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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 40

by Bianca Sommerland

  When she woke up and still hadn’t heard from him, she started to worry. Waiting until 10 AM in case he’d slept in, she drove to his apartment. His car was there, so she knew he was home.

  But he didn’t answer the door for what seemed a very long time.

  Maybe she’d been wrong about him being home? She turned down the hall, wanting to text or call him again, but feeling silly. He might have gone for a walk. His phone might need charging or he was visiting a friend.

  His front door opened. He called out softly. “Justina?”

  Spinning around, she smiled at him. One look at his face and her stomach dropped. She crossed the hall in a few long strides, bringing her hand up to his face, afraid to touch him. There were cuts and bruises all over. He hadn’t sounded hurt when she’d talked to him last night.

  Freakin’ men, acting all tough. She sighed, wrapping her arms around him, grinding her teeth when he winced. “Damn it, why didn’t you tell me you’d gotten roughed up on the ice? I didn’t see you get in a fight, but I only caught bits of the game while I was watching my brother play.”

  “It didn’t happen on the ice.”

  “It didn’t…” Justina shook her head, confused. “Don’t you dare tell me you tripped.” She looked him over. “Damn it, Shawn, there are bruises on your neck! Did you get mugged?”

  “No.” Shawn drew her into the apartment, shutting and locking the door behind her. “Do you want a beer? I should probably explain a bit so you’ll understand.”

  A beer? Justina double then triple checked the time on her phone. It was only a little after ten. As far as she knew, Shawn wasn’t a big drinker. What the fuck was going on?

  “No, I don’t want a beer.” Justina took his hand, noting that his knuckles were swollen and bruised too. He had been in a fight. “Please come sit down. Tell me what happened.”

  They settled down on the sofa, facing one another. Shawn rubbed his scruffy jaw, staring at the floor. Then he swallowed hard. “I dated a football player in high school. It was a big secret—him being ‘straight’ and all. I was young and stupid, and he treated me like shit. But he was hot. Still is.” He let out a pain filled laugh. “He came down while we were playing the Leafs. Said he wanted to hook up. I turned him down at first, but last night…well, I let him come over. Things went south.”

  Bile flooded her throat. She inhaled roughly. “Shawn, did he… I mean, I can see he hurt you, but what else—”

  “He didn’t rape me. I gave consent. I just wanted to get it over with.” Shawn shrugged. “I figured he’d fuck me and go back to his life, but he was just as disgusted with himself as he used to be. My fault for being so irresistible.”

  Tears flooded her vision, but she blinked them away. “Shawn, you were there for Sahara when her ex came after her. This is—”

  “Very different.” Shawn’s tone hardened. “It’s over. He didn’t abuse me like Sahara’s boyfriend abused her.”

  Looking from the cut on Shawn’s forehead, to his split lip and the bruises all over his face, Justina couldn’t see how this was different at all. But Shawn needed support, not pressure.

  “Do you want to go to the hospital?”


  “All right.” She wasn’t giving up on getting him checked out, but for now, she’d focus on doing what she could. “Will you let me take care of you?”

  Pressing his eyes shut and leaning his head back on the sofa, Shawn didn’t say anything at first. Then he spoke so quietly, she could barely hear him. “I know we have an open relationship, Justina, but we’ve only ever discussed Ian. Why aren’t you pissed that I fucked my ex?”

  “I’m more pissed that you think that’s an issue right now.” Justina fisted her hands on her bent knees, not sure she was saying the right things, but absolutely positive there was no perfect way to handle a situation like this. “Do you want me here?”

  “Yes.” Shawn blinked fast, turning his head away from her. “Fuck, that’s the one thing I’m sure of. I should tell you to go, but I…I need you close. I need to know you don’t hate me.”

  Damn it, she wanted to hold him, but she was too afraid to hurt him. So she took his hand and lifted it to her lips. “I love you, Shawn. I started falling for you way before it was smart, but no regrets, right?”

  He let out a shaky laugh. “Maybe a few. You deserve better.”

  “Better than what? Better than a man who makes me happier than I’ve ever been? Than a man who’s shown me that the things I want aren’t as fucked up as I once believed?” She cocked her head. “You’re right. I should so totally go through dating a few assholes first.”

