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Page 7

by Smith, Carla Susan

  Felicity was filled with a serenity that only women who are blessed with carrying new life possess. It is a feeling universal to all, yet still unique to each prospective mother. She had been disappointed on arriving at Pelham Manor to find that Catherine was not there, but accepted her mother’s insight regarding her friend’s absence. It was generally agreed the only way for Catherine and Rian to resolve the stalemate between them was to spend time together. Even Felicity’s father agreed, and besides, it wasn’t as if they would be completely alone. Oakhaven had almost as many servants as Pelham.

  However, whatever the outcome with Rian, Felicity had expected Catherine to return the next day. Concern became her companion as the hours passed with no sign of either her friend or her brother-in-law. It was not relieved until an Oakhaven groom, returning the borrowed horse, informed them that Catherine had made no mention of returning to Pelham Manor.

  “Is that a good sign, do you suppose?” Felicity asked her mother, unable to keep the worry from her face.

  “I think it is a very good sign,” Emily answered reassuringly. “Let them be, daughter. If they are meant for one another, then allow them the time they need to discover it for themselves.”

  A discreet note to Mrs. Hatch requesting further reassurance had brought a reply that was brief, almost to the point of rudeness. The housekeeper informed her mistress that Catherine appeared in good health, and everyone enjoyed having her back at Oakhaven. Whether that included Rian, Mrs. Hatch did not say.

  “Were this written in any other hand but Mrs. Hatch’s, I would be concerned,” Felicity said, waving the paper at her husband.

  “Why is that, my love?” Liam chose not to point out to his wife that she was already concerned.

  “Mrs. Hatch has corresponded with me many times before, and this is most definitely not her normal tone of communication.” She blew out an irritated breath. “There’s something she’s not saying.”

  Taking the note from Felicity’s outstretched hand, Liam quickly scanned the contents. “She says Catherine is well and everyone enjoys having her back.” Confusion knotted his brow as he glanced up from the parchment. “What else is she to say?”

  “What’s she’s obviously not telling me,” Felicity replied testily.

  Liam sighed. He did not pretend to understand how women thought, and now that the most important woman in his life was with child, he had the distinct impression that he was going to comprehend that process even less. Wisely he decided to offer no further comment on the letter.

  Needless to say, Emily and Charles had been delighted with the news of their first grandchild, and it had taken very little persuasion to make their daughter and son-in-law extend their visit. Felicity enjoyed being made a fuss of, and Liam took the opportunity to share with his father-in-law some ideas for the inevitable merger between the two estates.

  But they had been gone now for almost two weeks, and it was time to return home. Liam had duties at Oakhaven requiring his attention, while Felicity was eager to make ready the nursery. And scold Catherine for her continued silence.

  * * * *

  A quick search of both the stables and library, two of Catherine’s favorite places, did not reveal her presence, but the hour was still early enough that Felicity reasoned her friend might still be getting dressed, or even abed. After tapping lightly on the door, she entered Catherine’s bedroom and stopped, her hand still on the knob as she stared in dismay at the room’s shocking state of disarray. Clothes spilled out of half-open dresser drawers with stockings and petticoats tossed carelessly on the floor. Dismay turned to unease. Catherine was by nature a tidy person, and this disastrous mess was not the result of her hand.

  Making her way to the dressing table, she noticed the rosewood box that held Catherine’s ribbons and combs was missing, as was her hairbrush. Pursing her lips, Felicity looked carefully about the rest of the room, trying to determine what else was out of place. Something nagged at her, but it wasn’t until she was on her second sweep that realized what it was. How could she not have noticed? While the rest of the room looked as if a small hurricane had passed through it, the bed remained immaculate. Neatly made and obviously not slept in. The furniture refused to divulge the whereabouts of the room’s occupant or reveal what had taken place within these walls.


