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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3

Page 7

by Jones, L. A.

  In the end, Melina had ended up at the one place she thought could help her but only as a last resort. She went to Ross's office, and told him everything. However, it was there where she got the biggest shock of them all.

  "You knew!" Melina shrieked, "You knew Aradia was a freak and you didn't..."

  "She is not a freak Melina. She is my daughter and..."

  "So wait?" Melina paused, "Are you a witch too?"

  Ross laughed, and shook his head. "No. I am just as human as you are."

  "But then how..."

  "Aradia is adopted," Ross explained.

  "So then she's not really your daughter..."

  "Yes she is!" Ross stated firmly, "My wife and I have raised her, cared for her, and loved her for many years. She is our daughter in every sense of the word. So what if we are not genetically related? That makes no difference."

  "Look Melina," He added, "Your behavior is perfectly understandable considering the circumstances. I am not going to ask you accept everything and move on. In fact, if you want to leave I will allow it."

  "However," he said as he arose and walked towards the door. "Keep in mind that no matter what you choose you and your sister will always have a place in our family."

  With that last statement, Ross left Melina sitting in his office looking thoughtful, and quiet.

  Chapter Twelve

  "Are you crazy?" Marietta cried out, "We have got it made here! Three wonderful home cooked meals a day, no beatings, I have friends at school, clean clothes, and Cable TV. Plus, we get anything we want just by doing chores around the house. Why the hell would we want to leave? Besides Mom and Dad are..."

  "They are not your mom and dad!" Melina shouted.

  "But they are the only ones who really act like 'em!" Marietta argued. "I wish they were our parents Linny. They are nice to us! They are kind to us! Do you remember what the other homes were like? Why would you want to go through that again?"

  Melina paused trying to figure out a way to convince her sister.

  Finally, she sighed and said, "Marietta, I need to tell you something..."

  An hour later, Melina had told Marietta about going to Roy's house, him turning into a wolf in front of her, and chasing her through the woods. She also told Marietta about Aradia and Dax saving her, and then finding out that Aradia was a witch and Dax was a vampire.

  Marietta had listened very patiently, and quietly. However, the moment Melina had wrapped it up Marietta had still said nothing. A few tense seconds passed with Melina staring at her sister and expecting a reaction.

  Marietta was silent for a bit longer until she finally threw her head back, and laughed. "Werewolves, vampires, witches? Girl, you are seriously tripping! You really believe that in Salem, there are real monsters living out there in secret, and Aradia is one of them! You are out of your damn mind!"

  "But Marietta," Melina argued, "It is true I swear!"

  Marietta just kept laughing, stood up, and walked out of their room.

  "Call me once you are off the drugs," Marietta called out to her as she descended the staircase earning a look from Liza who met her at the bottom of the stairs.

  Regardless of no one believing her, Aradia was still concerned with Melina knowing about them. It was stressful enough with the consort deadline nearing, and the care and keeping of the club. However, with Brenna's abusive ex-husband now showing up intending to reclaim her by any means necessary in addition to Melina's finding out the truth, Aradia was at loss at how she could handle it all. Nevertheless, she carried on by going to school, doing her schoolwork, and trying not to fail. She continued hanging with her friends, maintaining the club, and keeping the peace in the hidden community.

  However, her problems were never far from her mind. One night Aradia was dining at a lounge owned by Lamont's father. However, Lamont had insisted that he would pay for everything so all Aradia had to do was show up for the date looking good. Ironically, that had been a trial what with Melina avoiding her and things between her and Rhonda still tense after her outburst.

  In the end, Aradia had succeeded by picking out a dark red halter dress, with a jagged bottom that stopped diagonally at her knees and dripped down towards her left ankle. She wore black boots, a gold rhinestone decorated ring watch, and three wooden bracelets all painted with a fancy gold design. Her hair was parted once again like a runway models, and her face was made up with dark red lipstick, light pink blush, and sparkly golden brown eye shadow.

  The two of them sat in the back booth watching the dance floor, eating their dinner, and talking. Lamont looked like a million dollars, wearing dark mirror glasses, a light brown leather jacket, black leather pants, and white shirt. From the moment he picked her up in his flashy black sports car, Aradia had been having the time of her life. Aradia and Lamont had danced to their favorite songs, and talked about everything from politics in the hidden world to even the situation with Melina.

  "You can hardly blame her for being freaked you know?" Lamont pointed out, "I mean how would you like it if you found out that the creatures you had been told your entire life were make-believe turned out to be real?"

  "It's not that I blame her," Aradia acknowledged, "It just pisses me off how weird she has been acting around me lately. Always staring at me like I am about to sprout two heads."

  Lamont laughed.

  "The worst part is," Aradia continued, "She told Marietta the truth, but she didn't believe her..."

  "Naturally," Lamont muttered.

  "So now she thinks we have turned her own sister against her! She has stopped going to classes just as her grades were beginning to get better. She's smoking more pot, and staying away from home a lot more," said Aradia sounding depressed.

  To this, Lamont said nothing.

