Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3)

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Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3) Page 13

by Scarlett Sanderson

Joshua sat behind his massive corporate desk. He held up one finger and continued talking on a phone that looked like something from out of space. “Email that to me tonight. I need it by tomorrow. Thanks.” He returned the handset to the cradle. “Jesus, you look like something I scraped off the bottom of my shoe.”

  Bastien flashed him a droll glare. “Thanks for pointing that out.” He flopped into one of the chairs opposite Joshua, titled his head back and stared at the ceiling. “I fucked up. I fucked up big time and I’m not sure how to fix it.”

  Although the same age as Bastien, Joshua was the one they turned to in a situation. He’d taken on the leader role during their time in the marines. Running a billion dollar company meant he’d become a fully qualified problem solver.

  He listened to the creak of leather as Joshua pushed back his chair. “You need a drink.”

  “Fucking A I need a drink. Just none of that bourbon shit.” He shuddered, glared at Joshua as he poured a few fingers of bourbon into two crystal tumblers.

  He grimaced when Joshua handed him one. “I really have to drink this shit?” Bastien hated the taste. Reminded him of wet earth for some reason. He preferred the burn of tequila.

  Joshua sipped. “It’s medicinal. Now, tell me how you fucked up.”

  He grimaced again as the amber liquid burned a path down to his gut, mingling with the acid already churning there. “Dana. I fucked up with Dana, man. She’s pushing me away. I understand why, haven’t given her a reason not to, but I thought…” he ran a hand over his beard, trying to find the words. “I thought she understood.”

  He met his friend’s icy blue gaze and spoke the words he’d hidden from Dana. “I thought she understood there is no one but her.”

  Joshua swirled the booze around. It sloshed against the sides of the glass. “Start from the beginning.”

  “You know how me and Dana got started. You were there. You know about the online stuff.”

  Joshua nodded and Bastien relayed the story of Dana’s asshat ex. The cheating, him bumping into them at Decadence, his little show earlier at the bakery. Even now, rehashing it to his friend, his blood boiled. He should have laid the guy out.

  Joshua sighed. “Why do pricks like that get women? They need castrating.”

  “Completely agree, but he’s fucked with Dana’s head. I know she’d going to push me away this time.” He swallowed some more of the booze, even though he didn’t want to. “The worst part is I should have done something sooner. I’ve been respecting her wishes, keeping things as separate as I can.” He waited a beat, stared at his friend and plucked up the courage to say the words in his head. “I should have claimed her.”

  “Can’t disagree with you there, pal. You know how I feel on the subject.”

  Bastien snorted. After Joshua and Ruby’s brief meeting at a party, he’d hunted her down and hounded her until Ruby gave in. Joshua pushed past Ruby’s inhibitions and took what he wanted. Maybe it was time for him to do the same.

  Bastien swallowed the last of his medicine. The warmth spread through his stomach easing some of the tension, although he’d never admit that to Joshua. Iron Man was right about enough things, he didn’t need another ego boost.

  He set the glass on the desk, formulating a plan in his mind. “You free later?”

  Joshua quirked a brow. “Sure. Something you need?”

  “Yeah. Yeah there is. I need you to help me set something up.”

  As he set out his plan to Joshua, some of the anger burned away, replaced by determination. After tonight Dana would be his. She’d never doubt his feelings for her or their relationship. She’d have no reason to.

  Tonight he was going to enslave her.

  * * * * *

  Dana read the text.

  Bastien: I’m sending you something. Ruby and Nora are bringing it. They will escort you to Decadence tonight. Don’t push me away. If you do, you won’t like the consequences.

  Heat slithered through her, puckered her nipples and coiled low in her belly. She wondered what the consequences would be if she defied his order. She still felt the delicious ache between her thighs where he’d pounded into her earlier.

  All afternoon she’d been thinking about Daniel. His hurtful words and the look of disgust, and hatred, in Bastien’s eyes. She’d replayed the scene over and over. She tried to think of the best way to break it off with Bastien, but every scenario was a knife in her heat. Every time she came to the same conclusion. She’d fallen head over heels for Bastien. It went against reason and logic. He’d offered to guide her submission training, explore what she liked. He’d never offered her long term.

