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A Lion, A Tiger and Her Bear...Oh My!_A Howls Romance

Page 8

by Everleigh Clark

  Chapter Six


  Roger was starting to piss him off. Yeah, he might be “Bossman” to all the other idiots in their rapidly growing establishment, but he sure as hell wasn’t his boss. Gabriel grunted and frowned at the next several texts. Roger wasn’t going to leave him alone until he responded. They were lying low for the week, gathering intelligence, getting their troops in place. Roger had already taken everyone from the Kentucky facility and flown them over to Bolivia. The two other small facilities in Sacramento and Houston were still on lockdown. No one in or out all week. Gabriel was sent out of his comfy office into the field. Recon and following. Which had been great when he first saw his Sam in that wretched small town she lived in. He’d quietly watched her from afar—he had the best eyesight, always had—as she did her thing. Martial arts, coffee, mechanic at her own garage, waitressing at that hole in the wall run by that annoying shifter couple. He’d later found out they were badgers. Would have thought they were rabbits from the way they screwed all the time. But watching his Sam, all the noises stopped. No more goddamn voice in his head telling him to kill himself. The other one always told him to repent and be free, beg for forgiveness and find love. Yeah, and he wondered why people called him crazy.

  He wiped his sweaty brow and sat down on the floor, leaned against the cool wall. He wasn’t crazy. It was some sort of dissociative identity disorder that meant his mind was being ripped into pieces. The only time the voices hushed—sometimes even voiced the same opinion—was when he saw her. His Sam, the Goddess who inhabited this fucking dirty planet. A mere smile, a word, a touch, anything from her was enough to dispel all the demons. For a while.

  He’d followed her to Abingdon and almost had a heart attack when he saw Traeger and Noah Shaw. The men who’d ruined his life. Who’d turned the final screw to seal his fate as the monster he now was. It was their fault he’d lost Nova. Their fault he’d gone crazy. It was their fault he’d accidentally killed the one woman he’d ever loved.

  And now Roger wanted to get back into action. He was pissed that the Alpha of Bear Paw River had set up small teams to protect the shifters in these towns. Roger had used the tracking devices to follow them to two different towns—he’d lost several shifters while they were still on the road. But he was sure of this town. Gabriel had confirmed the number—at least three, maybe five shifters near the town.

  Now these two assholes were trying to steal what he rightfully wanted to steal back.

  Roger didn’t hate shifters as much as Gabriel did. He just had a healthy dose of fear and interest in them. And the man really liked the money and power he was obtaining by throwing in with the huge sex trading operation. It was all about the money and power for him. But he didn’t feel the confliction Gabriel felt about shifters. Gabriel wanted to kill every one of them, yet, he was also very much drawn to them empathically. The love/hate relationship. Kind of like how he felt about his Sam. And himself… No, he hated himself. All of him

  His phone buzzed with another text, and Gabriel resisted the urge to stomp it. Clenching and unclenching his fists, breathing in and out. He said his numbers in his head a few times to calm him. Five, four, eight, two, one. They had calmed him his whole life, and Roger had overheard him using them one day and decided to incorporate them into his brainwashing of the shifters. Gabriel did not mind sharing. The numbers were only special to him. To everyone else they were a burden. Five, four, eight, two, one.

  He picked up the phone and read the text.

  < What’s going on in Abingdon?>

  < Following the female bear that escaped. Made contact with her and one other prisoner. Old broad. Beaver shifter >

  < I’ve opened another wing in the warehouse. I need a shifter to try some new stuff out on ASAP >

  < Which one do you want? I’ve only made contact with two so far. Date and time? >

  < The bear. I liked her moxie. I’ll send you location and date tonight. >

  He wasn’t up for it. Could he really take his Sam back to a place like that? She was his. Well, his to fuck around with and do experiments on. Not to love. But Roger would try to make her his, and Gabriel wasn’t sure he could let her go. She was his, dammit.

