Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8 Page 41

by Bianca Sommerland

  He swallowed hard, and Justina wanted to hug him. She knew exactly why Sahara had sent him now. This was difficult for him to open up about, but he was in the perfect position to get through to Shawn.

  Taking hold of Demyan’s hands, Shawn leaned forward. “What happened to you…damn it, Scott, it was wrong. You don’t have to tell me more if you don’t want to, but don’t ever doubt that it was very wrong.”

  Demyan gave Shawn a tight smile. “Why am I sure I’m about to hear ‘but’?”

  “I’m an adult.”

  “Yes, you are.” Demyan freed one hand, bringing it up to the cut on Shawn’s head. To the dark bruise on his cheek. Then to the split in his lip. “What if someone did this to White? He’s fucking tough. Hell, he should be able to fight anyone off, right? If he couldn’t, maybe he got what was coming to him.”

  “Fuck you, Scott.” Shawn growled, jerking away from Demyan and pushing to his feet.

  Letting out a tired laugh, Demyan stood. “Not until you’re in better shape, pal. Don’t you have a party to plan?”

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re a pushy son of a bitch?”

  “Not lately.”

  “I don’t want to report this.”

  “Then don’t. But this sweet thing is worried about you.” Demyan brushed Justina’s hair off one shoulder, shooting Shawn a sly smile as he leaned close and kissed her cheek. “Either you pull yourself back together and comfort her, or someone else will.”

  Shawn’s eyes narrowed. “Did your man let you off your leash?”

  “Hell no, I happen to love my leash.” Demyan chuckled. “He’s only lengthened it a little.”

  Moving closer to her, Shawn eyed Demyan as though he wasn’t sure what to make of the other man. And Justina wasn’t sure what to make of Shawn’s possessive behavior. She didn’t mind it, exactly, but it wasn’t like him.

  Wrapping and arm around his waist, she frowned at Demyan. “Be nice, or I won’t let you play with my man.”

  “I don’t think he needs to play with anyone right now, honey.” The playfulness left Demyan’s tone. “I think he needs you.”

  “He has me.”

  “He is grateful for that.” Shawn pressed his lips to her hair. Then he shook his head. “And for you both forcing me to face how stupid I’m being. I just…damn it, I don’t get to live like I do, and then bitch when things go bad.”

  “You’re so fucking wrong about that, Easy.” Demyan grabbed Shawn’s shoulder and gave him a hard look. “You’re a Dom. You know better. Those rules you use at the club to keep subs safe apply to you too.”

  Rubbing her arm, as though needing to feel her there, Shawn inclined his head. “Got it. Can you stay here?” He paused as Vanek and Carter stumbled through the front door, arms full of puppy and dog food and what looked like enough toys for a dog kennel. “Make sure the children don’t wreck the place?”

  “Dude, why do people keep calling us that?” Carter dumped the supplies in his arms on the living room table. “I’m responsible enough to be a dad. Which makes me an adult.”

  Vanek snorted. “Your dick gets hard, that’s how you became a dad. The rest? We’ll see.”

  Carter gave him the finger.

  And Justina took the opportunity to tow Shawn out of the apartment as Demyan gestured for them to go.

  In the car, on the way to the hospital, Shawn rested one hand on her knee as she drove, quiet at first. Then he laughed suddenly. “I don’t think anyone’s ever managed to handle me so well. You may not have noticed, but I’m a little stubborn.”

  “A little?” Justina rolled her eyes. “I was starting to think I’d need to use restraints.”

  “That’s hot.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “Threaten me with a strap-on next. A great big one.” Shawn wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she giggled. “Please?”

  “Behave yourself and I’ll think about it.” The tightness in her chest loosened. He still looked roughed up, but not so broken. “Shawn, can I tell you something?”

  “Anything, pet.” Shawn looked over at the hospital as she pulled into the paid parking area. “Damn it, this is going to suck.”

  “I love you. I need you to know that.”

