Night With A Tiger

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Night With A Tiger Page 7

by Dobson, Marissa

  With his weight supported by his arms, inches above her, he met her gaze. “Are you sure? We will be connected in more ways than you imagine.”

  She stared at him while her hand slid down his side until she found his shaft. Her fingers wrapped around it and rubbed down the length, painstakingly slow. “I’m sure. Why fight what my body and heart want? I’ve only been bitchy about the whole situation, making the fact I’m surrounded by shifters an issue because I’m scared and tired of being alone. I don’t want to lose anyone else I care about.”

  “You won’t lose me.” He dragged his tongue in lazy circles around her nipple. Teasing her nipples gently, he pulled them between his teeth until they stood at attention. He rested his weight on his elbow and used his other hand to explore the length of her body, memorizing every curve that would get him through the miles soon to separate them.

  He blazed a hot, wet trail of kisses across her stomach, and stroked her thighs with his fingertips. With every touch, she arched her hips to him, demanding more. His desire soared to new heights, until he couldn’t hold back any longer. Nudging her legs further apart with his knee, he cupped her hips, and delved his finger inside her. She met the teasing thrusts. He moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. He pleased her with tiny nips and gentle licks over her sweet spot. She grabbed his hair with a mixture of pressing him closer and dragging him up.

  “Adam, I need you.”

  Even with sexual haze driving him, he had enough control to take a moment to feel through her emotions, to make sure she would have no doubts later once lovemaking had completed their mating. “Your wish is my command, mate.” He spread her legs further, giving him the access he needed. His control nearly maxed and he was thankful she was wet because he had no resistance left to go slow. He slid into her warm, wet core before sliding out and thrusting back in, his manhood filling her completely. The first few strokes were slow, but with each new stroke the tempo intensified another level until his hips where driving the force with each pump. His thrusts became deeper and faster, falling into a perfect rhythm. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension stretching him tighter than a rubber band as he fought for the release he longed for.

  She arched her body into his, her nails dug into his chest, and she screamed his name as her release arrived. He pumped twice more and growled her name as his released followed.

  He stayed on top of her for a moment longer, watching the afterglow on her face and the ecstasy glossing her eyes. He then collapsed beside her, cradling her body tight against his as his fingers caressed her side. For the first time since he had found her, fear didn’t course through her. He sensed contentment and love from her, making him want to hold her tighter.

  * * *

  Robin lay in Adam’s embrace, feeling suddenly overwhelmed. She was experiencing so many emotions, she couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

  “What is it, love?” Adam’s fingers teased her hip.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening to me. It’s like I’m in a funnel cloud and I can’t make heads or tails of my emotions.” Her panic rose. What did she get herself into?

  “Give it time, it will calm, I promise. You’re feeling me, my emotions, and my beast. Your body doesn’t understand and is on overload at the moment, but in a few minutes the confusion will pass and you’ll be able to comprehend the mating.”

  Minutes passed in a swirl of emotions until they finally died down as quickly as they came. Her muscles relaxed. “Will that come back?”

  “No, you’re human so the initial mating affects you differently at first. It overloads your body all at once, but now, if you focus, you’ll be able to feel me. In time our connection will be second nature to you. You’ll just know without focusing. You’ll also now know I’m okay or uninjured. When I get to Virginia, there will be no reason for you to worry.”

  The thought of him going to Virginia made her tense again. It didn’t matter how much he reassured her, she couldn’t stop from worrying about him when he was going to face Pierce head on.

  “I promise, I’ll be back.” He kissed the top of her forehead and snuggled her against his body.

  “How can you promise something you have no control over?”

  “Because I know the men I’m taking with me. We’re a good team. I trust them to guard my back, as they trust me to do the same. With Ty going, we are taking triple the guards.”

  “Why is Ty going? If he’s the Alpha, shouldn’t he stay here, especially since you said Tabitha and him have to carry on the line for your kind to continue? Isn’t it too much of a risk for him?”

