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White & Black

Page 12

by Jessie M

  “Oh really? It must be nice being so perfectly wise” He would think about all this later, when she wasn’t around to distract him.

  “I’m not wise at all… I’m just being down to earth and as I see it. Look, ignore me if you like… I probably don’t know what the hell I’m talking about to be honest”

  “I couldn’t ignore you for a minute, you’re much too sexy”

  “If you say so… ” She smiled at him for a moment. She could see he was skirting the real issues here and making light of it. But she felt she had got through to him a little. And it was always nice being called sexy…

  He sat and studied her in silence for a moment.

  They were both lost in their own thoughts as they looked at each other.

  “I could sit here with you until the sun comes up, which might be quite soon… but you should go in now, get some sleep ’Night then Ella… See you tomorrow afternoon perhaps, is 3 good for you?” He could do this with her… it didn’t upset him much so far. In fact he felt quite liberated all of a sudden, having his fucked up mind all exposed by her, and he felt more alive too.

  “Okay then, I can do 3… looking forward to it… lots…. ‘Night then” She left the car and walked around the other side. She started up the path but turned and walked back to the car. He lowered the window.

  “Forgotten something, perfectly wise one?”

  She leant inside the car and took his face in her hands, giving him another very passionate kiss goodnight.

  “Yes, I didn’t answer your question, did I? I just thought you should know that I’m not afraid of being hurt… and the answer is yes, I do love you… and I know it’s much too soon, but I just don’t care.” She gave him another steamed up kiss goodnight, placed another quick kiss on his nose and stood up smiling. then she made her slightly unsteady way up the path and inside her door with her heart fluttering madly inside her. She was quite sure it wouldn’t take long to fix his OCD at all…

  He sat still in the car with his heart pounding wildly and his breathing completely out of this world. He got out his cell and sent her a text. “You just made me a very happy man.” Then he drove off home with a smile on his face, a very happy man.

  Chapter 21

  Marcia buzzed Luke in the outer door of her apartment block and waited for him to arrive at her door.

  He pressed the door buzzer and she opened it and let Luke into her apartment quickly, closing the door and leaning back against it.

  “Hey Mah-cee-yah baby, you ah lookin’ sooo fine…” He drawled sexily. He stood very close to her and gave her a beautiful white and gold toothed smile and swamped her almost senseless with an overdose of his cologne.

  “You got my stuff Luke?” She took a good look at him. God, he was just so completely ‘I’m a drug dealer’… oversized T, baggy designer jeans, massive sneaker type shoes, big gold t-bar hanging around his neck …. she hoped none of her nice sweet neighbors had seen him come in.

  “Youz ‘avin a blowout? Tha’s a load of white f’ya own game girl”

  “Yes, it’s for a friend’s party… Here, this is what you asked for, plus a little extra for the quick home delivery…” She handed him an envelope with the money and he fished inside the pocket of his baggy hip slung black jeans and gave her a plastic bag. She held it up and looked closely. There were a lot of tiny plastic wraps of powder inside. She hoped it was quality stuff, it had cost her a fucking fortune.

  He counted out the money onto her table, rolled it, pocketed it and handed her back the empty envelope.

  “Be seein’ ya baby… Ya wantin’ more, come to Lukey’s door, be cool honey, enjoy y’all” He let himself out.

  She let out the deep breath she had been holding in.

  She smiled to herself as she looked the drugs. Maybe she’d save one wrap for herself… she liked a little blow now and then. Just a little. But the rest of this white stash was going to be put to better use.

  She had the goods, now she just needed to get it where it needed to be. That wouldn’t be so hard. She had ideas.

  Chapter 22

  Dev arrived to pick her up at 3 as he had arranged. She was feeling on top of the world. She kept looking at his little message on her cell and smiling madly. She still wasn’t completely sure what was going on between them. Only time would tell. But she would enjoy it while it lasted and hoped it lasted a long old while. She got inside his car.

  “Hey baby, you look nice…” His eyes travelled down her tight black low cut vest top, even tighter black low rise jeans and purple fuck-me shoes… and back up again. She’d curled her hair and it was all cute ringlets… “A little too nice in fact.” He took a big gulp of air.

  “It’s my sexy look.”

  “Well it’s doing it for me…” he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and set off.

  She was very excited. She had played all this out in her mind. Oh God, he was in for a wild treat this afternoon. She placed her hand on his thigh, moving it up higher… he picked her hand up and put it back on her lap.

  “Huh?” She looked at him questioningly.

  “Traffic’s real heavy… need to concentrate”

  She looked around. It didn’t seem that heavy to her.

  “Still happy today Dev?”

  “Very. And you still love me today?”


  “That had better mean yes or I’m taking you straight back home.”

  “Okay a big yes then…” Her heart somersaulted in the air twice and landed somewhere deep in her stomach.

  He put some music on and they drove on in comfortable silence to his apartment. She stared at him the whole way, licking and nibbling her lips and thinking hot and juicy stuff up… he smiled to himself watching the road.

  He took her up in the elevator, his arm slung casually about her shoulders. She was ready to pounce on him the moment they got in the door.

