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White & Black

Page 5

by Jessie M

  My God! The lecherous, so full of himself, filthy minded, dark ‘Destroyer’ bastard.

  She knew exactly what was going on his mind right now! Jeez…

  … and how she wanted to fuck him over and over…

  Holy shit! Did she really just think that? Surely not?

  It must have been a short circuit in her brain or something. Her mind must have been overloaded with so much hotness and sexiness seeing him wearing that smart outfit he had on tonight. No, who was she trying to fool? It wasn’t his clothing… it was just him. He was a pure lust magnet… and she might as well admit it. He drove her crazy along with the rest of the female population. Her white hot molten eruption was starting off again and her imagination started to go somewhere it shouldn’t go… She’d better run before she gave herself away by going up in a sheet of flames in front of him.

  With a last snooty look down her nose, she swept off quickly taking stunned Paul’s hand and waltzed out of the door.

  Why on earth did he get her going like this? She wondered. It was all a waste of feelings… She would never allow herself to have anything to do with him. She just knew he was a real badass womaniser… a heartbreaker of the grandest scale… and he had stunning Marcia Dean to fill in the gaps.

  Devlin turned to watch her much too sexy rear view leave the club.

  “Who’s that honey?” Marcia asked him none too pleased, catching his arm and trying to draw his obviously highly diverted attention back to her.

  “Oh, she’s one of our new girls, I think her name’s Ginger.” He smirked to himself. He’d have everyone calling her Ginger soon. He’d seen her eyes flash in annoyance when he’d called her that. He liked provoking her somehow, watching her eyes blaze. And it was much more fun than Ella… that was too pretty, too sweet. She was a little ball of ass shaking fire. Flaming hot Ginger was much more fitting for her. Much more the real her…


  “Ella, was that the famous Marcia Dean back there and that “Destroyer” fighter guy?” Asked Paul as they made their way to his car…

  “It was…”

  “What’s all this ass shaking stuff that’s going down between you two Ella?”

  “Ah, now that’s a very good question. I don’t know to be honest… so I can’t say. Anyway, are you still up for it… kissing at yours?”

  “Well I am. Are you though?”

  “I just can’t wait for our kissathon to begin…” She gave him a small fleeting kiss to remind him what was coming and a fun lusty look. He could take that how he liked, but she might actually do more than kiss. She was suddenly very much more up for it. He was really looking quite cute now that she’d got used to the idea of him in that way, and he was so nice and safe too…

  Chapter 9

  They sat quietly in Paul’s sexy car as they drove back to his apartment. She put her hand on his leg stroking the inner side of it gently with her fingers.

  “Ella, Christ almighty…! We’re gonna have a crash if you do that any more”

  “Oh sorry… I’m a natural feely type of person, you know…” She removed her hand placing it back in her lap.

  “We’ll be there in just a minute.” He cast a quick look her way. He wasn’t sure about this idea of his at all now. She seemed preoccupied and dreamy… he was quite sure it wasn’t over him. More likely that Dev fighter character back there, he’d seen the way she looked at him and the way he’d looked at her, that had been very heated and way more than friendly. He’d see how it went… if she called him Dev even just once, he’d boot her out the door…

  He let her in the apartment and she walked into the middle of his living room.

  “Wow, this is cool, I really like it. And what a great view…” she took a few steps to look out of the 15th floor window at the mass of twinkling lights in the distance.

  He came up to stand a little behind her. “Yeah, the view’s so beautiful…” He wasn’t looking out of the window though…

  She turned to face him, put her arms around his neck and smiled… “So Paul… Where were we…? Remind me.” A nice little bit of warmth was starting…

  “Well I think we were doing this…” he kissed her softly and drew back for a second looking into her amazing angelic blue eyes.

