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Coffin Fit (The Grateful Undead series Book 4)

Page 23

by Stec, Susan

  The kid might have been a pain in my ass, but I had no doubt she'd do us proud. "Let's rumble!" I was so in the moment.

  Christopher shook his head and tsked amusement at me.

  Gracie Jean and Gaire were watching the swiftly fading spectral images disappear, pulling Lily along with them.

  I smiled and bounced my coin in my hand. "Let's move it." I sounded like Mom.




  "Sounds like it's time," Karl said with a fair share of excitement in his voice.

  Razzo slapped the armchair hard enough to drum up a dust cloud. "My wolf wants out." His smile advertised a set of perfect white teeth, no fangs.

  Marcus's cell phone rang. His eyes immediately went to the lit screen. "It's Dorius."

  Randy stood, and they all gathered around the cell phone as Marcus hit the speaker button.

  "Brother, you are on speaker."

  "Good," Dorius said. "I have a witch by the name of Gracie Jean contacting me with the where-a-bouts of my nemesis.

  Susan, Marcus mind-pushed, who is Gracie Jean?

  She's good. She's the witch helping us find the elders and Dorius's doppelganger; the one wearing Jane. Her grandmother just headed out with a shitload of ghosts to find the elders. Hey, did you know there's a thing called lay-lines under the ground? Is that where I pull my shield from?

  Probably, but this is not the time to discuss the lines under the earth. I almost wish you'd forget about them.

  Fat chance. Go talk to your brother, I'll tell everyone he's calling.

  Marcus's sigh was audible.

  "Problem?" Dorius's voice was grave.

  Karl glared at Marcus.

  "No, brother. Susan just mind-pushed me. She said the witch is reputable and a part of the team Down Under helping with the elders. She's a necromancer, hence the ghosts. They located Jake and Gibbie, and the doppelganger wearing a streetwalker named Jane."

  Karl relaxed.

  Razzo put both hands on Randy's shoulders. Randy, the only pack member not Italian born, was squatting next to a small end table the cell phone was sitting on.

  "Antoinette and I will be heading to the meeting place as scheduled, and not before. I will expect everyone to have our backs."

  "We'll be there," Karl answered. "We're going to get this bastard."

  "Yes, my friend, we are." The call disconnected.

  "Gentleman, as soon as my mate contacts me with a location, we'll use our tokens.

  'Call me the end of your world. Call me your genocide, ‘cause I’m a venomous-'

  Marcus snagged his cell and cut the Like a vampire ringtone he used to identify the council elders. Putting the phone to his ear, he mouthed the council at Karl.

  "No. I am not aware of an infraction in regards to Paul's relationship with-"

  "Put it on speaker," Karl growled.

  "Excuse me, Elder, the wolf pacchetto would like to listen. Tension is high. We're all awaiting a command from my brother to leave for the States with the tokens you have issued. I hope letting them listen to our conversation is not an inconvenience?"

  Marcus hit speaker phone. "You were saying."

  "Your wolf, the rogue, has just contacted us for an emergency meeting. He is lying with a mortal. Are you aware of this?"

  Karl's eyes dropped from Marcus's shocked expression to the phone.

  "I was just about to broach this subject, Elder," Karl said with gusto. "It seems you are doing so for me. Paul is a member of my pacchetto, and has been for the last six months."

  With a furrowed brow and palms facing Marcus, Karl shook his head from side to side as he continued. "Therefore, this is a wolf pack issue. We have . . . Ammessi intimita. There is not a threat of prole, no pups in the immediate future. Controllo di burt has been pledged by Paul—they are per sposare."

  "The woman has been given the council recommended booklets, and I personally have spoken to her." Karl's eyes were back on Marcus. "I can assure you, Paul's miglior interesse is with our anonimato and the safety of his woman and her family."

  "Quando questo trasoarure?" the stoic voice asked from the speaker on the phone. "E perche il lupo ci chiama per un appuntamento? He did not tell us he has slept with this woman, signore."

  Marcus and Karl exchanged a look. Karl put up his palm again. Marcus's eyes were hard and vigilant.

