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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 24

by Bianca Sommerland

  Richter watched them fuck for a few moments, then took a condom and some lube out of the leather bag on the floor.

  Justina shifted and Shawn slid his lips along her throat, loving how she trembled with anticipation and desire. He couldn’t look away from the erotic scene playing out in front of him, but he needed to make sure Justina enjoyed it on every level.

  But when he drew the hem of her black dress up for better access to her most sensitive bits, she caught his wrist.

  “Shawn, I don’t know if I can…” Her lips parted as Bower pounded hard into Silver and the other woman moaned in pleasure. “Damn, that’s hot.”

  “Does watching them make you wet, Röschen?” He gently pried her fingers from his wrist, then restrained both her small hands in his big one against her stomach. “I didn’t get enough of that sweet little pussy. I want to feel you tighten around my fingers. To see if watching them fuck does as much for you as being spanked did.”

  “Mmm.” Justina didn’t resist this time as he lifted the hem of her dress and slipped his fingers into her panties. He curved two into her and groaned as her soft, wet heat constricted around him. She pressed her eyes shut.

  He bit the side of her neck, just hard enough to get her attention. “Keep watching, pet.”

  With a subtle nod, she focused on Silver and Bower while Shawn teased her with the tip of his fingers. He could tell she was trying very hard to hold still.

  A shame he was about to make it more difficult.

  “I’m going to let go of your hands, Justina. Reach behind you and latch your fingers to my belt.” He made a soft sound of approval when she obeyed. “Good girl. Now don’t let go.”

  Sliding his hand over her ribs, her breasts, he dipped his hand into the V neckline. She whimpered as he freed her breasts, but didn’t protest.

  Such a very good girl.

  As he stimulated her tiny, pink nipples, she squirmed, her harsh breaths almost matching Silver’s. When Richter settled his hand on Bower’s hip to still him, both women went quiet.

  Shawn bit the inside of his cheek as Richter carefully prepared Bower, murmuring tender words as he pressed his lube slicked fingers into the other man. Bower’s jaw tensed, and he rested his forehead between Silver’s breasts.

  Silver petted his close cut, brown hair and whispered. “Relax, my love. You know he hates hurting you.”

  Bower released a strained laugh as Richter eased another finger in. “I can take it.”

  Probably not as often as you could if you learned how. Shawn kept that comment to himself though. He tended to top men like Richards—well, actually even more experienced than Richards. Men who didn’t need tons of preparation. Not that he couldn’t seduce an anal virgin, but virgins in general were dangerous.

  The one in his arms was the perfect example.

  Or just perfect.

  He was going with perfect.

  A loud CRACK! Startled Justina and Shawn pulled her back a step.

  “Calice! Mon tabarnak j'vais te décalisser la yeule!” Bower growled, moving to rise, huffing out an angry breath when Richter pinned him against Silver. “What the fuck are you playing at, Dean?”

  Leaning over Bower, Richter rubbed the red handprint he’d left on the man’s thigh. “You want me to hurt you, Landon? I can do that. But if I’m going to fuck you, I need it to be good for both of us.”

  “Merde! Fine!” Bower pressed his eyes shut, calming slightly as Silver cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “I’ll fucking relax.”

  Despite his words, Shawn noticed Bower tense as Richter’s dick stretched him. Richter had enough experience to add more lube and move slowly until the other man truly released enough tension to let him in, but it was painful to watch.

  Shawn remembered being taken roughly too many times. Bower would be sore for days, and Richter, unlike Shawn’s first, would feel guilty after.

  Maybe I should invite them to the party. Show them how it’s done.

  At least the triad seemed to have found a good rhythm once again. He bent down to graze Justina’s throat with his teeth, noting that she never looked away. Her body shifted as though she was feeling every deep thrust. Her cheeks were rosy red, and she panted as Silver threw her head back and screamed.

  “Oh God.” Justina clenched her thighs against his hand. Holding back as her inner muscles gripped his fingers. “This is so wrong.”

  “What is wrong, Röschen?” He pressed his thumb over her erect clit, using the fingers of his other hand to pinch her nipple. The bite of pain had her moving restlessly against him, so close to losing control. “What they’re doing, or how you feel watching them?”

