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White & Black

Page 2

by Jessie M

  Rob was in his office on the phone when she finally emerged dry and dressed again. She waited outside. He cast a look in her direction and gave her a ‘just one minute’ finger sign… The call completed she went inside his office.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “Rob… Benny and Gill have cut my hours at the diner… I was wondering if you had any part time work here… anything at all? I’d love to be able to combine my workouts with doing some training for you here. It’d be better for my home life, you know my dad’s not doing too great…”

  He looked at her sadly feeling really bad for her. She didn’t deserve the knocks she was getting in life. “Ells I’d really love to be able to help you, honest to God I would. But I can’t take anyone on. I’m just about breaking even as it is. I had to let Mark go yesterday. I can’t afford three trainers anymore, so it’s just me and Billy from now on.” Billy was his son, he couldn’t ever let him go… and he had a family on the way.

  “Oh Rob … I’m so sorry to hear that. But it was just a thought… you know… worth a try. Thanks anyway Rob. If anything changes let me know, won’t you? I need to earn more money desperately.”

  Rob suddenly remembered something which could help her out.

  “Ells, there is something else I know about. Not sure you’d consider it though… I mean you could do it, with your looks and that, and I think the money’s quite good… but I don’t know how you’d feel about it…”

  “What is it Rob? Come on tell me…” She’d consider just about anything right now.

  “Well, I bumped into a pal of mine and we had a few drinks last night. He mentioned they’re gonna be taking on another couple of girls at the Arena Hilton soon … they’re extending the place now that it’s the world wide official center for mixed martial arts. Anyway it seems they’re doing a lot more shows, major fights, exhibitions and all that stuff and lots more television coverage, so they need more ring girls to do promo and ring work. They used to hire them from the gents clubs downtown, but now they’re all employed directly by Juxtar the promotional company my pal owns and runs…”

  Her hopeful heart dropped…

  “Oh no Rob… I’ve seen them on TV parading around like glamour models half naked. My dad would have a complete fit on top of everything else!” She just couldn’t do it to him, or herself for that matter.

  “It’s just a bit of fun Ells, nothing more. You know I often go to MMA events with my wife. I think those fit fighters give her a bit of a buzz… It spices up our love life I can tell you!”

  “Rob really! That was way too much information…”

  “Yeah, sorry. It was, wasn’t it!” he chuckled “But look into it Ella. There’s real money to be made there. Some of those girls have made a name for themselves through the ring, made a career out of it, modelling contracts and getting their own fan following on the web, lots of TV exposure for them… Look at that Marcia Dean, d’you know her?”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Well she’s the top ring girl attraction at the Arena now. She’s made quite a pile out of it I’m sure”

  “Well I don’t know Rob… d’you really think so? It’s worth taking a look at I suppose. Who do I call?” Her stomach was heaving at the thought of it, but she did need some money and fast.

  “I can call my pal Tony for you now if you like… Want me to?”

  “Hmmm… no harm in a call is there, but I’m really not sure I’m hot enough material for a ring girl Rob.”

  He took a look at her in amazement. Was she joking? She was one of the hottest young women he’d ever seen… and he’d seen a lot of ring girls too, so he was a good judge of what was hot. He was a little sweet on her but being the good family man he was, with grown up daughters older than she was, he kept that well and truly to himself.

  “Ella, believe me when I say this. You are.” He imagined her dressed or was that undressed ring style and quickly put that thought right out of his head. Her long blond hair with its tint of red, very pretty face and angelic blue eyes topped a body which could only be described as hot and fit and although he didn’t like to think the words, they just popped into his head….

  She was stacked!

  She was prime ring girl material if he ever saw it.

  He picked up his cellphone and called Tony before she changed her mind. He had a feeling she could do very well out of this. It would suit her being an evening job and she could carry on studying and looking after her dad during the day.

