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Wallflower Diaries: The Beginning

Page 2

by Raven Jane

  Simone sat for a moment, eyelids heavy and half closed as she savored the state of utter relaxation that only came in these moments. When she was cognizant again, Simone closed up her laptop and slid into bed, drifting off to thoughts of her imaginary lover.


  The first weeks flew by in a whirlwind of textbooks, syllabi, cheerleading practices, and harsh lectures about attending classes regularly. Simone saw very little of her roommate but found no complaint with the arrangement as she essentially had her own room. Her friends reacted pretty much as she anticipated but she sadly had no further semi-erotic encounters in the dorm showers – much to their disappointment it turned out. After a few days, Simone got up the nerve to ask her cheerleading “sister” about sexcapades in the showers. Veronica laughed herself silly before telling Simone that it was common practice and she’d better get used to it if she was going to live on campus. Following that humiliating conversation, Simone kept her personal thoughts on sex to herself, especially her virginal status as it appeared she was the only cheerleader who went against the stereotype. Several of the girls were dating more than one guy and a few had boyfriends from every sports team. She sat in awe listening to the rest of the squad’s forays and mentally kept note of the guys she needed to avoid at all costs. A small portion of the squad seemed to pass boyfriends around as if they were textbooks to learn from and discard when you were done. One cheerleader in particular, Billie, was working her way through the starting line-ups of football, basketball, and baseball teams.

  Veronica was good about one thing; she kept the older guys away from Simone and followed through with a ferocious protectiveness that was sometimes startling. Simone declined all dates for several weeks begging her adjustment to the new schedules, learning new routines, and most often her coursework. Nobody pressed terribly hard or Veronica intervened. Within a few weeks the guys stopped asking. So it happened that when she needed a date for the Homecoming benefit, Simone was left in the lurch. Thankfully, Veronica stepped in and arranged a suitable escort unlikely to challenge Simone’s virtues as she put it. Though she wasn’t positive it wasn’t an insult, Simone accepted her “sister’s” assistance without complaint.

  As it turned out, there was no reason to complain at all. Matt Taylor was a respectable freshman recruit from a fairly well to do east coast family who hadn’t been dating since school started. Even her mother couldn’t find fault with the young man who was not only a budding football star but also a pre-law student in the honors program who spent summers working for his father’s firm. Now that Irene was definitely coming for Homecoming weekend, Simone felt better knowing she would arrive to the benefit on Matt’s arm.

  That Friday night after the pep rally, Simone rushed back to her dorm and readied with care. She pinned her hair up in an elaborate up-do to show off her dangling diamond earrings and the graceful slope of her neck. The off the shoulder azure sheath dress hugged her curves and flared into a lovely feather mermaid skirt just below her knee.

  Simone was admiring her countenance in the mirror when the phone rang. Thinking it was Matt calling up from the lobby, she answered with a breathy, “Hello, Gorgeous.”

  “Hello, yourself, lover.” The voice on the other end was decidedly female and NOT Matt.

  “I thought you were somebody else. Who is this?” Simone tried to cover her embarrassment with a sharpness she reserved for such occasions.

  “I’m Lexi. Is Josephine in?” The voice on the other end seemed undeterred by Simone’s chilly response.

  “No.” Simone did not have time for her absentee roommate’s odd friends. Struck with the notion that her roommate had never done anything mean to her, Simone felt a pang of regret and added, “I’ll leave her a note that you called.” She would NOT turn into her mother, ever. Common courtesy went a long way and this Lexi girl had no way of knowing Simone was waiting for a call or that Josephine was again absent.

  “Thanks, lover.” The phone went dead before Simone could argue with Lexi’s choice of words. The phone rang again rather suddenly and Simone, now somewhat flustered, answered with a simple “hello.”

  “Simone? It’s Matt. Are you ready?” The rich baritone emanating from the receiver sent shockwaves through Simone’s body as she pictured Matt standing down in the lobby in his tux, his hair falling in waves to the collar of his jacket. Yum. “Simone?”

