Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3)

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Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3) Page 12

by Scarlett Sanderson

  Feeling nervous, she pushed back her wet hair. “What now?”

  Bastien tugged her lower lip between his teeth, sucked gently. “Now we do that all over again in the tub.”

  He climbed in with her. As water sloshed over the sides, she thought there was no better way to spend their day off.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dana hummed to herself as she flipped the sign to open. Bitter Sweet was doing exceptionally well. Bastien was in the kitchen cooking up another batch of amazing goodies.

  Her body tightened as she thought of the hunky baker. Her knees weakened slightly and she felt a delicious ache between her thighs. She’d been thoroughly used over the weekend. Although her body ached, she couldn’t be happier.

  Yeah, she was gaga over Bastien Berkley. Hook, line and sinker.

  Speak of the devil.

  He came out of the kitchen wearing his trademark jeans, t-shirt and white apron speckled with chocolate and fruit. His dirty, blond hair slightly longer now than when he’d walked into her store. She liked it like this, loved fisting her hands in it as he tongued her pussy.

  He held up a plate and said, “Here, try this.”

  She glanced at the dark brown cupcake concoction. “What is it?”

  “Sticky toffee cupcake.”

  She snapped her gaze to his. “Are you serious?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Sticky toffee pudding was her favorite desert, the love of it handed down to her by her English grandmother. Dana broke a piece off and tested it.

  “Oh my god,” she moaned in between chews. The flavors of treacle, brown sugar and dates burst across her tongue. It was rich, decadent and succulent. “That’s amazing.”

  As she swallowed, Bastien leaned down, grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked, exposing the line of her neck. He swooped down and ran his tongue up the delicate column before kissing her. She curled her fingers into his apron and held on as the passion between them rose to boiling point.

  Bastien pulled away and whispered in her ear. “Hearing you moan makes me so fucking hard. I just want to pin you against the door and fuck you till you scream.”

  “I wouldn’t complain,” she said a little breathless.

  He shook his head. “No, Dana. You’re the boss here and I don’t want the morning regulars seeing your pretty pussy. That’s all mine. You’ll have to wait until later.”

  And with that he let her go, stalked back into the kitchen, left her hot, horny and soaking wet.

  He flashed her a hot smile before he disappeared from view.

  Damn him.

  The bell jangled and she silently cursed. She was having that fucking bell removed. Instead of showing her irritation, she pasted on a smile and greeted her first customer of the day.

  * * * * *

  Three hours later the morning rush died down. She’d have chance to start on the monthly accounting paperwork that she’d been neglecting.

  The bell chimed again and Daniel sauntered in. His impeccable grey suit tailored to fit his body like a glove. His expensive Italian shoes clicked on the hardwood flooring. The package was very well put together, but underneath the polish he was a grade A asshole. She had no idea what she’d ever seen in him.

  “Good morning, Dana. Thought I’d come check out your new venture. You’ve been getting rave reviews.”

  She wanted to smack the smug smile right off his perfectly moisturized and tanned face.

  “Now you’ve seen it.” Her defenses locked into place. She wouldn’t kid herself he was here to offer support. He was a snake who only cared about himself.

  “Tut-tut, you should be friendlier to paying customers.”

  She didn’t have time for his games. “Cut the bullshit, Daniel. What do you want?”

  He slid onto one of the stools and put his elbows on the counter. “I came to talk about us.”

  She blinked. Frowned. “Us?”

  “Seeing you at Decadence the other night made me realize there might be things about you I failed to appreciate when we were together. I came to offer you a deal. Why not have a little fun with each other. Explore the…” he licked his lips and eyed her breasts, “delights we never got chance to.”

  She couldn’t believe what he was saying, especially after the way he’d treated her. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No. We had a good run when we were together. Shame it ended the way it did.”

  She flashed him a droll look. “Because I caught you with your dick in some bimbo?”

