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Save Riley

Page 6

by Yolanda Olson

  “What have I told you about screaming in my home?” he asked sharply. I rolled my eyes and he cleared his throat. “Bondi Beach, it’s quite beautiful really and as I’ve said I had fond memories as a child there. I can give you a hint as to where you are, Riley. Do you know where the Tasman Sea is?”

  “Near Tasmania, I would imagine,” I replied rolling my eyes again.

  “Don’t do that,” he replied sharply, holding up a warning finger. “Don’t brush off what I’m saying with sarcasm. It will only serve to make me angry. I’ll ask you again; do you know where the Tasman Sea is?”

  I blew out my breath impatiently. Why was I being asked a question, instead of being given an answer?

  “I’m thinking. And while I’m thinking, can I at least have a shirt?” I asked glancing at him.

  “No. You lost your privilege of clothes when you tried to escape. You can earn them back later,” he replied matter-of-factly.

  “You know Jax, all of these privileges and rules you have and want me to learn are only going to make me hate you in the long run. I will end up despising you when this is over and never think of you again,” I said.

  “I understand,” he replied quietly. I watched him as he pulled his shirt off over his head and help me pull it onto myself.

  I’m starting to wonder if this is really as bad as it seems. Besides the whole being trapped here thing. Okay Riley. Think. The Tasman Sea. Um ...

  “I was right with Tasmania; being the general location I mean, right?” I asked glancing at him as I settled back against the pillow. He nodded. “Okay so I know that Tasmanians get mistaken for Au –” I turned to look at him, my heart racing inside of my chest. “Australia?” I whispered.

  “Correct! I knew you were smart,” he said with a grin.

  He’s lying. He’s fucking lying! He has to be! How the hell would he get me here without anyone noticing the unconscious girl he would’ve been carrying?!

  “Private jet,” he replied with a wink. “See, Riley, I’m not just some loony as you’ve probably been imagining. I’m quite meticulous and when I see something that I want, I will find a way to get it. And you, my precious Riley, I’ve wanted for a long time.”

  He got to his feet and stretched. I watched the muscles in his back ripple again and wondered how it was possible to be so attracted to someone who was keeping me a prisoner, a sexual prisoner, in their home?

  “So, unless you plan on swimming back home, which I would never allow of course, then you should probably resign yourself to the fact that for the time being Newcastle is your home,” he said heading toward the door.

  “Until when Jaxton?” I asked, fearing the answer.

  “Until you’re my equal, I’m satisfied, or one of us is dead,” he replied with a shrug. “I do hate to leave you in this room though Riley. I’ve been thinking about it and I know that you were only going with your instinct because we’re behind on our lessons. I would like to remove you from this room, but there’s something I would like in return.”

  I looked down at my ankles. The ropes were starting to burn because of all of the movement and I probably had hideous marks on them. Eventually they would become raw and the burn would become pain. I wanted out. No matter the cost.

  “Okay,” I replied quietly.

  “Don’t you want to know what it is that I want first?” he asked curiously.

  I shook my head. The truth was that if I heard his proposition first, I’d probably be left to rot and die in this room for the rest of my life.

  He stared at me for a moment, before he nodded and approached my legs. I sat there patiently while he undid the ropes and then came over to lift me off of the bed. I winced as my shoulder settled into his chest. Jax shifted me in his arms so that I wouldn’t feel the sting and walked toward the room.

  “First I’ll finally wrap that shoulder, then you can properly thank me for letting you out of here ahead of schedule,” he said, using his foot to close the door behind us.

  “Okay,” I repeated.

  What is he going do to me? Or make me do to him? How can I do anything with a bum shoulder? Why won’t he just let me go?

  Those were the last thoughts I had as a normal, sane woman. Everything after that day changed. Every belief I ever had after that day was dead.


  Three Months Later

  “Riley? Come here please,” Jaxton called out. I had been in the hallway sitting on the staircase trying to breathe. Ever since he started “allowing” me to have clothes, I had been wrapped up in a corset. Every fucking day.

  No, that’s a lie. Not “ever since”, it started the day I was curled up, chained to the foot of the bed in horrible pain. I wasn’t quite sure why I was having vicious stomach cramps like I was, but he had called someone over who he said had “extensive experience in the medical field” and had examined me. Jax had looked absolutely terrified when this person left and told me that once the pains went away, he would start dressing me in corsets. Truthfully, I was more concerned with who this person was that didn’t find it odd or strange that there was girl curled up in a ball of agony chained to someone’s bed.

  I had asked Jax of course, who said that it didn’t matter. He told me a few days later, once he had calmed down and started shoving me into corsets that he was an old friend of his who used to do what Jax still does. I think mentor was the word he used, but I can’t be sure. He also told me that he gets paid well for his silence and services.

  I got shakily to my feet and began to walk up the stairs. He had allowed me to be barefoot if I wished, because the first time I was set in heels, I fell down. Not once did he assume it was the damn corset stealing breaths from me, making me lightheaded, dizzy, or vulnerable; no he just assumed it was the fucking shoes and that I could stay in the corsets barefoot.