  “Hey Tony, its Rob … yeah fine, you? … Anyway, quick call… about what you said last night. I have someone here who’s interested in a ring girl job maybe…” He gave Ella the thumbs up. “…. Name’s Ella White. Yeah… Can I send her along?” He picked up a pen and started to write down some details on a notepad. “Tonight at 7.00, back door, ask for wardrobe, who?… Kim? okay…” He looked at her for confirmation.

  She gave a small hesitant nod, her stomach flipped and butterflies started to fly around inside her. Oh crap! This was a rather sudden and scary turn of events.

  Rob finished his call and came off the phone. He tore out the page and gave her the details. Audition with Tony Winchester, 7.00pm, Back Door, Arena Hilton, at reception ask for Kim in wardrobe, get there 15 minutes early.

  “He said don’t bring anything, they have everything in the wardrobe department for the girls auditions”

  “Oh my God Rob… what am I doing? Me a ring girl?” she couldn’t help a small mad laugh escaping from her mouth.

  “Look, I’m sure tonight will be an interesting experience even if you don’t decide do it Ells. Just have some fun, eh? You have way too much serious stuff in your life. Enjoy it… Tony’s a good guy really, his wife’s nice too… I’m pretty sure he’ll take you on, if you want the job.” He smiled at her a little.

  He’d be mad not to, he thought.

  Chapter 4

  Devlin Black drew up in the lot in his graphite grey Porsche and got out. His car was just three months old and driving it felt like a dream. He still loved his Harley and motor bikes in general which were his former choice of transport, but this car was now his new metallic lover and he was so hot for her… As he looked at her beautiful sleek glistening body he resisted the urge for a moment, then taking a quick look around the lot, he gave in to his moment of car desire and planted a quick kiss on her warm top. Smiling to himself in satisfaction he strolled across the lot towards the Arena back door with his holdall slung across his back.

  The top ranked martial arts sensation made his way inside the vestibule through the rotating door giving a high five wave in greeting to the security guard Bill and back door receptionist Joe who were busy having a very heated discussion. Probably about baseball, he thought. They were always arguing about that.

  “Whoa there… cool it you guys.” They were going to go too far one of these days.

  “Hey Dev, best of luck for later” Joe gave him a red faced grin. Bill turned and headed out through the back door in a bad mood.

  “Thanks Joe…”

  The automatic doors opened and he walked through into the ultra cool air conditioned interior beyond. He looked around the inner lobby and began picking a path through the throng towards his private upstairs room. It was very busy in here tonight… a lot of prep going on. It was a top fight night. His top fight in fact. People and their gear littered the way, mixing with deliveries of supplies that had been dumped just about anywhere and the staff buzzing around in between. On top of that there was construction work going on in the Arena as well. It was a right old mess in here at the moment he thought to himself as he looked around.

  A very slim and pretty dark haired girl in a short red dress came out of nowhere and stood in front of him. Her warm hazel eyes fixed themselves firmly on his.

  “Hey Dev… you still didn’t invite me back…” She tried not to sound too desperate. She hated the fact she was doing this. She was practically begging him to fuck her again!

  “Been b
usy Sal.” She was kind of cute but way too skinny. He liked his women to have some curves. Who knows, maybe soon… After one or two others here he fancied more…

  “You said that two weeks ago…” Now she was sounding desperate…

  “Hey don’t worry… I’ll get around to you baby… You’re still hot in my mind.” He flicked her chin gently with his finger and treated her to his trademark smouldering sexy look.

  He moved round her and walked off not wanting to see that look in her eyes. Why did they all think they were special? No one owned him. He could do as he pleased, have who he wanted… whenever he liked… and he made sure they all knew the score from the get go. He wasn’t boyfriend material.

  Sally-Ann watched Devlin walk away, weaving his way through all the people and obstacles in the lobby and climbing the stairs at the end heading towards his private room. His jeans and tight black t-shirt hugged his mouth watering body to perfection.

  She just couldn’t stop thinking about him since that life changing night almost four weeks ago when he stopped her in the corridor and asked her up to his room that evening. When she arrived he’d been sitting on his sofa with Marcia and Tori. He’d asked the other two girls to leave and offered her a drink.