  Somewhere along the way she’d become attached, her feelings deepened, that’s why Daniel’s callus words hit home.

  Jesus. The last thing she needed was to be in love with a man who never promised her anything. Add in their professional relationship, and the phrase ‘completely screwed’ came to mind. She had to find a way to separate their lives. She’d go tonight. She’d have one last sexual encounter with the man who stole her heart but it would be goodbye—to submissive cupcake and Sir A. To that part of their relationship.

  The doorbell chirped and she jumped. As she walked towards the front door, she dashed away the tears threatening to spill over. She wouldn’t allow sadness to ruin their last night.

  Ruby and Nora beamed at her as she opened the door.

  “Hey, girl,” Ruby leaned in for a hug, followed by Nora.

  The comforting warmth of their embrace made her muscles lax. She wanted to wrap herself in their strength and weep like a banshee. Instead she stepped back, smiled and invited them in.

  “No stealing you away for afternoon cocktails this time,” Nora put down the garment boxes she’d been balancing on one hand.

  “Uh-huh,” Ruby continued. “If we don’t turn up, we’ll get punished.”

  “Severely,” Nora qualified while lifted the lids off the boxes. “And although that in itself can be amazing, I don’t think tonight is about that.” She exchanged a weird glance with Ruby that Dana couldn’t interpret.

  Her heart sank. She hoped once her and Bastien were no longer lovers, the two women would still be in her life. She enjoyed their company and looked forward to having two experienced subs as friends. Maybe they could help her find another Dom.

  Ruby pulled out a red dress and cooed. “Oh, this is just so beautiful.” She held it out to Dana. “Bastien got you a few things. We are instructed to get you to wear them.”

  Nora snorted. “What it is with these men and picking out our clothes? Anyone would think they had a fetish.”

  Dana took the dress and admired the deep red chiffon. The see through wraparound, tied at the waist and created a deep v that would barely cover her breasts. The material would cling to her curves, accentuating them perfectly. Bastien had impeccable taste.

  She watched Ruby rustle around in another box. She pulled out a set of midnight blue lacy panties, a matching bra and garter belt. “I don’t care if they have a fetish. Everything they pick is amazing.”

  “And it is kind of hot,” Nora mumbled, a blush riding high on her cheekbones.

  Ruby grinned. “Definitely hot in a caveman, I’m-going-to-take-care-of-you way. I love it when Joshua sees me in something he’s picked out.”

  Dana knew a little of that feeling. On her second visit to Decadence, when Bastien looked at her with feral hunger, she knew she could become addicted to him picking her clothes.

  She’d already grabbed a shower, so Ruby and Nora began helping her get dressed. They turned their backs while she got into the delicate lace underwear. As she snapped her garters closed around the accompanying silk stockings, Ruby popped a cork on a small bottle of champagne and filled three flutes. Dana didn’t even know they’d brought it with them.

  “Joshua insisted I bring this. Some fancy crap he’s had for a while.” Ruby handed out the glasses, chinked each one and said, “Cheers, to an amazing night.”

  The bubbles s
oothed some of Dana’s nerves as they slid to her stomach. “Wow. This is definitely good.” She’d never tasted anything so decadent.

  Ruby laughed. “Sometimes it pays to have a billionaire fiancée.”

  Dressed only in her underwear and sipping champagne, Dana wondered when she’d become comfortable semi-naked in front of people she hardly knew. Everything had changed since Bastien came into her life.

  She put down the flute and picked up the dress, admired the softness of the material again before slipping it on her shoulders. When she fastened the tie into a bow, Ruby and Nora oohhed and ahhhed.

  “That dress is killer. A little see through so the underwear shines through, but not too slutty.” Nora handed her another box. “I think these will go nicely.”

  Dana opened the box and gasped. Nestled inside were a pair of red Louboutin heels. “Oh crap, I’ll never be able to walk in those.”

  She admired the pretty shoes. She’d always wanted pretty shoes but never treated herself, thinking them a waste of money. She practically purred as she stroked the leather.

