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Page 8

by Jan Irving

  “No, really?” Kyle raised his brows, slapping Jesses rump.

  “So you want me to put it in you, that special plug?”

  Kyle knew he was as red as a sunset over the foothills. “I, uh… Yeah. Still not sure about the tail on it, but it felt…”

  “Its got extra width,” Jesse said, reaching for a bag on Kyles bedside table. He opened it, and Kyles eyes fixed on the thing hed seen in Jesses fantasy, except it looked larger and thicker, and the tail was luxuriant, mimicking one of his horses. “Stallion,” he repeated the nickname Jesse had given him.

  “Youre blushing so hard I can feel the heat from here, cowboy,” Jesse said. “Is it okay? What we do in dreams, Im not sure my vanilla guy would be so comfortable with in real life.”

  “Will it feel like it did in the dream?” Kyle asked, watching as Jesse opened lube and anointed the toy generously. “Ive, uh, used those, but not for a long time. And never one with a tail thingie.”

  “Itll be better if I can help it, baby. Now open for me.”

  Holding Jesses gaze, Kyle slowly let his legs fall open so Jesse was between them, had access as he had in the dream to Kyles body. He felt calloused, oily fingers slide down his crease, and he shivered.

  “You are so sexy. I love the white in your hair, all your muscles. Its such a contrast to your innocence.”

  “Not used to thinking of myself that way,” Kyle said.

  “You wouldnt last a day in the massage parlor I worked. Youd have to hide in the john,” Jesse teased.

  “Probably,” Kyle admitted. “Why all the experience, Jesse? The leather club, the men?”

  Jesses eyes sobered. “Because I couldnt have who I really wanted, the hot older man who knotted up my guts. I couldnt have him. Not if I was just some kid.”

  “You slept with all those guys for me?” No, he couldnt have. Kyle focused intently on Jesse. He ached to know him, everything about him, all those years theyd lost when hed worried, but had to trust Jesse would keep his promise and take care of himself and David.

  “Well, I admit it also felt good, gettin off. Im no angel, Kyle. But I wanted to please you, make you crazy under my hands.”

  “You do that.” Jesse deserved the truth, so Kyle gave it to him. “I never imagined…”

  Jesses lips quirked again, but Kyle saw how he ate up the praise. It gave him a tender feeling, so he tunneled a hand gently through Jesses hair. “Im all yours. I want to be yours.”

  “All right, then.” Jesses fingers probed deeper, and as Kyle inhaled, he was penetrated on one. Jesse was inside him for real.

  “One day I want to fuck you just on my fingers, fuck you so you come,” Jesse whispered. “That would be something to see, me doing it, this kid you used to know.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Are you going to use it?” Kyles mouth dried up as he looked at the butt plug. He had no idea why, but he was aching to feel it, and he wanted Jesse to be the man who put it in him.

  Jesse gave the little tails a flick. “Youre curious about what youll look like with this coming out of your ass?” Kyle ducked his head, and Jesse rose from his bed. Kyle snagged his wrist, gripping hard. “Dont go. Dont go now youve come to me,” he croaked. “It will kill me if you leave me now.”

  “Im not going anywhere. But theres something I need to get from your guest room.”

  Kyle freed Jesse and put his arms around his knees, waiting as he saw him unlock his door and then disappear into the hallway. Crap. He was nervous. He heard a couple of gentle thumps and was glad David was still sleeping in the barn. Next thing Jesse was back, his scruff of hair in his eyes, his body too damn thin to Kyles protective eye, though his arms were rounded with muscle, his boxers showing just a hint of his sex and the dark pubic hair surrounding it under white fabric.

  “A mirror?” Kyle stared, trying to puzzle out why Jesse had brought in the freestanding mirror from the guest room. He figured the boss who owned the ranch had installed it for women guests so they could see how they looked. He sure as hell hadnt needed it in his room. He wore practically the same thing every day: jeans, boots, cowboy hat, T-shirt, and work gloves.

  Jesse calmly placed the stand next to Kyles bed, positioning it while he looked from Kyle to the glass.

  “Oh.” Kyle suddenly got it. “You want me—us—to watch, uh…”

  “I want you to see yourself the way I do.” Jesses eyes held a maturity and consideration that made Kyles throat tighten. For Jesse, this was for Kyle. This wasnt just about getting off or a little bit of forbidden kink. He wanted Kyle to feel good about himself.

