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Page 21

by Vanessa Fewings

  He raised his hand. “I prefer to think of myself as a connoisseur of the dark arts.” He broke into a smile, reacting to my train of thought. “Actually I had a very privileged childhood. I grew up in the Hamptons. My father designed boats. I was spoiled. Maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, I attended private school and later studied medicine. See, all very normal.”

  “What made you leave psychiatry?”

  “I never left. I have a practice.”

  “When do you get time to run Chrysalis?”

  “I make time.”

  “During my interview, was Penny texting you?”

  “Yes. She’s my secretary at Chrysalis.” He shifted in his seat. “That was my way of sitting in on your interview. I had a hectic day.”

  “Not an exact science.”

  “Yes, but look at us now,” he said with amusement. “We’re all bonding nicely.”

  “Did you hire the Mistresses?”

  “Lotte and I built up Enthrall and out of that Chrysalis evolved. I took over the society that had been around for a century.” Cameron ran his thumb over his key fob.

  It was my turn to stare and try to read the answers from him. I wanted to know more about Chrysalis’s history.

  “We have a club in London,” he said. “And Paris.”

  “You run them all?”

  “I oversee the foreign houses as well, yes.”

  “Busy man.”

  He gave a crooked smile. “Richard’s very stable.”

  “I need to know what happened to his last submissive.”

  He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. “Shall we go in?”

  We exited the car and I followed Cameron to Richard’s front door. He used a key on his fob to open it. Apparently he had a copy of Richard’s house key.

  Cameron scoured the house, calling for him.

  Within a few minutes of not finding Richard anywhere, I joined Cameron beside the pool. He stood there peering down at the water with his arms folded. On the other side of the pool sat Winston, panting away in his usual unfazed self. I questioned his ability to serve as a guard dog.

  Cameron’s gaze swept the pool.

  A scream tore from me.

  Underwater in the left hand corner of the pool was the blur of a body resting on the bottom. With my heart in my throat I dived in, hitting the water with force, half hearing—

  Cameron shouting, “He has a tank.”


  Hands shaking, I wondered if my heart was ever going to slow. Although all was well now, my adrenaline hadn’t gotten the message and still surged through my veins, causing my legs to wobble. My wet hair clung to my head, my clothes were soaked and clinging, but I didn’t care.

  Richard looked unshaken. As did Cameron, who seemed to have seen this kind of behavior before from his restrained reaction. He raised the scuba mask over Richard’s face and rested it on his forehead.

  Water dripped off Richard and formed a puddle around his feet. “What?” he said, giving a mischievous smirk. “Am I the only one who thinks better submerged?”

  “I’m going to answer yes on that one,” said Cameron, and he stepped on Richard’s left fin to help him ease his foot out then did the same with the right. “What were you thinking about down there?”

  “Mia,” murmured Richard.

  Cameron gave a triumphant smile.

  Richard broke into that boyishness of his. “Can I have my jeep back?”

  I looked over at Cameron.

  “Something tells me Mia’s about to fall in love with my pancakes,” said Cameron. “How about,” he brushed sopping locks of hair out of Richard’s eyes, “you go take a shower and we’ll go prepare breakfast?”

  Richard looked so young standing there next to Cameron. He blinked his answer and ambled barefoot around the pool.

  “Hey,” Cameron called after him.

  Richard turned to face us.

  “Aren’t we forgetting something?” said Cameron.

  Richard’s stare settled on me. “I’m sorry if I scared you. I’m also sorry about this morning.”

  My gaze returned to the deep corner of the pool. Richard lowered his snorkel over his face again and beamed at us both. He ambled off.

  Cameron patted his leg. “Winston.”

  Winston trotted past us and into the house.

  “The first time I found him underwater I screamed too,” said Cameron. “Like a girl.”

  “Does he do it a lot?”

  “Only when he’s close to a breakthrough.”

  “With what?”