  “Oh no… I think it was much more like this…” She began her much more intimate version. Her no holds barred, tongue swirling, knee shaking variety. She had to admit there was a little shake in her knees this time. Just a little. And she was definitely getting warmer… She sighed and moulded herself tightly against him, feeling his hardness pressing into her. She ran her fingers up his neck and through his light brown hair… he was so very nice… more than nice in fact… His hands were roaming around her a little, slowly exploring… Well, well, things were really warming up now.

  “Ella, this is the best kiss I’ve ever, ever had… Can we sit down though, I’m about to pass out!” He managed to say in a breathless whisper. Ella put all of his previous girlfriends in the shade and there had been quite a few.

  “Where’s your bedroom? We can lie down in there and do some more serious kissing in comfort.” She was very keen to get more than friendly with Paul at this moment.

  “It’s right this way…” He took her hand with his heart pounding madly in his chest. If he wasn’t much mistaken he had scored. This was his lucky, lucky night.

  As they made their way inside his bedroom she wondered why she felt like this all of a sudden. This heated feeling hadn’t been there before she bumped into Devlin Black in the club foyer. He had really got her going. It seemed dead wrong to be stirred up by one man and about to make out with another. Very wrong and very confusing. Maybe they should date some more first, to see how it went before she came here again. They could have just a little more kissing tonight and then that would have to be it…

  “Let’s take things slow tonight” She spoke the words quickly as she lay down on his bed, before anything started between them.

  “Whatever you want Ells…” He was more than a little disappointed. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. He wanted her to be dead sure it was him she wanted.

  She wrapped her arms around him and got back to getting to know him a little more. As their kissing started the warmth suddenly burst into flames. The slow approach evaporated in a cloud of super heated steam. The bed probably wasn’t the best place to start a relationship slowly. It didn’t take long for them to be undressed, pressed tightly together and having sex like mad. Ella’s mind was saying real bad move, but it seemed her body was very into it and had a mind of its own. Anyway, she reasoned, she had far too much serious stuff in her life and she was allowed to have some fun with someone she liked. She could regret this tomorrow.

  Chapter 10

  It was late Monday evening and Jake sat nervously in the police station waiting for Ella to pick him up. She was absolutely going to kill him. He’d be grounded until he was 21 at least. His mind ran over the events of the last few hours. Razza had gone into the liqor store for some beers with some fake ID and his other pal Max had gone in with him… he was waiting outside as he was only 15 and couldn’t pass for much more. Then the next thing he knew they were running out of the store, shouting something he couldn’t understand, throwing stuff at him and bolting off around the corner like a demon from hell was on their tail.

  He was still standing there with their stolen booty in his arms when the store owner grabbed him by the back of his t-shirt and hauled him inside.

  After that it was all a scary blur. Police Officer. Police car. Police station. Police questions.

  Then they called his sister.

  Ella walked into the police station with a heavy heart. She’d only just had that last talk with him a few days ago. She had felt sure something had gone in the grey matter this time, but apparently not. How could he be stealing… and booze? This definitely wasn’t something Jake dreamed up, it was that lot again. His no good gang.

  She went up to the the duty serge
ant’s desk and explained who she was and was lead into an interview room. Inside sat a woman police officer with Jake looking so young and so scared she almost forgave him on the spot. His white face was ghostly with fear.

  “Hi Jake, what’s been going on?” She asked gently.

  “I dunno exactly. They were getting some beers and I was waiting outside, then they ran out without paying I suppose and saw they’d been spotted and dumped it on me… That’s all I know. I can’t say.”

  “So have you given the police the other boy’s names?”

  “Can’t do that Ells, it’s grassing”

  “Jakey, in case you haven’t noticed, they’ve not done you any favors… why didn’t they just throw it in the trash…. Why involve you?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Perhaps they panicked…?”

  She looked at the police officer sitting next to her.

  “What happens now?” She asked in concern.

  “We gave him a verbal warning. He hasn’t directly been involved with attempted theft. We can’t arrest him for possession of stolen goods as he was still on the store’s property anyway. He’s free to go. Sign this form at the bottom here.” The police officer pushed the form towards her and held out a pen. Ella signed the minor release form and Jake stood up to go.

