Night With A Tiger

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Night With A Tiger Page 8

by Dobson, Marissa

  Robin felt torn. In the end speaking to Tex won out. “Tex, wait.” She jogged after him, picking up her pace when he didn’t stop. Jayden fell into step next to her, leaving it evident he could have over taken her if he wasn’t guarding her.

  Finally catching up to Tex, she placed her hand on his arm to stop him. He swung toward her, growls erupting from him, and his hand rose as if to strike her. He would have hit her if Jayden hadn’t been there to grab Tex’s arm in mid-swing.

  “What the hell are you thinking man? Are you on something?” Jayden’s words seemed to awaken Tex.

  Tex stood ridged as Jayden stood between them. “What do you want? I don’t know either of you. How do you know my name?”

  All her years working with angry people, grieving spouses for their marriage, and just downright rude people, Robin had developed a way of mixing sympathy and authority in her tone. She used her skill on Tex, hoping to keep him calm. She didn’t need him to lose it again. Jayden might not be quick enough to intervene. “Tex, I was in Texas the night you were injured. I was the woman with Adam. We didn’t officially meet since you were unconscious. Do you have a few minutes? I’d like to talk to you.”

  When Tex didn’t say anything, Jayden spoke. “The compound’s main kitchen is just down the hall. We could grab some coffee and talk. It should be empty this time of day.”

  “Sound good, Tex?” She strolled toward the area, hoping he’d follow.

  “Okay.” He followed her and once they were in the kitchen they each grabbed some coffee before making their way to a table.

  “I’ll be right here, Tex, don’t do anything stupid,” Jayden warned, sitting down a few tables away.

  From what Adam told her, Jayden would still be able to hear her conversation with Tex. At least it gave them the idea of privacy. After Tex’s outburst she was thankful to have Jayden with her. She knew she stood no chance against a shifter, but with Jayden close at least she wouldn’t be killed by a spooked and abused tiger.

  “Tex, what I want to talk to you about isn’t an easy subject. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I only want to say my peace.” She paused, taking a sip. The rich spiced aroma and taste of expensive coffee filled her. Oh how she missed good cup of joe during her time on the run. The motels and restaurants she visited, while in hiding, had cheap and sometimes downright awful coffee. She leaned back against the chair, enjoying the rush of strong caffeine raging through her system, before turning her attention back to Tex.

  “Adam brought you here not only because of your injuries, but because he believes you were abused.” He started to say something and she held up her hand. She didn’t want him to lie or to deny the beatings. “I’m not asking for you to confirm it, or even deny it to save your pride, just hear me out.”

  He looked down at the table, his hands wrapped around the coffee mug as if soaking up the heat it offered. The warmth he was seeking couldn’t be found from the coffee mug. He needed people that cared for what he sought.

  “I’ve worked with many woman and children who have been abused, even a few men. Sadly it’s rare for them to want to share their experiences, or even talk to a woman. More importantly, I’ve been in your shoes. The signs are clear as the circles under your eyes when I look at you, and the way you reacted to my approach in the hall. Adam gave you a choice by bringing you here, and I understand that you can stay here if you choose. We’re not supposed to influence you and I’m not trying to. All I’m asking is for you to think about the life you could have, without fear before you make a decision.”

  She leaned forward, keeping her voice low. “Your last words before you became unconscious were that your Alpha would see it as failure and you didn’t want to die. Make the decision to live—without being abused, or under anyone’s thumb. You’re young and deserve a chance to experience life.”

  “How do you know? What if there isn’t any different?” He paused, shaking his head. His short blonde hair peaked out from under his cowboy hat.

  “I know because my former husband beat the crap out of me anytime he was pissed. Any bad business decision he made, I suffered. It didn’t matter the reason, he’d find an excuse to make it my fault, just to knock me around a few times. He said it put me in my place. He used me as his punching bag. I don’t want to see you or anyone else in that situation.” She sat her coffee mug aside and moved her chair closer. She saw Jayden tense a little as if waiting for Tex to react, but Tex stayed calm. “Adam found me in Texas just hours before coming to that landing strip. He brought you here because of what was happening to you in Texas. He wouldn’t have brought you from one bad situation to another. Adam isn’t that type of man.”