  “That bimbo is soon to be my wife.” He picked at some invisible lint on his cuffs. “If I’d have known you were into kink, I’d have asked you to join us. So what do you say? A little fun every now and again for old time’s sake? As I said at our last meeting, you always did have the best tits.”

  She could not believe the gall of him. He couldn’t be faithful to her when they were together. Now he wanted her to be his piece on the side?

  She grit her teeth. “Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my store.”

  “Ohhh, potty mouth. I like it. Why did you never talk like that when were together?”

  Her temper flared. “You want the truth, Daniel? Because you never turned me on. Sex with you was boring. I never came once when you fucked me. I faked it every time. You might be a pretty package to look at, but you are rubbish in bed. Now get the hell out of my store.”

  Something dark and menacing slid behind his eyes. The mask he wore slipped and the real Daniel emerged. “You’re such a bitch. Do you think that guy I saw you with at Decadence is going to keep you around? Is he fuck. He’s such a handsome thing. I found out most of the women at Decadence have had a piece of him. Do you really think he’s going to stay with you? You’re deluded. Why would he stay with a fat frigid fish like you? Bet his dick is ice cold after he’s fucked you.” He practically spat the words at her, venom rising with each sentence.

  “He’s definitely slumming. As soon as something tastier comes along he’s going to drop you. Although maybe he’ll keep you on the side. I know what he is. A “Dominant”.” He did the air quotes before continuing. “Did you let him fuck your ass? Is that why he’s with you? You’re a gullible bitch, Dana if you think he’s fucking you for more than easy pussy.”

  Her defenses came crashing down. His words hit home. She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but Dana stood, frozen to the spot.

  “I think you should leave.” Bastien’s deep voice startled her.

  She glanced at him, blinked tears from her eyes. He loomed in the doorway to the kitchen like a Viking god. From his stance, curled fists by his sides and hard set of his jaw, she knew he was pissed as hell.

  Daniel’s syrupy voice cut into her thoughts. “Ahhh, the pretty boy. Got bored of fucking her yet? I’m sure there are plenty of women throwing themselves at you.” He jabbed his finger at Dana. “Why fuck a cold fish like her?” He turned his gaze back to Dana. “Are you eager to give him blow jobs? ‘Cause every time your mouth came into contact with my dick, I had to think about someone else to come. He’s using you. When he moves on give me a call. You might have learnt a thing or two.”

  Tears spilled over and she dashed them away. How could someone she’d once loved be so cruel? She always knew he had a mean streak but this was another level.

  Bastien moved quickly, strode over to Daniel and gripped his upper arm. He practically hauled him off the stool and walked towards the door. “You’re leaving now. If you set foot in here again, or I find you’ve been anywhere near Dana, you’ll regret it.”

  She couldn’t see Bastien’s face but from the pure look of terror in Daniel’s eyes, she knew Bastien must be looking pretty damned scary.

  “We clear?” He said as Daniel scrambled for the door handle.

  “Crystal.” As usual when things started to get difficult, Daniel scampered.

  Dana let out a deep breath. Her pulse hammered and her heart ached. Although Daniel was an asshole, she couldn’t help replaying his words. They’d been playing
on her mind subconsciously for weeks anyway. The little reminder brought them rushing to the surface. It niggled.

  Bastien was one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen, he could have anyone, why would he want her? They’d had a short, whirlwind relationship and despite telling herself it was just sex, that she was exploring her submission, nothing more, she’d begun to fall for Bastien.

  The stark reality check sucker punched her in the gut. She had to back away while she could still salvage their professional relationship. Nothing on earth would allow her feelings to get in the way of her business.

  When Bastien turned to face her, she noted his furrowed brow, the fury burning in his beautiful eyes.

  She swallowed. “Thank you for that. He’s an asshole. I have no idea why he came here today.”

  Bastien took a step forward. “Dana…”

  Although the counter separated them, she held up a hand to stop him. “No. It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  “What he said wasn’t true. None of it.”