  He closed the door and she pounced.

  “Hey Ella… hold your guns… I have something to say first.”

  “You do?” Talking hadn’t entered her head. “What’s that?”

  “Today is sex free Sunday. That means no sex all day.” The night was another thing entirely, he’d get round to some extra hot sex later, as a no sex reward for them both.

  “Pardon me? I could have sworn you just said something about no sex all day” She laughed out loud in astonished disbelief.

  “Ella, I did. We are going to do some other things together today. We’re not just about sex, are we?” He needed to stick to his plan… He’d had an overdose of sex in his life and he wanted to see what else there was. She was the first chance he had ever had to know someone.

  “Well I never…” She was stunned. He may be all calm and collected and ‘other thingsish’ but she wanted to be very uncalm in bed with him.

  “It’s part of relationship building” He so wanted to do this right… to learn some more about her outside the bedroom.

  “What? You’re a body snatcher aren’t you? What have you done with the real Dev?” She wanted to relationship build in quite a different way. Getting her hands and mouth on his perfect body parts for instance…

  “He’s still here. So what do you fancy… watching a movie, Wii games, playing cards, doing a crossword or something …?” He gave her an appealing but deliberately unsexy smile…

  “Not really no. What about kissing? Or is that banned too?” She tried a sexy little pout out on him…

  “Yep, kissing is banned, it leads to other things. We can touch hands. That’s all.”

  “So when did you dream up this sex free Sunday? It must have been while I was dreaming up my sex filled Sunday I suppose…” She picked up his hand and started to explore it. She traced her fingertip around his palm and up and down each finger, watching his face.

  “Don’t, please…” He pulled his hand away in frustration and exasperation. “I mean it Ells…” He was now of the opinion it was a very bad idea to come back here. They should ha
ve gone out somewhere, to the movies or something. This was just way too hard.

  “Okay, I’ll play ball… but I tell you this is going to be really painful for me.” She looked deep into his eyes, their faces just a few inches apart.

  “I know it’s hard. But do it, just for me, huh? I’m going to put on the TV for while, as a distraction tactic.”

  “That’s good because I so need to be distracted. Find us a really distracting movie… what about something dark, evil and scary… Alien, Scary Movie or something. Nothing with too many hot love scenes…”

  “I’ll see what I can find that’s real scary on Netflix then.”

  Ten minutes later she found herself holding his hand on his sofa watching The Cabin in the Woods. It hadn’t even started properly and she felt scared… it only took the thought of being scared to make her scared…

  “Want a drink Ells?”

  “Please… but can I come with you. I’m not watching this on my own for a second”

  He smothered a laugh. “So you’re a scaredy cat then”

  “Scaredy kitten more like.”

  She followed him into the kitchen and he got them both a coke from the cooler.

  They put their drinks on the table and resumed watching their movie and she snuggled up to his side, half hiding behind a cushion with her fingers in her ears.

  “So you enjoyed it then,” he teased, pulling the cushion away as the end credits rolled up. That was one thing he’d learned about her already, she didn’t like scary movies at all. That was kind of sweet and appealing.

  “Well it did the trick and distracted me for a couple of hours. That soundtrack will haunt me forever. I need some lighter entertainment now to get over it. Let’s get some dance music on, I’ll have a dance to shake the horror away. Hey, what about that? Would you like me to dance for you Dev?”

  “I’ve seen your dancing. Maybe not today.” Definitely not a good idea today, in fact. It was hard enough already, without Miss sex on legs giving him a private show.

  “I’ll do a very tame version… I promise!” She wouldn’t mention the clothes removal part she had just planned.

  “Go on then.” He gave her the remote and she found a dance music channel.

  He watched entranced as she did her dance for him, slow and just a little sexy, not raunchy like before. He quite enjoyed her amusing dancing up against his wall routine and was smiling at her. But what was she up to now? She was taking off her shoes and doing things with them… rubbing them all over her… and staring at him like that… the little minx… She was definitely not playing ball at all… This was another thing he’d learned about her already… She was a fucking tease…

  He narrowed his eyes in annoyance, crossed his arms and tutted at her.

  Well now… she thought. It seemed her little shoe rubbing dance was having some effect. Just the top to come off and he’d be gone… flying over the edge of lust and into sex filled Sunday for sure… She dropped her naughty shoes on the floor one by one at her feet. She turned her back on him and crossed her arms grabbing the hem of her top. She lifted it off gracefully and quickly in one easy move and tossed it at him as she turned round to face him. “I’m getting all hot dancing, there, look after that for me…” That should do it, this underwear was just so sexy… all black and lacy and very see through…

  Oh good…! He was looking much more sexed up now… and more than a little bit cross too, cool! She gave him her sexiest smile and moved closer to him, starting to undo her jeans, just an inch or two should be enough to push them down a bit to the point of indecency. “It’s so warm in here, isn’t it?” She put her hands well inside her waistband and eased them down another inch or two, dancing nice and slow… “Want to dance with me Devy… just for a minute?”