  “What if Avery comes after me?” His tone was fearful. The glare in his eyes was as if he dared Avery to come after him.

  “The Alaskan Tigers stick together, they fight for each other and those who can’t fight for themselves. I know for a fact that if you choose not to go back to Texas they will stand by your side. Give your commitment to Ty and the Alaskan Tigers and you won’t have to worry. Avery wouldn’t dare take them on. Look at Pierce, he’s sending his people to do the dirty work because he’s too scared to come after them head on. Avery is no different. Abusers are cowards. You have my word if you stay here you’ll be protected. No one will hurt you.”

  “How can you make that promise? You’re not one of them.”

  She gave him a huge smile. “My mate is and his word is gold. Come with me and I’ll prove it, but only if you’re serious about staying here. The Elders are busy and I don’t want to interrupt them if you have no intention on staying.”

  “I want to stay. I’m just concerned if Avery comes here he’ll not only kill me, but he’ll blame them for keeping me here. I don’t want to see anyone else fall into Avery’s hands.”

  She rose, holding out her hand. “Come with me, we’ll get their word and you’ll be safe. I’ll be here as well and can make sure nothing happens.”

  He shook his head again, fear returning to his eyes. “You’re human. You wouldn’t survive his…games.”

  “I have no intentions on that. I meant that you’ll be safe here. I’ll see to it. I suspect now that they know he’s abusing his clan, they will do something about it, but that isn’t my place to guess. Right now they are dealing with Pierce. They must eliminate him before he kills any others.” She still had her hand out, waiting for him to take it.

  When he slid his hand into hers, she wanted to scream with excitement. To know she saved someone from the hands of an abuser sent joy through her. She prayed Adam and his Elders would hold up the bargain she made for Tex. It wasn’t as if she did it without knowing them and their ways. Adam had informed her of his clan’s protection of each other when she agreed to come to Alaska.

  Chapter Ten

  Adam leaned back in the conference room chair mildly amused, watching Tabitha and Ty fight amongst themselves. Tabitha wanted to go after Pierce and obviously Ty was against it. Styx, Marcus, and Adam watched, hoping they wouldn’t have to take sides.

  “Damn it, Ty, I told you in Pittsburgh I wanted to go after him.”

  “Yeah you told me. That doesn’t mean I was going to let you. If you remember I just let that comment fall to the side. It was pointless to argue with you then, especially when I knew we’d be having this conversation again when the time came. The answer is no, you’re not going. You’re too important to the tigers to let you go off risking your safety. You’re too important to me. I can’t focus on what needs to be done if I’m worrying about your safety. You’re staying here.” Ty stood his ground even under Tabitha’s intense stare.

  “What? And you’re not important to the clan, to the tigers? I can’t do what I need to without you by my side.” Tabitha wasn’t giving up without a fight and she didn’t seem to care there was an audience.

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. I have the skills to protect myself and I have these men at my back. We’re going to be fine. I need
you here to help Raja keep the rest of the clan calm.”

  Adam couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. His Alpha was digging a hole deeper and deeper with each statement. He had fought against Tabitha in the practice ring and knew she was as fierce as some male guards. She could hold her own in a fight and her shooting accuracy was unbelievable.

  “Are you saying I don’t have the skills to protect myself? What about all the hours that Bethany and I have been putting in with the guards learning hand to hand combat, and the hours at the range learning to shoot without missing? I can handle myself.”

  Ty let out a deep breath as if tired of the fight. “Damn it, Tabby, you know that’s not what I’m saying. I know how good you are, but damn it, I want you here—safe. This job is my responsibility. I will see that Pierce pays for the people he killed.”

  “He killed my parents, and I want to see him dead for it. That’s my right. Don’t deny me.”

