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A Pirate's Darkness (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix Book 6)

Page 14

by ML Guida

  No one had ever called her a warrior princess.




  But a warrior? Never.

  Her heart swelled. Ewan looked at her like no one ever had. She hadn’t been able to believe in herself until him. She pressed her fingers across his massive chest which was sleek with sweat. His breath was as ragged as hers.

  He broke off the kiss, then tilted her chin. “Yer skin is glowing.”

  “My power has grown, Ewan. I am stronger. I am ready to take on Zuto.”

  He frowned. “Ye havena tested it.”

  “You once said there are no second chances with Zuto and Palmer. This is it. We can’t wait any longer. Too many lives are at stake.”

  “But we have to be sure. Aye, ye froze a waterfall, but now ye’ll be going up against the powers of Coaybay.”

  “I know. I’m not afraid.”

  “Ye should be lass.”

  His doubt in her made her doubt herself, but she couldn’t wallow in it.

  Gun fire exploded. Penelope sucked in her breath, and fear shattered her indecision. She unwound her legs.

  More gun fire blasted through their stolen moment of paradise. The tops of the palm trees burst into flames. Colorful birds flew into the air, screaming in protest and terror. The smell of sulfur doused the fresh scent of jungle flowers and foliage.

  Ewan grabbed her hand. “I recognized those cannons. ’Tis the Fiery Damsel.” He gripped her shoulders. “Ye have to hide.”


  “Just until yer sure strong enough to face Zuto. I can draw them off.”

  Gooseflesh broke out on her shivering arms. “Ewan, you’re going to have to trust me.” She couldn’t hide the panic in her voice.

  He lifted her trembling chin and rubbed his thumb over her quivering lips. “No, I am yer mate and I’m telling ye, yer not ready yet. If yer not strong enough, Catriona will die. Going off half-cocked isn’t going to save her.” He kissed her and threaded his fingers in her damp hair.

  His doubt in her made her want to prove him wrong. She gripped his muscular arms, drawing on his strength.

  A cannonball screamed. They broke off the kiss. A flowering bush burst into flames near their pond. Pink petals and green leaves fractured into tiny pieces. Penelope flinched from the heat and turned her head.

  “That was so close,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

  “Aye. I fear Zuto has something to do with this. We have to move.”

  They swam to the side of the pool and climbed out. A loud shriek made them both whirl around. The top of palm trees near the beach rustled as if something had brushed past them.

  She gripped his arm. “What was that?”

  A vein trembled in his cheek. “I dona know.”

  “Do you think it was the time spider?”

  “No, but something’s not right.” He kissed the crown of her head, then turned his mouth to her ear. “Hurry and get dressed.”

  Another shriek propelled her into action.

  She quickly grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her wet shift. It stuck to her like a second skin, but she didn’t care. She grabbed her trousers to put them on, but her wet leg got caught in the material. She hopped around like a jackrabbit. She pulled hard, then lost her balance, nearly falling to the side. Something ripped. Tears of frustration swelled in her eyes, and she was breathing hard. She remembered how Ronan and Angelica had gotten caught making love at a similar pool, and her sister had been forced to go on board the Fiery Damsel naked. She didn’t want to share her sister’s same fate.

  A soft laugh calmed her jitters. She suddenly realized that the guns had stopped firing.

  “Here let me help ye before ye dance right back into the pool.”

  She stopped twirling around like a whirlpool. He put his arm around her slender waist and she could inhale his masculine strength. He lifted her off the ground and gently tugged on her trousers, surprisingly not tearing the wet fabric.

  He kissed briefly on the lips. “Ye look like a tempting pirate wench.”

  “I’d rather be mistaken for a man so I could take them by surprise and freeze their souls.”

  “Only a fool would think ye were a man.”

  She basked in his compliment and couldn’t help but blush at the promise of passion in his eyes. She quaked at the thought of his touch that would lead her to another row of passion. She wiped her sweaty hands on her grass-stained trousers and forced herself to stay focused on the danger.

  Ewan took her hand. “Stay close.” He led her toward the jungle.

  A mournful screech caught her breath as if an animal was wounded.

