. Maybe you might suggest you care for Melissa while he’s gone on the next mission and see how things go.”

  Emma nodded. “That’s a good idea. I might take her to meet Mom and Dad and see where I grew up.”

  “I bet she’d love that.”

  “Niall and I still have to go over my questions. A lot will depend on his answers.” Emma leaned back in her chair. “Why can’t anyone have a simple love story? They meet, fall in love, and marry.”

  “A few did back home, but we’re dealing with Navy SEALs, and none of their lives are simple. Still, I wouldn’t trade Hawke for anyone else.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Hawke said as he entered the living room.

  “Yes, but I’m not going to repeat my statement. Your head is big enough.”

  “Captain Buchanan said he and Melissa were going out for pizza and ice cream. Two of our men will be with them. I told him you were staying with us for dinner, and I’d drive you to his house afterward. He said he’d take you and Melissa to stay at the base tomorrow.”

  “That’s good,” Emma said. “I can say goodnight to Melissa, and Niall and I can have our talk.” She turned to Vi. “Let me help with the cooking. I need something to keep me busy so I won’t dwell on this afternoon.”

  “Sounds good to me. We’ll go to the kitchen while Hawke watches the news.”

  When Emma walked into Niall’s house, Melissa ran into her arms. She excitedly explained what had happened during her day.

  “I didn’t want to leave school. I have new friends, and I like my teacher.” She frowned. “It scared me when they carried me off.”

  “I know, sweetie. But you are safe in your home, and it’s time for bed. I’ll run the water for your bath while you tell Daddy goodnight.”

  Melissa nodded and went to her father. Niall leaned down and picked her up. Emma smiled and headed to the bathroom to start the bath. She sprinkled a little bubble bath in the water.

  When she straightened, she glanced in the mirror. Her hair was messy. Stands had come loose from the neat twist she usually wore. She’d placed her purse on the floor. She leaned down, opened it, and pulled out her comb. After taking out all the bobby pins, she ran her fingers through her hair and then combed it. The chocolate-brown strands looked shiny from the lights over the sink.

  A prickling sensation along her back made her turn to the door. Niall stood with Melissa in his arms. He stared at her hair. Emma started to arrange it up again.

  “No, don’t. It’s lovely. You should wear it down more often.”

  Emma ignored him and quickly had her hair pinned as usual. “It gets messy when it’s down
,” she said and felt the heat of a blush on her face.

  “Are you ready for your bubble bath?” Emma asked Melissa.

  “Yay, bubbles!” Melissa started removing her clothes.

  “I’ll be back, Melissa, to kiss you and tuck you in bed.” Niall blew a kiss to his daughter and slipped out the door.

  Thank goodness, I thought my heart was going to pound so hard he’d hear it. Emma grinned at her thought and turned to help Melissa with her bath.

  Niall returned as Emma tucked Melissa in bed and kissed her forehead. When she saw Niall come in, Emma slipped out the door. In the family room, on the table by his chair, she saw her list of questions.

  He came up behind her. “Shall I get us a drink, and we can discuss what you’ve asked me?”

  “Please, and make mine stronger tonight. It’s been an unusual day.”

  “I agree. I’ll be right back.”

  Emma noted he’d made some marks on the page, but she resisted looking closer and reading his notes. When he returned, he handed her a bourbon and Coke. He grabbed the paper with the questions and walked to the couch.

  “Let’s sit here, side by side, while we go over your concerns.” He patted his hand on the seat beside him.

  She hesitated, and he smiled. Her body tingled from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked with that wicked twinkle in his eyes.

  No one should be allowed to look so sexy just sitting on his couch. It gives him an unfair advantage.

  Emma slowly walked across to the couch. She sat, but ensured there was a comfortable space between them. He might break her heart with what he was going to say, and she wanted to have the space and time to control her emotions. No need for him to know how much she was beginning to love him.

  “I’m proud of the way you handled yourself today. I’ve had glowing reports of the way you got help for yourself and took care of the situation.”

  “When a person’s life is in danger, you find skills you didn’t know you had.”

  He nodded. Sitting this close allowed him to observe Emma’s face. A sudden warmth slid down his body, and he had to resist the urge to cup her face and kiss her. But this wasn’t the right time. First, they must go over her few requests.

  “As you may have noticed, I marked several of your questions to discuss. The others are fine. You want to take Melissa to meet your mother and father. Normally, I’d say yes, but until I know for certain there won’t be anyone after you and Melissa, I’d prefer you stay here. I can have members from another SEAL team keep a watch on you two.”

  “After the trial, it should be all right,” she said.

  “Maybe. We’ll see.” He looked down at the list, even though he had her questions memorized. “You asked whether it would upset me if Melissa started calling you Mother at some future time. I think that would be good for her.

  “She understands, as much as possible for her age, that her birth mother got sick and is in Heaven. I think she’s been longing for someone to mother her. Grandma was great, but most of the children she knows have mothers who are younger and do more things with them. Seeing Melissa with you made me realize she does need and want a mother.”

  “Is there no one else you’d rather marry?”

  He placed his glass on the table and moved closer. He took Emma’s glass from her trembling fingers and placed it on the opposite end table. Niall tipped her chin up and looked into her eyes.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. I find you very attractive, and I like you a lot. Maybe one day we’ll find we love each other. I also desire you. You’re an attractive lady in many ways besides your looks. If you agree to marry me, it will not be a marriage only for my daughter. It will be for us, too.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. Then he pulled her close, and his fingers brushed across her breast. He heard the catch in her breath. “You are responsive to me.”