  Cameron wrapped his arm around me and guided me into the house. “With you of course.”

  My heart missed a beat right there.

  There was a chasm a mile wide between Richard and I, and only Cameron had crossed it. He guided me into the guest bedroom and beyond that into the bathroom.

  “I’ll start breakfast.” He stepped into the shower and turned on the water faucet. “I’ll get you a shirt and whatever else I can find that’ll work.”

  It didn’t take me long to shower and dress in the shirt and shorts Cameron had retrieved from Richard’s bedroom. I liked the idea they’d have time to talk.

  Inside the kitchen it was fun to watch Cameron open the cupboard doors with the ease of someone who knew his way around. He set about making the batter and preparing a hot pan for the pancakes. With Cameron’s guidance I found the plates and cutlery and laid the table.

  All of this seemed so ordinary, a far cry from last night when these men had been entertaining Hollywood’s elite clientele in the epicenter of L.A.’s fetish community. I couldn’t make out what was more surreal, Cameron, the director of Chrysalis, frying batter on a stove or Richard, now wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt, wandering around his house followed by a British bulldog.

  “Taste.” Cameron held out a bite of golden fluffy pancake on a fork.

  I smacked my lips together; the deliciousness was a welcome surprise. “That’s good.”

  This man knew how to cook. He went about dishing up his masterpiece for us onto three plates. Richard joined us.

  I walked my plate over to the kitchen table and sat beside Cameron, who poured English breakfast tea into three fine china mugs. After using the syrup, I handed it to Richard and he squeezed copious amounts of thick, sweet sauce over his pancakes. He still seemed subdued but now and again broke into a grin.

  “He’s different at home, isn’t he?” said Cameron, turning to look at Richard. “He’s still moody but with a hint of charming.”

  Richard used his fork to point at Cameron. “And you’re a bossy bastard no matter where you are.”

  “True,” agreed Cameron. “It’s not easy always being right.”

  Richard rolled his eyes and took a syrup soaked bite of pancake.

  “How did you two meet?” Of course I knew they’d met at Harvard but wasn’t sure how.

  “An ex-girlfriend of mine introduced us,” said Cameron. “Her roommate complained her boyfriend Richard was into some kinky stuff and they came to me for advice.”

  “What did you tell her?” I said.

  “I didn’t,” said Cameron. “I found Richard and advised him about their concerns.” He shrugged. “It may look like a big campus but word can spread overnight.”

  “What did you think of that?” I asked Richard. “I mean this guy turns up out of nowhere and starts talking about your private life?”

  “I asked him what club he went to.” said Richard. “Dumped the girl and joined the club.”

  I sat back. “And then you moved to New York?” I pointed to Richard. “And you moved to California.” I peered over at Cameron.

  “Worst years of my life being separated from my buddy,” said Richard.

  “They were actually my best,” joked Cameron.

  “He’s the best chef I know.” Richard took another a bite. “Amongst other things. This is good.”

  Cameron crinkled his face into
a smile.

  There was something comforting about their friendship, yet at the same time it was hard to understand the dynamics. My mind wandered with thoughts of what kind of things they got up to together down in that dungeon without it being considered same-play, their desire for non-sexual domination and submission impossible to grasp.

  I didn’t feel ready for that conversation.

  Richard pushed his half eaten plate aside. “I found New York suffocating and followed him here.” He gestured to Cameron. “He persuaded me to come on board full-time at Enthrall.”

  “My second in command,” said Cameron. “Rules with an iron fist.”

  “Hardly,” said Richard. “Still, I’ve never been happier.”

  Cameron’s face lit up.

  “I know those photos on your wall are of you,” I said to Richard.

  “There’s something very therapeutic about facing off with fear,” he said. “Challenging life back.”

  “Isn’t life hard enough?” I said.

  “So jaded and oh so young,” said Richard playfully.

  I liked this tingle curling in my chest when his held my gaze, these sparks of excitement.