  “Just having you as a lover; Jesse, do you know what it does to a man like me? Id never have believed you wanted me.”

  Jesse sat on the bed and gave Kyle a tender kiss. “Did you ever wonder why us? Why you didnt have some kind of connection with Mac?”

  Kyle shook his head. “I know Mac sometimes got flashes when he knew you boys were in trouble, like that time David fell from the cabin roof and broke his leg.” His head fell. “It was hard, shutting you out, but you were so young, and I was a man, living with a mans needs. I couldnt share that with you.”

  Jesse squeezed Kyles thigh. “Shutting me out was natural. You were with Mac. You did the honorable thing, just what Id expect of you.”

  “After you left with Morrison”—Kyle swallowed the burn of that memory—“I tried to use it to contact you, to make sure you had everything you needed. It ate at me that I was so fucking helpless.”

  Now Jesses eyes were a flash of blue pain, gone quickly as he veiled them with heavy eyelashes. “I didnt want anything about him to touch you. I knew you were already grieving for Mac.”

  “Jess, he hurt you. I know it.” Kyle remembered the bruise on Jesses face the day Morrison stormed the ranch and claimed both boys. “Goddamn it!” Kyles fists balled.

  Jesse covered those fists and leaned his forehead against Kyles. “Shhh. Its over. It wasnt pretty. I wont lie to you, but me and Davy got through it, and now were home.”

  Kyle swallowed thickly. “Id let you do just about anything you wanted with me, just for saying that.”

  “Lie back.” Jesses voice was soft now, and unlike the wild dream, this was gentle, as if he recognized how perilous it was to try to bring what they imagined into real life.

  “What are you going to…?”

  “Trust me; Im your man.” But Jesses blue eyes were asking Kyle, and Kyles chest tightened. He felt that protectiveness hed experienced earlier. Jesse was all man, but he was still vulnerable. He needed to see how much he moved Kyle.

  “Youre my man,” Kyle repeated. He ran a hand over the strong curves of Jesses arms, letting Jesse see appreciation in his eyes.

  Jesse made a purring sound and smoothed his hands back and forth over Kyles slightly open thighs. “Hey, youve got a little salt-and-pepper on your legs too.” He chuckled.

  “I do?” Kyle looked.

  “Its hot.”

  “It is?” Kyle shook his head. “I dont get it.”

  “Its hot because its you, Kyle. Watch the mirror.” Jesse nodded to the glass. “It might prove illuminating. Youll see how much you turn me on.”

  Kyles cock flexed at the words. Damn. There was no aphrodisiac like being wanted.

  Jesse put both palms flat on either side of Kyle. He looked deliberately into the mirror, holding Kyles wide eyes before leaning down and licking Kyles chest.

  Kyle gasped, arching up, feeling that tiny caress with far more impact because he wasnt just experiencing it on his flesh, he was seeing it. Now he got why people had mirrors over their beds, though he admittedly would have been too bashful to ever go for something like that.

  Until Jesse.

  “See how I want you?” Jesse toyed with a nipple, and Kyle was riveted, as if watching their very own personal porn channel. He was visibly shaking, living the aftershocks of every manipulation of his body under Jesses hands.

  A nipple wasnt a big deal, was it? But then it was Jesses
lips opening and his tongue flicking out, back and forth, and Kyles hands clenched in his hair; it might as well have been Kyles cock Jesse was playing with.

  “Jess! Oh, Jess!”

  “You are so goddamned responsive. It’s a turn-on. I want to do all kinds of stuff to you. You’re mine, Kyle. Meant to be mine.”

  Kyles legs had fallen open into a deeper V as sweat broke out on his chest, underarms, and upper lip. Jesse ran his whiskers gently over Kyles nipple, and the plain brown disk, nothing that had ever struck Kyle as being anything more than nipples-like-to-be-tweaked-during-sex, was dark and swollen, like a tight fall berry.

  Jesses mouth closed over it again, and he sucked strongly. Kyles head fell back, and he wondered if it tasted like those sweet, stinging last fruits of summer. Oh God. He rubbed his erection shamelessly against Jesse, and Jesse flattened a palm on his leg, stilling him. He was in control. He was completely in control.

  “Jesse, I like this,” Kyle rasped. “I like you.” Color washed up his chest where it was paler, not browned like his arms and face and hands, the typical outdoor working mans tan.