  “Yes, sorry, I will be right down.” Simone jotted a quick note to Josephine and left it on her closet door with the others she had taken over the weeks. She was never quite sure if Josephine got them or what the deal was but at least Simone did her part. Grabbing her small satin handbag, Simone slipped out of the room and locked the door. Opting for the stairs to make a more dramatic entrance to the lobby, Simone garnered several looks from other residents as she glided down the staircase, her feather skirt flaring with each step. Sure enough, almost exactly as she’d pictured, Simone stepped into the light of her dorm lobby to see Matt leaning casually against the wall near the phone, a few stray hairs covering one eye and the dapper tux emphasizing the breadth of his shoulders. Yum.

  “Hello, Matt.” Simone crossed the room to greet him with a quick hug and peck on the cheek. “Thanks for picking me up. They don’t allow us lowly freshman cheerleaders to have cars on campus.” He smiled at the jab and opened the door for her.

  “One of the perks of being in the right sport, I suppose.” Matt placed his hand at the small of her back and led her down the steps to the street where he’d double parked. “I’ll have to help you up I think.”

  Simone had not thought about the mode of transportation when she purchased the sheath dress. Matt drove a rather large truck and even the extra step would not afford her enough boost to get in. Like a true gentleman, Matt opened the door and lifted her into the passenger seat as if she were a delicate child. A small part of her melted at the gesture and she made another mental note to include this part in her email to the girls. His hand stayed on her knee for a moment as she buckled her seat belt and the warmth bleeding through her dress excited her in more ways than one. Matt made sure she was situated before shutting the door behind her. Score another for the freshman footballer. By the time they made it to the convention center, Simone was in stitches and quite enthralled with her date. He was every bit the gentleman but not at all rigid or cold, a very pleasant surprise.

  Matt stayed close through the night, escorting her around to various introductions and even dancing on occasion. He was cordial with her father and charmed Irene into a genuine small not once but twice. As the benefit came to a close Matt wrapped his arms about her waist and whispered in her ear, “A few of us are going to an after party. Would you care to accompany me or do you turn into a pumpkin at midnight?”

  Simone chuckled and leaned closer, breathing in his musky scent with growing attraction. “The coach turned into the pumpkin, not the girl and I would love to join you.”

  “I am pretty sure Veronica and Sam will be there too. I know a few of the guys are bringing cheerleaders but it is an exclusive event so what happens there stays there. Do you understand?” Matt’s eyebrows knitted together in an intense expression that took Simone slightly off guard. She nodded silently. Secret functions were not a new thing for her. Between her parents and her own high school societies, Simone was well versed in the upper class need for discretion. Matt broke into a smile of relief. “Good. It should be fun and there is supposed to be some entertainment.” Taking her hand, Matt led Simone over to her parents for customary farewells.

  “He’s a keeper, Simone. Well done.” Irene leaned in and whispered in Simone’s ear. “Your father and I approve.”

  Simone nodded tightly, embarrassed though not surprised by her mother’s tactless behavior. Jack was far more subtle with a quick hug and a wink. Before she could be any further humiliated, Simone took Matt’s hand and let him lead her out the front door to the valet. “Thank you.” Simone whispered meaningfully as Matt slid into the driver’
s side seat.

  “For what?” His eyes flared in surprise as he held her eye.

  Simone gave a wry smile, “Humoring my parents, dancing with me, being so much fun, you know, in general being the greatest date I ever had.” That last part just slipped out and Simone flushed.

  “I like you, Simone. I really do. It was no problem.” Matt took her hand in his as they pulled away. “Besides, your Dad is one of my heroes. Talking football with him was no trouble at all. I can assure you.”

  Rolling her eyes, Simone took to watching the other guests heading to their cars. “Where is this party?”

  “Off campus at a house, it’s kind of an anti-fraternity house if you will.” Matt navigated the truck skillfully through the narrow streets toward the very edge of campus. “It will be fun, trust me.”

  “Okay. I am just curious, that’s all.”

  “You know what they say about curiosity, right?” Matt took a sidelong glance at her and she noted the smirk on his face.