  “Sorry Ells, I really am. It won’t happen again, you coming down here because of me. I promise.”

  “It’s okay Jakey… let’s just say lesson learned shall we? And I don’t want dad to know about this.”

  She led him out to the truck and they drove home. A few tears rolled down her cheek. Was it relief, shock, overwhelm… she didn’t know. It was hard being mom, dad and big sister all rolled into one. Sometimes it all got too much.

  Jake looked over at her. He saw the tears. He wished she’d shout at him. Anything like that he could cope with. This was tearing his guts out. He felt so bad. He wasn’t really cut out to be a delinquent teenager. He was going to try and clean up his act from now on.

  Chapter 11

  It was Tuesday evening and Ella made her way out to her dad’s truck for her first shift. She had been told to get there at 7.30pm and that her shift would end at ten or ten thirty. She would be responsible for ring duty, as and when required, mingling, assisting the contestants, running errands and messages and general tidying up. She set off with a clear head. It was an easy job, she just needed to do it for a few days to settle in. She was going to meet the other girls tonight. She hoped they got on as she knew women could be bitchy and unpleasant and she didn’t want any of that hassle. She’d keep a low profile. Be nice to that Marcia and her gang. See how the land lies… She had a feeling Miss Dean might not warm to her very easily since her little run in with Devlin in the club. She was hoping she wouldn’t recognise her, but knew deep down she probably would.

  Ella made her way to wardrobe for her first professional outfitting. She knocked on the door and it was opened by a flustered Kim in a yellow and black flowery shirt. His clothing was simply amazing, Ella thought to herself. Kim did gay style with such panache.

  “Oooh, Little Ella bella… welcome darling…” He yanked her in and slammed the door shut. “Sorry, but no time for niceties… this is what it’s like on fight night. I’ve got 8 girls to do… look!” He moved out of the way to show her the room with a sweep of his arm… They all stopped dressing and rooting around and looked her way.

  “Hi” She gave a little wave of greeting.

  A chorus of “Hi’s” replied. She did notice one person not hi’ing her though…. The chief ring girl didn’t seem pleased to see her.

  Marcia walked up to face her. She was immaculately dressed in a pink and white tankini top, tiny white shorts and silver sandals. Beautifully made up too with her dark hair whipped up in an artfully messy up do. The girl knew just how to do glamour, with Kim’s expert help of course.

  “Oh, if it isn’t new little Ginger… D’you know I can’t stand red hair… I’m actually allergic to it, it brings me out in hives. Keep away from me girl, I’m warning you.” She made sure she added a good old nasty sneer as well, so she really got the message. Then she bent her head to Ella’s ear and in a low voice she whispered “And stay away from Dev, really big warning number two.” With that she opened the door and left. Tori and Sonia followed in her wake giving Ella sympathetic little looks on the way out.

  “I see I’ve made a new friend already!” She said humorously. A few giggles of laughter bubbled around the ones remaining in the room.

  “Awww Ella Bella, come here lovey… nasty old Marcia. Here, let me treat those claw marks for you.” Kim grinned a diamond studded toothy smile at her and gave her a tight squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

  She had made one friend then. Kim was a pal at least. After Marcia one of the other girls came up and spoke to her. She found out Marcia was not universally loved by all by any means. She struck up a friendship with a small slim blonde called Sara and another even slimmer brunette called Sally-Ann. They seemed nice enough, welcoming and kind. Sara said she’d look after her tonight. She really appreciated her help. It was rather daunting being new and everything being so unfamiliar.

  She was dressed in a low cut white top and skirt outfit and pumps. It was a fairly decent and substantial affair, not so much of her body was hanging out of it. She thought Kim must have taken pity on her tonight… Her hair was pulled up in a high pony tail and held in place with a thick silvery white haloesque band around it. He added a full face of make up, falsies included and she was done in just over five minutes. Kim was a real master at this she thought in admiration. She looked at her image in the mirror. Much softer and prettier than the demon Miss Whiplash. She looked almost angelic. A real sexy angel if there was such a thing. Her hair even looked so very much blonder tonight. She was getting quite paranoid about the ginger thing.