  “I know.” And maybe she did but it hurt, and she still had to distance herself from their relationship. “I just…” she swallowed again, trying to summon the courage she needed. “I just need some space. We’ve gotten so intense, and it’s happened really quick. I need to space to get my head together.” She met his gaze, pleaded with him to understand.

  A dark, dangerous look slithered across his face before he masked his expression. “Is that what you really want, Dana? Or are you just scared because some asshole played on your fears?”

  Shot through the heart…

  She steeled her spine. “It’s what I want.”

  His jaw clenched and she knew she’d pissed him off. He flipped the open sign to closed and drew down the window blinds before stalking over to her. His muscles bunched and flexed as he moved. He really did have an amazing body.

  As he rounded the counter, she backed up. He stalked her as a predator stalks prey. Her traitorous body responded to the fiery glint in his eyes. When her back hit solid wood, she yelped.

  He caged her, placed both hands on the counter behind her, and leaned down, whispering in her ear. “Bullshit.”

  He rimmed the shell of her ear with his tongue and she moaned.

  “He got inside your head. Made you doubt what’s real. Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m going to show you exactly what’s real, and what’s really between us.”

  Bastien pounced. His arms banded around her. His lips crashed against hers, demanding she open for him with every swipe of his tongue. He’d been rough before, commanding, but this was a whole other level. She could only describe it as possession. Dark, dominating possession.

  Her head swam as she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to slip in and tangle with hers. She moaned as the taste of him—cinnamon, coffee and something uniquely him—infused her senses. Unable to stop herself, she grasped his t-shirt as he kissed her senseless.

  “You’re mine, Dana,” he growled, nipped his way along her chin and down her neck, stopping to suck her collarbone.

  She hissed. Pain lanced through her nerve endings. Her clit throbbed. She could feel the moisture gathering between her thighs. She’d gone from doubting their relationship, doubting him, to needing him inside her in t-minus 60 seconds.

  Only he had the power to do that.

  He deftly unbuttoned her shirt, parted the cotton and palmed her breasts, flicking the already distended nipples through the silk of her bra.

  “You’re body belongs to me,” he met her gaze and the possession in them stole her breath. “There is no one else but you.”

  And she believed him.

  He didn’t wait for her to answer, didn’t wait for her to turn things over in her head, he took what he wanted. He claimed what was his.

  Bastien pulled down the cups of her bra and feasted on her. When his hot, wet mouth latched onto her skin, she jerked, thrust her hips against him to ease some of the delicious pressure in her pussy. It wasn’t enough.

  Frustration boiled through her and she gripped his hair, unsure whether she wanted to pull him closer or push his head lower.

  He pulled away, grazed one elongated tip with his teeth before stepping back. She frowned. What the hell was he doing?

  She didn’t have to wait long for an answer. Bastien ripped his t-shirt over his head and unzipped his pants. Then he was on her again, hiking her onto the counter so her ass just sat on the edge. He pushed up her skirt.

  “Your hot, little pussy is mine,” he said possessively as he ran a finger over the crotch of her panties and down her cleft.

  Dana gripped the wood. Her head dropped back and she arched into his touch. Her emotions and hormones were all over the place, but one thing was certain—she needed his cock inside her. Now.

  But he didn’t give her what she craved. Instead he continued his erotic torture.

  “I love how wet you get for me. Makes my dick so fucking hard.”

  As he stroked feather-light touches up and down her drenched seam, he lifted out his cock and stroked it.

  “Bastien, please…” He was so big. Big and hard. She rocked against his fingers but nothing eased the pressure.

  He smirked. A dark, devilish smirk that made her want to throw herself at him. “Please, what? Something you need?” He moved his hand from the base to the tip of his cock. When he reached the end, he slowly swirled the glistening pearl of pre-cum around the head.

  Her mouth went dry. “You.” She managed to blurt out. She swallowed, tried to get some moisture back in her arid throat. “I need you.”