  “A lot of people will tell you I’m one of those assholes.”

  “And those people are wrong. You’re a better man than you know.” She ran her thumb carefully over the scabbed over flesh on his knuckles, silently hoping the fucker who’d hurt him looked a hell of a lot worst than he did. “People love you, Shawn. A lot of people. But they can get in line. You’re mine.”

  He smiled, wincing as though it was painful. Then he pulled her against his side. “I never liked all that possessive shit, but it sounds damn good, coming from you.”

  “Good.” She rested her hand on his thigh. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  They sat like that for a long time, just holding each other, Shawn seeming relaxed, just happy that she was there. Justina was happy to be there, but she hated how helpless she felt. She wanted to find the asshole who’d done this to Shawn and make sure he never even considered coming back. Or better yet, get the law involved and make sure it wasn’t an option.

  But even more, she wanted to talk to Ian. He would know far better than she what Shawn needed.

  Mentioning Ian brought all the tension back to Shawn’s body. He shook his head. “I’m not cutting his time with his grandmother short. I’m fine, sweetie. I promise.”

  He might believe that, but Justina didn’t. He put on a pretty good show. He offered to make tea, chuckling when she gave him a dirty look and went to make them both tea herself. While she was in the kitchen, she decided he was right. Ian was with his grandmother, and making him worry wouldn’t do anyone any good.

  No reason she couldn’t touch base though. Let him know he should call Shawn when he had a chance. They were kinda friends, so her texting him wouldn’t be weird.

  Justina: Hey! Thought I’d give you a shout! How’s the weather out West?

  Ian: Who the fuck is this?

  Justina frowned. That didn’t sound like Ian at all.

  Justina: Your best friend’s girlfriend? Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.

  Ian: Well, you are. Get a life. Ian’s busy.

  Ah, well that explained it. Sam had his phone. Wasn’t she just the sweetest thing? Justina put the tea in the mugs after the water boiled, taking her time thinking out her reply.

  Once both teas were ready, she typed it out then pressed send.

  Justina: I hope you and Ian are doing well. Please tell Ian I messaged him. You know how guys are, they won’t tell you when something’s wrong, but I think Shawn misses him.

  Ian: Right, because Shawn’s shy and can’t tell Ian himself.

  Justina: I get that you’ve been through a lot, but do you have to be a complete bitch?

  The second she sent the message, she wished she could take it back. She was just tired of Sam’s attitude. The girl acted like she owned Ian. He wasn’t a fucking prize, but he was a good man. One Sam could use. And had been using.

  Ian: I’m a bitch? You know what, you’re probably right. But at least I don’t pretend to be all sweet and innocent. You want a piece of me, you stupid slut? I’ll fuck you up.

  Justina: And this conversation is over. Have a great day, Sam.

  Tempted to throw her phone, Justina took a few long, steadying breaths. Thankfully, she hadn’t tried to tell Ian what was going on. Sam didn’t need to know something so personal about Shawn. The girl would probably find a way to use it against him.<
br />
  The only problem was, Justina wasn’t sure she could help him on her own. But who else could make a difference? Could actually convince him to go to a doctor without it being weird?

  She took a deep breath and called Sahara.

  “Hey, baby! How are you doing?” Sahara sounded breathless. “One second, Bran. I’ve got two hands. Kimber, use a freakin’ oven mitt!”

  In the background, Heath was yelling at his sister.

  “You sound busy.” Justina winced as Kimber called her brother every foul name she could think of, along with some she was sure the girl had made up. “Do you want me to call later?”

  “No, not like there’s a better time!” Sahara laughed. “Do you know Dominik is looking into adopting these kids? That man is insane. I love him so much.”

  Justina smiled. “He’s a great guy. But I thought Heath was their guardian.”

  “He is, but child services isn’t sure he can manage on his own. He’s got so much going on. He’s heading to Russia next week to do something with his old team. We’ve been talking to the kids’ caseworker and if Dominik adopts them, getting citizenship will go faster.” Sahara drew in a sharp breath. “We’re thinking of getting married so we can raise them together. His mother is over the moon!”

