The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 8

by Quinn, Shelli

  “You both look lovely tonight.” Pierce said to them both.

  “Well we must look better than we feel cause I’m bone tired.” Asia said with a forced smile.

  “Did the two of you have a long day?” Gio asked.

  “Yes!” They answered in unison.

  “They’ve been up since the crack of dawn working on this dinner and wedding stuff and I love them both for it.” Gigi said as she stepped between them and placed an arm around both of them.

  “You just better be grateful that we love your ass back.” Asia said teasingly.

  “Please excuse her for her rudeness she’s been up since yesterday and when she doesn’t get much sleep things tend to get ugly.” London said to the other’s in the room.

  Asia’s gaze snapped in London’s direction as she placed a hand on one of her slender hips. “Who the hell are you calling ugly?” She yelled.

  “Are you deaf I didn’t call you ugly I said things tend to get ugly as in the situation?” London replied.

  The newly arrived Fabrizio brothers looked on in wonder as the women carried on their banter with lots of affection for each other. Pierce and Gio had grown accustom to the playful banter between the sisters. But Gabe and Luc noticed that the women were a lot like them no matter how much they insulted or threatened each other with bodily they still loved and respected each other. But what really grabbed their attention was how attractive the women were.

  “If you two are done I want you both to meet Gabriele and Luciano these are two of my sisters Asia and London.” Gigi said as she interrupted their playfully banter.

  “Hi.” Asia and London both said in unison.

  Gabe and Luc smiled as they gazed at the two women standing beside Gigi. The first one was just slightly taller than Gigi and had been introduced as Asia. She was very attractive with her wavy strands of hair highlight with honey blonde streaks cascading down her back. The color complemented her walnut skin tone as her lovely smile lit up her pretty face and bright hazel eyes. The red strapless dress she wore fit snuggly over her slender frame stopping just above the knee. Her silky smooth legs looked positively sexy in the matching high heel sandals she was wearing.

  The third woman was just a bit taller than the other two women but she was just as gorgeous as the others. Her mocha complexion was smooth and flawless with a slight glow. Her shiny black hair was cut into a cute short style that framed her exotic looking face. Her dark brown eye sparkled as she smiled sweetly. The copper colored strapless shorts jumpsuit she wore flattered her shapely body with the shorts stopping mid-thigh to reveal long temping legs. Her matching wedge sandals only added to the appeal of her legs.

  “Uh you two might want to close your mouths before something flies in.” Pierce said jokingly to his brother before greeting the women. “Good evening, ladies, how are you both doing?”

  “Well I’m fine, but she seems to be a little grumpy.” London said pointing a finger at Asia.

  “You aim that finger in this direction again and I’ll show you grumpy.” Asia replied through clenched teeth.

  “I know you two are not acting crazy in front of company?” They heard Indy say for the doorway of the dining room. All eyes were fixed on the woman who’d just stepped into the room. But one person in particular seemed to be captivated by her arrival.

  Gio was dazed by how stunningly beautiful Indy looked in her emerald green mini dress, with its one shoulder strap that angled across her upper chest to the opposite shoulder. The hem of her dress reached just below mid-thigh, probably due to her height especially in those high heel matching green sandals. But the split over one of her legs stopped just shy of her hip the dress hugged her curvaceous body to perfection. She’d curled her auburn shoulder length hair into a very attractive style. Her honey brown eyes were truly mesmerizing as she stared back at him. Her walnut skin glistened from whatever moisturizer she used on it and looked butter soft. Her long shapely legs had his mouth watering causing him to swallow several times.

  Gigi, Asia and London stared at India in amazement and shock she looked stunning. The three women knew how beautiful Indy was but she always down played her looks as not to attract attention. She was the one who didn’t like dressing up or putting on heels and she never, ever wore dresses. This Indy standing in front of them was a complete different woman.

  “Dang girl look at you, you’re about to burn this place down looking that hot.” Gigi said to Indy.

  “Would you stop exaggerating?” Indy said to her.

  “Oh she’s not exaggerating you are most definitely looking hot.” Gio said snapping out of his trance.

  Indy smiled at him before responding. “Thank you.” She said then turned to the others. “I’m sorry for the delay I know everyone has to be hungry.”

  “I am now.” Gabe said with a teasing smile.

  Gio glanced at him with narrowed eyes and a slight snarl. “Don’t make me hurt you.” He said quietly.

  “Ooookay! I guess now we know which sister to stay away from.” Gabe whispered to Luc.

  Luc reached in his pocket to pull out a handkerchief handing it to Gio as he smiled.

  “What’s this for?” Gio asked puzzled.

  “I just thought you might want to wipe the drool from the corner of your mouth.” Luc said laughing as he stepped out of Gio’s reach.

  Gigi nudged Pierce lightly in the ribs with her elbow. “I don’t know who’s crazier your brothers or my sisters?” She whispered.

  Pierce laughed quietly. “Uh, yeah that might be a little tough to determine so let’s just call it a tie and leave it there.”

  Gigi laughed. “Hey, that sounds good to me.”

