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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

Page 9

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Do what? Are you sure I’m pretty heavy you know.” Gigi whined not sure if he realized how heavy she was with his baby in her stomach.

  Pierce grinned at her. “It’ll be fine Caro, come you’ll see. Do you trust me?” He replied as he held his hand out to her, carefully helping her straddle his hips. “Lift up on your knees for me baby.”

  “You mean like this?” She said doing as he’d asked.

  “Yes baby just like that.” Pierce said as he reached down between their bodies to position the tip of his elongated member at the entrance of her moist tunnel. “Now slowly lower yourself down until you’re comfortable.”

  Gigi did as he requested easing down the length of his throbbing erection as far as her body would allow before feeling discomfort. “Okay what do I do now?”

  “Baby, this is the part where you work it don’t worry if you get tired we can change positions.”

  “Okay, somebody has been listening to a little too much Pleasure P.” Gigi said as she began her up and down joyride on his steel rod.

  “Hey I like that song.” Pierce said moaning.

  “I bet you do.” Gigi whispered bracing her hands on his solid chest she began rocking her hips forward, backward then side to side, she kept that rhythmic tempo, while adding an up and down motion to the beat of her sexual dance. Pierce closed his eyes and gritted his teeth at the awesome feel of her inner walls squeezing, clenching and caressing him provocatively. She was blowing his mind how the hell was a woman that was almost eight month pregnant able to gyrate her hips like that.

  When Pierce opened his eyes Gigi was gazing down at him with a wide smile on her lips. Realizing that he liked what she was doing with her hips she doubled her efforts, moving her hips a little faster. He palmed and kneaded her bottom meeting her with upward thrusts as she moved in downward thrusts but he took extreme care not to cause her pain not wanting to hurt the baby.

  Gigi let her head drop back releasing a cat like moan as she released her second orgasm of the night. It was moments later that she returned her gaze to his and witnessed raw emotion as he grunted and groaned from the force of his orgasm. This woman had him spellbound she continuously seemed to amaze him.

  Pierce sat up with her still straddling his hips carefully twisting to the side so that he could lower her to the bed beside him. He gazed down into her gorgeous face smiling when she struggled to keep her eyes open.

  “How was that for working it?” She asked sleepily.

  “You worked it and me, where did you learn to rotate your hips like that?” He asked.

  Gigi smiled. “Indy taught all of us a dance she said we’d be glad we took the time to learn one day. Now I know what she meant.” She said covering her mouth as she yawned then closing her eyes as she lost her battle with sleep. “Goodnight sunshine.”

  “Goodnight Caro.” Pierce said kissing her on the forehead before pulling the covers over them both then settling down beside her, smoothing a hand over her stomach. “Goodnight, little one.” He whispered.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next week and a half went by fairly quickly with the wedding preparations, all the construction that was going on and planning the expansion of the Inn. With so much going on they split up most of the responsibilities Gigi and Pierce took over the hiring duties interviewing applicants, the ones that seemed promising they turned over to Gio for background checks. Between the background checks and helping Indy develop new wines he was pretty busy.

  Gabe was mostly busy giving Pierce a hand with Fabrizio Industries and when he wasn’t doing that he spent what little free time he did have flirting with London. That is when she wasn’t busy with the wedding. The two were also working on design ideas for the remodel of the Inn and were coming up with some really good suggestions.

  Luc kept busy helping anyone who needed a hand and when he wasn’t doing that you could find him giving Asia a hard time. Asia on the other hand spent most of her time trying to avoid Luc, with no luck. He was there every time she turned around he was in her kitchen so much he know the entire kitchen staff by name.

  They’d all fallen into a daily routine that was quite comfortable. Tonight they all plan to sit down and discuss plans for the Inn. The wedding was in two days and Pierce’s parents would be arriving tomorrow.

  The wedding announcement had been published in several newspapers across the country along with a photo of Pierce and Gigi looking very happy.

  Gigi didn’t realize that marrying a Fabrizio was such big news then again it’s not every day that the CEO of a billion dollar empire announced he was taking a wife and they were already expecting their first child.

  Most of the reports wanted to know why they didn’t know about their relationship before now. Pierce simply smiled and replied. “Well now you know.”

  That day Gigi got an unwanted visitor while she was watching the front desk for an employee who wasn’t feeling well everyone else was busy and Pierce was and his brothers were on a conference call in the private dining room.

  Gigi was so totally focused on her monthly paperwork that she didn’t noticed that she was being watched by someone lurking in the shadows. When she looked up from her paperwork she was staring right into the face of none other than the conniving, little crook that had stolen from her and her sisters.

  He’d waited until no one was around to approach her, the last thing he wanted was witnesses in case things didn’t go as he’d planned.

  “What the hell are you doing here you bottom feeding, scum bucket?” Gigi asked through tightly clenched teeth. His appearance shocked her he looked nothing like the guy she’d once dated.

  His hair was a matted mess he was wearing dirty clothes and scuffed up shoes. His light brown skin was blotchy and his dark eyes looked cold and hollow. He was fidgety and nervous as if he might be strung out on something.