  “You like me taking you over,” Jesse agreed, holding Kyles eyes. “Dont you?”


  Jesse rewarded his honesty with another rough lick of Kyles nipple, which made him bow up, his back arching in this flexible sexy motion echoed in the glass. Catching a glimpse of it, Kyle couldnt believe that was him, ordinary Kyle Jacobs, moving like that, crying out like that.

  “Put your wrists above your head since I cant trust you to behave,” Jesse ordered.

  When Kyle didnt react right away, Jesse smacked the side of the bed.

  “Yes, sir!” he joked.

  But Jesse seemed to like the sir. His lips quirked as Kyle obeyed him and lifted his arms so his hands were palms up, lying like abandoned seashells above his head. Kyle smiled.

  Goddamn it, this was fun! It was hot, untamed, and fun as hell!

  “Youre like no one Ive ever been with. No one!”

  Jesses tongue came out, and he licked the sensitive skin between Kyles jaw and ear. Kyle shivered and heard Jesses husky laugh of triumph. “Baby, youre mine. Youre all mine.” He squeezed Kyles erection gently, his hand making a tunnel, gripping firmly, possessively. Mine.

  “Im going to be yours covered in spunk in about two seconds flat if you keep that up,” Kyle warned. It hurt now, the tight balls, the pain of denial. He was close to going off like the proverbial rocket shooting into outer space.

  But then Jesse did something he wasnt ready for. Something even Mac had only done once or twice, and only on Kyles birthday.

  Jesse scooted down the bed, lifting Kyles thighs so they were on his shoulders, giving him an uncompromising view and access to Kyles ass. As Kyle sat up, unable to stop himself from watching, shocked, Jesse put his mouth to Kyles dimple.

  Kyle shouted.

  “Fuck!” Jesse was laughing again. He covered Kyles mouth with one hand. “Were going to have to get you a ball gag if you keep that up.”

  “God Almighty, Jess! I cant… When you do that, I cant think.”

  “Kind of the point, my innocent cowboy.”

  “Youd really…gag me?” Kyle held Jesses gaze, burning like oil set alight under his heavy lids.

  “The more interesting question is, would you let me?” Jesse prodded.

  “Hell!” Kyle gave himself a moment, chest heaving while Jesses tongue ran over him. He was going to lose it. Completely lose it. “Yeah, Id let you. Fuck knows what that makes me…” Color burned his cheeks.

  “Beautiful. It makes you beautiful.” Kyle heard a smile enter Jesses voice. “Which is why the mirror. Maybe youll give yourself two seconds tonight when you actually allow yourself to see yourself that way.”

  Kyle braced himself, and Jesse pressed his warm, seeking mouth against Kyles opening again so he felt breath, probing tongue, an act so intimate he couldnt hold back. His hands clenched in the bedding, his body fighting pleasure and begging for it at the same time.

  “Im going to eat you good,” Jesse promised in a low, sultry voice. “But dont. Come.”

  “Jesus Christ, Jesse,” Kyle protested.

  Jesses fingers tapped Kyles cock, almost a smack, and Kyle shuddered. It hurt. But he wanted Jesse to do it again.

  “You heard me.” A flash of stern blue eyes between his legs. “Im going to make you come so hard…”

  “N-no question of that.” He quivered under Jesses tongue as if under a lash. Jesse took his ass the same way he took everything else. He conquered. Kyle had an image of him as some wild biker leader, kidnapping Kyle off the road and taking him, making him his.

  “Oh fuck, thats erotic! We should playact that one. Still own that small cabin near the beach?” Jesse demanded.

  Kyle should have known Jesse would pick up the fantasy in his head. “Playact?” Another thing hed never done in all his days. “I dont know if I can…”

  Jesses lips were wet and glistening from rimming Kyle. He held his gaze. “We could start it on the highway. Id overtake you on my bike, force you to get on with me, and when I got you to my hideaway, Id take what I wanted, use you hard, use you all night.”

  Kyle didnt think he could get any stiffer, but that was before Jesse walked into his shameful idea and made it live, made it sizzle like fresh asphalt laid out under a noon sun. “I want it. Fuck, I want it.” He couldnt help it. He was probably being a fool, but Jesse caught him up, almost like he was flying down the highway on his Harley.