  The thought of her roguish brother-in-law galvanized Felicity into action. Picking up her skirts, she hurried down the hall to his room. Intuition told her that somehow the disaster in Catherine’s room was his fault. She had no idea how he was involved, but he had best answer her questions to her satisfaction or else, firstborn or not, he would feel the lash of her tongue!

  The man in question had just finished fastening his breeches when Felicity threw open the door to his room and stormed in. He looked at her first with surprise, and then consternation at her obvious agitation. “Felicity?” The high spots of color on her cheeks were an obvious sign of her current distress, and he wondered what could have upset his mild-mannered sister-in-law. “Where’s Liam?” he asked, reaching for his shirt.

  “Who? Oh, he’s about somewhere…” Felicity answered with a distracted wave of her hand.

  “I see.” Rian slipped his arms into the sleeves of the shirt and began fastening the buttons. He noticed, with some amusement, that Felicity had just registered his state of near undress. The flush on her cheeks deepened, but it seemed that anger superseded any embarrassment she might be feeling as she took a step toward him.

  Seeing her hands curled into fists, Rian wondered what Liam had done to cause this rare mood in his wife. He had never seen her so distraught, and it really was most unfair that his brother’s doltish insensitivity would make his wife direct her anger at him. Deciding a private conversation with his sibling was necessary, Rian resolved to make it happen soon.

  “What have you done with Catherine?” Felicity demanded in an accusatory tone. “Is she well?”

  “Catherine is in the best of health,” Rian replied, hoping his own composure would counteract Felicity’s agitation. He finished buttoning his shirt and straightened the cuffs before looking at her. “Why do you suppose that I have done anything with her?”

  The color in Felicity’s cheeks was beginning to fade, but Rian noticed she did not look him in the eye. Instead her gaze was fixed on a point just beyond his left shoulder. “I was just in her room…” she began.

  “And?” Raising a quizzical brow, Rian folded his arms across his chest. He knew in all likelihood he would catch hell for this later. If not from the woman in front of him, then most definitely his brother, but he couldn’t help himself. It was a rare thing to fluster Felicity, and he was going to enjoy the moment.

  “I can’t find her!” Felicity wailed. “She isn’t in her room.” The fists unclenched so Felicity could wring her hands instead. “You don’t understand. The mess, there are clothes thrown everywhere.”

  Rian rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, well that’s really my fault, you see—”

  “And her bed!”

  “What about her bed?” Rian asked suspiciously.

  “It hasn’t been slept in, that’s what!” The tremulous waver in Felicity’s voice was a clear indication her anxiety was beginning to climb.

  “Oh, is that all.”

  “Is that all!” Felicity’s voice was well within shrieking range. “Is that—” she stopped and shifted her focus, suddenly no longer afraid to look him in the eye. “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  “Knew what?” Holding his hands out in a gesture of surrender, Rian feigned innocence. How long would Felicity insist on pursuing this line of questioning before the truth dawned on her?

  “Catherine. You already knew she hadn’t slept in her bed, didn’t you?”

  “Um, yes, actually I was aware of that.” He dropped his hands to his sides, powerless to prevent the grin that tu
gged relentlessly at the corners of his mouth. Apparently Felicity was going to make him spell it out for her, and he was more than willing to oblige, but before he could say a word, she closed the distance between them, and poked him hard in the chest with her forefinger.

  “Well, where is she?” Felicity demanded. “What is it you’re not telling me? Why didn’t Catherine sleep in her own bed?” Each question was punctuated with a hard jab at Rian’s sternum.

  “Because I’m sleeping in his.”

  The small, familiar voice came from behind her, and Felicity, finger poised in mid-jab, turned her head slowly to see Catherine sitting in the middle of Rian’s bed. The sheet she held tightly about her, coupled with her disheveled appearance, left no doubt what she was doing there. From the moment she’d stepped into the room, the Mistress of Oakhaven had given her attention to only one person. It never crossed her mind that Rian might not be alone. She now stared at Catherine, who was guiltily trying to smooth her unruly hair with her fingers. Felicity’s mouth fell open, and for a moment she was thunderstruck, but then she quickly regained her composure and turned back to face her brother-in-law.