  Hope bloomed in Penelope’s heart. “Is that the spider? Maybe the Soaring Phoenix hurt it.”

  “No. ‘Tis something different.” Ewan stopped and released her hand. A deep frown crossed his face. “I know that cry. ’Tis not a spider. ’Tis a dragon.”

  She clasped his arm. “What?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think that was Leif’s cry. If he’s down, then the Fiery Damsel must be close by. Ye need to go deeper into the jungle.”

  “No. He’s Isabella’s mate. She’ll be broken-hearted if something happens to him. I can help.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Dona ye understand? They’re using him as bait to trap ye.” He abruptly dropped his hands. “Go now, before ‘tis too late.”

  She stumbled and fell on one knee. Tears welled in her eyes. He’d been so tender and caring only a few minutes before in the pool, but now, he was being a domineering mate.

  She looked over her shoulder and saw him disappear into the jungle, heading for the mournful cry. He was dead wrong if he thought she was going to hide in the jungle like a cuddle fish––that girl was gone.

  She cracked her neck and then her fingers. Ewan had said he’d believed in her before. Maybe he’d believe in her again.

  She stood and dusted the dirt off her hands onto her trousers. She skulked into the jungle to follow Ewan. Dense leaves and branches helped hide her, but they would help conceal her enemies as well.

  The going was slow and tough, because she had to stop to listen for the slightest crunch of a twig or leaf to not be taken by surprise. She had no weapons and no one to defend her––only her budding power to rely on, but she was ready. She had to be ready.

  The air turned hot and heavy, and she labored to breathe. Her dress stuck to her skin, and she wiped the sweat off her brow with her sleeve. Bugs buzzed and creaked around her ear. Her feet sank into the moist dirt and soggy leaves, but every time she stepped on a twig and it broke, her heart stopped. She held her breath, afraid Ewan would burst through the dense jungle and catch her.

  Then twigs and leaves snapped and crunched as if an army approached.

  The trampling of heavy footsteps surrounded her. She threw herself on the ground. There was a nearby log that was shaded by ferns. She crawled over to it, digging her fingers into the mud. She rolled under the fern leaves just as the men came to where she’d stood only a few moments before. She lay perfectly still and held her breath.

  “Palmer said the wench is in this foul jungle,” a male voice said.

  She heard a loud slap and gasped, then froze, cursing herself for allowing her fear to squash her bravery. Her heart pounded so loud she was sure they would find her. She had told Ewan she was ready to face Zuto, but how could she when was too afraid to face two crew members of the Fiery Damsel?

  “Damn bugs! Let’s find the wench and leave this place before I lose more blood.”

  The tension in her muscles eased as she thought she’d escaped discovery, but it quickly died.

  “Look footprints,” a gruff voice said.

  “Aye,” the other agreed. “’Tis too big for a lass.”

  “How do you know how big she is? For all you know, she could be an ample girl like her sister. When we find her, we strip her down, says I. Palmer didn’t say we cou
ldn’t have a little fun.”

  Undeniable fear shook through Penelope. Palmer’s men hadn’t raped Angelica because Zuto needed her to mate with Ronan. But he obviously hadn’t given the same orders regarding her.

  She wished Ewan or Leif or William would swoop down and kill these two bastards. But she was alone and had to rely on herself or become a victim.

  A black boot sank into the mud next to her hand. She tried to calm the tidal wave of panic flooding through her. She slid her hand underneath the log.

  ’Twas a stupid mistake.

  “I’ve found the minx.”

  Strong fingers clawed at her hair and dragged her off the ground. Too scared to scream, she beat his arm and kicked as hard as she could, but she only hit air.

  He laughed. “She’s got a bit too much spirit for my taste.”

  His hot breath rolled over her face, and she couldn’t tear her gaze from his lustful red eyes. The sun’s rays flickered off his gold earring that dangled from one ear.

  He put a blade underneath her chin, then he ogled her wet shirt.

  “That there shirt looks uncomfortable. How’s bout I make you more comfortable and get you out of them wet clothes?” He licked his lips.