  “Mr. Booth, something tells me you fancy your secretary?” said Cameron in a flawless English Cockney accent.

  “You might be right, sir,” said Richard, matching his accent and shaking his head in amusement.

  Cameron turned his laser sharp attention back on me. “We’re all friends here, right?” his voice back to normal. “We can talk frankly?”

  I gave another nod as did Richard.

  Cameron sat back. “I’ve never seen you so in love with a woman, Booth.”

  This felt like some kind of private counseling session and I suppose in many ways it was. Never so in love; could these words of his carry the truth my heart pined to hear.

  “Mia?” said Cameron.


  “Well?” Cameron cupped his hand near his ear.

  “Go steady on her,” said Richard.

  “Like hiding underwater, steady?” Cameron frowned. “Mia, you’ve met the man of your dreams.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” said Richard.

  “Um, I don’t think so,” I said.

  “That’s a no then,” said Cameron. “And for the record that’s what you’re feeling.”

  Had my stomach not felt overfull it would have done a flip, yet I’d hardly eaten.

  “People go around in a state of emotional flat line,” said Cameron. “Have you noticed?”

  “You know the zombie metaphor is surprisingly accurate,” said Richard. “Have you ever walked around a store and really looked at people. They’re all in some kind of trance. I refuse to live like that.”

  “We live in the moment,” said Cameron.

  “Consciously aware,” added Richard.

  Cameron gave a nod. “And we choose to experience the pain that lies here.” He rested his hand on his heart. “And externalize it.”

  “Pain also turns us on,” said Richard. “It’s the way we’re made.”

  “So you feel pain but no other emotions?” I asked Richard.

  “They appear to be returning,” he said, throwing a crooked smile at Cameron.

  “You’re ready,” Cameron whispered to him.

  There it came again. That long stare between them. That silent way they spoke without words. That mutual nod revealing they’d shared their thoughts.

  “Mia,” said Richard softly. “You’ll make the most exquisite submissive.”

  A thrill shot up my spine.

  Cameron reached into his shirt pocket. “I have a prescription for you both.” He held up the piece of paper for me to read.

  Richard took the note. “Planetarium?”

  “It’s where I’m taking you now,” said Cameron. “I know exactly what’s ailing you both. And I know the cure.”

  WITHIN GRIFFITH’S OBSERVATORY PLANETARIUM, lying on a Burberry blanket that Richard had borrowed from Cameron’s car, we stared up at the three dimensional display of swirling planets.

  Cameron had not only made this happen, he’d used his contacts here at the observatory to secure us a private viewing, arranging for Richard and I to have the place to ourselves. Right behind us were row upon row of plush seats, and all of them were able to recline to enable a good view of the planetary display on the ceiling. The show that Richard and I were currently enjoying from our vantage point on the floor, smack bang in the middle of the room. Wagner, according to Richard, was the classical music playing in the background as we witnessed the dramatic intergalactic dance on the curved screen above.

  Richard pointed to the planets. “Saturn, Jupiter, and of course Venus.” He beamed when he saw that one.

  “What’s that one?” I pointed.

  “Pluto, demoted to a dwarf planet,” he said. “Scientists argued it didn’t dominate the neighborhood around its orbit enough.”

  I giggled.

  “Dirty mind,” he said with a smirk.

  The breathtaking display above of twirling planets made me feel so small compared to the lush earth with its vivid blues and greens.

  “How did Cameron pull this off?” I said.

  “He has some of the most influential contacts in the world. Our members include politicians, celebrities, and we even have a member who’s an astronaut.”


  “You’d be surprised.” He moved in closer and wrapped his arm around me. “Research has proven the higher the IQ the more likely the individual will be drawn to our lifestyle.”


  He rolled over to face me, raising himself up onto one elbow. Resting his head upon his other hand, his gaze locked on mine. “I want to make you happy. Make you feel safe.”

  “You do. I am. This is perfect.”