  Desire slithered across his face as he stroked his cock again. “You only get this,” he cupped his balls for effect, “if you tell me you believe me. Your body is mine. Your pussy is mine.” He pumped the hard length, and the bulbous head blushed a dark shade of purple. The muscles in his neck corded with tension and she knew he was trying desperately to keep a tight rein on his control.

  “Your submission is mine. You belong to me and only me,” he hissed.

  His words pierced the haze of pleasure. “Yes,” she answered. “I belong to you.”

  And she did. Body, mind soul. She’d fallen fast and hard for Bastien Berkley. Some of what Daniel said might come true in the future. Bastien may choose another over her, but right now, in this moment, she was the one turning him on. His cock was hard for her. She wasn’t an ice queen.

  Bastien exhaled. He stepped closer, surrounded her, and cocooned her with all his intense masculine heat. He yanked her hips closed. She wrapped her legs around him. He pulled her panties to one side and shoved his cock inside her with one quick thrust.

  The shock of his big cock stretching her inner walls bowed her spine. She pulsed around him and he twitched, swelled, became impossibly bigger. He touched places and nerves inside her she never knew existed.

  After what seemed like forever, Bastien withdrew and slammed back in. She quivered, her whole body shaking with need. He set a devastating pace. One that stole her breath and forced her to cling to him. She clawed her fingernails down his back and raked his skin as the pressure inside her built to epic levels. She couldn’t think, didn’t care about anything but the pounding rhythm of this fierce, amazing man between her thighs.

  Higher and higher she flew, moving her hips up to meet this thrusts. A sheen of sweat covered them both. She jammed her hands down the back of his jeans and cupped his ass, dug her fingers in, trying to get more of him inside her.

  “Greedy girl,” he growled in her ear, “can’t get enough of my cock.”

  “I need to come, please let me come,” she pleaded, almost sobbing out the words.

  “Not yet. I’m not done fucking you.”

  While still inside her, Bastien lifted her and backed her against the nearest wall. The cool surface provided pleasant relief for her hot skin, but she couldn’t revel in it as Bastien dug his fingers into the flesh of her ass and began pounded into her. He worked her up and down his hard length, and Dana moaned as h
e brushed over her g-spot.

  “Oh my god,” she breathed.

  The position was intense. One she’d never experienced before. She barreled closer and closer to orgasm, panting in Bastien ear.

  “Can’t stop it. Can’t stop. Need to come…”

  “Come for me, greedy girl.” His teeth found her shoulder blade, bit down.

  The sharp sting of pain along with his thick cock brushing inside her proved too much. She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and burst apart. Sensation after sensation rocked through her, her pussy clenched and rippled, keeping him locked inside as she came. She felt his muscles tense as he spilled his own release inside her. Even after the amazing orgasm, he was still semi-hard, like he couldn’t get enough of her, and the thought brought on a second, tiny orgasm.

  Her body went limp. Bastien still held most of her weight. When she opened her eyes, she met his gaze and blushed. The dominating heat seared her soul.

  He kissed her softly and said, “You’re mine, Dana. And I’m going to show you exactly what being mine involves.”

  She gave him a weak smile. Although she believed him, there were still niggling doubts in her mind. He hadn’t claimed her as his submissive which meant he could move on at any time. Just as Daniel said.

  She only hoped she had the strength to continue working with him when he found someone else.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bastien strode into the offices of Quinn Enterprises and took the elevator to the top floor. Fueled by adrenaline, anger and amazing sex, he practically vibrated with tension. He wanted to find the dickwad ex of Dana’s and beat him to a pulp. He wasn’t quick to anger but the smarmy asshole’s comments wormed their way under Dana’s skin.

  “You can go right on in, Mister Berkley, Joshua’s secretary said and he nodded a silent thank you.

  How could Dana believe he’d want anyone else? How could she even contemplate it? Well, it wasn’t like he’d given her a reason to believe anything different. He hadn’t claimed her. They weren’t in a relationship.

  Fuck. He was a fucking idiot.


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