  "Of course not, Elder," Karl said, "out of respect for Dorius and me. I wanted to speak to Dorius first, but with the current events..."

  Marcus blurted, "Jeni's attraction was known, and she did-"

  "In answer to you previous questions, Elder, Paul contacted me several months ago," Karl said with a very outward warning for Marcus. The pheromones coming off him enticed a throaty growl from Razzo. "I asked him not to discuss the matter with Dorius or Marcus until the couple was sure of a joining. But mainly because no one was aware of Paul being a part of my pacchetto communi."

  Once again, Karl shook his head and put up his palms. That time, Marcus relaxed and nodded. Karl's stature relaxed, so did his first and second in command.

  "Was the mother made aware of this?" the stoic voice asked.

  Karl looked at Marcus.

  Marcus lifted his shoulders in uncertainty, but answered, "I am only aware of one conversation my mate has had with Paul and her daughter over the last couple of days. But again, the current events have caused a reprieve in prompt attention to the matter; one, I am assuming was hard for the lovesick duo to adhere to." Marcus laughed.

  It is not funny! Susan poked. He spoke to me, alright, but he sure didn't say he was fucking my daughter. In fact, he said just the opposite!

  Well, at least I did not lie to our council, darling. This is a grievous offense with life-threatening consequences. Do you really want to throw this on Paul? It's not like when you toss pots at me in anger. He could be hung for disobeying a strict council rule.

  "Marcus Morizzio! Is your mate mindful of these events?" the voice on the cell asked.

  "I have been mind-melded with my mate since the beginning of your call, Elder. She informed me of her meeting with the couple, which it seems was only days ago, but, like all of us, thought it could wait until after the situation here is resolved. She did assure me she has given her blessings to the couple."

  "If this is true, we will be setting up classes for them at the compound in Miami. Is this satisfactory with your pacchetto, Karl?"

  "It is." Karl turned to Randy and Razzo with hard eyes and firm lips. The two immediately became animated with slapping palms and robust laughter.

  Razzo said, "Dovremmo vedere milti babmini net sue futuro! Eh?" And more laughter filled the room by everyone.

  "We will set up the classes before the union. Tell your mate's daughter this is so, Marcus."

  "That I will, Elder. My mate—"

  Go ahead, laugh now, you'll be crying later. I'm going to kill you a second time when you get home, Susan pushed.

  "—can hardly await my arrival to address plans for the future."

  All this talk of romance has given me a passionate desire to coax the nasty little bad girl out of you, darling.

  Oh, you're gonna get the bad girl, fang boy—very bad. I'm dragging out grandma's set of cast iron frypan's, muffin. I'll have them sitting on the doorstep, because you aren't even gonna make it inside.

  "Let it be so then," the Elder said and broke the connection.

  Marcus pushed the cell phone aside a little too hard and then glared at Karl. "Was all of that true? Has Paul left us for Italy?"

  "Hell no," Karl said. "But I don't want him dead. Do you? I made a formal offer years ago, and I've made many informal ones since. The wolf is loyal to you. But that doesn't mean he can't wear our mark while still remaining so. I only what to build your brother and Paul's respect in that I am a man of my word. This rally has changed my opinion of Dorius, and made me realize, together, we can accomplish more."

  "Wearing our pack mark is better than Paul's death
," Randy said. "We don't want him hanging around with us any more than you do. But he has always been a favorite recruit of Karl's."

  Marcus nodded, but he was poking numbers on his cell phone.

  * * *

  Paul was tucking his shirt into his jeans when his phone played Marcus's ringtone. He kissed Jeni on the nose. She held his hand while putting on her sandals.

  "Marcus, what's up?"

  "I should be asking you that question."

  "I don't understand." Paul let go of Jeni's hand and walked several paces away from her.

  "I just received a call from a council elder. You are lying with Jeni?"

  Paul growled. "Not until thirty minutes ago. How the hell do they know this?"

  "You called them."

  "No, I didn't."

  "The elder said you—they know your voice—just called and asked because you were mating with a mortal."

  "I did not make that call. Are you sure it wasn't Susan?"