  She couldn’t believe it at the time. He hadn’t taken much notice of her before that night and yet there she was all alone with divine Dev the Destroyer and it just got better and better after that…

  Her sex muscles involuntarily clamped up really tight causing a straining sensation in her stomach and a bolt of pleasure shot up inside her at the memory of it all. A long moan rose up from deep within her and she slapped her hand across her mouth to stifle it. It was still as clear as a picture in her mind. His perfectly beautiful body doing all those things to hers. His hands and fingers all over her, inside her, his tongue everywhere. It made her feel faint just thinking about him. Although they didn’t discuss it much between them, she knew there were more than a few faint feeling women working here. They’d all had a taste of Devlin delight and it was highly addictive. She wandered off with a hot flush coursing around her entire body.

  Wait was all she could do. She hoped the queue wasn’t too long in front of her or she’d die of desire…

  He walked up the stairs and along the corridor. Halfway along, Tony Winchester, the promotional manager came out of his office.

  “Hey Dev… looking forward to the fight later. He’s a tough bastard, that Russian Klaski… interested to see how you play this one”

  “He has his strengths, we all do, I know Klaski’s, and I have a few ideas… surprises are my speciality”

  “Yeah, that’s true, I seen your surprises many a time. Anyway, I’m just off to audition a new girl… wanna tag along for fun?”

  “Maybe I’ll drop by in a few minutes, have to make a few calls first. The usual place?”


  Tony made his way downstairs as Devlin made his way to his room, which was one of the contestant suites at the other end of the corridor. He liked Dev. He was an intelligent fighter and had a wicked sense of humor. But that long string of girls he had going on … Jeez! He chuckled to himself as he made his way down the stairs and around the building emerging beside the small back door of the intimately lit training arena. He went inside. It was still empty. He walked through and out the larger front doors towards the wardrobe room. The doors were shut and the door curtain was drawn. It was a couple of minutes before 7 and it looked like his new girl was still in dressing. He called his wife to join him, she was currently helping out in the restaurant and bars, then he went back to wait for a minute or two. Kim was usually fast getting the girls done and out. He’d had a lot of practice. He shot him a quick text to hurry him up anyway. He really didn’t have time for this tonight, he had to see the TV crew soon.

  Chapter 5

  Ella had been led into a large, extremely clean and well ordered dressing room by a tall Asian guy, who introduced himself to her as Kim Li. He was most definitely gay, and absolutely adorable. He fluttered around her in his black and white shirt, exceptionally tight black pants and shiny black patent shoes. His trendy hair was immaculately styled and he appeared to be wearing makeup, albeit very subtle.

  Ella’s eyes quickly took in the details of the room and the tightly packed rails of clothes divided up into sections. They all seemed to have girls names on them. Except one which was labelled General.

  He held up her arms and twirled her around patting her here and there…“Ella you are just gorgeous sweetheart…. Let’s see what we have for your grand entrance… Ooohh yes! … This will go down a treat!” He fished out a black sparkly outfit from his general section. He hadn’t had this one out for a little while… “This looks about your size honey, hmmm… might be a little small up top,” he eyed her ample breasts with a finger pressed to his lips. “Anyway, give it a go. Let’s get it all on nice and quick…”

  “Okay… So where do I change then?”

  “Well there’s a screen over there lovey, if you’re a shy flower. But to be honest the other girls change anywhere in here. You’ll have to get used to me being around while you do it if you work here. I’m not into girls so you’re quite safe… come on now, we don’t want to keep Tony waiting do we?”

  “Right… Just give me a moment to forget my embarrassment…” She took a deep breath, turned her back and started to undress. She didn’t want to seem prudish, hiding behind a screen, but was feeling very, very uncomfortable.

  Kim must have sensed her unease as he carried on talking and gazed wistfully into the air.