  “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you! Did he propose?”

  “Kinda? He can’t speak very well right now, but he wrote down the question. Like…as an ‘if’ he asked, would I be interested.” Sahara giggled. “I’m mean. I told him when he asks, he’ll get the answer. He’s working with a speech therapist and told me he’ll ask again when he sounds like himself.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m glad he’s doing better. I know you were scared for a bit.” Justina decided she probably shouldn’t dump her problems on Sahara. Not when the woman had finally gotten a break from her own. “I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  “You are the worst liar I’ve ever met.” Sahara chuckled. Her voice moved away from the phone. “Kimber, can you get him some juice? And Heath, stop acting like you’re five! I saw you pull her hair! Yes, I know you don’t like her cooking. Unless you can do better, stay out of the way!”

  Snickering, Justina stirred the tea. Much longer and it would get cold, but she missed talking to her friend. “Are you adopting Heath too?”

  “Seems like it sometimes!” Sahara’s tone shifted abruptly. “Nice try, Miss. How are things with you?”

  “Good.” Justina sighed when Sahara cleared her throat expectantly. “Fine. I’m worried about Shawn. He…he had a visitor. An ex. A really nasty one from the look of him. But…well, I tried to mention how he helped you, and he doesn’t see it as the same thing. So I don’t know what to do.”

  Sahara went quiet. And within seconds, Justina couldn’t hear the kids around her anymore. Her friend spoke softly. “That doesn’t surprise me. I think there’s a reason why Shawn took such good care of me, but guys are always told they have to be tough. Not that it’s good when it happens to anyone, but when a man is… Damn it, Justina. What did the guy do?”

  “I can’t tell you everything, Sahara. I trust you, but he’s very private.”

  “I know. Do you think he needs a doctor? Or a cop?”

  “Maybe?” Justina pressed her hand to her eyes. “I don’t think he’ll file a report, but I need to know he’ll be okay.”

  She could picture Sahara nodding. “Let me call Scott. He’s dealt with his own shit and he can visit all random. He told me a bit about his past and how he felt he couldn’t speak up because he’s a guy. Maybe they can find some common ground.”

  “But I have to tell Shawn he’s coming.”

  “Do you? Girl, you need to learn how to be a little sneaky when it’s for their own good. Make him something to eat. Check emails, make a few calls. Look busy.” Sahara’s tone took on a sly edge. “You can’t lie, but you can avoid the truth for a little bit.”

  “Okay. That I can do.” Justina grinned as she heard the kids again. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, that’s what friends are for. I’ve got you, babe.”

  After she hung up, Justina took Shawn his tea. Finished her own as she found a new movie On Demand. Then she decided to do some laundry. The stench of Shawn’s equipment bag was driving her nuts.

  “Leave it, Justina. I’ll deal with it later.”

  The pain in his tone tore at her heart, but she kept her own voice light. “Or I can deal with it now. Don’t argue with me, man of mine. Watch Superman destroy the city.”

  “I hate this asshole. Even though he’s hot.”

  “He’s not that hot. He’s too pretty.”

  Shawn barked out a laugh. “Ian’s said the exact same thing.”

  Smiling as she stuffed his uniform in the washing machine, Justina wondered how different things would be if Ian were here now. They could probably work together to get through to Shawn. Which was exactly what the man needed.

  There was a knock at the door. Justina hurried over to answer.

  Halfway off the sofa, bent over, clutching his ribs, Shawn rasped out. “Check who it is first.”

  She checked and grinned. “You have visitors.”

  Opening the door, she stepped aside to let in Demyan, Vanek, and Carter. Demyan held out his arms, hugging her tight.

  “Thank you, Justina. I’ve got him.” He kissed her cheek. “He’s lucky to have you.”

  “He may not agree.” Justina nibbled at her bottom lip as she watched Carter cross the room to sit beside Shawn.

  Cast on one arm, holding a wiggling thing in the other, Carter leaned down and set it on the sofa. “I got you a puppy. Or…well, I found it. And Bear doesn’t like it, so I figured it would be good with you.”