  < I’m on it. > He lied. Maybe. He’d have to process the possibilities. Decide later. At least he had some time.

  < I appreciate having you as my partner. >

  Conversation over. Now what? He was already trying to hide out from those two cat shifters. If they saw him and recognized him from ten years ago, he was screwed. His palms got sweaty, and the fear built in him. Then his other voice kicked in. Screw them. We should have killed them years ago. Let them recognize us.

  Yeah, let them.

  He decided to be a bit more brazen because of his new brave attitude. He’d cut them down to size right where they stood. Slit their throats, shoot them, stab them in the heart. His cock grew hard at the prospect of the kills in front of him, and he brought his hand down. Just a few minutes to let go a bit then he’d go take care of business. He closed his eyes and thought back. The years faded, as he remembered himself, much younger, more vulnerable, right before everything changed...


  Nine years earlier…

  The lions are assholes. Bunch of pompous pricks who think they’re better than everyone else. Shifter or human. No, that wasn’t quite true. Humans fell just a bit lower on the garbage scale, as far as the felines were concerned. No wonder his mom left her pride when she fell in love with a human male. Hell, they probably kicked her out. Gabriel still hadn’t found her pride. Why was he searching for them, anyway? To see if they would take him in? Fat chance of that. Stupid cats. Turning their nose up at you one second then rubbing all over you—figuratively, of course—when they needed someone. That’s why so many politicians were feline. We want your money, purr. We want your votes, rub. We’ll have your back—not. Whatever. He still didn’t know why he was searching for her pride. Maybe it was so he could find her and tell her to go to hell, her and her prickly pride.

  Gabriel had graduated from college last month—no thanks to her or any of his foster parents. Nope, he did it all on his own. One job at Starbucks, another cleaning up the dorms, but money was money.

  Then he’d met Roger. Even though the human was filthy rich and snobby—completely catlike—he’d had the same interests in field study. Shifters. Humans weren’t supposed to know about them, but somehow this dude did. Roger had seen a full shift a few years back. One night after too many drinks—bought using Roger’s father’s credit card, of course—they’d discussed shifters. Gabriel had drunkenly explained his rage about his human father and lion mother. He’d even vowed to use his new science degree to study shifter biology, see what made them tick, hell, maybe even take down a few of the assholes who shouldn’t have that kind of power.

  Roger agreed, and the partnership was formed. Once Roger finished school and got out from under his father’s thumb, they’d hook up, build a place where they could do tests. They’d considered paying the shifters—that made the most sense. Maybe some sort of clinical trial. There were loads of shifters out there without a pack—they needed money and shelter. Roger and Gabriel could provide for them in exchange for a bit of blood and some physiological testing on their systems in both forms. This could revolutionize the military. How many wars could they win if they could amp up US soldiers?

  Okay, he still hated the lions. They’d probably want nothing to do with this. So, he’d leave them alone. But the others… There was always a lone wolf with something to prove. Along with some of the prey shifters. The rabbits and honey badgers would jump into the project if they promised lots of sex. They should get some willing females onboard.

  Speaking of females. His nose twitched as the faint scent of jasmine and rose filled his nostrils. It was her! Nova Shaw. The most beautiful lion shifter he’d ever seen. And tough, too. Gabriel knew she was the current Alpha of the pride here, holding the position after her husband di
ed, until her son Traeger was mature enough to take over.

  Nova was magnificent. Fiery red hair, full lips, a lethal body filled with curves and muscles, totally ready to slam down a punk ass lion who pissed her off. Maybe Gabriel could be her punk ass lion.

  He wanted Nova as his mother. And for other things. Why the fuck was he having a wet dream in daylight in front of a coffee shop while thinking about her mothering him? Giving him everything he’d always wanted.

  He was a sick fuck. That’s what his last set of foster parents said before throwing him out. Even Roger questioned his sanity in a joking manner.

  There was no doubt about it. Gabriel was losing his mind slowly but surely. All it would take was one straw and his damn camel wouldn’t just break, it would be in rehab for years.