  "The only plus side is she hasn't been hanging with Bane's crew lately. But then again, she has not been hanging with anyone anymore! She has completely withdrawn from everyone because she doesn't who is human or not."

  "But what's worse," Aradia added wrapping up her complaints about Melina's behavior. "Roy is completely heartbroken about this whole thing. He really did care about Melina you know and now..."

  She trailed off, and heaved a huge sigh.

  Lamont sighed as well, but then turned Aradia's chin to face him.

  "Rai," he began, "You have to give her time. She'll come to accept this and maybe Roy as well."

  "But what if she doesn't?" Aradia pressed.

  For the next few minutes or so, the two of them said nothing.

  Suddenly, a human girl showed up and threw her arms around Lamont's shoulders.

  "Hey," She greeted him. "Long time no see!"

  Lamont turned to smile at her. "Hey Francesca!"

  Aradia just watched in silence.

  Suddenly, Francesca noticed her, and asked, "Who is she?"

  Lamont laughed nervously. "Oh? This is friend Aradia."

  Aradia smile was brittle as she held out her hand to shake Francesca's.

  Francesca, however, just ignored her and her hand and said, "C'mon Lamont, let's go dance! We haven't done so in such a long time."

  Lamont smiled, but then turned to look apologetically at Aradia.

  "Rai," he started, "Do you mind if..." He trailed off looking extremely nervous.

  Aradia shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Go ahead."

  Lamont than enthusiastically shot up from his seat, grabbed Francesca's hand, and went towards the dance floor.

  "Is that your girlfriend?" Francesca whispered into Lamont's ear.

  Aradia did not hear Lamont's reply. He was already at the dance floor with his arms around Francesca. As usual when Lamont danced people turned to watch him, and the girl he was dancing with.

  No doubt, people are envying her, Aradia thought, just like when Lamont dances with me.

  A bit of bitterness found its way into Aradia's subconscious. She had to admit she enjoyed going on dates with Lamont. However, there were down sides to it as well. The
attention she got and the glamour were enjoyable but when it really came down to it, Aradia felt like a celebrity girlfriend: a woman caught up in the lifestyle rather than the relationship. Another down side was the insecurity that came with being a celebrity girlfriend. Most of all, there was always that feeling that Aradia got whenever she and Lamont went out somewhere in public. The feeling that being Lamont's girl was a very short-lived and temporary position. That can't be true, Aradia argued with herself, Lamont is a sweet guy, and very nice to me. Besides, I am the last witch! Who on earth could top that? Still, Aradia thought, there would always be that worry in the back of my mind, and that would definitely be one more stressful worry I would not need.

  As she watched Lamont and Francesca dance, Aradia began to remember Brenna's advice: that she if had an opportunity to be with someone for love she should take it. Considering what Brenna had been through, Aradia could trust her in the fact that she knew what she was talking about.

  Aradia's thoughts continued to wander, but it as she was turning her head to look around when she spotted someone. At first, she thought with his blonde hair the vampire reminded her of Dax, but as Aradia thought about it, she realized that that was not it. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt hitting a tree and setting it on fire, Aradia remembered where she had seen him. It was at the head of all the vampire clans in Pennsylvania's house! He had been there when Henry had captured her!

  Aradia sprung to her feet, squeezed out of the booth, and ran towards the vampire whose nose and head began to twitch like an animal sensing a predator. He turned his head, and saw Aradia making her way towards him. His eyes grew wide with fear, and spun around to race out of the lounge.

  "Oh no you don't!" Aradia shouted reaching out a hand to grab him. It was too late, Saul had moved swiftly through the crowds and out the back door. Aradia followed him, and after getting over the shock of the cold wind against her hot skin, she looked up and down the alleyway to see where he had gone. Alas it was no use he had completely vanished, and Aradia stomped her foot in frustration.

  Lamont had run after her, and asked what was wrong. Aradia did not answer him, and after taking one last look around she hooked her arm through Lamont's and lead him back inside.

  Saul stood on the roof of the building next door, and had watched as Aradia lead Lamont back inside. A part of him wanted to run after her, and warn her that Keon was up to something but he could not risk it. Besides, unlike last time Keon had not gotten him involved in his plot so Saul really knew nothing of his plans. A shiver of fear swept through him because he did not know if Keon knew of his betrayal last year. The fact that he was now doing everything on his own, however, gave Saul some indication.

  The next day Aradia found Roy at school sitting alone on a picnic table, looking extremely depressed. Heaving a heavy sigh, Aradia decided to go comfort her friend.

  "Hey Roy-boy," She said softly sitting right next to him.

  He turned slowly to see her, and acknowledged her presence with a soft nod. After doing so, he turned back to his depressed looking position and stared at everything ahead of him blankly.

  Aradia heaved another sigh and asked, "How are you holding up?"

  "It shouldn't surprise me," Roy muttered.

  "Huh?" Aradia asked.

  "Her finding out that I am a monster and then hating me. It shouldn't surprise me," Roy said hanging his head.

  Aradia said nothing while Roy muttered, "I mean it's not like I blame her for being scared of me considering I almost attacked her. I mean I could have killed her that night! Or worse turned her."