  “I love you too…is this where you say goodbye?” Shawn fisted his hands against his lap. “Because I get it. You should—”

  “You should shut up. I love you. That’s it. No fucking conditions. No chains, no limits.” She got out of the driver’s seat, slamming the door behind her, slowing her pace halfway across the lot when she realized he was having trouble keeping up. “Question me about that again and I’m going to find a Domme to teach me some tricks.”

  He didn’t find that as funny as she’d hoped. “Unfortunately, that’s exactly how Sam is trying to keep Ian.”

  Really? Well, we’ll just see about that. Justina ground her teeth. “Looks like I’m gonna have my hands full between the two of you. Sounds like fun.”

  “Annnd now I’m going to see the doctor with a hard on.” Shawn clucked his tongue and winked at her. “Still love me?”

  Justina laughed, gently shoving him through the automatic doors before he could stall any longer. “Always.”

  Chapter 35

  Tucking his grandmother into bed, Ian stood in her room for a bit, just watching her sleep, letting the day play over in his mind. He felt horrible, because Sam had seemed bored for the most part. He’d spent a lot of time talking to nurses and doctors. They hadn’t even gotten to see his grandmother their first day here.

  She was going through a new treatment and needed her rest. But at least she’d recognized him. She’d been so happy to meet Sam.

  Which made him happy, but he couldn’t help feel like something was up. Sam had been on his phone a few times with her brother. She didn’t want to talk about what was going on, but he hoped it was just because they were still at the nursing home. Once they got back to the hotel, he’d get her to talk.

  Only, he didn’t have to wait that long.

  In the cab, on the way there, she broke down in tears. “I’m a fucking horrible person. I’m so sorry!”

  “Hey, I’m sure it can’t be—”

  “Shawn’s in the hospital.”

  The weight of her words hit him like a hunk of lead dropping on his chest. He leaned forward and patted the driver’s seat. “Change of plans. Take me to the airport.”

  “Ian, your grandmother—”

  “How long have you known, Sam?” He wanted to hit something when she looked away from him. She’d forgotten to pay her own phone bill, so he hadn’t minded letting her use his cell. He would have paid for hers, but she didn’t want the money. No fucking wonder. He fought to keep his tone level. “How. Long?”

  “Since yesterday. They kept him overnight because he showed signs of a concussion.” She winced when he slammed his fist into the door. “I’m sorry. I just…you were waiting to see your grandmother and I didn’t want you upset.”

  “So you lied to me?” Ian couldn’t wrap his head around it. He covered his face with his hands. “Fuck, you talked to Luke. He told you, didn’t he? You said he was worried about telling Richter about the baby.”

  “He is!” Sam hugged herself, tears trailing down her cheeks. “That was true.”

  “Why, Sam? You kept saying you were fine with everything. But you aren’t.”

  “Yes, I am, but he’s winning. He’ll always win!” Her lips thinned. “For the first time, you chose me, and I liked it, okay?”

  Damn it, he didn’t know her at all, did he? “So this had nothing to do with my grandmother.”

  “What if it didn’t? Are you going to break up with me because I was tired of coming in second?” She glared at him, like he was the one who’d fucked up. “I should have known you’d choose him.”

  Inhaling slowly, Ian shook his head. “He didn’t make me choose, Sam. You did.”

  The cab pulled up in front of the airport. Ian handed the driver his credit ca
rd to pay for the ride then headed in, not even looking to see if Sam followed. Part of him felt guilty about being so cold to her, but he’d given her everything. Done his best to make her happy. And now his best friend was hurt, and she’d kept it from him because she saw this all as some kind of game she’d do anything to win.

  Waiting as the airline agent searched for the next available flight, Ian sensed Sam beside him. He sighed, not finding it in him to just ditch her.

  “They think they can find me a seat, but two will be tough. The hotel is covered for a few days. I’ll get you the next available flight after mine.” He pressed two fingers to the sore spot between his eyes. “I’m sorry things went to hell.”

  “But it’s over, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” And fuck, he felt like shit about that too. But he couldn’t stay with her. He couldn’t trust her, and he wasn’t sure he was helping her, no matter how much he tried. She needed more than he had to give. “I was stupid about this thing between us. You were trying to be the right girl for me, I was trying to be the right man for you, and none of it was real, was it?”