  “You’re so breathtakingly beautiful, Mia. Inside and out. Once I get over this feeling I don’t deserve you...”

  “Oh Richard, can’t you see how much I love you?”

  “I don’t remember having loved like this. Whatever’s going on inside my heart is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s terrifying. Trust me, I face off with fear all the time but this, this is different. Feels different.” He took in a deep cleansing breath. “Feel.”

  Snuggling into his chest, I breathed Richard in, yearning for him despite our closeness.

  “Humans are made from the stars,” he whispered. “Did you know that? I truly believe that you and I come from the exact same star. That star split off a millennia ago into a thousand pieces and yet we’ve found each other by some remarkable twist of fate. That’s why it’s only now, after reuniting with you all these centuries later, that I feel whole again.”

  “Home,” I said. “I feel like I’ve come home for the very first time.”

  He planted kiss upon kiss on my forehead. “I’ll protect you. Love you. Die for you.”

  Looking into his ocean blue eyes, I held his gaze. “Then we’ll die together.”

  “Not sure Cameron would approve,” he said with a smile.

  “We do have him to thank for this.”

  “He knows me better than I know myself,” he said. “He’s certainly making up for his rascally behavior.”

  “Is rascally really a word?” I said.

  “It really is. I know this for a fact because it’s not the first time I’ve called him it.” He brushed a stray hair out of my eyes.

  “I’m going with dastardly.”

  “See.” He rested a fingertip between my eyes. “A higher vocabulary indicates a higher intellect, which in turns leans towards,” he lowered his gaze, “BDSM.”

  “Don’t jump off anymore high buildings, okay? Or climb without a safety harness.”

  “Bossing me around already.” He took my hand in his and rested it over his solar plexus. Although he didn’t say the words, I knew his meaning.

  I caressed his cheek with the back of my curled hand. “Doctor’s orders.” My legs f
elt like jelly.

  “Better get on with it then,” he said.

  In a flurry of activity, we undressed each other, all arms and legs, shirts and pants flying around us.

  Richard reached for his discarded jeans, his hand disappearing into the back pocket. He held up a condom packet with mock discovery. “Ah-ha.”

  He made me smile.

  “I love you, Mia.”

  Richard’s nakedness took my breath away. His chiseled torso and his tanned skinned glowed beneath these swirling lights, easily earning him Adonis status. His beauty was too much. My gaze drifted up at the solar system with its preordained orbiting motion, its hypnotic never-ending rhythm. These planets were not the only ones influenced by a gravitational pull.

  Braving to look again at this perfect man, impossible to resist, I reached for him.

  He watched with a fascination. “This may be one of my fantasies.”

  “Really?” I said, gripping his erection with both hands and moving them up and down. His cock rose majestically out of glorious blond curls, hard and long, and very thick. “Maybe it’s one of mine too?”

  “Really,” he echoed, “and what else do you fantasize about?”

  “Doing this.” Kneeling before him, leaning low, I ran my tongue along the full length of him. I caressed with both hands while my tongue lapped along delicate veins.

  His head fell back and he let out the softest sigh.

  Sucking his fullness, filling my mouth with him, I felt him twitching with pleasure.

  His top lip curled. “I like this fantasy of yours, I have to say.”

  Running the tip of my tongue over the head, I dipped into that dewy bead to taste him, relish him. I desperately needed to know how he’d feel inside me, down there, in the channel that rippled with yearning. Covering my teeth with my lips, I took in all of him, working his full length from base to tip, relaxing my throat to take him in all the way, even as his cock demanded to go farther. He gripped my scalp and fisted locks of my hair, controlling the pace, controlling me, and I let out the deepest sigh of gratitude.

  Moaning, he thrust deeper. “Yes, Mia, like that.”

  Lost in this sea of passion, sucking him deeper, I wanted to tell him how complete this made me feel. How perfect it felt to have him inside my mouth, lavishing him with all the pleasure and love he deserved.


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