  “As you can see for yourself, Catherine is quite well,” he said quietly.

  “Yes…as I can see. Please accept my apologies, Rian.”

  She turned and gave Catherine a bewildered look before exiting the room with as much dignity and self-control as she could muster. It didn’t stop the sound of Rian’s rich chuckle from reaching her through the closed door.

  * * * *

  Liam was alarmed to discover his wife seated in the drawing room with a very large glass of port wine in her hand. “Felicity, darling, is that good for the baby?” he asked, kneeling before her.

  She took a small sip. “Oh, I don’t think it will hurt. Mama said it would be quite all right.” Her manner was distracted and she sound vague.

  Taking the glass from her hand, Liam placed it on the table out of reach. “I don’t think she intended that you drink it for breakfast.”

  “Hmmm, what?”

  The look she wore told him her mind was elsewhere. Liam took her hand in his. Something was obviously troubling his wife. “Darling, is everything all right? Did you find Catherine?”

  “Oh yes.” She looked at him and blinked, owlishly, “And it’s the most extraordinary thing, Liam.”

  “What is, sweetheart?”

  “She was with Rian.”

  Noticing the flush on his wife’s cheeks, along with the drops of perspiration beading her upper lip, Liam frowned. He would have thought the news that Rian and Catherine were together would be an occasion for joy. Wasn’t this what they had been hoping for? The past two weeks here at Oakhaven must have done the trick, giving the obstinate couple a reason to seek each other’s company, and to discover they shared enough similarities on which to build a relationship. So why wasn’t his darling wife as pleased with this news as she ought to be?

  “Catherine and Rian were together,” he repeated. “Isn’t that a good thing, sweetheart?”

  As if realizing he had failed to read between the lines, Felicity tugged on her husband’s hand, making certain she had his full attention. “Catherine was in Rian’s room,” she told him. “In his bed!” she hissed.

  The younger Conner didn’t know whether to be shocked or overjoyed. Far be it from him to tell his older brother how to conduct himself. He might be more than a little perturbed by his wife’s statement, but he knew Rian well enough to know if Catherine was in his bed, she was there of her own free will.

  “Liam!” Felicity hissed under her breath as she tightened her grip on his hand. “What are we going to do?”

  Unsure of what they could do, Liam was saved from giving a response by the entrance of the very people they were discussing. He got to his feet as Catherine came toward him, automatically bending down to kiss her cheek.

  “It is nice to have you both home again,” Catherine told him, before returning his affection. Felicity, however, still seemed to be in a dazed state as Catherine bent down and kissed her.

  There followed a heavy, awkward silence. Catherine and Rian positively reeked of guilt while Felicity appeared embarrassed and Liam simply confused. For a full minute they all stared at each other. Felicity occupied with twisting a handkerchief between her fingers, while Catherine attempted to smooth down her hastily put together coiffure. The Connor men just looked at each other, indulging in some private form of communication.

  “We’re having a baby!” Liam suddenly blurted out.

  “A baby!”

  “How wonderful!”

  “Congratulations, old man, when?”

  And then, as three pairs of eyes turned toward her, Felicity burst into tears.

  “I c-c-c-can’t seem to stop c-c-c-crying!” she wailed miserably, hiding her face in her hands.

  It wasn’t Liam, but Rian who went to her. Pulling her gently to her feet, he held her in his arms, cradling her head against his shoulder, stroking her hair as she wept.

  “There, there, it will pass, I promise,” he said, keeping his arms around her until the worst of her crying was over.

  Gently he sat her back down on the couch next to Catherine. Both women stared at each other for a moment before Felicity suddenly pulled Catherine into her arms, which initiated another bout of noisy weeping. Their husbands retreated to a discreet distance across the room.

  “How long do you suppose this will last?” Liam asked, slightly alarmed. He was positive his wife had wept more this past week than the rest of her entire life.