  “It killed the cat?”

  “Yeah, that too, I suppose.” Matt shrugged. “I was just thinking it generally meant trouble for the curious person.”

  Simone withdrew her hand from his and playfully punched his arm. “That’s all you have? I’m disappointed. I mean, I have come to expect so much more from you.”

  “That’s the point. I am all about doing the unexpected.” Matt took her hand back, his warmth sending shock waves up her arm.

  “I like the unexpected.” Simone felt the blush rise in her cheeks.

  “I like you.”

  “You said that already.”

  “Did I?”

  “You know you did.”

  “We’re here.” Matt slipped his hand from hers and pulled into a small parking lot. He helped her out and led her up the path to a massive mansion-style house similar to those on Greek Row. No Greek letters adorned this one and it appeared to be in pristine condition unlike those on the Row. The perfectly square hedges and even stone path led up to massive double doors in a shiny black finish. Black shutters were a striking contrast to the pure white siding and the well-lit entryway seemed to glow in the dark of night. Matt knocked twice and the door opened inward to reveal a smiling couple.

  “Matt, Simone, we’re so glad you joined us!” The petite female wore a figure hugging black velvet gown that ended just above her knee and left little to the imagination from the waist up. She was well endowed for such a small woman leaving Simone to wonder if she’d had work done. The woman’s raven hair was wound up on top of her head with a few stray locks framing her heart shaped face. Simone wondered what color her eyes really were for their current shade of violet could only be obtained with contacts. She was striking, almost as much as her partner.

  “Kyra, lovely as ever.” Matt leaned forward and gently hugged the woman before straightening to address the man. “Paul, thanks for inviting us. Going to the game tomorrow?”

  Simone fell in line behind Paul and Matt with Kyra’s arm looped through hers. She half listened to Kyra’s explanations of the decorations as they followed the men down a long, primarily white hallway to another set of double doors. Paul, in his crisp black tuxedo turned on his heel and stared down at Simone. His eyes glistened with excitement giving them the appearance of shimmering emeralds. Simone found him more than attractive with a sculpted jawline and stylish five o’clock shadow. Paul’s smile melted away when he spoke. “What happens here remains here; this is a special party for people to blow off steam. Nothing gets out and we all can have a good time.”

  Simone nodded along as if entranced by Paul’s intense stare. Matt took her hand; at least she thought it was Matt. Paul’s smile returned and he pushed the doors inward in a dramatic fashion. “Fair enough, please, enter.” Kyra brushed passed her to take Paul’s arm and Simone slipped hers through Matt’s, holding him tightly unsure of what to expect.

  The room they entered was massive, the largest she’d ever seen in a house with an enormous dance floor in the middle and a wall of windows opening onto a covered patio where there appeared to be a small stage flanked by two portable bars. Leather chaises and wicker furniture was arranged in a semi-circle around the stage. About thirty people were milling around, most of them familiar faces from the benefit. Matt led her to a long table filled with pastries and fruits flanking a massive chocolate fountain. He snatched a strawberry, dipped it in the fountain and offered it to her. Simone made a show of opening her mouth and he winked as she took a bite. She followed suit and laughed when a bit of chocolate stuck to his upper lip.

  “I’m thirsty. Shall we get a drink and find a seat?” Matt nodded toward the closest bar and Simone noted that several of the seats were being filled.

  “Sure. Do you know what the entertainment is?”

  “No, but I am pretty sure it is a local group of some sort. Paul usually likes to help other students.” Matt shrugged and ordered two glasses of wine. Simone followed Matt to a chaise near the stage and smiled as he pulled her into him so that she was propped against his chest. Drinking her wine was a bit of a challenge but well worth it.

  Once everyone was seated, their host stepped on the small stage, his eyes roving over the small crowd and finally settling on her. She felt uncomfortable under Paul’s gaze as though he were mentally undressing her and imagining much more. The stare seemed to go on for ages but he eventually turned away and addressed his guests.

