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The SEAL’s Surprise Marriage - Rachel McNeely

Page 11

by Special Forces - Operation Alpha

Niall drove as quickly as possible to the home on base where they were staying. He was glad to see Emma’s car in the driveway. When he opened the door, it was obvious Emma had them ready to go.

  When she saw his face, she put down her purse. “What’s happened?”

  “I may have to leave on a mission very shortly. I’m waiting to see if I’m excused from court.” Melissa ran to him and put her arms around his legs. Niall stooped and pulled her into his arms. She kissed him and then leaned back to look at him.

  “Daddy, do you have to go away again?”

  “I may have to go like I did when you lived with Grandma.”

  Melissa glanced across at Emma. “Can I stay with Miss Emma, please?”

  Seeing tears in his daughter’s eyes tightened his throat. He looked into Emma’s eyes and saw she was still wary about what happened between them.

  “Emma, will you take care of Melissa, and stay here on the base with her? I don’t want to worry about the two of you while I’m gone. This is the safest place for you.”

  “I agree. I’ll call Melissa’s teacher and get her books. I can homeschool her so she’ll be up with her class when we’re sure it’s safe to return.”

  “That would be great.” Niall’s cell rang, and he quickly answered.

  “Yes, Judge. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. I need to know if you need me to return to the courtroom.”

  “Your friend, Glenn Tilford asked me the same question this morning, so I just checked with the defense lawyer. He has no plans to call you back. I believe he knows your testimony wouldn’t help his client.”

  “Thanks. I need to go back to work.”

  “Thank you for being so patient. Good luck with whatever you do.”

  Niall clicked off his cell and turned to Emma. “You’re leaving right now?” she asked.

  “Yes, as soon as I get my men here. But first, I need to straighten one thing out between us.” He knelt beside Melissa. “Will you play in your room for a few minutes?” Melissa nodded and ran down the hallway.

  “She’s very well-behaved.”

  “At times Mom and I needed to talk, so she’s used to adults talking privately.” Niall took her hand and led her to the couch.

  “One moment. I need to alert the others to return to base. They get a beep on their cell.” He quickly punched in some numbers and then turned back to Emma.

  “What happened the other night had nothing to do with my feelings for you. I’ve realized I do love you.” He stopped talking when he saw the doubt on her face.

  “You looked guilty after we made love.”

  “When we made love, the feelings it aroused were much stronger than I expected. It startled me, and I didn’t know how to react. My feelings got all mixed up.”

  Niall squeezed her hand. “I went to the other room to clear my head before I talked with you. I had no way of knowing I wouldn’t be able to explain right away. I barely slept during that night.

  “Morgan will always have a place in my heart, but it’s time for me to move on. She would be happy for us.” He tipped Emma’s chin upward. “I’ve fallen in love with you. At first, I didn’t want to admit to my feelings. What if I was wrong?”

  Emma lowered her head. “I don’t know what to say or believe. I care for you very much, Niall, but I still have doubts about your true feelings. It will take time for me to believe what you just said. I don’t want you to worry and be careless on your job. I’ll take good care of Melissa while you’re gone. We’ll talk more when you return.”

  Niall stood and pulled her up beside him. “Then remember this when you have doubts.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He pulled her close and held her tightly in his arms as he kissed her again. Reluctantly, he pulled back.

  “Melissa,” he called. “Please come here.” He smiled when he heard her bedroom door open.

  He put out his arms and she ran into them. “Daddy’s got to leave. Be a good girl for Miss Emma.”

  “I will, Daddy. I love you and Miss Emma.”

  “Love you, too.” Niall kissed her cheek and went out to his truck.

  Emma and Melissa walked outside and waved until he was out of sight. Melissa started to cry as Emma carried her into the house. Emma hugged her tight and sat her on the sofa. “What did you and Grandma do when Daddy had to leave?”

  “Grandma read to me, or we watched a movie.”

  “You have some new books. Go pick out your favorite and I’ll read it. Later, we’ll cook dinner together. You can help me.”