  I made my way down the hallway and pushed his cracked bedroom door open. I glanced around, waiting for his permission to enter his room. Me, a full grown woman, waiting for permission.

  “I’m out on the balcony. You can come join me,” he said.

  I sighed deeply and walked into his room and directly out onto the balcony, where he was leaning over, arms crossed, and looking up at the sun setting in the horizon.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked without looking back at me. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sunset than the ones in Australia.”

  I stood in the doorway of his bay windows and waited for further acknowledgment. One thing I learned rather quickly was that just because Jaxton said something to me, it didn’t mean it was an invitation to do anything other than to stand or sit there and listen. Finally he glanced over his shoulder and smiled at me.

  “Come stand with me. I want to watch this with you,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I replied quietly. I walked over and stood next to him. Jax looked at me for a moment; I didn’t have to see him do it. I could feel his eyes on me.

  Clearing his throat, he moved from his spot next to me to behind me. He reached down and gently put my hands on the railing, running his hands up and down my arms slowly.

  I swallowed hard. The one thing I hated was having Jax touching me the way he was, but what I hated more was not having him touch me at all. In the few months that I had been held captive here, he taught me to yearn for his touch in every way. But since he first had his way with me, he would usually only touch me like this. Gentle caresses that would make my heart race and my eyes flutter.

  “Do you think it’s beautiful too?” he whispered breathlessly in my ear. I nodded laying my head back against his chest.

  Almost immediately I pulled it away, “I’m sorry.”

  I was nervous and absolutely terrified of the room that he would put me in when he felt I was misbehaving or what the fuck ever else went on through his mind. Jax chuckled and I felt the tips of his fingers gently grazing my neck, following the length until he reached my chin. He carefully pushed up until my head was resting against his chest again and we were lo
oking into each other’s eyes.

  “Don’t apologize for that, Riley. I enjoy that you’re beginning to finally relax around me enough to do it,” he said with a small smile. “I’ll allow something as simple as that without need for apologies.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered shakily.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile. “Let’s watch this now. Silently. Together. Until it’s gone. Then I’ll finally collect on my payment for letting you out of the room the first time you were in it. Is that fair?”

  I nodded and turned my attention to the sun setting, willing it to get stuck in the sky. This moment, no matter how beautiful it could have been, was just tainted with the fear that he had decided to “finally collect.” Because it was Jaxton, that could be a number of any disturbing sexual acts or it could also just as easily be watching television together. I didn’t know and I was scared.

  Jax rested his chin gently on the top of my head, his arms wrapped around my waist, as we watched sun disappear. Fastest sunset I’ve ever seen in my life, I thought miserably as the last ray disappeared.

  “Shall we step inside, Riley?” he asked turning me to face him. I stood in front of Jaxton, letting my arms drop stiffly to my sides. “Look at me, Riley.”

  I hesitated for a moment which prompted him to lift my face with his hand again. The look in his eyes was intense and full of insatiable hunger. I had never seen anything like it before.

  “Would you like to know what I want from you now, Riley?” he asked quietly.

  “I think I know,” I replied feeling the tremble going through me again.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked, stepping forward and pinning me against the balcony.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Good.” He put his hand around my neck and pressed his lips lightly against mine. So lightly in fact, that I wasn’t sure if he was kissing me at all or if it was just him breathing. “I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, Riley. Not this time. This time, I want you to enjoy it; the feeling of us together as one. Would you like that Riley? To enjoy your first memorable time? Or would you like me to have my way with you, after all? To make you feel like the dirty little girl that I sometimes see you as? The dirty little girl that deserves to be punished? That deserves to be in that room for the rest of her life; deprived from human contact except for when I feel that you’ve earned a fucking at my hands. Locked in a room where no one will care or know if and when you die in there and your body gets tossed into the ocean like the trash that you are. Tell me, which do you want?” he asked, pushing my hair out of my face.

  “I want –” I stopped and took a breath to steady myself. I didn’t want anything, but I knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Not to mention that I did owe him for letting me out of the room ahead of schedule.

  “Yes? Tell me what you want, Riley,” he whispered intensely.

  I closed my eyes for a moment and looked down. What was going to happen was inevitable and what I needed to do was find the quickest and most painless solution.

  “Riley?” he prompted softly.

  I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked up at Jaxton and wondered what he could possibly be capable of. Could he really use me, kill me, and dump my body when he was done with me? Had he done it before? How can someone with the face of an angel hide the intentions of the devil so well?

  “I want you to use me as you see fit,” I whispered in a shaky voice, that I didn’t quite recognize.

  What? That’s not what I wanted to say. Fuck, look at his eyes; he loves what I just word vomited. How the fuck do I take it back?

  “My sweet, sweet girl,” he breathed with a small smile. Jaxton moved his hands to my face, taking it in his hands. The look he was giving me was one full of craving with a hint of pity. “That’s not what you want. You aren’t ready for that.”

  “Yes I am,” I replied.