  “Welcome! Tonight we have the pleasure of hosting a small troupe from our very own school who perform various dramatic pieces. They have opted to forgo dialogue this evening to present a lovely study in movement.” Paul gestured to somebody Simone could not see and was soon joined by three people. At first glance, it was difficult to tell much about any of the three as they were covered head to toe in black spandex. Paul bowed to the trio and stepped off the stage into the shadows. Simone could feel his eyes on her and burrowed closer to Matt.

  The trio on stage bowed and moved into their starting positions, a sort of triangular formation. One pulled a wooden chair to the middle of the stage and sat on it, legs spread toward the audience. The person in front gestured once and a lovely classical music filled the air around them. Simone half recognized it though she could not begin to name the composer or the piece. She nearly dropped her wine when one of the performers, the tallest of the trio, slipped onto the seated black figure and began gyrating seductively. The third figure, clearly a male on closer examination, stepped behind the pair and pulled back the head of the tall figure miming a deep kiss before dramatically pulling her away from the seated figure. The pair groped and massaged each other feigning sensual kisses while the seated figure watched from the edge of the wooden chair. Finally, the seated performer stood and joined her partners. Simone deduced that the first two performers were female and watched as the smaller of the two placed her hands on the taller female’s hips. She slowly slid them upward to the swell of her partner’s breasts. The taller female turned and backed into the male, arching her back to give the smaller woman better access to her breasts. The smaller woman pulled her hands down her partner’s body, sensually tracing her sides down to her hips. She pulled the taller woman down and the male helped lower her to the floor slipping out and away from the women. The smaller woman moved as a snake up her partner’s body, hands leading her head up the legs, abdomen, finally settling on the breast where she paused and looked to the male performer. She gestured for him to join in and the male walked around to kneel behind the smaller woman, pulling her hips close to him. The male clearly wore nothing beneath his suit as his erection was evident when he rhythmically rocked into the small woman whose head was now between the taller woman’s legs. The tall woman had one hand on the smaller woman’s head and the other on her own breast, massaging both in time with her partners’ movements. Simone inhaled sharply as the male reached climax, fell backward, away from the women, and silently slipped off stage. The tall woman shuddered silently and the smaller crept up her body so that
they would be face to face but for the spandex masks. Simone heard a few random claps but the music suddenly changed and the tall woman rolled the smaller over so that their positions were exchanged. Silently, she watched as the tall woman caressed the smaller figure from toe to breast until the latter’s chest began to heave. Finally, the tall woman drew all her attention to her counterpart’s erogenous zones and ultimately removed a glove from her hand to penetrate the smaller woman’s suit. The tall woman’s hand moved skillfully and the small woman soon spasmed. As the music hit its crescendo, the small woman arched her back in one last spasm before falling still and silent onto the floor of the stage. The tall woman collapsed onto the smaller and together they remained perfectly still until the music ceased.

  The room broke into applause as the male rejoined his troupe on stage for a bow. They exited quickly and Paul retook the stage, once again staring at Simone. She wondered if he knew the performance had left her wanting, had excited her in ways she never would have expected.

  “That was, er, interesting.” Matt whispered startling her back into the moment. Simone shifted to see if Matt was feeling the effects of what they’d just witnessed. She wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed that he seemed to be lacking the interest that the male performer had demonstrated just moments before.

  “Yeah, what do you call that?” Simone covered her own excitement at the performance though she desperately longed for the privacy of her dorm room. Who knew something so odd could be so titillating?

  “Strange? Peculiar? Pornographic?” Matt chuckled in her ear. “Sorry, it’s usually a lot better than this. Last week they had a singer/songwriter who was actually quite talented. I guess I expected something more along those lines.”

  “It’s okay, really. I enjoyed being here with you.” Simone looked up to her date and smiled genuinely. He was everything she’d dreamed of since she first became interested in boys and he was sitting right beside her, interested in her, holding her. So why was she obsessing over the privacy of her dorm room instead of a co-ed sleepover in Matt’s? Was she weird? Maybe that was the problem, maybe she just needed to have sex once to be more drawn to engaging with a partner instead of handling her needs solo. Simone frowned as she sipped her wine again.


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