  “Me.” She shook her head, likely at a loss for words. Tears wet her lashes as she let out a needy little whimper. “I should be ashamed of how I’m behaving, but I’m not.”

  “Good. Because I like you shameless. Let them hear you, pet.” He caught her earlobe between his teeth. Licked the soft shallow beneath it. Nipped and sucked at her throat until he could tell she’d lost the last of her resistance. “Come for me.”

  Her cries were drowned out by Bower’s deep groan and Richter’s rough curse, but Shawn hardly noticed the men. Justina trembled in his arms, escaping into the throes of ecstasy. As she went still, he gently withdrew, covered her breasts and adjusted her panties so she wouldn’t feel exposed as she came down from her euphoric high.

  Before he had a chance to lift her up into his arms to hold her close, she turned and pressed her face into his chest. He could tell she was a little unsteady, but that she’d sought out his comfort on her own tugged at his heart.

  He wrapped his arms around her, simply holding her until she stopped shaking. Until she lifted her head and gave him the sweetest smile.

  “Thank you. Tell them…thank you.” She hid her face again, muffling her voice. “Would it be horrible of me to want to leave with you now? I can’t face Silver. Not yet.”

  “She won’t think any less of you, precious.” He kissed the top of her head, meeting Richter’s eyes as the man grabbed two bottles of water from his bag, sparing him a brief nod before beginning aftercare for both his lovers. Silver likely didn’t need much, but Bower was sitting on the edge of the table, fists pressed to his knees, refusing to look at anyone.

  A ‘thank you’ wasn’t needed. And likely wouldn’t be appreciated at the moment. Shawn put his arm around Justina and led her into the main area of the club. At the bar, he lifted her up to a stool and turned to the bartender to order two bottles of water.

  His jaw ticked as he met Chicklet’s broad smile.

  “What can I get for you, Easy?”

  The bitterness of betrayal soured in Shawn’s throat. He swallowed hard, acknowledging that the emotion was irrational. The woman had her reasons for wanting to mentor that girl. And if anyone could keep White safe while he played with that snake of a wanna-be Domme, it would be Chicklet.

  Shawn schooled his features into what he hoped was a pleasant smile. “Water, please.”

  “Got it. What about you, White?”

  Fuck me. Shawn took Justina’s hand in his as she shot him a concerned look. He’d scowled without meaning to. He couldn’t let himself react like this. She didn’t need to be dragged into the mess he’d made.

  “Can I have a beer, please?” White cleared his throat, and from the corner of his eye, Shawn saw his man help that girl onto a stool. “What are you having, cutie?”

  “I’ll have a beer too. Thank you.” She leaned forward and grinned. “Hey, aren’t you Shawn Pischlar?”

  Still standing, Shawn glanced over to incline his head, then thanked Chicklet for the water bottles she set in front of Justina. He watched Justina take a few gulps then took one himself before he bothered answering Sam. “Yes. You’re Carter’s little sister, right?”

  Sam’s bright smile faded a little, but returned in a blink. “Yes. And Ian’s girlfriend. He told you, didn’t he? I’d hoped to speak to you. I don’t want you to think I’ll come
between you.”

  “Oh?” Fuck, the girl didn’t pull any punches, did she? Should he deny any concern? He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Justina about his relationship with White. Not that he could even say they still had one. He took his time downing a good half of his water. “White and I are friends. Very good friends. I don’t believe there’s any risk of that changing.”

  White gave Shawn a hesitant smile. “I’m happy to hear that, man.”

  “If you were worried, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, things have just been…” White bowed his head, then sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  Sam rubbed his shoulders, holding Shawn’s level gaze. “Now I feel bad. I’ve been taking up so much of his time. But you’ll have him all to yourself on the road. I told him I was fine with him having a boyfriend. I can’t give him everything he needs.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean, Sam.” Shawn sensed Justina watching him. What was she thinking? She’d made it clear she wasn’t sure about anything beyond tonight, but he wanted more. Would she even give him a chance to explain after hearing this?