  “Right you’ve got me. Get in the bedroom, now!” She was a very bad girl, making him have sex on his first ever no sex Sunday. He’d have to teach her a lesson or two…

  He pulled her by the hand into the bedroom and quickly tugged off her jeans and underwear, then his own clothes and pushed her roughly on the bed. He was very, very annoyed with her, until he kissed her. Then it didn’t seem to matter any more. He was more than happy to do this instead.

  “Ella… I just loved your sexy dancing.”

  “So did I, it got me just what I wanted…”

  “What’s that…” As if he didn’t know.

  “On the bed and smoochy with you… and now I can tell you I love you over and over while we get all passionate with each other… would you like that?” She suddenly had a wildly fluttering heart again.

  “I think I just might. Get started then.” His insides twisted with a mixture of longing and desire and some other things… expectation and excitement.

  She kissed him all over his face. She’d make him wait for it. For quite a while in fact.

  They started to make love. The atmosphere between them was electrifying. Lots of delicious eye contact was going on. It was very intense and sublime shivers were running up and down his spine. His mind was filled with her. But he was waiting for her to say it. Why the hell was she keeping him hanging so long…?

  “Fucking hell Ella, I’m going to die with all this waiting. Just tell me already…”

  “What’s that Dev…?”

  “You were going to tell me something nice…?”

  “Was I? Oh sorry I forgot…”

  “The fuck you did…”

  “Stop swearing at me… it’s ruining the moment. You’ll have to wait while I get myself back in the mood now”

  “For fuck’s sake… I really am going to die…”

  “I might die waiting as well…” It didn’t hurt to remind him this was supposed to be a two way affair.

  She’d made her point and made him wait long enough. She held his face in her hands and gave him a lovely soft kiss… all sweeping loving lip action. She looked into his beautiful expectant brown eyes with her heart blazing for him… “Baby… please don’t die… because I really do love you so very much Devy.”

  He lay very still as her wonderful words washed through him like a wave of pure heaven. Every inch of him was thrilled to hear it. He kissed her once more, sinking deep into her. He loved the way she called him Devy, no one else in the world called him that. He sighed deeply and stroked the hair back from her face, looking into her blue eyes. His heart was almost completely in her hands.

  She could feel it coming up from deep inside him, just like the sun rising after the darkness of the longest ever night… this was the moment she was waiting for. Her heart was hammering like crazy, her stomach was twisted in the tightest knot, waiting to be released.

  “You’ve changed my life forever. I can’t tell you how much. I love you too Ells.” His heart opened for the first time ever and it left him breathless as he looked at her. She’d slipped past his barriers effortlessly… and opened the door to his soul. He couldn’t quite believe any of this had happened to him at all, let alone in a couple of days.

  She was crying real tears of happiness. She kissed him softly again… murmuring against his mouth…“Love you… love you… love you… ” Her voice caught with emotion.

  “love you too…” His eyes were misting up very badly all of a sudden. He was a hopeless over emotional lovestruck case. Where had all his self control gone?

  Frantic hands and lips touched and kissed. Their bodies entwined, heated and beyond the realms of passion. They were both far away in their own private little love heaven that no one else could ever enter.

  Chapter 23

  Monday morning arrived much too soon for Ella. Her truck had been repaired and was now in working order, surprisingly cheaply. After a very long and difficult process of transport and arrival, her father and herself finally made their way into the consultant, Mr Ford’s office at the hospital. She was feeling very guilty this morning for a number of reasons. Firstly she had been enjoying herself with Dev rather excessively over the weekend, prior to this very serious ev
ent in her father’s life and secondly, she felt guilty for not telling him what it was about beforehand. But she genuinely felt the news was better coming directly from the consultant. That eased her guilt a little.

  Ella helped her father sit down and then sat next to him.

  “Have you read the summary diagnosis we sent you last week Mr White?” the consultant asked him kindly.

  “No we haven’t received that.” Ella lied. Blame it on the mail… “What does it say Mr Ford?”

  He began to explain, looking from Ella to her father in turn.

  “The electrical shock you received has caused some areas of brain tissue to be permanently damaged Mr White.”

  Her father was looking anxious and confused.

  “Am I going to die?” He whispered, fear showing clearly on his face.

  Ella’s eyes welled up and she put her hand on his shaking one, giving it a squeeze.

  “Oh no no… Mr White, nothing like that I can assure you. But you are not going to improve on your current mobility, speech and brain functions. Your memory could deteriorate a little more perhaps. That remains to be seen. It doesn’t necessarily follow.”

  “I’m not g..g..going to get b..b..b..better ever?” He tried to absorb what the rest of his life was going to be like. He was only 47 years old.

  “The worst case scenario is no, I’m very sorry. We do not have any conventional treatment or surgery which can help you. But we do have other things which you can try, so don’t give up hope just yet. We like to provide every possible avenue of therapy to patients. There are many alternative, natural therapies which could be very beneficial to you Mr White. We have a range of Hydro, Physio and dietary therapies and even acupuncture available, if you wish to try them. They can improve mobility quite substantially, I can assure you. They are optional of course, but I would recommend trying them all, you just never know. I’ve seen amazing successes with patients on these programs.”

  “How often would my dad need these treatments and how often?” Ella wanted the details.


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