  Ruby topped off their champagne. “I NEVER wore heels until met Joshua. Still can barely walk in the things.” She flashed a shy smirk. “But Joshua can’t get enough of seeing me in them.”

  Dana carefully removed the shoes from the box, placed them on the floor and sat on the couch. She slipped her feet into the soft leather and moaned. “They feel amazing.”

  Nora took her elbow, coaxing her to stand. “Lean on me. I have a few sneaky tips on how to stay upright in heels. I’ll show you.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Dana walked around her apartment without feeling like Bambi on steroids. She could do this.

  Ten more minutes for makeup and she was ready to go.

  “You look super-hot,” Ruby gushed.

  “Hell, yeah. Bastien will lose his shit,” Nora agreed.

  Ego boosted, Dana gave one final glance in the mirror. “Okay, I think I’m ready.”

  Ready to say goodbye to Bastien as her Dominant.

  * * * * *

  They arrived at Decadence in style. A sleek black limousine drove them across town and Dana only half listened to the stories Nora and Ruby told about their respective Dom’s.

  Dana’s heart pounded and her stomach churned. She wanted what both women had—a loving partner, her very own Dom in her life 24/7, not just a few scenes here and there. She wanted a man with soulful whiskey eyes and magnificent biceps. She wanted a man who would rub her feet after a hard day and whip her ass for being bratty. She wanted a man who baked amazingly delicious treats.

  She wanted Bastien.

  And she couldn’t have him.

  The driver pulled her door open and she stepped out into the cool night air. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, still a little shaky on her feet due to the heels. Nora and Ruby joined her.

  Dana frowned at the empty entrance to the club. Every time she’d been here, it had been filled with people clamoring to get in. “How come there aren’t any guests?”

  Ruby flashed Nora a sly glance. “Tonight is a private party.”

  “Oh.” Before she could question them any further, they ushered her towards the entrance. The iron door swung open and Master Xander beamed down at her.

  “Good to see you, Dana.” His gaze lingered on her exposed cleavage. “You look amazing.”

  Dana blushed. “Thank you.”

  He handed her a blindfold, “Sir A would like to wear this.”

  Her nipples pebbled and her pussy slicked. Excitement and nerves hummed through her veins as Bastien’s text message echoed in her head.

  Don’t push me away. If you do, you won’t like the consequences.

  She nodded and let Xander secure the strip of black silk over her eyes. The room went dark and her other sense roared to life. The sweet scent of cherry blossom, zesty mandarin and masculine cedar assaulted her. She could hear her heartbeat thundering in her ears.

  As Nora and Ruby gently escorted her through the club, she caught whispers and hushed tones of a crowd.

  Ruby squeezed her arm in a show of support. “Trust Bastien.”

  Her words soothed some Dana’s nerves. Only some. She felt as jittery as a newborn colt. Yes, she was a submissive, and yes, she’d done some private scenes at the club, but not knowing what was happening or where she was going, sent nerves firing through her. Nerves and something she could only describe as intense arousal. The exquisite lingerie rub against her nipples and swollen pussy lips with every step she took. Her clit throbbed at the thought of being at Bastien’s mercy.

  They guided her up a set of stairs. She sensed Bastien—his overwhelming presence and heady masculine scent—before he touched her arm. “Kneel for me.”

  She shivered at his deep, bartione voice and did as he asked. As her knees hit a soft velvet cushion, she inhaled. Bastien smelled sexy and male, like cedar and earth rolled into one. He also smelled like home—comforting and safe.

  He touched her cheek, cupped it and she jumped before leaning into him. Sexual tension zinged around her synapses, firing them into overdrive. His heat seeped into her and she wanted to nuzzle against him, purr like a well petted cat. Heart slamming against her rib cage, she forced herself to stay still. She was Bastien’s submissive. He was leading the scene and she had to be patient.

  “My sweet, Dana,” he said as he stroked his thumb over her cheekbone. “You look so beautiful. I knew you would.”

  His words made her toes curl. “Thank you, Sir.”

  His fingers tunneled into her hair, tugged so her neck lengthened and her chin lifted. Pinpricks of pain tingled on her scalp, but she enjoyed the sharp edge of pain. If she hadn’t been blindfolded she’d be looking up at him, into his glorious amber eyes.