  Ty gripped the back of the chair, his knuckles turning white. “I’m doing this for you. Hell, next you’re going to say Bethany should go because he killed her parents and sister too. I’m not taking women into the field with me, not on this.”

  “So this isn’t because I’m not as good as you and the guards, but because I don’t have a dick?” Tabitha’s anger soared off the charts.

  Adam pushed away from the table. Someone had to put an end to this fight if they were going to get to Virginia before Pierce realized they were watching his house and made a move. “Stop it, you two. We don’t have time for this. If anyone in this room is going to avenge the deaths of Bethany and your families then we need to get on the plane.” He sighed. “Tabitha, you are exceptional in practice, but it’s different than going on a mission. Styx and I need to be focused on keeping Ty safe. We aren’t taking enough guards to guarantee your safety as well. I agree with Ty, you need to stay here. We need you here in case there’s an attack.” Suddenly both of his Alphas were staring at him, and for the briefest second he wondered if he should have kept his mouth shut.

  It was Tabitha who spoke first, breaking the unease. “You’re right, Adam. It shouldn’t matter who takes Pierce down as long as he’s no longer a problem. I won’t force you to take me with you because it will only hinder what you’re doing there. I will tell you this though, if any of you get hurt there’s going to be hell to pay when you get back.”

  Adam nodded, relieved that Tabitha had decided they were wasting precious time. “We’ll protect Ty with our lives you know that.”

  “No, protect each other. Watch each other’s backs. I don’t want any of you injured or worse.” Tabitha slid her arms around Ty’s waist. “You are all my family, I love each of you.”

  “We’ll be fine, love.” Ty snuggled her close and kissed the top of her head.

  As Adam watched, he hoped Robin and him would eventually have such a strong mating bond, where she could be as understanding of his job as Tabitha was for Ty. Only time would tell.

  A knock on the door put his head in overdrive. He could sense his mate with two males. Rising, he went to the door, standing in the middle so he’d blocked Ty and Tabitha when he opened it. It didn’t matter who was behind the door, it was his job to protect his Elders. Months ago, they learned of a traitor in the midst of the compound. They had to be vigilant it wouldn’t happen again. Instead of coming to his Elders to seek help, Chris betrayed his clan to save his sister from Pierce.

  “Adam, I know you’re busy, but Tex…he needs some assurance before you leave,” Robin explained why she interrupted the meeting.

  “What have you done? I told you we were not to influence his decision.” Adam looked from his mate to Tex.

  “I didn’t. I saw him on my way to Bethany’s. Jayden accompanied me while I spoke with Tex.”

  “The decision to stay in Alaska or go back to Texas must be his and his alone.” Ty stepped next to Adam.

  “Sir, the decision would be mine. Robin and I were only talking about my options. I didn’t mean to get her in any trouble.” Tex drew the attention away from Robin. It was both honorable and stupid, depending on the situation.

  “Come inside, let’s not talk about this in the hall.” Ty stepped aside, let them in the room, and closed the door behind them. “What is it that you want reassurance on?”

  When Tex didn’t speak, Robin answered for him. “Go over what happens if he stays. He’s concerned Avery will bring trouble upon your clan.”

  “I’m sure Tabitha and I could handle this once you and the others have gotten safely on your way,” Raja told Ty.

  Ty nodded. “That’s true. Tex, all of your questions and concerns can be answered by Raja and Tabitha, if you can give us a bit of time. The rest of us are gearing up for a mission.”

  “If you could just tell him he would be safe here, that you won’t turn him over to Avery, I believe that will help him greatly,” Robin urged.

  “Robin, this is not the time.” Adam stared at her, trying to get a message across that Tex’s situation needed to be dealt with later.

  Tex turned to leave, but Ty stopped him. “We won’t turn you over to Avery as long as staying here is your decision. I hope Robin is not influencing you to stay because if you wish to remain here giving your commitment to my Lieutenant Raja and my mate is the same as giving it to me. Raja and Tabitha will answer any of your questions and set you up in a long term cabin. Then they’ll discuss what you can contribute to the clan.”