  “I’m here because I need money and since you’ve hit the jackpot reeling in the rich Italian guy I want you to get me some.” He said in a sarcastic tone.

  Gigi laughed in his face. “You have got to be out of your damn mind, the only thing you’ll be getting is a jail sentence if you don’t get the out of here.”

  “I don’t think so, you see if you don’t give me some money I’ll press charges against that lunatic sister of yours for what she did to my face the day all of you came to my apartment.” He said smugly.

  “Go right ahead, no one in the right mind would believe you’re stupid ass. Now get out of my Inn, Rodney.” Gigi yelled.

  “They will when I show them the pictures of the damage she did along with the security tape of the three of you entering my building with that maniac carrying a bat.”

  “You should be happy that she left you breathing is what you should do you snake face troll.”

  He reached across the counter and grabbed Gigi, digging his fingers into flesh squeezing her upper arm as he dragged her around to the front of the counter.

  “Either you give me the money or I’ll get it myself when I hold you for ransom. I wonder how much rich boy would pay to get you and that baby you’re carrying back, not that he’d ever see you again when I was through with you.” He said breathing his hot, rancid breath in her face.

  “Damn fool, you need some mouthwash. When was the last time you brushed your rusty teeth.” Gigi shouted as she tried to pull her arm from his grasp. “Get your filthy hands off of me slime ball.”

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Pierce bellowed from behind them. “Get your hands off my wife.” Pierce demanded in a forceful tone as he hurried over to Gigi’s side. “Are you alright Caro?”

  “I think so. This is Rodney the good for nothing, scum sucking, lowlife that stole money from me and my sisters. He came here threatening me for money.” Gigi told Pierce as she rubbing her upper arm where Rodney had been holding her.

  Pierce noticed that bruises had formed on her upper arm where he’d been holding her. When he looked up he realized that his brothers had
followed out to see what Gigi was yelling about. They now stood a few feet behind the creep who’d just put a bruise on his woman and the mother of his child.

  Seconds later Gigi’s sisters came out to see what was going on. Indy looked from the mark on Gigi’s arm to Rodney who now looked a bit panicked.

  “Oh no, you did not put your hands on my sister.” Indy said as she lunged towards him but Gio caught her in mid air.

  “We got this Indy you take Gigi and go up stairs.” Gio said setting her on her feet. She glanced at Pierce before realizing that a small crowd had gathered to witness the commotion.

  “It’s okay Indy we’ll take care of him you go take care of Gigi and make sure she’s alright I’ll be up when we’re done.”

  Asia and London went with them turning to glare at Rodney over their shoulder as they went up the stairs.

  “So Rodney do you have any family that would notice that you’re missing?” Pierce asked as he and his brothers escorted him out door.

  It was a couple of hours later when Pierce and his brothers returned and made it upstairs to check on the women. Indy, Asia and London were all sitting in the living room when they arrived.

  “Where’s Gigi? Is she okay?” Pierce asked.

  “She’s lying down her arm is bruised pretty badly but she’ll be okay and before you ask the baby is fine.” Indy said.

  “I’m going to see how she is, excuse me.” Pierce headed to their suite.

  After he left the room his brothers took seats around the room. “Is there any wine in the kitchen?” Luc asked.

  “Yeah there should be I’ll check.” Indy said as she moved to get up.

  “No that’s okay don’t get up I’ll check.” He said going into the kitchen. Asia followed him entering the kitchen just as he was wrapping a wet towel around his knuckles.

  Asia rushed to his side taking his hand in hers. “Here let me. I won’t ask how this happened I’m pretty sure I already know.”

  “You think so huh.” Luc said gazing down at her as she tended to his bruised hand. After cleaning his hand with antiseptic she wrapped it then kissed the outside of the bandage.

  “There is that better?” Asia asked staring up at him.

  He nodded. “Yes that’s better but I think it’s a little sore here on my right jaw.” Luc said pointing to that area of his face. “I think it would feel much better if you kissed it.”

  She stretched up to place a kiss on his jaw where he’d indicated. “There are you happy now?”

  He smiled. “Almost, I think my lips are a little sore do you think you can kiss them and make them better?”

  She folded her arms over her middle and glared at him for a minute. “It doesn’t look like there’s anything wrong with your lips.”

  “It may not look like it but they’re a little achy.” Luc said give her a pitiful expression.

  “Fine, I’ll do it this time and only this time.” Asia said and he wasted no time lowering his lips to meet her half way. What she’d meant to be quick peck on the lips turned into something completely different when he pulled her into his arms. Her body molded against his as he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist holding her closely angling his mouth over hers to deepen the kiss.

  When she lifted her arms she’d intended to use them to push him away but found herself looping them around his neck as she stood up on her tip toes to get closer. She could feel his heat seeping through his shirt and hers as he kissed her like a starving man finally being fed. She wasn’t sure how long they had been kissing but he had her moaning form deep within her throat, so she knew it was time to end their kiss before things got out of hand.

  Asia slipped her hands between them and pushed at his chest, he reluctantly ended the kiss. He gazed down at her to see if she was going to slap him for kissing her like that. When she just gazed back at him he was relieved.