  "No; she was not happy to hear the news either. She's let down her mind block because things are moving fast with the doppelganger."

  "I swear, Marcus, I didn't-"

  "It doesn't matter at the moment. Karl saved your hairy butt by telling the elder that you were pack. He admitted he was totally aware of your indiscretions, and took full responsibility that they had been sanctioned by the pacchetto. He even went as far as to say he'd spoken with Jeni and given her the proper booklets to read. If you haven't given her copies, I suggest you do immediately. She will need to be prepared for the meeting you supposedly asked to be scheduled in Miami."

  "Are you sure it wasn't Karl? He's asked me to become pack a shitload of times over the years. I've declined a shitload of times, too.. I will not be pack, Marcus."

  "Yes, you will. However, Karl has no intention of holding you to pack laws and will allow you to wear his mark merely for protection in this issue as long as you wish. I know this is not of his doing. He has made it clear he gains nothing from this but helping us keep you alive. He has given me his solemn word that you have a choice to leave his pack after this is settled with the council.

  "We're meeting at the furniture warehouse in Leesburg momentarily. I want you there prepared to accept the pacchetto's mark. Talk to your woman. Susan is not happy, but will not push the issue, knowing it would be your demise." Marcus paused with a sigh. "This is not like you, Paul. I can only assume the risk was less than your fear of loss. Your humble appreciation in the matter would be greatly appreciated."

  The silence was weighted, until Marcus said, "Go. I expect you to get the others ready. We have a battle to win."

  "I don't like this, but I trust you," Paul said. "Now, if I can just get Jeni on board."

  * * *

  "On board with what?" Jeni asked, picking up her blouse and pulling it over her head.

  "Someone called the council pretending to be me. The person told an elder we slept together. Karl, the Italian wolf-pack leader, has lied for us—a meeting is being scheduled for us in Miami—and Karl is willing to protect me under pack law until this is resolved."

  "Well, that doesn't sound too bad. See, I told you it would all work out." Jeni stood on her toes and attempted to kiss Paul.

  The wolf put a palm on her chest. "The council meeting is to prepare us for a permanent union—marriage."

  "Well, we'll just tell them we want to move slowly, have a long engagement." Jeni smiled, lips reaching for Paul's.

  Again, Paul stopped her. "There is no more moving slowly. Did you read the book?"

  "No. I wasn't prepared to make any life altering changes . . . yet."

  "We just made one. I'm hoping the outcome will be a pleasant one for both of us. You can walk away, Jeni. I can't. That's what I've been trying to tell you. I'm not allowed to lay with a mortal unless there's an impending marriage sanctioned by the council or pack leader. I'm a rogue—and even then, it's strongly discouraged unless all parties are sure the union is set. Severing a union after the fact is punishable by death. Wolves mate for life. And because Karl has gone to bat for me, he's now accountable."

  Jeni grabbed the front of Paul's shirt and pulled his face close enough to kiss. "So basically, what you're saying is it's worth your life for me to play nice?"

  "Are you accepting my proposal of marriage?" Paul's eyes dilated to lustrous gold.

  "Nah. I want them to kill you," Jeni said. "It's what I have always wanted."

  Paul's chest stopped rising and falling. His eyes held firmly to hers, their lips less than an inch apart.

  "Can we get going?" Jeni said, all serious, eyes unblinking, "A wedding dress doesn't pick itself out, bridal registries take time to set up—"

  Paul covered her mouth with his. She palmed his chest and pushed him back an inch or two. "Not now, hon. I have a big-bad-wolf book to read." She started off in the direction of her home. "And you have a soon-to-be mother-in-law to deal with." She laughed as she strutted toward lights in the distance. "You thought a fight with a doppelganger was gonna be a bitch?"

  He chased her laughter across a field to the Stech house.




  I crouched behind a dumpster in an alley across the street from the furniture warehouse located on a corner on the outskirts of town. It was an area in Leesburg that was frequented by drug dealers and loitering pedestrians day and night. There was an old home, long vacant, on the opposite corner with an exterior of mortar mixed with broken colored glass. Like most of the houses in this area, it was an abandoned business. I considered breaking in and setting up surveillance there but thought better of it. I figured if it was easy to get into, it was probably already taken by that time of night.