  “It’s my decision to remain here, sir. I’ll let you get back to your meeting. If I could have a word with your Lieutenant later, I’d appreciate it.” Tex turned to the door. “Come on, Robin, let’s let them get back to what they were doing. We shouldn’t have bothered them.”

  “I’ll send for you after this meeting has finished, and we can then discuss your situation,” Raja told Tex.

  Robin looked to Adam as if she wanted to say something, but then followed Tex out. “Robin, we’re almost done. I’ll find you in a few minutes and we can gather your belongings to take them to Bethany’s.”

  When the door clicked shut behind Robin, Adam turned to Ty. “I apologize for my mate. The human world works different than how it runs for shifters.”

  Ty waved his hand. “There’s no need to apologize. Tex is young and scared, and Robin is trying to help him. That’s very honorable of her. Now we’ve got to get a move on. See your mate settled and meet the team at the landing strip in twenty minutes.”

  Leaving the conference room, Adam followed Robin’s scent down the hall to the cafeteria and found her sitting with Tex, Jayden standing nearby. It seemed slightly odd to see his mate with a guard normally reserved for the Elder’s mates. Thankfully, unlike Tabitha and Bethany, it was not something he would have to deal with long. Jayden protecting Robin was just a precaution until the mission to eliminate Pierce was complete. Robin was on Pierce’s list along with Tabitha and Bethany, there was no way Adam would deny his mate the additional protection especially with him heading to Virginia.

  “Love, we need to get your things and then I can show you where you’ll be staying while I’m gone.” He stood next to his mate.

  Tex rose from his chair, holding out his hand. “I just want to thank you for saving my skin in Texas.”

  “There’s no need. Even if your situation was different I wouldn’t have left you there to die.” Adam took his hand, shaking it. “I just hope my mate hasn’t pushed you into any decision that isn’t your own. This clan is nothing like the one you’ve come from. We are a family here, we don’t force people to do what we want, nor do we abuse people.”

  “I want to stay, but what if Avery comes here? I don’t want to bring danger to your clan.”

  Adam laid his hand on Robin’s shoulder. “I doubt he’ll come here, either way Avery needs to be dealt with once this mission is over. We can’t stand by letting him abuse his clan. The coming months will be a change for a number of clans, not just the Texas Tigers. If you could excuse us, I n
eed a few minutes with my mate before I leave.”

  Tex nodded. “Very well. Thank you, Robin. I’ll see you again.”

  “If you need anything let me know, or if you want to talk,” Robin told Tex as he left.

  Her words sent a strange twinge of jealousy through Adam. He shouldn’t be upset that she wanted to help the kid, but he didn’t like the idea of Tex seeing more of his mate over the next few days when he was gone. He wanted to take advantage of every moment they had together, but there was too much to do. “Jayden, you can return to your duties. I’ll bring Robin to Bethany’s.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jayden nodded and headed down the hall to his post.

  Robin stood, straightening her yellow sweater. “Why do I feel that you’re upset that I offered to help Tex?”

  “Not upset, just wishing it was me you’d be spending the coming days with. I can think of a number of things we could do to pass the hours.” He didn’t mention that if she kept walking in on Elders’ meetings it was going to start reflecting badly on him. His mate’s actions could cause issues with his position. This time it had been for a good cause, but next time, well, he didn’t know. They’d have to wait to see how things went in the coming months. If she didn’t take to the tiger’s way of life then they would have to have a serious talk.

  “According to you, we will have lots of time once you return, so why worry that I’m helping Tex?”

  “You’re right, there’s no reason to envy. A shifter’s jealousy isn’t for the same reason humans feel it. Once you’ve mated, the sexual contact from another is painful. There is no fear of cheating among our kind.” He reached out, taking her hand. “Now, come along, we don’t have a lot of time and I’d like to have you settled before I leave.”

  She accepted his hand, but didn’t move from where she was standing. “Even if that wasn’t the case, I’m not that kind of woman. I would never cheat on someone I’m in a relationship with.”


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