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Her Royal Husband (Crown & Glory Book 4)

Page 16

by Cara Colter

  Broderick had done a great deal of damage in a few short seconds. The entire economy of the country could be pulled down if too much credence was given to the startling announcements of this evening.

  Patting Jordan’s arm, Owen pulled away from her, and made his way quickly through the crowd. The crowd parted before him, and he sensed the anxiety in the room, the need for leadership.

  Owen leapt onto the stage from the floor.

  He bowed to his mother, extended his hand to Broderick, though there was no missing the reluctance with which he accepted it, nor the malice in his eyes.

  And then he turned to the crowd, and looked at their worried faces. He smiled, and he felt the energy in the room shift imperceptibly. He held the smile, met eyes, was rewarded when people smiled back.

  Then he took the microphone.

  Keeping his tone deliberately light, he said, “I wasn’t told this would be a surprise party, but thank you, Broderick, that was quite a surprise.”

  A ripple of appreciative laughter followed this statement.

  “My mother has promised to get to the bottom of this,” Owen continued, “and we all know my mother. We can place our absolute faith in her to untangle this web, as we have placed our absolute faith in her so many other times here on Penwyck.”

  He had come to stand right beside her right shoulder, presenting a united front. He met her eyes. Her mouth was smiling, but her eyes were pleading. For what?

  Perhaps it was because he had just made its acquaintance so recently that he recognized it so readily. Forgiveness.

  He had a feeling this might not end the way anyone thought it was going to. But tonight his only public duty was damage control.

  And of course his very private one was to ask Jordan the second question.

  “My understanding,” Owen said, “was that this was a party celebrating my safe return.” He paused, and looked at each of his limbs slowly, patted his chest, and said, “As I thought, I am still safely returned!”

  The laughter was relieved now.

  “So let the band strike up, and let us dance and celebrate. Tomorrow is soon enough to deal with the problems of the world.”

  He signaled the band leader, who immediately struck up an upbeat tune. He blessed his sisters for knowing exactly what to do. They tugged partners onto the dance floor, and in moments the whole floor was crowded with people.

  He made his way through them, and bowed to Jordan, who was looking at him with sparkling eyes.

  “Have I told you recently, that I think you are magnificent?” she asked him.

  “Recently? You’ve never told me that.”

  “Oh, but I have.”

  He actually felt himself blush. “I have a second question to ask you,” he said. The music stopped.

  He noticed the crowd was still restive, and he held up his hand. With no microphone this time, he asked for the attention of the crowd and got it.

  “I need to say something else tonight and it is this—kings and queens and princes and princesses come, and they go. Kingdoms rise and then they fade. All my life I have been obedient to my duty, and to you, the people of Penwyck.

  “But tonight I am also going to be obedient to my heart. Over time, and history will bear me out on this, only one thing remains.

  “And that is love.”

  He faced Jordan. She had her hands up, framing her lovely face. Her eyes were wide. He took her hand, and then he dropped on one knee before her. He looked up at her, into her eyes, and in front of all these witnesses, he proclaimed himself.

  He said, “Jordan Ashbury you are my world. I do not know what the future holds, nor does any man, though we sometimes allow ourselves that illusion.

  “If you are not at my side I could be a king, but without you I would be poorer than any pauper.

  “But if you say yes to spending your life at my side, I could well be a pauper, but I will feel richer than the richest of kings.

  “Jordan, will you walk through the days of my life at my side? Will you put your hand in mine? Will you allow me the great privilege of being the father to all your children? Jordan Ashbury, will you be my wife?”

  She tugged at his hands, and he stood, and looking down at her, he saw the answer in her eyes before she spoke the word.

  A single word.

  The word was yes.

  “I don’t know about anyone else’s,” she whispered, “but my prince has been found!”

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Cara Colter for her contribution to the CROWN AND GLORY series.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5840-6


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