  “I like you calling me ‘Sir’. Good girl.”

  She heard the rustle of fabric, felt a change in the air, and knew Bastien leaned down. His hot breath brushed against her ear as he whispered, “Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “To be enslaved.”

  Confusion and sheer lust fought for dominance in her brain. What did he mean by enslaving her? Dominants only performed these kind of ceremonies if they intended to keep their submissives. Bastien never indicted their relationship was anything more than temporary. She couldn’t let him do this because he felt sorry for her over Daniel. He didn’t have to prove a point. She was ready to let him go, dammit, not commit further.

  “Bastien…no…you don’t have to…” A jumble of words tumbled out and she knew she wasn’t making any sense. He’d thrown her a complete curve ball.

  She tried to get to her feet, to get away, get on an even footing so she could talk to him, but he gently pushed on her shoulders, kept her kneeling.

  “Just trust me, Dana. Stop thinking. Stop analyzing. I told you I would prove you belong to me. There is no going back for me. You are it. My submissive. Tonight, I’m going to make you mine so you’ll never doubt who owns you.”

  She started to protest, but he silenced her with a fingers on her lips. Slithers of heat shot down her spine and coiled low. Her pussy slicked and if she thought her clit ached before, it was nothing compared to the pulsing between her thighs now as he pushed the pad of his finger between her lips.

  She battled tears. Did Bastien really mean what he said? Surely he wouldn’t have arranged this elaborate spectacle if he wasn’t serious. Dana felt two soft, feminine hands on both forearms. Ruby and Nora were at her side. Protecting her. Offering her comfort.

  Ruby whispered, “Trust him, Dana. Let go of your fears. Let him catch you.”

  Deep down, she knew Bastien was a good man. In her head she’d come here to say goodbye to the man she’d fallen for. Now he offered her something different. Something real. Something permanent and beautiful. She didn’t know if she could accept. There was so many unknowns, but she’d never been a coward. She’s always taken chances. Now was the time to take another.

  Squeezing her frien
ds’ hands, Dana looked at where she thought Bastien stood. Although she couldn’t see him, she poured all her conviction into her tone. “I trust you.” She waited a beat before adding, “Sir.”

  She heard his sharp intake of breath. Bastien took her elbows and lifted her to her feet. If he hadn’t held her steady, she would surely have faltered in the damn heels. She heard the excited murmur of the crowd and adrenaline pumped through her veins in anticipation.

  Bastien’s tone dropped an octave into a sexy, silky caress as he said, “The dress suits you. Just sheer enough that I can make out your underwear. Your nipples are so hard. I can see them poking through the lace.”

  Dana tried not to moan. Her brain went a little fuzzy and need slammed into her.

  “I’m going to put some pretty clamps on your tits. Would you like that?” She could only nod in response. “My cock is like steel, I’m so hard. I can’t wait to have your mouth wrapped around me, sucking me down the back of your throat.”

  “Bastien, please, you’re killing me.”

  He chuckled. “Not yet, sweetness. Say yes to me. Entrust your body to me tonight. Let me enslave you. Let me claim you in any way I see fit. Don’t deny me, Dana.”

  There was no going back. She couldn’t even if her brain managed to overrule her heart. She was one hundred per cent, head over heels—mind, body and soul—for Bastien Berkley.

  There was no stopping. No turning back.

  She wanted to be his on every level.

  “No stopping,” she managed to pant out. “I’m yours, Sir. In every way you need.”

  He dropped a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. “Then let’s begin.”

  He turned her, his back against her front, one arm banded around her middle. He hadn’t been kidding about his erection. She felt it nestled against the globes of her ass and resisted the urge to grind herself on him. She couldn’t wait to have him inside her.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, Dominants, submissives, tops, bottoms and all in between. Thanks for coming on short notice to this special gathering.”

  Dana squirmed as he began addressing the crowd. Nerves danced in her stomach and she stiffened. How many people were out there? She’d never done any public stuff and now she was the main attraction. Bastien stroked her stomach in a soothing circular pattern and she began to relax. It didn’t matter. She was with her Dominant and he would take care of her.


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