  “He’s going to avenge the deaths of Tabitha’s parents and Bethany’s family. He sees it as his responsibility. Ty was living on the streets before Tabitha’s father found him, helped him adjust to being a shifter, got him a job, a roof over his head, and a tutor because he couldn’t attend school without risking exposure.”

  “Exposure? What happens to the children?”

  “We have a school here at the compound, so our children are safe. If they shift, we don’t have to worry about them exposing our nature, and if they can’t shift, they can still attend the school here. You still okay with this?” He ruffled his fingers through her hair, drawing it away from her face.

  Being able to feel his worry about her second thoughts, she kissed him, and then nodded as her lips hovered over his. “Yes, but not that I have a choice now. If Ty’s going what about Raja?”

  “Raja will stay here, protecting the mates and clan. I worked my way up the guard chain of command as one of Ty’s guards, long before I became Tabitha’s guard. It’s another reason I have to be there to guard his back. I know it’s hard to understand, this is new to you and you haven’t seen us in a fight. We will be fine. I wouldn’t take my Alpha into a fight that I thought we couldn’t win. He’s too important.” His fingers slid down her body, exploring the curves of her hips.

  She valued his courage and willingness to guard his Alpha. It showed his commitment to his clan and the cause they were fighting against, but his departure would also leave her alone in a new place and possibly alone forever. How could she fight him when she could feel how much it meant to him? One night with my tiger isn’t enough, he better come home to me.

  Chapter Nine

  Hours later and another round of passionate love making, Adam’s cell vibrated, alerting him to the gathering. He wanted to stay in bed with Robin’s body pressed tightly against his, until the sun peeked through the blinds, but if he wanted to be part of the team, he needed to get to the meeting. Once the danger was eliminated, he’d be able to lay with her all day, and the fear running through her would be gone. “The meeting is in twenty minutes. Do you want to come?”

  “Can I?” She leaned to look up at him.

  “You gave us the information, so you’re as much a part of this as I am. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. When I receive the order to head out, I’ll take you over to Raja and Bethany’s quarters and get you settled before I leave.”

  “I understand why you have to go. I just still wish you weren’t going.”

  He pressed his nose onto the top of her head, filling his senses with her scent. “I know. Stay here.” He slid out of bed, and he pulled out a pair of blue jeans and black, long sleeve T-shirt from the dresser. Tugging his shirt over his head, he smiled. “I’m going outside, give me five minutes to get far enough away, and then focus on me. Think of whatever memory of me that brings me closest to you. It will make our connection easier. You’ll feel me and know what I’m doing. The distance that separates us will be worse when I’m in Virginia or Boston, but you’ll be able to know if I’m safe.” He sat back on the bed, lacing his black, steel-toe boots.

  “I thought we had to get ready for the meeting.”

  “We have a few minutes. You can get dressed while I’m gone. I want you to know how to make the connection, before I leave.” He strapped his knife to his thigh strap before reaching for his gun and placing
it in the holster on his hip. “It will become easier with practice.” He leaned to kiss her and then closed the door behind him.

  Adam glanced around the compound. This was his home. He’d fight for it with his dying breath. He just hoped the mission to eliminate Pierce wouldn’t be his last, especially now that he found his mate. Jogging around the compound, he went to the far side of the property by the creek.

  He stopped to watch the water flowing down the creek, feeling the cool air against his face, waiting for Robin’s connection to spring to life. His life had gone full circle. A few years ago he stood next to a creek much like this one, searching for the rogue who took everything Adam had cherished. Now, here he was about to fight another rogue to protect his new future. He vowed to let nothing take what he held dear. He’d protect Robin, Tabitha, Ty, and the rest of the clan.

  The wind sped past him, through him, cooling from the inside out as Robin’s connection flared within him. The air’s breeze held his mate’s connection, yet allowed him to concentrate on whatever was at hand. Her force would be his strength when he was in a battle against Pierce. If the situation got out of control, and he didn’t want Robin to sense what he was going through, there was a way to allow the shifter to dim the connection, as long as the other mate was human.