  A sword slashed through the leaves, and a third man arrived. Unlike the other two, he wore no shirt and had a tattoo of a family crest on his thick bicep. Penelope couldn’t tell what it was and didn’t care. She had three burly pirates threatening to take turns with her.

  The third man frowned. “Ye bloody ejits, what the devil are ye doin’ to the poor lass?”

  The one holding her sneered, “Same thing ye want to do to her, Phearson. Ye need to wait ye turn.”

  The man called Phearson shoved the masturbating pirate. “She’s not to be touched, ye scallywags. Palmer wants her brought to the beach now.”

  His Scottish burr reminded her of Ewan.

  Ewan had said she needed to test her new powers. Well, her test had just been ordered.

  Gibbons shook his head. “Palmer gave no such order. Why are ye now acting like a condemning parson? This has never bothered you before.”

  Phearson pulled out his pistol “I––”

  The disgusting pirate hit Phearson hard in the temple. His eyes shuttered shut, and he fell to the side. Penelope’s hope of having an ally died.

  The other pirate shoved his pistol back into his belt, then grabbed his crotch. “Hurry, Gibbons, before Phearson’s wakes up or Palmer hollers for us to bring her back. I’ve not been with a whore for three long months.”

  He was actually unbuckling his belt.

  When the man named Gibbons sliced her shirt to reveal her wet shift, something snapped inside her. Mariah, Hannah, and Ewan’s faces flashed in her mind, and their faith in her sparked a courage she didn’t know she possessed. She glared at the sneering bastard and slammed her palm onto his arm.

  He looked at her strangely. Not knowing if it would work or not, she drew on her new discovered energy. Tingles shook through her, and her heart pounded stronger and fiercer.

  Penelope lifted her chin and aimed all of her power at Gibbons. “Stay away from me, you filthy wretch.”

  The tip of Gibbon’s sword frosted over and cracked, then the silver frost slowly crawled up his arm, turning his sleeve, flesh, and hair to an icy blue.

  He dropped the sword. “Paddy, my arm’s done gone numb.” He glared. “Bitch, what have you done to me?” His red shirt turned white as if he had rolled in snow, and the color spread across his body until even the pistol tucked in his belt had turned white.

  With his trousers down around his knees, Paddy pointed. “Gibbons––your hair.”

  The tips of Gibbons’ black hair turned white, and his skin turned blue. He opened his mouth, but his words died on his lips as he was frozen solid.

  “Gibbons!” Paddy cried out as he tried to pull up his pants. He went for his pistol.

  Penelope was trembling, and her arm hung limp at her side. The power diminished as fast as it had expanded. Emptiness filled her heart, but she wasn’t done yet. She snagged a log, and with all of her might, swung it at Paddy’s head.

  Lucky for her, he was her height. She hit him in the temple, and he fell to the side and smashed his head on a rock.

  His eyes closed, and he passed out.

  Penelope wasn’t a fool. They were vampires and would awaken soon. Or at least, Paddy would. Gibbons hadn’t even blinked. She dropped the log and stared at her trembling hands. Ewan was right. Physical intimacy with her mate increased her powers not diminished them. Freezing a vampire proved it. She’d passed the test.

  She couldn’t stay here. If she was found, she didn’t believe she’d be able to repeat what she’d done to Gibbons. Maybe she needed time to regenerate her power.

  Trying not to run around in panic, she took a shaky breath and moved. Weariness gripped her, and all she wanted to do was to lie down and sleep. She thought about going back to the pond to replenish her undine power, but then she suddenly realized ’twas not water that rejuvenated her ’twas Ewan. She needed to find him and kiss him or at least touch him.

  The trees grew less dense, and she could hear the soft waves of her beloved ocean. There was a ship anchored off shore. She wished ’twas a small frigate, but ’twas the dreaded Spanish carrack. The Fiery Damsel was anchored a several feet from the shoreline. She shivered. Who knew how many pirates were on the island searching for her? If Palmer was here, then the evil creature had to be nearby––watching, waiting, scheming.

  Her next test would be much stronger than the last––one that she might not survive. But she had to try. She’d promised Ewan she would try.

  “Ye, bloody traitor! Where is she?”

