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Night With A Tiger

Page 9

by Dobson, Marissa

  “I didn’t mean to imply you were, only that it wasn’t the reason you felt my jealousy. I was merely trying to explain the ways of my kind.” He was tired of the division between them. He’d always be a tiger, while she’d always be human. How were they to get past it? Feeling through her emotions, he searched to see if she still had doubts in her thoughts, and came up with nothing. Was she finally thinking of him as her mate instead of as a tiger?

  Chapter Eleven

  Robin had hoped to see Adam off at the landing strip with the others until Tabitha asked if she’d accompany her and Raja to meet with Tex. Having already formed a friendship of sorts with Tex, even if it was only based on their abused pasts, would put him more at ease with her present.

  Tabitha pulled her aside while they waited for Raja to join them. “I’m so glad Adam found you. He’s an amazing man. He’ll give you the world and make you happy if you allow him.”

  Pushing her hair away from her face, Robin frowned. “I’m wondering how I’m going to get a normal life back being with him. Not because he’s a tiger, it’s just I lost so much. What will I do with my degree and work experience here?”

  “You worked with a law firm, if I remember correct, before all this. You can still do that. Well, hopefully not with the one in Virginia because we’d hate to see you leave. Telecommunication is an option. The law firms here aren’t nearly as high powered as what you’re used to or even as busy, still you might be able to find work with them. We don’t have a lot of legal work, but we do have a lawyer in the clan. He is retired from normal practice and only handles the clan’s legal business. I’m sure he’d appreciate the help. There are also other jobs you might be interested in around the compound. You have a lot of options.”

  Robin wanted to complain about everything she had lost, not just her job, but how could she complain to Tabitha when she had lost so much more, and still made a life here with Ty. From what Adam told her, Tabitha had stepped into this new life and her role as the Queen of the Tigers without any hesitation.

  Felix joined them before Robin had time to figure out how to respond to Tabitha. “Raja said he’d meet us there. He wants us to go ahead and ease Tex’s fears before he shows up. Korbin is in the hall. He’ll stand in as your other guard, Tabitha, while Adam is away. Thomas has some other commitments to deal with, so he’ll be with me from time to time.”

  “Very well. Let’s go see what Tex wants to do, and then we’ll have an idea what to say if Avery calls us again. Hopefully the men will be back before Avery makes any sort of challenge. It all depends on how much Tex really means to him. I doubt much since he’s been so badly abused. How can you claim to care for someone if you abuse them?” Tabitha shook her head, and led the way to the door.

  “For some it’s a learned trait. Many abusers can only show love with their fits. I’ve seen the turnaround if the abuser finds another source for their anger.” She couldn’t stop from explaining, even if Tabitha wasn’t interested.

  “How do you know so much about abuse?” Felix inquired as they made their way down the hall—Korbin in front, with Tabitha and Robin in the middle, and Felix bringing up the rear.

  “I spent years in an abused spouse group, trying to gather the courage to leave Bobby. I had saved the money and was ready to leave when Bobby was killed.” She took a deep breath, trying not to remember the big plans she had. “I helped other people get away from their abusive spouses, counseled them when they needed, and was overall a friendly shoulder to cry on. The group never knew I was in the same situation because I didn’t want it getting back to my law firm since they were the ones who started the group for their clients. The group saved me. I only hoped I helped others.”

  “I think we’ve found your calling for the clan.” Tabitha glanced at her.

  “What do you mean?” Robin was puzzled by what any of her past had to do with how she was going to contribute to the clan.

  “Taking Avery out of his position of power over the Texas Tigers is going to leave a lot of abused shifters needing counseling. You can help with their transition. Teach them the tricks you learned and help them work through it. I’ve never experienced abuse so I don’t understand what they are going through. No offense meant. I just can’t understand why they stay.” There was sadness in Tabitha’s eyes.