  Hello Mate. He whispered through his thoughts, letting her know he could sense her.

  Wow. Her voice crossed his mind as if she was right next to him. Her amazement tingled along his skin.

  Now that you know how to communicate with me, meet me outside the cabin so we can go to the meeting. He would love to explore their bond more, but time was limited. Turning, he headed toward his cabin. Their connection flickered as if she didn’t want to give it up. She was probably afraid she might not be able to do it again. Don’t worry love, the second time is easier.

  With the goal of having Robin in his arms again, returning to the cabin seemed longer. He was proud that Robin was working with the mating abilities with such ease. Hopefully they would allow her to worry less while he was on the East Coast.

  Robin ran to him at full speed. “I did it. I can’t believe I did it.” Excitement poured off her.

  “I never doubted you.” He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her tight against his chest and leaned to kiss her.

  * * *

  Robin sat next to Adam in the meeting, feeling somewhat out of place. This was Adam’s life and if she was expecting to be a part of it she’d have to get used to these gatherings, but she hated sitting here while they planned to murder someone. The fact that Pierce had taken more lives than she could count helped a little. In the world she was raised in a man deserved a fair trial before being condemned. Adam, the Elders, and selected guards were acting like judge, jury, and executioner.

  Ty waited until everyone was seated before starting. “A team from Jinx’s West Virginia clan confirmed Pierce is in Virginia. He’s alone as far as they can tell. They’re standing guard until we get there or he tries to leave. Adam and I are going with a handful of other guards.” He then explained what would happen in his absence. “Raja’s in charge until I get back. Felix, I want you to take over the guest room in my quarters so you’re always close by Tabitha while I’m gone. Two guards are to be on both Tabitha and Bethany at all times. Robin, you can stay with Bethany and her guards.”

  “Who is going to Virginia besides us?” Adam inquired.

  “Taber, Styx, Marcus, as well as a few other ground guards. Galan is going to accompany us as a precaution. He won’t be taking part in the mission, just close by in case he’s needed. I don’t want to take too many of our guards and leave the women unprotected. We’ll be leaving within the hour. Taber is flying us to a nearby landing strip close to Pierce’s location.”

  Over the next few minutes the game plan was laid out, covering each guard’s duty. Robin only partially listened. She knew Adam and Styx would be with Ty, while Marcus would lead the other guards from the grounds. Other than that, she didn’t care about the details. She only cared that Adam was putting himself at risk. There had to be another option? Something that would keep him safe.

  “Why not just blow up the house?” The words flew out of her mouth before she had time to think. Showing just how much she wasn’t paying attention, she assumed she must have interrupted an important conversation because everyone stared at her. “I’m sorry,” she stuttered, wishing she hadn’t opened her mouth.

  “I like the way you think, and it’s a good idea, but won’t work.” Ty smiled, making her more uneasy.

  “Why won’t it work? Can you guys survive an explosion?”

  “Not necessarily. It would depend on the hit. Shifters have a better chance of survival than the average human, but there’s a possibility we might die with everyone else from a direct explosion. We can’t send in a bomb because Tabitha thinks there might be someone in the secret room she saw in Victor’s memories. She’s given me an idea of where the room is. Hopefully we get Pierce and find out who he is hiding.” Ty wrapped his hand over Tabitha’s. “She believes whoever is locked away is innocent. We can’t blow up the area until we know if someone needs help.”

  “It’s going to be okay.” Adam rubbed Robin’s thigh. “We have a plan and we’re taking good men with us. We’ll be fine.”