  “Yes but,” she pulled back a little, “what about my final question on the list? I want to have children.”

  “I know. The thought of losing another wife that way scares me more than any mission I’ve been on.” He shook his head, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Then he looked at her. “I suppose if I say no, it will mean a no answer from you.”

  “That’s correct. I love Melissa already. I don’t think she’s a child who’d be jealous of siblings. She’d love them.”

  “I agree.” He half smiled. “She’s often asked me why she didn’t have brothers and sisters like her friends. Can we at least wait until after the first year?”

  “I’m thirty. I don’t want to take a chance of not being able to have a baby.”

  “Many women wait until later.” Suddenly, he put his head in his hands.

  “What is it?”

  “I wonder if things might have been different if Morgan and I had a child sooner. But she was only twenty-eight. No, I’d have lost her sooner from that aneurysm hiding in her head.”

  With tears in his eyes, he looked up at Emma. “If it means that much to you, we’ll take the chance.”

  “It does. I might want two or three children.” She added, “I love kids, and they’ll be company when you’re away.”

  “Or trouble.”

  “No, we’ll keep them straight.”

  “Let’s start with one and see how that goes. That is, if you agree to marry me.”

  Emma closed her eyes for a moment. His proposal was probably the most unromantic one ever, but she had already fallen in love with him and his child. She shook her head.

  “Is that a no?” Niall asked.

  She heard the strain in his voice. Opening her eyes, she smiled. “I accept your proposal and the deal to have at least one child together.”

  Niall jumped up and pulled her into his arms. His kiss shook her to her core. Her reaction forced her to admit, if only to herself, she’d been in love with him for some time, fully and completely in love.

  He picked her up and headed to his bedroom. He kicked the partially opened door wide and dumped her on his bed. Niall went back and closed the door, snapping the lock into place.

  Seeing her puzzled look, he said, “Sometimes, Melissa comes to my room. I’d prefer she not fly into the room until we’re officially married.”

  “I agree.”

  Niall shed his clothes as he moved toward the bed. Seeing his broad chest and strong body raised her desire to a boiling point. As he put a knee on the bed, she reached up and touched his warm skin.

  “You’re beautiful.” She laughed when he blushed.

  “Maybe to you, but please don’t repeat that in front of my men or their wives. They’d tease me forever.”

  “I’ll remember.” She knelt on the bed, and Niall began to undress her. He kissed her skin as her clothes fell off. She lay back down for him to pull off the rest of her clothing. His eyes looked over her body, and her skin warmed as though he’d touched her with his eyes.

  When Niall started taking out the clips holding her hair up, she shivered.

  “Your hair is beautiful. It’s soft and luxurious. Wearing it up hides its beauty.” Niall ran his hands through Emma’s hair and pulled some forward over her shoulders. He buried his nose in the soft waves.

  “You smell like sunshine and flowers.”

  Hot, liquid heat raced through her body, and her heart pounded in her chest.

  He leaned forward and kissed the edge of her face, her forehead, and nibbled at the edge of her lower lip. Then he whispered in her ear, “I want to rub my hands all over your delectable body, kiss your sweet mouth, and then fill you with my hard, hungry cock.”

  His fingers brushed across her throat and down her neck to cup her breast in his hand. Her breast instantly swelled, and her nipple peaked. The small fire in her abdomen kindled into a roaring flame and desire rushed through her veins.

  His hazel eyes stared into hers, and he whispered, “I think I may be falling in love with you.”

  His w
ords startled him. He hadn’t meant to say anything. They had spilled out in a moment of passion. But his eyes looked at her flushed skin, the sweet smile his words had brought to her face, and he knew he couldn’t take the words back. He didn’t want to.Perhaps in a moment of passion, he’d said the words he couldn’t at a normal time. Being here with her, he didn’t think of his grief for Morgan or guilt about finding someone else. He’d spoken the truth about his feelings.

  Niall reached up, tipped her face back and kissed her mouth. She opened her lips, and his tongue glided inside to caress all the tender places. He moved downward and teasingly rubbed his teeth across the edge of her jaw. Raising his head, he smiled.

  “I like your stubborn jaw. You’re a strong woman in many ways.”

  Then he moved further down, kissing the spot on her neck where her heart pounded. He looked up. “Do I excite you?”

  “What do you think?”

  He nibbled on the curve of her shoulder. “I think I do.”

  “Of course, you would think that. You’re a SEAL. You are all very self-assured.”

  He saw the laughter in her eyes, and the warmth in his chest spread out as his heart pounded harder. Sliding further down, he kissed her soft, flat stomach. Then he leisurely kissed her legs and massaged her feet. She was trembling, and his heart raced inside his chest.

  Niall moved upward and reached for the condom he’d put on the bedside table. Her eyes widened, and he saw a brief flare of sadness in her eyes.

  Whispering in her ear, he said, “Give me time.”

  She nodded, but didn’t meet his eyes.

  Emma knew she was rushing him, but she feared her chance to have a child might run out. Sensing her distress, he kissed her mouth gently and then her neck.

  Then he leaned back and grinned down at her. “At least wait until we’re officially married.”

  She kissed his lips. “I will. I’ll be more patient.”

  He moved down her body and kissed both her breasts. He gently rubbed his teeth across her nipple, and hot pleasure flashed through Emma’s body.


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