  “I guess we should find that wine and get back out there. Thanks for make me feel better, Asia.” He said with a sincere expression and a warm smile.

  Asia went over to the cabinet to take out several wine glasses then walked to the refrigerator to take out two bottles of wine placing all the items on a tray she headed for the swinging door stopping she turned to Luc and smiled.

  “I’m glad you feel better, but if you ever do that again, your lips will be sore from me punching you in them.” She then pushed the door open with her butt and left him standing there.

  Luc snickered as he watched her leave because even as she spoke those words her eyes told him all he needed to know, that she had enjoyed their kiss as much as he had and she could just count on it happening again. He’d make sure of that.

  Pierce sat on the bed pulling Gigi into his arms she was still a bit upset about what had transpired earlier. “Its okay honey, you don’t have to worry about him bothering you anymore.”

  “This is all my fault, if I hadn’t gotten involved with that little weasel none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have stolen our money, so we wouldn’t have taken out that loan and Indy wouldn’t have beaten him in the face with that bat…”

  “Wait, so she really did beat him in the face with a bat?” Pierce asked interrupting her.

  “Yes, she did.” Gigi said.

  “Well good, my brothers and I thought he was making that up.”

  “The point is I did this, he is in our lives because I put him there, me and my bad choices.” Gigi said wiping the tears from her cheeks with back of her hand.

  Pierce kissed her gently on the forehead. “Caro none of this is your fault he was responsible for his own actions not you. And we’ve all made bad choices at some point in our lives. Hell if it hadn’t been for Gio I would have married a lying, sneaky, manipulative, gold digging barracuda that was just after my money. So you see we all make bad judgment calls every now and then.”

  Gigi sniffled. “At least you found out before she took any of your money that little mongoose had wiped us out before I realized it.”

  “It’s over now Caro, he won’t be back.”

  “You don’t know that he could come back at anytime, he could wait until I’m alone to come back.” Gigi said franticly becoming even more upset.

  “Oh I do know, he will never, ever bother you again. I promise.” Pierce whispered rocking her gently.

  “Are you sure that’s a promise you can keep?” She asked with her head resting against his chest. Pierce carefully grasped her chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting her head up so that she could see his face.

  “Yes it most definitely is, I’ve never broken a promise and I don’t intend to start now, Caro.”

  Pierce kissed her lips before settling her against his chest once again. He pushed her hair away from her face with one hand and soothed his other hand over her stomach. Gigi closed her eyes as she listened to his heartbeat under her ear letting it lull her to sleep. Pierce heard her calm even breathing and knew that she’d fallen asleep. He glanced down at the angry bruise on her upper arm using a feather light touch he stroked his fingers over the bruise but even that had her flinching in her sleep.

  “He’ll never hurt you or anyone else again, that’s a promise I’m guaranteed to keep, my love.” He kissed her lips once again as he eased her to bed and pulled a blanket over her before leaving the room.

  In the living room after the wine was poured and everyone had a glass in hand they all made small talk about the dinner party that was scheduled to happen in a couple of days. They discussed the wedding that was shortly after that and then the upcoming birth of Pierce and Gigi’s baby.

  “So Asia have you finished the menu for the dinner party and the wedding reception?” Indy asked pulling her legs up onto the couch beneath her as she sipped her wine.

  “Kind of, I’ve figured out the menu for the reception but I’m undecided about the dinner party. Since Mr. and Mrs. Fabrizio Sr. are coming I want to make sure everything is perfect.” Asia said.

  “Hey why not do that pasta dish you made th
e first night we got here. That was really good and I know mom and dad will love it.” Luc said from his place on the couch next to Asia.

  “Luc’s right that would be a great choice, our parents will enjoy anything with pasta.” Gabe added.

  “Actually everything you’ve made since we’ve been here has been pretty good. So it really doesn’t matter what you make.” Luc said taking a sip of his wine.

  “Wow! Way to suck up bro.” Gabe teased.

  “Leave him alone Gabe. Asia, Luc is right all the meals you’ve prepare have been excellent.” Gio said to reassure her.

  Asia smiled brightly. “Thanks you guys that makes me feel a lot better about preparing the dinner party menu, it’s kind of nice having you guys around.”

  “It is isn’t it?” Luc said smirking.

  “Humph! Well maybe not all of you.” Asia said teasingly making everyone laugh.

  Pierce walked in as everyone was laughing, Indy handed him a glass of wine once he took a seat in one of the recliners.

  “How is Gigi doing?” Gio asked.

  After taking a long sip of his wine he answered. “She’ll be okay once it sinks in that he won’t be back to harm her or anyone else. She finally fell asleep so I thought I’d come out here for a while, seeing that bruise on her arm just made me angry all over again.” He said leaning back against the headrest of the recliner.

  “So what did you do with little scum anyway?” London asked.

  The Fabrizio brothers exchanged glances but it was Indy who addressed London.

  “Whatever they did with him was better than he deserved, because it was left up to me he’d be coming out the opposite end of a wood chipper, so let it go you and Asia can help me fix dinner, I’m sure Gigi will be hungry when she wakes up.” Indy said as she stood from the sofa to head into the kitchen.


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