  Chapter Ten

  After dinner they all went up to the top floor apartment for drinks and conversation. Once everyone was seated with a glass in hand Pierce complemented Asia on all the hard work she’d put into the dinner.

  “Asia dinner was magnificent you did a great job thank you.”

  Asia beamed with pride at his complement. “I enjoy making people happy with my recipes, what good is a culinary arts degree if you can’t put it to use.”

  “Well you certainly have put it to good use that meal was extraordinary.” Gabe said.

  “It sure was, as extraordinary as the woman who made it.” Luc said smiling wickedly at Asia.

  Asia gazed at him with a raised brow. “Are you flirting with me Luciano?” she asked.

  “I’m certainly trying and please call me Luc.”

  “How about I call you an ambulance instead, because if you don’t stop flirting with me you’re going to need one? Game recognizes, game playa and I’m not to be toyed with, you feeling me?” Asia said before taking a sip of her wine.

  “I’m not feeling you yet but I can wait.” Luc replied with a smirk.

  “Don’t make me hurt you, Luc.” Asia said in a warning tone.

  “Why not? I might like it.” Luc replied.

  “That’s what worries me.” Asia whispered to herself causing Luc to laugh.

  The other’s had been quietly observing the exchange between Luc and Asia with amusement as they sipped on their glasses of wine.

  “What brand of wine is this? It has a unique taste is it local.” Gabe asked holding his glass up towards the light.

  “Actually it’s a Landry Landing house wine. Indy developed the blend for the Inn, we also have a few more on the menu and she’s in the process of creating a few new ones.” Gigi said as she sipped on her glass of apple juice.

  “Well if the other blends are as tasty as this one then your wine business here at the Inn must be booming.” Gabe inquired.

  “I said there would be no talk of business tonight and I meant it, Gabe.” Pierce said giving his brother a pointed look.

  “Sorry force of habit.” Gabe replied.

  “Then it sounds like you need a new hobby.” London said before lifting her glass to her lips.

  “I’m open to suggestions do you have any?” Gabe asked fli

  “I might be persuaded to offer you a few suggestions.” London replied devilishly.

  “Oh brother, do you two need a room?” Asia asked rolling her eyes at the two, causing the others to laugh.

  Gigi leaned over towards Pierce so that only he could hear what she was saying. “Speaking of rooms if all of them are staying here at the Inn under the same roof, maybe we should get a room someplace else away from them.” She whispered.

  “I would be happy too if I wasn’t worried that one of your sisters might strangle one of my brothers, I know how annoying these guys can be.” Pierce whispered back.

  “Fine, then I’ll just go to bed…to get some sleep…alone…while you stay out here…with them…to make sure they don’t strangle each other…good night sunshine.” Gigi whispered slowly in his ear nipping his earlobe with her teeth before struggling to her feet taking her time as she walked towards their room, stopping for a second to look at him over her shoulder with a sultry glance.

  “The hell you will, I’m coming with you and we wouldn’t be doing any sleeping. These guys can do whatever they want to each other they have the number to nine, one, one. Play nice kids we’re going to bed. And do not disturb us or someone will definitely need nine, one, one when I’m done with them good night.” Pierce said as he headed after Gigi into their room slamming and locking the door.

  “What’s his problem?” Luc asked to no one particular.

  “I’d say the problem is you two just got here and you’re already getting on the man’s nerves.” Gio said to Luc and Gabe.

  “And you two aren’t helping the situation either.” Indy said addressing London and Asia.

  London and Asia exchanged looks before turning their gazes back to Indy. “What did we do?” Asia asked in child like tone.

  “Oh just forget it you two go to bed.” Indy said to her sisters.

  “Gladly, besides I don’t think I could stay up another minute anyway.” Asia replied as she got to her feet leaving her spot on the couch.

  “I can think of a few ways to keep you awake.” Luc teased.

  “Save it Romeo, I’m done playing your little game for the night I’ll see you in the morning.” Asia said as she headed for her room.

  “If not before.” Luc mumbled.

  Asia stopped to glance at him over her shoulder. “For your sake you’d better hope I don’t.” She said before slamming her door to the sound of Luc’s laughter.

  “Well there’s no point in me staying up now I’m going to bed…as soon as someone tells me where that is.” Luc said.

  “Sure you and Gabe are in the room down the hall and to the left there should plenty of room for you both with two full size beds, a private bath, walk in closet and a sitting area. If you need anything just let me know I’m in the room at the end of the hall.” Indy said sitting her glass on the end table before stand.

  “They won’t be bothering you if they need any thing I’ll take care of it I’m in the room across the hall from her. You ladies go on to bed we’ll take the glasses to the kitchen.” Gio said daring his brothers to challenge him.

  “Oh well thanks, good night Gio. Let’s go London.” Indy said as she pulled London to her feet and ushered her down the hall.

  “What why do I have to go to bed I’m not tired.” London said in protest as Indy drug her to her room.

  “You have to go because I said so now move it.” Indy replied as she continued to shove her down the hall.

  Once Gio heard two doors close he began taking the wine glasses to the kitchen with the help of Luc and Gabe. Rinse the glasses he placed them in the dishwasher next to the sink.