  “Yes, now go get your book.”

  At least for now I can stay busy. Tonight, I’ll think about all Niall said to me.

  Niall called his Commander on his way back to his office. “The Judge said I wouldn’t be needed. I’ve called in the team.”

  “Good. You’ll find all the information you need on your computer. I want you to leave as soon as possible.”

  “We’ll be on our way shortly.”

  After Niall left, Emma called Wolf’s wife.

  “Hi, Caroline. I wanted to see if you’d have lunch with me tomorrow. I’m taking Melissa to the base’s library. They have a reading group for her age, and afterward, they’ll be taken to the playground to play and have a picnic.”

  “Sure, I’d love to have the opportunity to get to know you better,” Caroline said. “It must be lonely having to stay on the base while Captain Buchanan is gone.”

  “It is. How about we meet at the cafeteria around eleven-thirty?”

  “Sounds good to me. See you there.”

  The rest of the day and evening seemed long, but Emma kept Melissa busy watching a movie and helping cook their meal. Melissa ate dinner and was ready for bed soon afterward.

  Once the little girl was tucked in and fast asleep, Emma had time to think about what Niall said before he left. She tried to push any doubts away, but it was difficult.

  He’d mourned his wife for a long time and kept his heart protected. Perhaps he was telling her the truth about his feelings and not making it up to have her feel better about their marriage.

  I do love him and Melissa, and I want to believe he loves me, too. She bowed her head and cried. If only I could go home and spend time with Mom and Dad. Perhaps I can. If one of the SEALs went home with us and checked around to see we were safe, then he could leave, and we’d stay there. My parents will love Melissa. My plan might work, especially if I can get someone to teach me to shoot.

  The slight headache she’d had all evening got worse. Rubbing her forehead, she went into the kitchen and took a pill.

  “Are you all right, Miss Emma?” a tiny voice spoke from the doorway.

  “Yes, honey. It’s just a headache. Why are you out of bed?”

  “I miss Daddy.”

  “I do, too.” Emma picked Melissa up and saw the tears in her eyes. “Why don’t you sleep with me tonight? We’ll keep each other company.”

  “Really?” Melissa wiped the tears from where they’d run down her cheeks.

  Emma forced a smile. “Really.” She went to her bedroom and placed Melissa on the bed.

  “We won’t tell Daddy,” the little girl said in a conspiratorial tone. “He always says to be brave and have fun while he’s gone.”

  “No, we won’t tell him. We’ll let him think how brave we are and eventually, we will be braver.”

  Melissa kissed her cheek. “I love you, Miss Emma.”

  Trying to hold back tears and swallow around the lump in her throat, Emma tucked Melissa in and then changed into her pajamas.

  “You want Matthew or one of his team to teach you to shoot a gun?” Caroline asked.

  “Yes. I’d like to go home with Melissa for a few weeks. If I know how to shoot, I can better protect her. Although I doubt anyone would follow us to my small hometown.”

  “I’m not so certain. But if one of the SEALs goes with you and checks the area, it might be safer. Still, I doubt Matthew will agree. He knows
the Captain wanted you and Melissa to stay safe on the base.”

  “At least we’ll be safer wherever we are if I can also protect us. Knowing how to shoot is important.”

  “All right, I’ll ask him, but don’t be disappointed if he doesn’t like the idea.”

  As they talked, Caroline reached across and took Emma’s hand. “I can see in your eyes how you feel about the Captain. If you’re worried about his feelings, don’t be. I’ve heard the men say he’s never been this interested in a woman since his wife died, and that he’s a lot happier.” She laughed. “They said he’d have cursed and paced the floors of the courthouse if not for you.”

  “We were working on arranging the school situation for Melissa.”

  “He grew attached to you. He was more frantic than the rest of us when we had trouble finding you that day.”

  “I hope you’re right. I’ve fallen in love with him and Melissa.”

  “And it’s obvious Melissa adores you. It’s the perfect situation. Don’t give up on him yet.”