  “Some stay because they don’t think they can make it on their own. Others, like Tex, fear for their lives. I stayed because Bobby was all I had and I loved him. To this day a part of me still loves the man he was when we married. It wasn’t until later that he became abusive. At first I made excuses for him. The bruises were always hidden so others couldn’t see them.” They walked in silence for a few minutes as if Tabitha took in everything Robin said.

  “I think you might be able to help with Harmony. She’s been on her own most of her life before Ty and Raja found her staggering in the woods. Her leg got caught in a bear trap, now she’s so scared around people she won’t shift back.” Tabitha stopped outside one of the doors.

  “I don’t know how I can help if she’s in tiger form. Do you even understand people when you’re in your other form?”

  Tabitha nodded. “We comprehend everything. I’ve listened to her thoughts and have learned what makes her scared. There’s nothing I can do to help her heal from what she’s been through. Once we finish with Tex, we can go see Harmony this evening, if you’re up to it?”

  A warm glow filled Robin with the thought of giving back to the people that were giving her so much. She couldn’t stay here unless she found a way to contribute. Adam was an important part of the clan and she couldn’t sit around doing nothing. If she could help the clan by assisting with the abused, then she’d do it no questions asked.

  Tabitha knocked on the door. “Tex, it’s Tabitha, Alpha Female for the Alaskan Tigers, I need to speak with you.”

  The solid wood door swung open. Tex stood there in his jeans, the T-shirt he had on earlier and his cowboy hat both gone. The scars Robin saw during the helicopter ride from Texas were displayed for all to see. His muscles made it clear he put in serious hours at the gym. They gave him a manly appearance to go with his youthful face. Without the cowboy hat he appeared even younger than his twenty-four. Adam mentioned shifters aged slower, which is why Tex looked so young. While his eyes said he had seen a lot in his years, most of that had been at the hands of Avery.

  “Tabitha is here to speak with you about joining the clan. Can we come in?” Robin asked when he continued to block the doorway, his gaze gliding over each of the guards. “Felix and Korbin are here for Tabitha’s protection, they mean you no harm. You should be aware the Elder mates have guards,” she added, trying to keep him calm.

  “Come in.” He stepped aside, allowing her, Tabitha, and Felix to enter. Korbin stayed outside the door watching the hall.

  “Thank you, Tex,” Tabitha said. “Raja will be joining us shortly, until then, what can I do to help you. If you wish to go back to Texas we can arrange that, or if you wish to remain here we will take the steps to make that happen.” Tabitha moved into the room and toward the small living area with a couch and chair.

  “I’d like to stay if you can assure me I’d have a home here. Texas has been my home and if I give it up to stay here, I won’t be welcomed back. I don’t want the life of solitude.” Tex lowered onto the chair.

  Tabitha nodded, sitting further away from him as if not to spook him. “You would have a home as long as you bring no harm to my clan, or anyone that is protected by us. That includes the Kodiak Bears and West Virginia Tigers. They are our partners and deserve the same respect.”

  He leaned against the chair, slouching his shoulders in defeat. “Avery will take grave offense to this. He might attack your clan. I could be jeopardizing your clan.”

  “That would not be your fault. Avery is a grown man and makes his own decisions. Whether he brings the fight to us or we take it to him, there will be changes to the Texas Tigers. You need to decide which side of the fig
ht you want to be on. We can’t let Avery continue as he has been. This would be the time to join our clan if you wish, not later.” Tabitha looked away from Tex as the door opened and Raja stepped in.

  “I feel bad about drawing your clan into this. This was a fight the Texas Tigers should have dealt with long ago, but most of them are in the same position as I am. Avery rules his state with his fists, there’s no respect for him, just fear.” Tex ran his hand through his hair, the blond haircut so short it spiked on its own.

  Tabitha glanced to Raja who nodded before she turned her attention back to Tex. “Avery is going to be a worry of the past soon. Do we have your word you will put the Alaskan Tigers before any commitments you have to anyone else? That you will protect our clan and not share any information with anyone other than those who are members of the clan? That you will speak with me, Raja, or Ty if for some reason you feel you are unable to do your duties?”