  “So I take it by your reaction that the lovely India is off limits, huh?” Gabe asked jokingly because he already knew the answer to that question.

  Gio turned to look at them both before answering. “Yes she most certainly is, and also Pierce and I don’t want you playing games with the Asia or London either. They’re about to become family so tread very lightly you two womanizing buffoons.”

  “We love you too dear brother, and you and Pierce should know that we wouldn’t do anything to hurt Gigi’s sisters so stop worrying we’ll behave you have our word.” Gabe said.

  “Fine, you have my word.” Luc said when both Gio and Gabe gave him a stern look. “But I’m telling you both right now if Asia makes a pass at me there’s no way in hell I’m turning her down.”

  “Yeah I don’t think we have to worry about that she doesn’t seem to be warming up to your flirtatious charm like most women do.” Gabe said with a smirk which caused Gio to smirk as well.

  “That only because she was tired tonight, she’ll come around just wait and see.” Luc said to them both.

  “Uh huh, yeah we’ll see.” Gabe replied as they all headed off to bed.

  Inside Gigi and Pierce’s suite they were just climbing into bed when they heard several doors being closed before silence.

  Gigi smiled at Pierce who was lying next to her with his front against her back. “See no screaming and no sirens so I’m assuming everyone is still alive and that they’re all gone to bed.”

  “Well either that or they’ve all killed each other quietly and are lying out there lifeless.” Pierce said as he ran his hand over her stomach.

  “Please you know my sisters there’s no way they’d go quietly, heck they don’t even know what quiet is.” Gigi said giggling as his fingers softly danced over her stomach in feather light strokes.

  “Neither would my brothers have you forgotten that they’re Italian, quiet isn’t in their vocabulary.” He said as he nibbled at the side of her neck.

  “At least they’re not at each other’s throats so that’s a good thing.” Gigi mumbled between moans as he continued nipping at her neck causing tingling sensations to spread throughout her wanton body.

  “Don’t you think we’ve talked about our family enough for tonight? There’s much better things we could be doing that don’t involve talk.” Pierce said lifting his head just far enough to speak letting his warm breath fan across the skin at her neck making her shiver slightly.

  “What family?” Gigi whispered softly as she reached up to caress the back of his head, sifting her fingers through his silky black hair.

  Pierce trailed kisses over her shoulder, down to the bend of her arm before replying. “That’s more like it, Caro.” He said gently pushing her to her back. When she was lying flat on the bed he leaned over her as he stared down at her. “Your beauty takes my breath away.” He said closing the distance between them capturing her mouth in an earth shattering kiss.

  Pierce kissed her long and slow stroking her tongue with his own, making her feel as if she’d been drugged. Gigi felt light headed and if she wasn’t laying flat on her back she would probably be laid out on the floor. Each time they made love was better than the last and she didn’t know how that could be possible. He was one heck of a lover that for dang sure.

  He ended the kiss to cover one of her plump breasts with his mouth flicking his tongue across the nipple until it beaded in his mouth. Gigi inhaled sharply at the incredible sensations spiraling throughout her aroused body. He moved to the other breast to do the same to it drawing soft moans of delight from her. Next he inched his way down over her stomach applying tiny feather light kisses as he continued down to the area at the apex of her thighs.

  Pierce carefully nudged her legs apart as he settled himself between her legs lowered. The first swipe of his hot, wet, tongue across her nether lips had her gasping loudly as her back left the bed when she shot up right from the intense pleasure his mouth gave her. She’d never felt such tremendous ecstasy as she was experiencing at this moment she thought as she fall back against the bed burying her face in the pillows.

  Moments later she thrashed her head from side to side as her senses became overwhelmed when he licked and lapped at her sweet nectar causing her to whimper and squirm from the relentless and sinful use of his talented mouth. Pierce closed his
lips over her swollen bud swirling his tongue over it several times before gently sucking it deeper into his warm mouth.

  Her thighs quivered when he placed his hands under her bottom tilting her closer, feasting ravenously until her succulent juices erupted onto his palate. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she blissfully hissed his name as immense shock waves rocked her body. The orgasm she’d just experienced left her breathless.

  Once her legs stopped quivering he gently lowered her to the bed placing a soft kiss on her inner thigh before moving back up to the bed beside her. Pierce smiled down at Gigi as she struggled to catch her breath. When she was able to breathe effortlessly she smiled back sighing happily as she stretched turning on her side.

  “Oh no you don’t, Caro we aren’t done yet.” Pierce said kissing her on the shoulder.

  Gigi snickered pushing herself to a sitting position to look down at him. “I kind of figured that, I was just messing with you there’s no way I’m ready to go to sleep.”

  Pierce lay back on the bed with his head resting on the pillows. “That’s good, because you’re doing the work tonight sweetie.”

  “Uh, and exactly how am supposed to do that?” She asked with a confused expression.

  He smiled at her it was still hard for him to believe that she pregnant with his child but almost innocent when it came to making love, almost innocent she had enough wildcat in her to keep a man on his toes.

  “First you need to straddle my hips facing me.”


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