  “Shhh, its okay to want it,” Jesse said, as if feeling the tangle of conflict balled up in Kyles chest. And he probably could, because Kyle could feel how he loved to dominate, how he wanted to protect, to cover Kyle, with his body, with his heart. He wasnt put off by Kyles fears, not audacious Jesse. “I want to play your outlaw. I want to fuck your ass with my belt wrapped tight around your wrists and your face pushed to the ground.” Jesse seemed to savor the words, pressing his lower body against Kyles leg so he felt Jesse aching for it under his boxers, which were saturated now with precum. “I love the idea of making you crawl to me, lick my shiny black biker boots, and offer your ass.”

  Kyle couldnt take any more. He was going to shatter, explode into pieces, and God alone knew what would be left. No one he recognized in this needy stranger who would do anything Jesse ordered him to do. Do it and love it.

  “You dont have shiny black biker boots, do you?” he heard himself saying in a spacey tone, completely ensnared. “When you got here, you were wearing cowboy boots.” Hed never forget that moment when Jesse rode up. His first instinct had been to hide, sensing this man would take him over.

  Jesse gave a choked laugh, as if he was as lost as Kyle was to the heat between them, so that Kyle thought there should be shimmering lines above their tangled, needy bodies reflected in the cool mirror. “Id buy some to wear for you. In fact, with my first paycheck, boss. Will you play it out with me?”

  Kyle licked dry lips. Jesse gave no quarter. “Yes.”

  Jesses smile was dazzling, like the first sight of the lake water at the crest of a dry hill. “No ones ever let me go wild.”

  “Me either,” Kyle confessed and felt more of the bricks and rock that had defined what he would allow himself to feel fall away. Too old to experience this? Fuck that! For as long as Jesse wanted him, hed beg, hed spread himself on command.

  “Hold on, and remember, do not come.” Somehow Kyled become loose and easy, his ass clenching, hungry to be filled while he and Jesse tangled with words, with flesh.

  “Jess, Ill try,” Kyle promised. “Ill try.”

  “Let me know if you get close. I can take care of it.” Jesses hands were experienced, frighteningly competent on his body. Thick fingers were inside him now, scissoring in lube, so he felt greasy, like the whore on his bed from Jesses dream, ready to take whatever the man wanted to shove into him.

  The thought made Kyle groan, and Jesse took hold of his prick, uncompromising pressure ringin
g the base. It hurt. And all Kyle wanted to do now was to come. Come and come, spurt all over himself, the heated splash of relief.

  Jesse shoved the butt plug up into him, and Kyle screamed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Hoarse voice shouting. Was that him? Jesse watching him, smiling, and Kyle realized when hed used the plug in him, hed…made a lot of noise when he came. He rubbed his eyebrow, a little embarrassed.

  Still sex-dazed, Kyle looked over his shoulder at the mirror and met his own pedestrian brown eyes from where he was on all fours, saw the high color in his cheeks and the pale, round ass from which protruded the slinky dark lines of a leather tail.

  He looked like someone who was owned. The tail screamed bottom to him, as if he were a slave decked out to entice a master into taking him. Kyle could even imagine himself walking in such a way that the leather swished from side to side, oddly seductive, until Jesse pushed him over a fence or a piece of furniture and inevitably fucked him.

  “Sexy Kyle,” Jesse said, obviously having picked up on Kyles idea. He gave his rear end a possessive pat. “Whoa,” Kyle huffed, arching his back in pleasure as Jesse stroked it. It felt good to be owned.

  “Good boy,” Jesse praised.

  “I feel like Im in the ring and youre training me,” Kyle said.

  “Mm.” Jesse kissed his ass, mouthing leather and skin so Kyle shivered, his balls contracting one last time so he creamed out the last of his spend.

  His body was dry, used, stretched. His arms trembled as Jesse murmured to him and removed the toy extra gently.

  “You came so hard!” Jesse whispered in his ear.

  “My ears are ringing. I think I bit my tongue.” He couldnt look at himself. It was too much as well as kind of…hot. Hot because Jesse thought so, and maybe for 2.0 seconds, so did Kyle. Now he just felt like hiding somewhere. He guessed he was mostly vanilla, and hoped Jesse wouldnt tire of him too soon. The thought made his chest constrict. Jesse. He didnt want to lose his Jesse again. It would kill him.


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