  Time to calm down, get his thoughts in order, and observe. That’s it. Just observe and find out who the shifters were. What he lacked in shiftability he gained in instinct, scent, and observation skills. He could pick out the shifters. He’d just list and categorize them as he observed. Get to know some of them. Then, when Roger was ready, they’d start the big project.

  He should leave Nova Shaw alone. Not talk to her. Let her be. But his feet kept moving toward her.

  “Excuse me.”

  She stopped, cocked her head then smiled at him. Oh God. She smiled at him.

  “I just wanted to give the most beautiful woman I ever saw, a flower. Sorry, it’s kind of smashed up.” He pulled the dried rose from his pocket and held it out for her.

  “That’s so sweet. Thank you.” She took it, her eyes shining as she caressed the dried petals. “Listen, I’m not available in the way you might be looking for, but if you want a friend, my name is Nova.”

  “Nova.” Her name felt like heaven on his lips. “It’s nice to meet you.”


  One week later…

  Gabriel wiped the blood from his lip and struggled to his feet.

  The angry twenty-one-year-old stood above him, his fists clenched, teeth bared. “I told you to leave my mother alone.”

  “I’m not doing anything wrong, I just wanted to have lunch with her, talk about my ideas—”

  “You are not talking through any ideas with my fucking mother!” Traeger Shaw loomed over him by at least a head, ready to punch him again, but his adopted brother stepped between them.

  “Come on, man, you need to chill out before you call too much attention on us.” Noah lowered his voice. “The humans.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Dammit, Trae!”

  “I’m one of you.” Gabriel took a shaky step toward them. “I just can’t...shift.”

  Traeger’s gaze narrowed as he scowled around Noah at him—like he’d seen an ant he wanted to step on. “You are not one of us, and you never will be. My mother is too kind to say it to you. She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. But believe me, she says it when you’re not around. She wants nothing to do with you. The only reason she accepts your stupid flowers and coffee is because she pities you. She doesn’t like you or accept you.”

  “Stop being an asshole.” Noah shoved Traeger in the chest, hissing under his breath.

  “It’s all right. I’m leaving your town. Sorry.” He turned and started walking, willing his shoulders upright and straight. Yeah, he wasn’t turning tail and slouching off like a dog. He was walking tall, just like his feline half—if he had one.

  When he saw her getting out of her car at the far end of Main Street, he couldn’t stop himself from racing toward her. He just had to say goodbye. Tell her thank you for the kind words and smiles over the past few weeks. Tell her he’d miss her, but he’d be okay, and he would always remember the kindness in her shining eyes.

  “He’s not ready to take on something this huge. I’ll come over and check things out myself. No, you will accept the help I’m offering, and stop the whining about a female coming in. Yeah, I know! If you had two working legs, you’d be out there yourself. I gotcha. Now stop your fussing before I shove a size nine up your ass.” She laughed into her cell phone. “Wheelchair or not, fella, I’ll figure it out. I’m on my way.”

  “Hi.” Gabriel stood in front of her and tentatively waved his hand.

  “Now’s not a good time, Gabriel.”

  “I can help.” He’d give anything to be with her for just one last moment. “I’ll do whatever you need. I just—”

  “No! Dammit. Do you kids ever listen to me?” She stood up and faced him with compassion and fatigue in her eyes. “I already have a twenty-one-year-old, going through his most aggressive time of life, ready to go off half-cocked at the first sign of a battle of some sort. He’s next in line to become our pride’s Alpha, and I’m not even bringing him along on this. And you…” She frowned. “You can’t even shift. What would I do out in the middle of farmland with a herd of dead cattle with a male who can’t protect himself?”

  It hit him hard, and the air left his lungs. “I can still help you.”

  “You...can’t...shift,” she said. She went on to say something about danger and wolves, but he only heard the screaming whistle in his ears as his heart turned to acid in his chest. “Sorry, kiddo, but you’re no good to me out there.”