  “For me it is already over, but as for you, little brother, this will get worse before it gets better. You have my word on that,” Rian assured him.

  A sudden wave of melancholy came over Liam as he recalled the reason behind his brother’s certainty, but he remained silent. This was not the time or place to discuss so painful a moment from the past. Taking the same chair Felicity had occupied earlier, Rian now moved it toward the couch and sat down. Felicity and Catherine had their arms about each other’s waists and they looked up at him, a matching set of wet cheeks and slightly red noses.

  “Felicity, please accept my apologies for my manner toward you this morning. Had I known, I would not have teased you.” He leaned forward so he could take her free hand in both of his. “And please believe me when I say Catherine wanted to tell you and Liam right away. I was the one being selfish. I wanted to keep her to myself for just a little bit longer.”

  Over Rian’s shoulder, Felicity gave her husband a confused look. The clarity she was seeking was not to be found as Liam appeared just as baffled as she. For a moment she wondered if this was one of her duties as mistress of the house, being informed when assignations of an intimate nature took place under her roof. If that were so, it was a duty she would relinquish immediately. “What is it you wanted to tell us?” she asked, nervously.

  “That we’re married,” Catherine said softly, shyly holding out her hand so they could see for themselves the plain gold band on her finger. The large diamond had been put aside for the time being.

  “Married? Did you know about this?” Felicity asked as she turned pale and shot her husband an accusing look.

  “No one knew Felicity,” Rian said. “Everything happened very quickly.”

  “When?” she demanded.

  “The morning after Catherine came back to me,” Rian answered softly. And he went on to tell them how Reverend Hastings happened to be visiting, and agreed to marry them that afternoon.

  “Were you at least married in the chapel?” Liam inquired, happy to see Catherine’s nod.

  “It was beautiful,” she told him.

  “But we should have been there,” Felicity wailed.

  “I know and I am so sorry,” Catherine said, putting her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “But we couldn’t wait. I couldn’t wait,”
she added softly, seeing a gleam of understanding shine in the new mother’s eyes.

  “Who stood up for you?”

  “The entire household I think,” Rian said with a rueful grin as he remembered the sound of shuffling feet followed by some belligerent whispers as toes were trampled and ribs elbowed.

  “Well, that’s alright then.”

  At that moment Mrs. Hatch came into the room, followed by a maid carrying the inevitable tea tray. “Oh, Master Liam, Miss Felicity, how nice you have returned,” she said, gesturing to the maid to place the tray on the table. The sound of Felicity blowing her nose brought a worried look to the housekeeper’s face. She could see her mistress was on the verge of tears again.

  Liam waited until the maid had left before addressing his housekeeper in his best Master-of-the-House voice. “Mrs. Hatch, is there anything you wish to tell us, an event that we should be made aware of perhaps?”

  She looked carefully at the faces in the room, gave Felicity a sympathetic smile, and then sighed with relief. She didn’t like keeping secrets. “No, Master Liam, I imagine, from Miss Felicity’s demeanor, you have already been made aware of what has happened.” A glance encompassed Rian and Catherine. “But if I may be so bold, I’d like to say it’s well past time, though I daresay many a heart will be broken once it is known he is wed.”

  “I doubt that,” Rian muttered with a snort.

  “His only saving grace,” the housekeeper continued with a smile, “is his choice of bride. I could have wished for no other.”

  Felicity dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief before saying, “Mrs. Hatch, I must applaud your skill at keeping such a confidence.”

  “If you please, I didn’t want to keep it from you, but Master Rian tricked me into promising before I had a chance to think.”

  Rian managed not to wilt beneath the housekeeper’s disapproving look.

  “Well, he does have that way about him, doesn’t he?” Felicity noted.

  Looking at the teacup in his hand, Liam addressed Oakhaven’s housekeeper. “Mrs. Hatch, you might want to get a bottle or two of wine so all the staff can share in our good news.”


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