  “You should also know that if you betray this clan in any way you would be forfeiting your life. We do not take kindly to traitors.” Raja stated from just beyond the living area.

  “I understand and you have my word. Whatever you need from me, I’ll do. I just don’t want to live like that any longer. I was a guard for Avery so if you need assistance with guards I would gladly help.” Tex looked between Tabitha and Raja before moving his gaze to Robin. “Thank you, for finding me this morning. I wasn’t sure what to do. I was so lost, pulled in two different directions and not wanting anyone else to get hurt because of my actions.”

  “You’re welcome. Knowing what you were going through, at least partially, I had to at least try.” Robin squeezed his hand for reassurance.

  “If you want to come on as a guard, we’ll start you on ground duty to see how you do. But before you begin, I want you to talk to Robin or Doc. We need to know you’re fit for duty. Robin might be able to help you. She has experience with this act of violence. If you prefer to talk to Doc, I know he will make the time. Whatever you say to them would be confidential. They would only tell me if you’re capable of protecting the clan, and provide me with an honest opinion on your mental state,” Tabitha added.

  “I don’t…”

  Tabitha held up her hand, stopping him. “Until this session is complete you won’t be guarding anyone, nor will you receive your weapons back. I have to think of the safety of the clan, and you’ve been through a lot, so reassurance is a necessity.”

  “If there’s someone else besides Robin or Doc you’d feel more comfortable speaking with we could see about making arrangements.” Raja stepped closer.

  Tex nodded, accepting their conditions. “I’ll talk with Robin, if that’s fine with her.”

  When Raja and Tabitha looked at Robin, she smiled. “That’s fine.” How could she say no to Tex when she understood what he was going through? He would be her first introduction to working with more cases in the future. She should have gone to college to study counseling instead of legal studies.

  Chapter Twelve

  Adam sat on a swivel chair. Normally when he travelled he flew the helicopter, this was his first time in the private plane the Alaskan Tigers owned. For once it was enjoyable to sit back and relax while Taber flew them to Virginia.

  “It’s going to be late night when we finally make it to Pierce’s location, swinging the favor toward us,” Ty explained, looking at the email Jinx’s guards sent. “Weres are not able to see as well as full-blooded shifters at night. With even more luck maybe Pierce will be sleeping and our mission will go off without a hitch.”

  “My men also advised that he’s alone. There are no guards protecting him.” Jinx swiveled in his chair.

  Adam was only slightly surprised to find out Jinx would be accompanying them on the mission. Taking down Pierce affected all tiger shifters, but it had been the Alaskan Tigers fight since nearly the beginning. Jinx’s clan recently joined a partnership with the Alaskan Tigers, bringing the clans as one unit.

  Taber’s voice cracked through the overhead speaker. “I’ve received confirmation my brothers are airborne. They should be arriving thirty minutes behind us in Virginia.”

  Adam pressed the button connecting them to the cockpit. “Additional support is even better. Who’s coming, Taber?”

  “Theodore and the twins, Turi and Trey.” Taber was one of the eldest twins next in line to lead the Kodiak Bears when their father stepped down. They were the best fighters of the group, but none of the Bears were slackers in that department.

  “We have more than enough men even if this mission goes off track.” The eagerness coming off Ty tingled in the air. “Marcus you’re leading the other group, focus on finding the room. If possible, Pierce is mine. I’d love to see him suffer for all the pain he’s caused, but we’re better than that. I want him to look into my eyes and know I’m going to kill him. The kill will be as humane as possible. I will not stoop to his level no matter how tempting it would be.”

  “We’ll take Taber with us.” Adam leaned his head against the soft leather seat. “Marcus you’ll take Turi and Trey with you. Pick one guard to stay with Theodore and keep guard outside. Make sure no one else approaches. I suggest everyone get a little rest before we arrive. It could be a long night.”

  Adam let his eyelids fall shut, not in search of sleep, but for the connection with Robin. His eyes didn’t need to be closed for the connection, it only allowed for him to forget about the distance between them. The connection tingled along his skin as he felt Robin reaching out to him. Her longing for him and her fear became stronger with their connection. It matched his desire to hold her in his arms again.