  “I think you were, Ian.” Sam wiped away the last of her tears. “I was hoping I could be good enough for you, because you’re a great man. But this was going to happen eventually. You were going to see who I really am.”

  “You couldn’t hide who you really were the whole time, Sam.” He held out his arms, letting out a breath of relief as she let him hold her. “And I liked the girl I saw.”

  “But you were never in love with me?” Sam shook her head before he could answer, putting her finger over his lips. “It’s okay. I don’t think I was in love with you either. I was in love with the idea of having someone actually care about me.”

  “I still do.”

  The airline agent came over, handing him a ticket. “Since you have no luggage, I was able to get you on a flight leaving in less than an hour. But you’ll have to hurry to the gate, they’re about to start boarding.”

  “Won’t be a problem, but can you get her on the next available flight? First class.” He ruffled Sam’s hair. “This girl deserves the best. And one day, she’ll find it.”

  Once he’d secured Sam’s ticket, he took off at a run, slowing only long enough to get through security before he was off again. He made it just in time to avoid dirty looks from the flight attendants.

  Seven hours later, he grabbed a cab, his whole body stiff and sore from the two long flights, but feeling a bit better after talking to Luke. Shawn was home now. With Justina. According to Luke, she was the only reason he’d gone to the hospital.

  I could kiss that girl.

  Yeah, he probably could, but that would be weird. He’d just broken up with Sam. And he hardly knew Justina.

  What he did know made him like her a lot. While he’d been with Sam, completely clueless to how she actually felt about him and Shawn, Justina had been solid and steady for his man.

  Or, well, her man. She’d never had to play games. She knew exactly where she stood.

  She was flirting with you. Maybe Sam wasn’t the only one playing games.

  Handing the cabbie a twenty, Ian stepped onto the curb and took a deep breath. Damn it, could he really trust anyone?

  Shawn. I trust Shawn. Nothing—no one—will ever change that.

  He reached the front door. Used his key to open it.

  His key slipped from his hand as he got a good look at Shawn. He looked like he’d been cracked in the face with a big fist. More than once. “Who did it? Tell me who and he’s a dead man.”

  The detective sitting in a kitchen chair across from the sofa, who looked vaguely familiar, shot Ian an amused look. “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

  Shawn stood, moving toward him slowly. “What are you doing here?”

  Ian crossed the distance, cupping Shawn’s face in his hands. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “You were with your grandmother.”

  “So? She totally understood me coming back. She knows you’re my best friend. She raised me to take care of what’s mine.” Probably the wrong thing to say to Shawn, but Ian couldn’t stop himself. “Sorry, Justina. I hope you don’t mind sharing.”

  “Not at all.” Justina grinned, as though seeing him and Shawn together made her happy. “I was going to call you, but he forbade it. I am very good at doing what I’m told.”

  Chuckling, Shawn glanced over his shoulder at her. “Yes. Which explains why the cop is here.”

  “Detective.” The man muttered, not looking up from his notepad. “And you’re both very lucky I don’t hold a grudge. I’ve heard far more about you both than I ever wanted to know.”

  With a cocky smirk on his lips, Shawn leaned into Ian. “You hadn’t claimed the boy yet. I make no apologies.”

  The boy? Ian’s brow furrowed. What were they talking about?

  “Clearly.” The detective finished writing then stood. “Unfortunately, I can’t promise much will come of this, but there may be enough evidence, combined with you being high profile, to issue a warrant. Which means if he tries to come back to Canada, he’ll be arrested.”

  “That works for me.” Shawn rolled his shoulders and sighed. “Thank you, Detective Hamilton.”

  “You’re welcome, Pischlar.” The detective held out his hand. “I’m sorry this happened to you, but you did the right thing. Take care of yourself.” He touched his forehead and nodded at Justina. “Miss Davis.”

  “Oh shit!” It abruptly hit Ian where he remembered the cop from. “You’re the dude that was a complete asshole about Richards’ missing bike. Only…there was no bike.”