  “I won’t. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.”

  “I’ll urge Matthew to find someone to teach you how to shoot a gun.”

  “Thanks.” Emma glanced at her watch. “Time to get Melissa. I’ve enjoyed our lunch.”

  “Me, too. I’ll arrange a lunch with all the wives, and you can come and bring Melissa. One of the SEALs can bring you and then take you back to the base.”

  “I’d love that. I do get lonely at times. I’m used to being busier.”

  “I’ll try and plan it for next week,” Caroline said and hugged her.

  Emma hurried to her car. She had plenty of time, but always worried when Melissa wasn’t with her.

  Later at home, Emma peeked into Melissa’s room and saw her playing happily with her dolls. She left the door cracked open and went to the kitchen. She didn’t love cooking as much as her mother, but it did relax her when she was tense. She’d bake a special cake for Melissa and surprise her.

  Captain Buchanan monitored his Team from their temporary station. The Team had surrounded the camp where the prisoner was spotted. Hawke and Shadow moved into a spot closer to the camp.

  Shadow motioned he was moving to the back of the tents. Gradually, he got close enough to hear men talking.

  He spoke into his mic to Hawke. “They’re planning to join some others at another camp in a day or two. I’ve heard chatter that the prisoner has been moved there. I’m heading back your way.”

  Once Hawke acknowledged his message, Niall sent the message onward to the main station and waited.

  “Orders are to return to temporary base.”

  “Acknowledged.” Niall told Hawke and Shadow over the com to return with the rest of the Team to their base.

  Shadow grumbled. “I’d like to have taken them all out while we had the opportunity.”

  “Yes, but the higher-ups want them to think we don’t know where the captive is being held.”

  “We don’t.”

  “True,” Niall said as Hawke and Shadow joined the group. “We’re to return home until we have better intelligence about her whereabouts, and then we’ll try again with better information next time.”

  “It’s a woman?” Bear asked Niall.

  “Yes, and they are threatening to kill her soon.”

  “We’ll return home, but it won’t be for long. We need to get the prisoner out ASAP. Hopefully, our command will keep in contact with them so they think our country might reconsider bargaining for her life.” Niall looked at his team. “Be ready to go at a minute’s notice.”

  Chapter 12

  When Niall came through the doorway, Melissa ran to him and hugged his legs. He picked her up, kissed her, and walked across the room to Emma. Then he leaned forward and kissed her, too.

  “Daddy, do you love Miss Emma?”

  “I do. I love you both.”

  “Then can she be my Momma?”

  Niall smiled at Emma and reached out with one arm to pull her close. “I love you both. Would you mind having Miss Emma for your Mother?”

  Melissa bounced up and down on his arm. I like Miss Emma, and then I’d have a Mommy, too, just like the other kids.” Then her small face looked sad. “Do you think Mommy in Heaven would mind?”

  “No, I think she wants us to be happy and for you to have a Mommy here to watch out for you and love you.”

  Melissa went silent, and then asked to be put down. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she ran to her bedroom. Niall and Emma quietly peeked into her room and heard her talking to her Mother’s picture. They backed away.

  “She’s always talked to her Mother. She believes since she’s in Heaven, she can hear her. I’ve thought it was healthy for her,” Niall explained. Before he had a chance to say anything else, Melissa returned. She had a solemn look on her face.

  “Momma understands and wants Miss Emma to make you and me happy, Daddy.”

  “How do you know?” Niall asked.

  Melissa smiled. “Whenever the sun shines across my face I know she’s happy with what I said.”

  “Does she ever disagree?” Niall asked, worried about his daughter’s belief.

  “Not often, unless I already know it’s a bad thing to do. I like to think Mommy agrees with me when it’s something I want, and it won’t hurt me.”

  “Ah, I see.” Niall squatted down and hugged his daughter. “I love you.”