  Rage consumed him. He lost all focus except for the white-hot rage. He didn’t know what happened over the next few minutes, but when he finally came back to his senses, he knew his life was changed forever.

  Dark words taunted him again, and he winced as they filled his head with visions of her lifeless corpse, the blood. He’d accidentally killed the woman he loved most. It’s your fault. He didn’t recognize his own voice. He turned and bolted from the scene.

  Chapter Seven

  Present Day


  Trudy flagged down the teen who was serving them and asked for more coffee. It was the same shifter male—maybe sixteen or seventeen—who Trae had set straight. The kid cleaned up good, looking proud to have a job and the new name tag.

  “Thanks, Jake,” Trudy said before turning back to Sam. “So, tell me about your male problem.”

  Sam almost choked on her coffee. “Male problem? I don’t have a male problem.”

  “Sure ya’ don’t, honey. Not like us prey shifters are good at observing.” Her eyes crinkled with mirth as she sipped her coffee.

  “All right. It’s not a problem. It’s problems.” She glanced around the shop to make sure there was no one else within hearing distance. The humans were safely ensconced in their own coffee and conversations on the other side of the shop, leaving them to talk somewhat freely. “I have special...feelings...for two different men.” Sam thought about how different they each were. “Noah is sweet and geeky, and I love his dimples. Trae is, phew…” She ran her hand through her hair. “He’s like dynamite on an active volcano. How do you choose between them? Safety and adventure. Fun and danger. Geek and warrior. Romantic island getaway and bungee jumping from the Eiffel Tower—without a net,” she added.

  “Or…” Trudy cocked her head and smiled. “Yin and yang, positive and negative charges, love and love...mate and mate.”

  “Bears don’t do that threesome thing, or four or anything over two. We like our alone time, and two is plenty.”

  “But their kind are a bit more open, and they’re a bit more social. Their pride had not only several matings with three, four, and five, they also used to have a triad. The Alpha and beta brothers many years ago would take the strongest female in the pride to complete their leadership. Together, they were unmatched in strength, wisdom, and power.”

  “Okay, but I bet they never crossed lines. I’m sure to keep everything pure, they had to stay within the feline realm, right?”

  “True. But that could be why there hasn’t been a triad in over a hundred years. Female lion numbers have dwindled. Some lost shifting abilities, others mated humans, whatever led to it, we now have a decreased number of good, strong females.”

  “Yeah, well, we can all agree I’d be ki
ller at the whole Alpha thing, but we’re forgetting one thing.”

  “What’s that, dear?”

  “Traeger and I hate each other. The only time we really connect is when we’re fu—sorry, having sex.” She lowered her voice.

  “There’s a thin line between the two.”

  “Yeah, definitely thin. And my bear is confusing the hell out of me. She keeps clamoring for each of them. She whines when I walk away from Noah and his cute eyes. She grumbles when I leave Trae in a huff. I’ve never even considered being with two guys at once before. Yeah, it sounds hot for nighttime stuff, but…I don’t know. There’s no way my bear is asking me to mate with two guys. It’s just not done.”

  “Sure.” Trudy grinned again.

  “Anyway, thanks for the coffee, but I should really get back and see what’s going on with my guys. I mean, the guys.” She tried to glare at the nice, older woman, but was sure it came out more like a sheepish looking blink. After putting her cup aside and leaving a generous tip for their server, she gave Trudy a hug and walked outside.

  Two guys’ faces appeared in her thoughts. One dimpled and smiling. One scarred and scowling. Each beautiful in his own way. One had left her a poem on her bedside stand this morning—which she’d rolled her eyes at and promptly told him Klingon wasn’t spelled with two Ns. The other had leaned in close to her last night, almost kissing her. She’d scented the desire as he pulled away. Then he smacked her ass and strode off—with a scowl, of course. What was she going to do? She wanted them both. Damn her fool heart. And her flaky bear.


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