  “Pretty?” Kim asked. She nodded gratefully. “Ella White all in white… quite fitting don’t you think love?”

  Sara told her to wait on one of the chairs while Kim finished her off, then she’d show her around.

  An hour later she was nervously waiting for her debut card holding walk. Sara told her they tended to do 4 rings before they were changed around. To give variety to the spectators. In between their sets they had to buzz around helping everyone else out and have a fixed smile on their faces the whole night. She was shown the board where the ring duties were. She knew Dev was fighting there tonight, she wasn’t in his arena though. That was just as well considering…

  It was time for her maiden voyage around the ring and she went up the platform and into the cage to do her not too sexy sassy walk. The massive arena was heaving with people and they all seemed to be staring down at her. It was a lot different doing this live. Quite hair raising in fact. She noticed one of the fighters giving her a very thorough look over. She put it down to curiosity about her being new. She didn’t like the look of him, He was ugly and bald. A real heavyweight brute. Not all fighters looked like Dev did, that was a plain and obvious fact.

  She finished her 4 rounds and started to wander around watching Sara and picking up what needed to be done. It was fairly easy work all in all, nothing like the mad rush around at the diner. She had just been given a box of napkins to deliver to Arena One, they had apparently run out of them at the bar and she was coming back after her delivery, along the adjoining corridor when she saw him coming towards her. Devlin was dressed in semi fitted black silky shorts and black lightweight gloves, a black towel slung over his shoulder and bare chest as he made his way en route to his fight. He was looking seriously dark and demonic and as hot as hell. He had his head down a little and was listening to his coaching manager. She stood to one side to let them pass by taking a deep breath. It didn’t seem like he noticed her, thank God. But she always noticed him. In a very big way. He stopped a few yards further along and turned.

  “White really suits you Ginger”

  Her annoyance dam finally broke.

Oh for crissakes shut up will you! Why d’you keep calling me Ginger? It’s strawberry blonde for crying out loud…” She blurted out in exasperation facing him with hands on her hips… she was just about sick of her new nickname… she could have stomped her feet in utter annoyance.

  “Oh yeah… I can see all the fruit now you mention it!” He almost snorted with laughter.

  “Oh go destroy yourself Black…”

  “Come and watch me, this one’s for you.” Where the hell that came from he couldn’t imagine … he’d never dedicated a fight to a girl in his life. He started to regret the words as soon as they were out of his mouth.

  “Really?” A fight for her? She was taken aback. How could she knock back that kind of dedication.

  She did have 20 minutes ‘kind of’ spare so she followed him along the corridor to his or would that be ‘her’ fight. If anyone complained about her absence, she could say he asked for her to be there. It was sort of true. She was really keen to watch Dev fight live. She’d seen him fight before on TV but this was different. She hung back a little as he entered the arena room and made his way across to the center, up the steps and through the door into the cage to the loud encore from the crowd. The contestant’s statistics, their training camp, levels and achievements were shown on 3 massive digital boards above the ring… it was the first time she’d taken any notice of his stats…

  Devlin Black – Pro MMA Contestant

  Residency – Arena Hilton, Las Vegas

  Master – Combat Sambo

  Black belt – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

  MMA debut – June 2009

  Height – 6-01

  Weight – 188 – Middleweight

  Birthdate – 09-12-1986

  Training – Extreme Camp

  He was fighting an up and coming English MMA star. This wasn’t a top fight, but this opponent still looked pretty lean and mean to Ella. The arena was crammed and humming with noise. Devlin was a very popular attraction. She could see more women in here than there were in the other arena…. She could hear cat calls coming down from the stands… some were really quite spicy!


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