  “A couple of years ago I worked as an assistant stylist at the New York runway shows…Models half naked everywhere there were… You had to pick your way through them with your hands in the air just in case you touched something you shouldn’t. I’ve seen more naked T & A than you’ve had hot dinners…” He finished with a high pitched giggle.

  As she listened to him chatting away, she quickly took off her t-shirt and bra and holding her arms across her chest she grabbed at the black sequinned top he held out to her. He didn’t bat an eyelid at her nakedness… he was obviously very used to it… He stood behind her and did it up for her.

  It was a little tight, she thought immediately. Her sizeable breasts were pushed right up in a mountainous way, they looked huge from her top down view. She looked in the mirrors, which covered all the spare walls in the room. Oh No!… No…. Absolutely no way!

  “Come on darling… get it all off down there… get this undie thing and the bottom part on… You need to change quicker than this Ella bella.”

  “Kim, it all feels a bit tight really” she complained after rushing to put on the exceptionally tiny package of brand new undies he offered her and pulling up the sparkly black shorts.

  “I don’t feel very comfortable in this at all…” … God no! She caught sight of her backside half exposed in them… this was little more than a pair of panties with a wide sash around her hips… They were the shortest shorts she’d ever worn… or ever seen for that matter.

  He took a quick look at her bottom part and sighed. “It fits fine, and comfort may be a thing of the past for you I’m afraid. Now get some of these slinky boots on, size 6 I’m guessing….”

  She put on the small socks and stretchy black patent high heeled boots he held out to her.

  Kim’s cell bleeped on the table and he quickly looked at it, tutted to himself and text a quick reply.

  “I feel like Miss whiplash Kim. Please, please don’t make me wear this. I’m begging you… I’m half naked as well….” She was mortified. “Surely there must be a nice little pair of denim shorts and a pretty cropped T hiding in here somewhere…?” This was so whipping kinky. She was just waiting for the whip…

  “Ha ha love, now aren’t you just the funny one… most of the girls here enjoy being a little underdressed as it goes… they like the attention… Trust me, this is perfect for you. Now come on, let’s get some lippy on… and I’ll do a
quick minute on your eyes… some eyeliner, a little flicky and some extra mascara, haven’t got time for the usual falsies today love….”

  He sat her in the stylists chair and in two minutes her face was done. He was a make up genius, she thought in amazement. He twisted her chair round, pulled her out of it and twirled her for a last look, fluffing out her hair wildly with his fingers and finally adding a heavy dose of strong hairspray which made her splutter and cough.

  “There… All done… Go knock him dead sweetheart.” He took a good look at the apparition in front of him. Mmmm, she did look a little Miss whiplash, and maybe he’d overdone it with the boots… but she certainly looked H.O.T! Even he could see it and he was completely girl blind. He had a lot of girls come through his wardrobe room and every so often one stuck in his mind. Her long pale blond red hair was beautiful and quite unusual. And the rest of her simply sizzled.

  Ella took one last look at her far too sexy ring girl style in the multitude of mirrors. Oh my God….! There was no way she could strut around in this. It was hard enough in here in front of thoroughly gay Kim.

  “Go on… off you go love. Quick, quick – Tony’s already waiting for you…”

  “What do I do… you know, in there?” she asked with a desperate pleading look.

  “Walk sexy… but not too sexy, you’re not a porn star… be confident, always have a smile on your face… sassy… you know. Now off with you love… Go on!” He shooed her out of the door with a pat on her backside and gestured towards the training ring doors opposite.

  He watched her go with a big smile on his face. Tony wouldn’t be able to resist this one… not for a second.

  “Right… sexy… but not porn… sassy… okay, here goes…” She said to herself as she took a deep breath and crossed the corridor and through the doors into the training ring room. It wasn’t a big room and the lighting inside was quite low with bright lights pooling down over the ring area in the center. She made her way hesitantly in her strange high heeled boots towards the two figures waiting next to the ring. There was a woman with short blond hair and a man, both appeared to be middle aged and smartly dressed.


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