  A cruel hard voice melted Penelope’s courage.

  But she couldn’t turn tail and run now. Her legs trembling and her knees knocking together, she forced herself to move and hid in a flowery bush, hoping it gave her enough coverage.

  Through the leaves, she could make out figures on the beach. She sucked in her breath and covered her mouth. Two burly pirates held Leif, Isabella’s mate. A harpoon pierced his chest, cutting through muscle and bone. Blood dripped down his torso and his legs. He hung his head, and his long dark hair was matted.

  Palmer stood in front of Leif with his hand raised high over his head. “Tell me, where is she, ye bastard?”

  Leif mumbled something, but he was too far away and his voice too soft.

  Palmer growled and slammed his fist into Leif’s jaw. He flew out of the men’s hands and landed on the beach in a crumpled huddle of flesh.

  Hate brew inside of Penelope. The man was such a beast and should be struck down. She couldn’t let Palmer kill Leif, not with Isabella pregnant and with a little one on the way.

  Palmer pushed the two men who were reaching for Leif out of the way. He kicked Leif in the stomach. “Answer me, ye bloody fool. Where’s the bitch?”

  Penelope was about to step out of the foliage when a familiar voice froze her.

  “Someplace where ye’ll never find her, ye stinking devil.”

  She groaned as Ewan stepped out of the jungle with his sword drawn.

  “Prepare to meet Maketabori, Palmer.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Ewan met Palmer’s steely glare and hoped to God that Penelope had done what he’d asked and fled deep into the jungle. If she had any sense at all, she’d swim back to her father. He scanned the deep blue horizon and didn’t see a hint of the dreaded beastie.

  The only beast here was Quinton Palmer. A scrawny, tall man and a grizzled one held each of Leif’s arms. He hadn’t fared well. His face was bruised and swollen. The harpoon in his chest dripped blood every time he took a breath. Traitors never fared well, and Palmer would never forgive Leif for switching loyalties to the Phoenix.

  Ewan tilted his head toward Leif. “Let him go. He doesna know where she is.”

  Palmer rubbed his chin. His left eye leaked down his cheek, but his right eye was perceptive
and could sense the tiniest flicker of panic. He turned the corners of his mouth up into a demonic smile that tested Ewan’s resolve not to give into fear.

  “Ewan Kelley.” He spread his arms wide. “Imagine finding ye here. I have someone who is very special to ye. She’s a guest on Zuto’s island.”

  He was baiting Ewan to make a rash move. Anger flared through Ewan, and his hand shook as he held the sword. “Ye’ll find that landing here was a mistake, ye filthy cur.”

  “That’s a bold fast lie.” He lowered his arms. His smile went south, and he narrowed his right eye. “I don’t take to liars.”

  Ewan gripped the end of his sword with both hands. “Yer going to die for taking my wee girl. Leif doesna have anything to do with this, Palmer. The fight is between ye and me.”

  Palmer broke out into another cold laugh. He put his hands on his hips and arched his back, then shook his head. “Yer a fool, Ewan Kelley. Yer daughter is maimed and a burden on society.”

  “Like ye.”

  “Think what ye like, Kelley, but yer daughter’s as good as dead. As for Leif, he’s a turn coat and will soon find himself in my dungeon.”

  Ewan could see Leif’s cheek twitch and his shoulders slump. The two men released him, and he dropped onto the sand. More than one member of the Phoenix’s crew had found themselves locked and tortured in Palmer’s chambers of terror. None of them had ever forgotten the pain and endless hunger. So far, Ewan had escaped Palmer’s clutches, and he wouldn’t let Leif become Palmer’s next victim.

  Or let his little girl die on Zuto’s island.

  Palmer unleashed his sword and pointed it at Ewan. “I think ye fancy the undine like this poor sap did her sister.” He lifted his heel and smashed it into the middle of Leif’s forehead.

  Leif cried out and tried to push Palmer’s foot off his face, but Palmer only smiled at his attempt and smashed his heel deeper. Leif moaned and his arms fell to his side.

  “Ewan…run.” He groaned. Blood gushed out his nose and formed a small line splitting his face in two, like a cracked boulder in a ravine.


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