  The hiding spot in the alley gave us a view of the building front, the street or alley on both sides, and a drain grate that led into the sewer located below the curb, circling the corner across the street.

  Christopher was huddled up next to one of the alley walls, probably checking with Lily. Gaire and Gracie's double were crouching directly behind me.

  "Any word from anyone?" I asked over my shoulder.

  "Nan's located an elder," Luna whispered with Gracie's voice. "But that one is not comfortable with exorcising a doppelganger alone. Nan said the doppelganger is dressed in the corpse of a man. Lily told Frank—that's the corpse's name—that he smelled like roadside carrion. Nan laughed while telling me Lily then proceeded to tell the doppelganger wearing the cadaver it should consider my practices of doubling up, and listed several more reasons why. My grandmother is becoming very fond of your niece."

  "Anyway, they're in route to meet with several more elders. Nan didn't mention anything about the real Gracie or your friends, but she did tell me Betty was with them."

  I poked Marcus. Did you hear that?

  I did. And did you hear my conversation with Paul earlier? Marcus nudged back.

  Yeah, I mind pushed. But I'm still never going to be happy with it. And you know what? I think they had relations back when we were all in Miami for our visit with the council.

  We are not going to theorize this. Marcus's words mentally assaulted my anger. I suggest your family rein in the gossip. Conjectures could be the death of them. Your daughter is a grown woman. Need I remind you she was the only mortal in your immediate family that did not choose immortality over living her life the way she desired?

  So, you coming now, or what?

  Marcus chuckled.

  I'd changed the subject because it wasn't leaning in my direction and there was no way I wanted to take up time trying to prove a point I now had no control over. My only consolation was Paul was going to be part of the family soon and his life was soon to become an open book. I smiled while thinking about it.

  We are preparing to use the tokens. Karl, Razzo, and Randy will be with me, so I need you to be on your best behavior when Paul gets there. He's very tense about becoming a pack member to make this right. This will happen as soon as he arrives. Karl
must bite him to leave the mark of the pack on his neck or shoulder. It is a solemn moment. Do you understand?

  Are you telling me my daughter's frigging moving to Italy with my flea-bag, soon-to-be, son-in-law?

  No. Did you hear a word I said?

  I heard Paul is joining an Italian wolf pack! What the hell?

  Only to keep this situation from becoming vital. His pack duty and responsibilities will be amended due to the circumstances. Paul has been promised entitlement to withdraw from the pacchetto after everything is settled with their upcoming marriage.

  I huffed. All of that didn't concern me. My daughter was marrying a werewolf. That concerned me.

  I will be by your side in less than five minutes, darling, Marcus pushed, and then through his eyes, I saw him face three wolves in a room that looked straight off The Tudors miniseries set.

  "It is time, gentleman," I barely heard Marcus say.

  * * *

  "Nanna!" Jeni shrieked the minute she entered the living room. "You're young again!"

  "Huh?" Chick pulled her eyes off the dumb cell phones. "What are you talking about?"

  Jeni ran through the kitchen and down the stairs to her bathroom. She was back in the dining room with a mirror in seconds. "Look!" She shoved the mirror into Chick's hands.

  Paul came in through the sliding glass door, took one look at Chick and whistled. "How did that happen? You guys get hold of Raphael?"

  Chick was dumbfounded. She kept jutting her face closer to the mirror, only to pull it away again. She turned her head from side to side, then dropped the mirror and pulled her spandex top out far enough for everyone to see clear to her naval. "Holy crap, my tits are looking up at me."

  "Can you go ape-shit later?" Paul asked. "We need to get to a warehouse in Leesburg, like five minutes ago."

  Chick jumped up, bounced on her muscular legs, and pumped her fists in the air. "Let's go kick some doppelganger ass."

  "That would be hard to do, unless the doppelganger is dressed in a human, Nanna." Jeni took back the mirror Nanna was handing her.


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