  Turning her attention to Justina, Sam bit her bottom lip. “Maybe this discussion should be private. I don’t know the protocol with a sub you’re playing with for the night. Am I allowed to talk to her?”

  No! Shawn almost crushed the bottle in his hand, but stopped himself just in time. Justina was so innocent, he knew he had to be careful with her. But Sam wouldn’t be.

  If Justina wasn’t suspicious already, Sam would trample over all his attempts to ease her into his world. What choice did he have though? Tossing Justina over his shoulder and hauling her out of the club wouldn’t earn her trust.

  He would make sure she wasn’t treated like a temporary plaything though. He gave Sam a tight smile. “I think respect is fairly universal. You can manage that, yes?”

  Sam’s eyes narrowed. She pulled away from White and stepped around Shawn, offering her hand to Justina. “Please don’t think I’m being a bitch. I’m new to this and Shawn clearly doesn’t like me. My name’s Sam, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Finishing her water, Justina swiveled in her stool to face Sam. She took the other girl’s hand, her smile unreadable. She didn’t look upset. That was good, right?

  “Justina.” Justina cocked her head and let out a soft laugh. “I’m new here too, but I don’t get the impression Shawn doesn’t like you. Maybe you’re assuming that because you’ve been rude?”

  Shawn almost choked on his water. Holy fuck, if Justina kept this up, he was gonna fall for her hard and fast. She never ceased to amaze him.

  Jerking her hand back, Sam glared at Justina. “Excuse me?”

  “No, I don’t think I will. I’m glad I got to meet you though.” Justina stood and held her hand out to Shawn. “Are you ready?”

  He took her hand, all the weight of uncertainty lifting off his chest. No doubt, he’d have a few questions to answer once they got to his place, but she’d made it perfectly clear he’d get the chance to give them.

  Leaving White with that girl wasn’t easy. She was everything Shawn had been afraid of. Worse even.

  But he couldn’t save White from his decisions. All he could do was be there when White saw her for who she was. Which might take a while, but Shawn was willing to wait.

  Maybe all they would have in the end was their friendship. Shawn wasn’t sure at this point. With Justina by his side, he wasn’t sure of much besides the opportunity to have more than he’d ever known he wanted.

  Someone who made him want to be a better man. Who would accept him as he was, without question, for a time. Who forced him to consider all the ways he could make that time last.

  Chapter 19

  That hadn’t gone at all as planned. Sam bit her bottom lip as she watched Shawn and his new chick walk out of the club. The girl had seemed shy. Like a little mouse, one that would scurry away at the slightest threat.

  Not that Sam had intended to come off as threatening, but the girl ruined all her plans. She hoped Shawn wasn’t serious about her, because, damn it, Ian was serious about him.

  She wasn’t even sure Ian realized he was completely hung up on the man, but the fact that he brought Shawn up in almost every conversation told her two things. One, no matter what Ian said, he wasn’t ‘fine’ with an open relationship. Or not one quite so open. Maybe if he and Shawn had been in a better place, Ian could handle the asshole doing every cute piece of ass he could find.

  They’d been having fun, but when Ian saw Shawn with that chick, Justina, he’d gotten all serious. When Sam asked him what was wrong, White shook his head.

  “None of my business. I just wish I knew what the fuck he was doing.”

  He hadn’t elaborated, but Sam wasn’t stupid. Justina wasn’t the type a guy like Shawn should mess with. Ian probably wouldn’t have liked seeing the man with anyone else, but he would have accepted someone who looked like a one-night-stand.

  Hinting that Justina was just that had blown up in her face. Ian had gone quiet.

  And Chicklet was glaring at her.

  Which brought Sam to the second fact she’d learned. No matter what Shawn ‘Easy’ Pischlar did, people accepted him.

  She wasn’t so lucky.

  Taking a sip of her beer, she finally met Chicklet’s eyes. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “What the fuck were you thinking, girl? You disrespected another Dom—a Master who has earned his place in this club—and spoke down to a young woman you don’t even know.” Chicklet fisted her hand around the rag she’d been using to wipe the bar, looking like it was Sam’s neck she really wanted to get a hold of. “Are you trying to make everyone hate you?”