  He pulled away from me and eyed me carefully while I tried to figure out what inside of me was saying this was a good idea. To let him do whatever he wanted with me so soon; I knew I was asking for something I would never be able to handle.

  “No. I won’t do this how I want to. Not just yet. I want to take my time in breaking you Riley and so far we’ve made good progress haven’t we? You don’t speak out of line, you don’t enter rooms without permission, and you’ve stopped screaming. I’d like our official first time to be gentle with just a hint of pain. With that being said, on your knees, Riley,” he said as he began to undo the zipper on his jeans.

  I did as I was told. I got to my knees and again found myself having my breaths stolen by the corset that I was being forced to wear. I looked down because I didn’t want to see anything until I absolutely had too.

  “Your innocence makes me smile, you know. I love how timid you are even though I’ve already had you and even though I’ve seen you naked more times than you’d like to admit. But Riley, I have to ask you, if you’re so willing to give me whatever I want right now, then how can you look away?” he asked.

  I didn’t answer. I rested my hands on my knees instead and tried to focus on my breathing. I was starting to feel lightheaded and I knew that even if I passed out, it wouldn’t stop him.

  Jaxton got to his knees in front of me and used his hands to raise my face to look at him. He was peering at me closely even though I kept my eyes focused on anything but him. I glanced up at the sky and tried to take in a fresh gulp of air, but I couldn’t. My eyes fluttered for a moment and Jax moved quickly. He reached behind me and pulled the corset off of me by ripping it in half. I pitched forward, my head on his chest, taking in greedy lung filling breaths.

  “Thank you,” I said, breathing heavily.

  “I’m willing to wait for a bit. I didn’t realize that the corset was robbing you of your breath,” he said quietly.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and used them to push myself to my feet. I wasn’t going to delay this, I wasn’t going to wait. I was going to get it over with and I was going to do it now.

  Jaxton looked up at me with curious eyes. I reached down for the torn corset and folded it in half, neatly placing it on the balcony floor, before I walked into his bedroom. I took my place at the foot of the bed where he had me stand so many times before, and clasped my hands behind my back.

  Within moments, he was in the room behind me. I felt the familiar roughness of rope as he held my wrists together and bound them tightly. He ran his hands down my stomach and gently kissed my neck, before lifting me onto the bed and instructing me to stay on my knees.

  I heard him punch the code to his walk in closet and turned my attention toward the balcony. I was fighting the urge to try and jump again. Something inside of me wanted me to run for my life, but something else inside of me, something new, wanted to experience Jax in every way possible.

  “Thinking of leaving again, are you?” he asked quietly reentering the bedroom.

  Yes. “No.”

  “Good,” he said he came up behind me and pressed his now naked body against me. “I would’ve been quite disappointed if you tried to leave me again, Riley.”

  He put one large, strong hand around my neck and gripped it tightly. I let him tilt my head up and looked at him as he moved himself so that tip of his now throbbing erection would graze my fingers. I opened my hands as best as I could and reached back for him, but he tightened his grip around my neck and stepped back.

  “I didn’t give you permission to touch me yet, Riley,” he said.

  I gurgled in response. The sudden movement caught me off guard and took my breath away. He took his hand away and sighed. I could tell that I had “disappointed” him by touching him. Even though most of me wanted to get this over with a small part of me wanted to be able to enjoy it. I didn’t know what was happening inside of me. I didn’t know why I wasn’t fighting him off.

  But all of my feelings that wanted to be with him died when I felt him starting to fit another corset around me. It was my “
punishment” for touching him without permission he told me. He said because he would have to make it tighter that he knew I wouldn’t be of much use to him so I wouldn’t have to do much. Not at first; he said that if he did give me permission to touch him and if he enjoyed my hands on him, he would loosen the corset for every touch that made him feel like no other touch would ever be able to satiate him.

  And if I failed to make him feel that touch in anyway at all, it would be “to the bottom of the Tasman Sea.”


  The next morning we were sitting in the living room. I was still in my corset from the night before and Jaxton allowed me to sit on the floor next to him instead of being his footstool as usual. As he sat there eating his cereal, I kept running last night through my head over and over, trying to understand what touch I had exactly given him that had allowed me to keep my life.

  “For now, I want you to just sit there. I’ll let you know when you have permission to touch me, permission to touch yourself, and when the time comes, permission to come,” he had said.

  “How will I be able to stop something like that?” I had asked with curiosity.

  Jax had been standing next to the bed with his arms crossed over his chest, full erection still on display. I stole a glance at his rather large cock and wondered if it was going to hurt.

  “Because you’ll want to please me Riley; I can tell by the way you’re sitting there. You’re afraid that you won’t be able to and that something bad will happen if you don’t. Do you remember when I said I would never physically harm you?” I thought for a moment and nodded. “I say these things to you to see if I have your trust yet, which I don’t. So for now the one thing that I want is for you to please me; sexually.”

  I had taken a few shaky breaths. He was right. I was terrified about everything that was about to happen, but I also wanted it so badly and I didn’t know why. This was a man that used corsets to torture me, locked me in a room for days on end when I was disobedient, and used me as a piece of furniture.


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