  She nodded. The determination in his eyes was not something she was willing to fight. She was unwilling to add any doubt in his mind. Her reservations might get him or others injured or worse. Because she wanted Adam and the others to return home safe, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

  Ty leaned back in his chair, like the CEO of a high-powered firm, gazing around the room. “Adam, Styx, and Marcus, I want to go over more of the details with you privately. Everyone else can leave. Robin why don’t you go with Bethany, she can show you were you’ll stay until Adam returns. You shouldn’t be at Adam’s cabin alone in case there’s an attack on the compound.”

  Adam leaned close to her side, his lips hovering just below her earlobe. His hot breath caressed her neck like a lover’s touch. “It’s okay, I’ll come get you in a few.”

  With no option, she rose from her chair, following Bethany and her guards. Robin fought not to turn back to Adam. He was sensing what she was feeling, and he didn’t need to see it in her eyes. Falling in pace with Bethany, they made their way out of the room and down the hall. Bethany turned to her.

  “It’s going to be all right. Adam is very skilled at what he does, so are the others.”

  Robin met Bethany’s gaze. “Adam is Felix’s second, as Styx is Shadow’s. Why take both of the seconds from the guards? Shouldn’t one of them stay here to protect you and Tabitha?”

  “Styx is Shadow’s second, more importantly he’s also a very good warrior. Many would say he’s vicious and kills without emotion. I’ve come to know Styx quite well since he’s been assigned to my guard. I can tell you it’s never without emotion. He’s very good at what he does. They need him at their backs to take down Pierce. For a mission like this you only send the best, the ones you know will accomplish the job,” Bethany explained.

  “Makes sense, but I still don’t like the plan. By everyone’s omission, Pierce is dangerous. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I wish they’d just kill him from afar.” Her words made her wonder what kind of person this situation was turning her into. Working for a law office since graduation had proven to her time and time again that the legal system didn’t always work the way people wanted, still she stood by it. Now here she was standing by while others took the law into their own hands. This wasn’t who she was a few months ago. She wasn’t sure what that said about her character, or about how much she could be influenced. Was this why people who lost loved ones killed the murderer, making them no better? An eye for an eye at the best or maybe worst. In the end, it left the whole world blind. Is that the type of world and people she wanted to surround herself with?

  At that moment, hell yes. The Alaskan Tigers were the ones that would keep h
er alive. She cared about Adam and if that meant surrounding herself with animals that had animal beliefs, then she’d do it. Maybe this was a better world to live in long term. They fought for what they believed in and for the people they loved. The Alaskan Tigers were willing to take down a man who in her world would be considered a serial killer. Why did she have a problem with his demise? Especially when there was no doubt he’d kill again. Pierce didn’t just limit his kills to shifters, he killed without discretion, putting everyone in danger.

  The realization that bothered her most about the situation was that Adam was placing himself at risk while she sat in safety, waiting for him to return. Would she have to deal with this every time there was a threat to his clan, or shifters? Adam was certainly the man she wanted by her side if something happened, but could she stand by with him leaving her time after time to keep innocents safe? She didn’t have an answer. Instead she promised that once they got through the Pierce situation she’d revaluate it. Would it be too late for her to change her mind since they had consummated the mating? Surely if she had second thoughts, she could get out of it. There had to be a shifter divorce or something, right?

  Tex strolled toward them, his eyes holding a haunting look. He seemed to look right past everyone. “Tex?” She called out to him, barely catching a glimpse from him. It was like he was in a drug-induced state. “Bethany, I’ve got to talk to Tex. You go ahead. I’ll find you or Adam later. This can’t wait.”

  “Jayden stay with her, and bring her to the quarters when she’s done,” Shadow ordered, placing her hand on Bethany’s back to keep her moving down the hall. “Drew and I will take Bethany home now.”

  “I don’t need anyone to guard me.” Robin argued.

  “You’re still in danger until Pierce is eliminated. Jayden will stay with you for now,” Shadow hollered over her shoulder.

  “We better follow Tex if you want to speak with him. I’m not sure where the Elders have put him,” Jayden said as Robin looked at the backs of Bethany and her guards.


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