  “Leave her alone, Chicklet.” Ian’s jaw tensed when Chicklet snapped her hard gaze at him. “She’s new at this. I don’t think she meant anything bad by—”

  “He speaks! A fucking miracle!” Chicklet tossed the rag and slapped her hands on the bar. “That man is your best friend. If that’s all he is to you now, fine. But you won’t have even that if the two of you don’t figure out what you want. And if you sit back and let this little troublemaker speak for you, you’re not going to have very many friends at all.”

  “Fuck this. Come on, Sam. Let’s go.” White slammed his beer down on the bar and took her hand. He paused, glancing back at Chicklet. “I thought I knew what he wanted, but now I’m not sure. We’ll figure it out, but I assumed you were training Sam because you understood her. If you don’t, you need to back off.”

  Chicklet tipped her head back and groaned. “Damn it, White, I’m seriously considering tying you up and tucking you away somewhere where you won’t get hurt. If I’m not training her, you two are not playing here.”

  “I’m good with that,” Ian said, his tone cold.

  I’m not! Sam pulled her hand free. Chicklet’s approval meant a lot to her. She’d enjoyed Chicklet explaining the lifestyle. Talking to her about how to use a flogger safely. Sure, she hadn’t missed that Chicklet hadn’t let her do more than take a few light swings before telling her to practice on a pillow, but she made Sam feel like she was capable of doing something good. Chicklet said Sam reminded her of herself when she was young.

  And damn, if Chicklet had been like her…maybe she could be like Chicklet when she grew up. Maybe it wasn’t too late to make something of herself.

  “I don’t want anyone to hate me. I wasn’t trying to—”

  “Careful, little girl.” Chicklet’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve played the game for too long not to see right through someone who knows exactly what they’re doing.”

  Ugh, this fucking sucks. Sam frowned and pulled herself back onto the stool, feeling Ian standing close behind her. “Justina doesn’t know what she’s getting into.”

  “Which is none of your business. She’s been warned by people who know her and Pisch.” Chicklet’s lips slanted, like she could tell Sam was running out of excuses. “Try again.”

p; “Damn it, why do we have to talk about this? Ian and I are enjoying ourselves. Ian wants Shawn. I don’t see a problem with that.” Her brow furrowed. Was it weird that she didn’t have a problem with it? She didn’t think so, but most people probably would. She tried to sort out her jumbled thoughts. “Justina isn’t the type to play around. She’s going to spoil all our fun.”

  Chicklet didn’t say a word. She smirked, glancing over at White.

  Who was frowning at Sam. “I don’t understand. You have no problem with me and Pisch, but you’ve got an issue with him seeing another girl? Honey, don’t get attached to Pisch. He’s—”

  “Not into commitment. He won’t commit to you. He doesn’t even like me.” Okay, she kinda liked that Ian paid no attention to all the scheming, all the underhanded bullshit she couldn’t help but get wrapped up in, but she wished he could see how close he was to losing the man he was in love with. “When you told me you were with him, it wasn’t a big deal. Do you think she’ll be cool sharing him with you?”

  Ian lowered his gaze and shrugged. “I don’t know. But I don’t want you worrying about it. You can’t fix this, Sam.”

  “I can try.”

  He gave her a half smile. “I don’t think you trying is gonna help. I probably missed half of the shit that went down, because I’m not good with all this. But I know Pisch. Even if he’s not serious about that girl, he’s watching out for her. Be a good idea to leave her alone.”

  “One of the smartest things I’ve ever heard you say, White.” Chicklet took their half finished beer bottles, emptying them in the sink. “Now get out of here. And don’t keep him up too late, Sam. He’s got a game tomorrow. And you don’t wanna see how I handle things that get in between my boys and the game.”

  Fucking hockey. Sam almost rolled her eyes, but she wouldn’t test Chicklet’s patience again. Besides, she wanted to prove she fit in Ian’s life, so getting him home and making sure he was well rested for the game would probably earn her brownie points.

  Which she desperately needed.

  She bit her bottom lip and looked at Chicklet. “Can I have a hug so I know you ain’t still pissed?”


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