  “He’s such a liar!” Vanek petted the little bundle of fluff. “This is the third stray you’ve taken home this week. Ramos has him working at the local shelter. He took a cat home, and it was licking its lips and eyeing Jami and Ramos’ birds. Then he found a baby sparrow that was hurt. Which is with the vet. His man wouldn’t let him in the house with this little thing. He said, with a new baby on the way, the last thing they needed was another pet.”

  “Asshole.” Carter punched Vanek’s shoulder. “Thanks for spoiling that for me. I’m the dad. I should be the one telling people.”

  Vanek smirked. “True. And I so wanna be there when you tell Richter he’s gonna be a grandfather.”

  Demyan looked over his friends, shaking his head. “Do you really, Tyler? I’m pretty sure I wanna be far, far away.”

  Carter threw his head back, laughing, though he couldn’t quite hide the underlying fear. “Not like he’ll kill you two. This is all on me and Seb. Or…me or Seb? They’ll be both our kids either way.”

  Shawn’s eyes went wide. “They’ll be?”

  Justina knew that already, since Jami had called her, Sahara, and Akira right after the doctor’s appointment, but Shawn’s reaction was kinda funny.

  “She’s having twins. That’s why she’s been so sick.” Carter plunked down on the sofa. “She on all these special meds and vitamins, and she’s miserable. But happy. If that makes any sense.”

  “So, technically, you may each have a biological child with her.” Shawn tilted his head to one side, his lips curving at the edges. “Which is perfect.”

  Staring at him, Carter shook his head. “Dude, this isn’t sci-fi.”

  “No. It’s biology.” Shawn squeezed Carter’s shoulder, his other hand on the small dog. “Congratulations. And thank you. I was thinking about getting a dog, but I didn’t have time to visit the shelter. Does she have a name?”

  “Not that I know of. We literally just found her and took her to a local vet to see if she had a chip. You may wanna put up posters to see if someone lost her.” Carter focused on Shawn’s face. “Enough of that. Who do we need to kill?”

  Vanek held up a hand, clearing his throat. “Umm, dating a cop. Should not be hearing this.”

  “Fuck off, you know you’re feeling homicid
al, too.” Carter glanced over at Demyan. “Right?”

  Demyan met Shawn’s eyes. Shook his head. Then motioned to Carter and Vanek. “Go take the dog for a walk.”

  “We don’t have a leash.”

  Tossing Carter his keys, Demyan pointed at the door. “Go get one. And some food.”

  Lips parted, Vanek looked from Demyan to Carter.

  Carter grabbed Vanek’s arm, bent down to pick up the puppy, then walked out silently.

  Sitting on the edge of the living room table, Demyan faced Shawn. He said nothing for several, long moments. Then he rubbed his freshly shaven jaw. “Look, I get it. Shit went down and you don’t want to make a big deal about it. You’re Shawn ‘Easy’ Pischlar. You have complete control over everything.”

  One brow raised, Shawn gave Demyan a slanted smile. “Not everything. The speech includes not kicking my ass if you’re unhappy with my performance.”

  Justina hugged herself, not understanding how Shawn could joke about this.

  But Demyan seemed to. “In the fine print? Did you add that before or after the first time this asshole hit you?”

  Shawn’s smile faded.

  “I did some stupid shit when I thought I didn’t deserve any better. I lost friends. I almost lost Becky and Zach.” Demyan rubbed his thighs. “You need to get checked out. And you need to make sure the son of a bitch can’t come back for round two. You have no idea who might get caught in the crossfire.”

  Shoulders hunched, Shawn shook his head. “He went home. To Austria. He won’t come back.”

  Demyan’s jaw tensed. “I didn’t think my brother would come back. And he almost killed both Zach and Tyler.”

  “Shit.” Shawn brought a hand up to the back of his neck, dropping his gaze. “I didn’t know.”

  “Of course you didn’t. And if I hadn’t gone through lots of therapy, you still wouldn’t know. I was a boy. Boys don’t get sexually abused.” Demyan shuddered, the color leaving his face. “At least, that’s what I used to believe. I saw things differently when I looked at Zach’s nephew. When I considered any of the shit that happened to me happening to…”


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