  “I know. I overheard Grandma’s friend say I was a lucky girl to have a Grandma and Daddy who loved me so much. Grandma said my Mommy would have—” she wrinkled her forehead in thought, “—I can’t remember, but it meant to love me a lot.”

  “Then it’s settled.” He looked at Emma. “We’re going to have a quick marriage before I get called away again. We’ll start with the courthouse and then get rings for both of us. I know a place where many of the other guys on my Teams got theirs. It’s quaint, and a bit strange, but the rings are beautiful. Let’s go. We may not have much time.”

  Niall started to turn away and stopped. “Did you think about what I said? I didn’t even ask if you’ll still marry me.”

  “I thought about it. Time will work it all out. But I think we may be rushing the ceremony.”

  He hugged her tight. “It will work out. I do love you, but I’m glad it took me a long time to open my heart to someone again. Otherwise, it would never have worked, and I’d have missed you.” He grinned and added, “My men don’t know I overheard them, but there’s a bet on how soon I’d marry you, not if I’d marry you. It appears no one doubted we’d be a pair except us.”

  “Then hurry up and let’s get it done.” Emma gave him a push. “I want to find out who won the bet.” Laughing, they headed out with Melissa to the truck and drove downtown.

  “We got the license without any problem. Now we’ll get the rings and call Vi and Hawke, and anyone else you want to attend our wedding this afternoon.”

  “You want to get married today?”

  “Yes. We might be called back at any moment. I want this done now. Don’t you?”

  “Let’s stop at this park and let Melissa play on the swings while we talk.”

  As soon as Niall parked the truck, Melissa ran to the swings. They sat on a park bench nearby. “Why do you want to marry me so soon?”

  “It’s about time. I can’t understand why someone hasn’t done it before. But it’s their loss and my gain. I get the beautiful, loving wife.”

  “I think you’ve been drinking, but it sounds good. Still, I feel like you’re panicking for some reason and doing this in too much of a hurry.”

  “It’s nothing like that,” Niall said and looked away.

  Emma pulled his head around to face her. “Why?”

  “I realized while out in the jungle that if anything happened to me, Melissa would miss out on having you for her mother. She needs a young woman who has the energy and love to help her grow up to be happy and strong. She needs you as much as I do.”

>   “We’re marrying to give Melissa a mother?”


  “Be honest, Niall. I can’t believe you’re all this certain about us so suddenly.”

  “What I said about my reactions the other night is true. I admit getting married after such a long time alone is a bit scary.” He chuckled. “Getting married can be scarier to a SEAL then moving in to have a shootout with the enemy. But I do want us to be man and wife for many reasons. One is that I have fallen in love with you. You’re a strong, wonderful woman and perfect for Melissa and me.”

  “At least now you're more honest.”

  “Please marry me, Emma. When I get back, I’ll show you how much I do love you.”

  “All right, but if you come back and have changed your mind, I may shoot you.”

  Niall laughed and pulled her close to kiss her.

  “Daddy’s kissing Miss Emma,” Melissa said in a sing-song fashion.

  “You are supposed to be swinging,” Niall said and tried to sound stern. But Melissa only laughed and jumped up and down.

  He picked her up, and they started toward the car. “It’s time to find the jewelry shop and see about some rings.”

  After they parked in front of the shop some of his men had recommended, Niall turned to Emma. “I have to warn you the jeweler is old and has strange beliefs, but the wives have always believed what he says. We men are a bit skeptical, but not completely.”

  “I’m anxious to meet him. Come on, sweetie,” Emma said as she lifted Melissa out of the car seat in the back.

  They entered the shop and an old man walked out from behind a curtained doorway. He smiled at Melissa. “What a pretty little girl, and I can tell you are sweet.”

  “How?” Melissa asked.

  “Ah, and very smart. Can you tell me why you all are here today?”

  “My Daddy is going to marry Miss Emma, and then she’ll be my Mommy. My first Mommy is in Heaven.”

  “Ah, I see.” He looked at the trio. “A special time for all of you. I have just the rings for the occasion. Excuse me a moment. I have them in the back.”


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