  Through their connection he could tell what she was doing, thinking, and feeling. It was almost as if he was there with her. What surprised him was how she was adjusting to clan life. He saw her comfortably chatting with the Elder mates, Tabitha and Bethany. The woman had formed a plan to help the newest female member of the clan, Harmony. Everything was working out better than he hoped. Now all he had to do was to make it back to her. He wanted to feel her body against his, her lips on his, and her fingers teasing along his chest as they cuddled. He was missing her more than he thought. It was true that one didn’t truly understand mating until they had consummated the relationship. Maybe they wouldn’t have an uphill battle while she tried to find her place.

  * * *

  Robin and the Elder mates had devised a plan for her to speak with Harmony after dinner. The compound might have been a safe haven so far, but when someone new stepped into Tabitha’s quarters, Robin couldn’t stop the tension from rising. Setting her coffee aside, she held tight to the connection Adam brought to life a short time before. His calming nature smoothed over her like running water.

  They are friendly. Taber’s brother, Thorben, and their mate, Kallie. You’re safe, I swear. Adam whispered through their connection.

  With nearly fifty clan members Robin had to get used to meeting new people or she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

  “Korbin let us in,” Kallie explained, coming around to sit next to Tabitha on the couch. Thorben stood by the side of the couch, acting more like a bodyguard than a mate. “I wanted to find out how Harmony was and if I could do anything.”

  Bethany must have caught Robin eyeing Thorben because she leaned closer to Robin. “If you’re looking for differences between the twins don’t bother. Kallie swears they are different, though we can’t see it. They act like her personal bodyguards, but on rare occasions you will see a loving side to them.”

  “It’s not rare.” Kallie defended before she reached up and slid her hand into her mates. “They give me everything I need and I tell you there are differences. Robin you’ll just have to see them side by side and I’ll show you. Taber is on the mission with the others, but I’ll show you when he’s back. You’ll see, I’m not making it up.”

  Tabitha and Bethany laughed, as if they had heard it all before. Tabitha gained control of herself, smiling at Kallie she added. “Side by side and
Robin will still not see these differences you find. The only ones I’ve seen are in their personality and those are minuscule.”

  The easy relationship between these women had Robin longing to be apart of it. If she agreed to help the abused shifters, she’d be working more with Tabitha and Bethany. This connection would hopefully give her the same relationship that Kallie had with them.

  “Fine.” Kallie let out a puff of air as if she was offended they didn’t believe her but the smile that lite up her face made it clear she wasn’t angry. “What’s going on with Harmony?”

  “I’m taking Robin over there after dinner. She’s going to help me talk to her. Maybe we will make more progress,” Tabitha told Kallie.

  “Who’s going with you? Adam is gone and Felix scares Harmony so you’re without your main guards.” Thorben eyed Tabitha with concern.

  “Raja will be with us and Felix and Korbin will be outside. It was the only way the men would agree without Ty here. There’s nothing to worry about. Harmony is scared, but is coming around.” Tabitha smiled.

  “I can come with you,” Thorben said. “I’m sure Kallie could stay with Bethany while I was there or I can have someone else watch over her.”

  Kallie looked up at her mate. “The compound is safe, I don’t need you or Taber with me at all times. You know, I did just fine before we mated.”

  Thorben leaned down, kissing her. “I know, but it’s our duty to protect you. You’ve been blessed with not one but two mates, so you never get rid of one of us, you know that.”

  “It’s hard enough getting rid of one.” Bethany laughed, turning slightly in her chair to glance at Raja who was working on his laptop a few feet away. “It must be nearly impossible to get rid of two.”

  “It’s beyond impossible. I don’t think I’ve been alone since I’ve mated.” Kallie cuddled into Thorben.

  “It’s what happens when you mate a shifter. We cling to our mates with our claws,” Raja added without even looking up from his laptop.


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