  “Figured that out all on your own, did you?” Detective Hamilton smirked. “Stay out of trouble now, you hear? Seems like you got your ankle monitor off early because of good behavior. I’d hate to be the ‘asshole’ forced to fit you with another one.”

  Yeah…calling a cop an asshole wasn’t smart. Ian flashed the man his most innocent smile. “I’ll be on my best behavior, sir. I’ve no intention of being arrested more than once this year.”

  Hamilton shook his head. “This year? Damn, sounds promising. Enjoy the rest of your day, folks.”

  Once the man was gone, they all got comfortable on the coach, Ian on one side of Shawn, Justina on the other. And then there was a fluffy thing, which hopped over Ian to curl up in Shawn’s lap.

  Ian stared at it. “What the hell is that?”

  “She is my new dog.” Shawn looked down at the white ball of fluff fondly, stroking her fur. “Her name is Edelweiss.”


  “It’s a white flower.” The edges of Shawn’s lips twitched. “Fitting, I think.”

  Damn it, I was gone too long. The man’s lost his mind. Ian rubbed his jaw, glad he’d shaved before going to his grandmother’s. Shawn didn’t need two hairy creatures in his life.

  He cleared his throat. “So let me get this straight. You got a tiny little purse dog and named it after a flower? That’s really—”

  Shawn’s brow rose. “Gay?”

  “That’s not what I was going to say. But why not a big dog? This one can’t protect you from anything bigger than a mouse.” Ian laughed as the dog stretched across Shawn’s legs and licked Ian’s hand. “She’s cute though.”

  “She doesn’t need to protect me.”

  “Someone needs to. You still haven’t told me exactly what happened.” Ian kept his attention on the dog. For some reason, seeing her all sweet and cuddling with Shawn made it easier to remain calm, despite how much he wanted to stand up and shout. Not at Shawn, but at the situation.

  Sighing, Shawn picked up the puppy and placed her in Ian’s lap. He stood and began to pace the room, hands laced behind his neck. “Remember that guy I told you about? My ex from when I was a teen…the one we ran into in Toronto?”

  The fucker… Ian handed Justina the puppy and rose slowly. “He came after you?”

  “I invited him over. Let him fuck me.” Shawn stopped to stare o
ut the window. “In return I got several bruises ribs, ten stitches, and a mild concussion. Sounds like a fair trade.”

  Fist clenched at his sides, Ian inhaled roughly as red flashed across his vision. His whole body shook with rage. “He’s a dead man.”

  “He’s alive and well and far, far away. You’re here. I’d prefer to focus on that.” Shawn’s tone was strained, but Ian knew him well enough to get that he wanted the subject dropped.

  Swallowing back the urge to describe all the things he wanted to do to the piece of shit who’d hurt his man, Ian moved up behind Shawn, carefully wrapping his arms around his waist.

  He pressed his lips to Shawn’s throat. “I’m here. And I’m not fucking leaving you again. Ever.”


  “Shawn.” Ian used his teeth this time, grazing them over the hot flesh where his lips had touched. “What do I need to do? Name it. I’m not with Sam anymore. I dropped everything and came home. I’ll get my agent to call a fucking press conference if you need me to tell the damn world.”

  “You decided all this right this minute, didn’t you?” Shawn slanted his head to the side, shooting Ian an amused smile. “How about you consider all this when you’re not feeling sorry for me?”

  True, Ian hadn’t thought over the press thing, or making any declarations, but all the thinking had been what kept them apart for so long. He didn’t want to stop and consider what was simple, or easy, or how anyone would look at him if he admitted to being in love with Shawn. He was fucking tired of all the reasons why what they had couldn’t last.

  It was about time he started coming up with some that proved that they could.

  “I didn’t fall in love with you when I saw the bruises, Shawn. Or when I found out how fucking good it feels to fuck you. None of that changes what was already there.” Ian rested his chin on Shawn’s shoulder. “I started to fall for you the first time you explained a joke to me in the locker room without making me feel stupid for not getting it. You owned a piece of my heart the first time you took my hand on a flight when I was scared. The rest belonged to you the moment you talked me down from jumping in a fight on the ice.”


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