  "But you didn't," Aradia argued reassuringly.

  "But I could have! I could have and not been able to stop myself," He paused and buried his face in his hands.

  After a few tense and deeply mournful moments of silence, Roy spoke again, "Seriously, her reaction really shouldn't surprise me. After all, my mother left my father so..."

  "But that was years into your parents marriage!" Aradia protested, "Surely by then she would have known your secret or your father would have told her."

  To this, Roy said nothing at least for a few seconds. "The thing of it is though I bet she was human when my father married her. He probably turned her after they were married so either way being a werewolf did make her abandon us."

  "Has your father told you this?" Aradia asked.

  Reluctantly, Roy shook his head.

  But he then added, "Either way, it doesn't matter. My mother still left us so it should not surprise me that Melina would be no different."

  Aradia did not respond.

  Roy, however, sighed again heavily and sadly. "The worst part is I never asked to be this way. For all my strength and special abilities, I would do anything to be normal. I hate being a monster. I hate being a freak!"

  One again, Roy buried his face in his hands.

  Aradia sighed, and took Roy's face in to her own hands.

  "Roy," she began, "None of this is your fault, and blaming yourself will not change anything. I know you hate being what you are, and to be perfectly honest I hate being what I am too. So what if I am the most powerful hidden on earth? I am also the last of my kind! When I die, God only knows when, my people and my legacy die with me! No one will remember me! The witches will be extinct as the dinosaurs and just like the dinosaurs, they will be something to be studied, missed, and pitied. At least, there are other werewolves like yourself and your kind wasn't killed off like mine centuries ago."

  Aradia paused, and sighed, before she continued. "Can you imagine what it's like when people find out who I am? The looks I get? First, there is astonishment that I even survived the slaughter of my people, admiration that I did, and then pity that I am all alone. No matter how powerful I am or get Roy one thing will always remain the same: I will always be alone. At least, you never will be whether it is with Melina or someone else you will never be alone."

  Roy was stunned silent after Aradia's explanation, but slowly he lowered his head to rest in her lap. Aradia was embarrassed at first when he did this, but after a while, she began to pet his hair soothingly. Aradia would always be the first one to admit her feelings for Dax. However, whenever she was with Roy especially at times when he was acting vulnerable and dependent on her, Aradia had to admit she could not help but feel attracted to him. However, she never could have guessed that a mere foot away, and standing behind a column was Melina.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Holden was frustrated as he sat on the hood of his parked car on a hill overlooking the city of Salem. He was drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette, and trying to figure out what he should do about Brenna. He had expected difficulties when he had shown up in Salem intending to reclaim her. However, what he had not expected was dozens of not only her cousins protecting her but other members of the hidden race as well. At first, he had suspected it was because Brenna had slept with all of them but then he learned it was because of the last witch. It should not have surprised him that someone so young could wield such power over people, but what did amaze him was the fact that she did not force anyone to do anything. Instead of punishing those who disagreed with her or refused to help, Aradia just let it go. She was never mean to anyone, and never took advantage of anyone either.

  He could not believe that this scrawny little young witch could have such influence over her community, and not use it. At least, not in the way he thought she should use it. Although she was truly stronger and more powerful, Aradia never took advantage over such a fact. She never picked fights, and she never randomly tortured anyone.

  In other words, she never abused her power and position like the way Holden did. He resented that enormously for as strong as he was, he did not have Aradia's powers. In his mind, if he had but a fraction of her power he and his pack could probably conquer the entire east coast. Now all he could do was chase after his way-ward unfaithful wife. He was still strong and tough and could beat anyone in both his human and wolf form. However, that did him no good because
he was still only one man and no match against Aradia and her supporters. His good sense told him that he should just forget about Brenna, and return home. He had not been there in a year so God only knows how chaotic things probably were now. However, he could not make himself do such a thing, not because he loved Brenna, but because no woman left him and lived to brag about it. Furthermore, if her getting away from him would be not humiliating enough once word got out that his own mate had left him for a vampire... Holden shuddered at the thought. Most of all, his werewolf side would not allow him to give up Brenna. As much as he thought like a human, his werewolf instincts were still a part of him and his werewolf instinct was still determined to reclaim his mate. After all, he concluded to himself, we mate for life so its death do us part Brenna. Yours or mine.

  Suddenly, his cell phone rang and Holden crushed the still burning cigarette in his hand. He then threw the beer bottle flying over the cliff, dove into his pocket, and flipped his phone open.

  "Yeah?" he responded.

  His eyes grew wide as he demanded who this was. However, after a few seconds his eyes soon shrunk to normal size.

  After five long minutes where Holden said nothing, and listened to the voice on the line an evil smile began to grow on his face.

  It was cold on the streets of Salem where Aradia now walked on her way to meet Jayce. At the very last minute, he had called her, and asked her to get some coffee with him. Wanting to get out of the house and away from Melina's stares, Aradia jumped at the opportunity. She had then grabbed her coat, slipped on her snow boots, and left. It was only after a while did she realize that Melina had followed her. She did not know what Melina wanted, but figured that this was an issue she could deal with later.


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