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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

Page 2

by Wells, Victoria

  “Earth to Summer! Earth to Summer!” Startled by Starr’s intrusion, Summer jumped putting her hand to her chest. She was so caught up daydreaming about Denzel’s clone back in the ballroom she hadn’t heard her friend come into the ladies’ room.

  “Girl, you scared the day lights out of me! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

  “Oh, my bad. I was coming to check on you girl.”

  “Did you see me make a fool of myself out there? I can hardly walk let alone dance. I’m so embarrassed,” Summer moaned.

  “Come on, girl, it was an accident. Shoot, besides the way dude was holding you, I don’t think he cared you bumped into him spilling his drink. Now come on let’s get back out there, he’s probably looking for you.”

  Starr didn’t wait for a response. Grabbing Summer’s hand pulling her toward the door she was determined to get Summer to talk to the fine brotha. Starr didn’t know what Summer’s problem was. All night she stood on the sidelines people watching. Summer was one of the most gorgeous women she knew. And what Starr loved about her friend was that she didn’t flaunt or use her beauty the way some women did. If anything, she was totally oblivious to her pretty looks. She deserved to have a handsome man pay attention to her, even if it’s for only one night.

  Summer yanked her hand away, “Wait a minute, Starr, I haven’t peed yet.” Thrusting the hanky in Starr’s hand she ran into the stall. “Here hold this, and don’t remind me of how I made a fool of myself.”

  Starr automatically inhaled the hanky. Mmmm smells good.

  “All right, hurry up girl. By the way did you get cutie’s name or digits?”

  Blowing out of the stall, going over to the sink washing her hands, Summer frowned. “No, girl, I just grabbed his hanky and high tailed it out of there. I told you I was embarrassed. Didn’t have time to get no name, let alone digits.”

  Snatching paper towels from the dispenser, Summer checked her reflection as she dried her hands. Spotting a stain on her gown, she groaned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Pointing to the stain, “This.”

  “Summer, it’s not that bad. I can hardly see it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Nodding her head, “Yep, now come on, and let’s go so you can get Mr. Hottie’s digits.”

  Feeling in a lighter mood, Summer giggled. “Girl, you are crazy out of your mind. But he is fine, ain’t he?”

  Now Summer was the one dragging Starr by one hand while snatching the hanky from her with the other hand. Even if she didn’t talk to him, she could stand in the corner, watching the sexy stranger, remembering how good she felt in his arms. Lifting the hanky to Starr’s nose, Summer did a little jig. “Smell this girl, he even smells good too.”

  Starr’s dimples popped out as she grinned at her friend. “I already did and if you don’t get the digits then I will!”

  Summer laughed. “Don’t even make me cut you, girlfriend, okaaay!”

  Scanning the large room, Summer spotted the handsome man talking to a woman who was obviously attracted to him. Summer shook her head. Sistas can be so desperate. Just look at her acting all hoochie. The woman kept inching closer to the sexy stranger sticking her silicone breasts out. Summer bit the inside of her cheek to keep from cracking up. Every time the woman inched closer he’d ease back as if she was emitting a rancid odor.

  As Summer made her way over to him, he caught a glimpse of her out of his periphery. Excusing himself, he turned his attention to Summer, strolling across the floor meeting her half way. Summer noticed Miss Desperate was not at all pleased. Mr. Hottie had left her standing alone in the middle of the room. When the woman saw what, rather who, snagged his attention she gave Summer a dirty look before huffing off in the opposite direction.

  Summer’s steps began to falter as the fine man swaggered toward her. The man simply embodied sex appeal. Goodness gracious he moved with the grace and agility of a large, strong shiny, black panther.

  Summer’s heart beat rapidly as they approached one another standing within only a few inches of the other. Nervously she licked her bottom lip before biting on the corner of it.

  “Umm, I just want to give this back to you. Thank you.” Handing the handkerchief back to the handsome stranger, she attempted to make a quick getaway. No way was she going to make a fool of herself again in his presence.

  Letting out a low sexy chortle, “No, you don’t.” Wrapping a hand gently around Summer’s elbow, he slowly turned her to face him “I didn’t catch your name, Beautiful.”


  Tears slowly slid down Summer’s cheeks as she replayed that night in her mind again for the hundredth time. Turning off the television, she laid on her side as she quietly cried in the dark. She wanted to know how in the world she had managed to become a twenty six year old pregnant, soon to be single mother. I trusted him, is what she told herself as she finally drifted off to sleep exhausted from crying.

  Chapter 2

  “Mr. Stiles, the pilot is preparing for takeoff, please fasten your seatbelt.” The flight attendant instructed Nick as he read over the annual report of his current business venture in textiles. Returning the reading material to his briefcase, he fastened his seatbelt settling back into the leather chair. Nick closed his eyes as he listened to the plane’s engines; this is what he loved about owning his own aircraft… solitude.

  Back to Philly. That’s where he was headed. Nick missed everything about Philly from the hustle and bustle of pedestrians on Chestnut and Walnut Streets at lunchtime as they rushed in and out of eateries trying to get a quick bite, to the more leisurely elderly folks walking pint size canines in Fairmount Park. Even more than this, he missed watching the Eagles do their thing on their home turf at the Lincoln Financial Field. Yes, he was ready and welcoming the idea of going back home.

  To Nick’s amazement setting up the new division of his trucking company in Canada went more smoothly than expected. With all the major kinks worked out, he was able to return home to start up another project. He had his eye set on a major textile company that was in financial turmoil. He was usually fair in his dealings, however, if need be he could be a ruthless and cunning S.O.B. Nick planned to make the company a fair offer, but if they refused he would just have to get down and dirty.

  Staring out the window, Nick ran through a mental checklist of all the things he had to do once the plane landed at Philadelphia International. Summer Jackson crept into his thoughts. Nick let out a curse under his breath. He felt terrible about how he ended things with her.

  He still remembered how her pretty brown eyes moistened from tears ready to spill. How the stunned expression blanket her face as he spewed painful words. The worse was how her petite frame trembled as she made her way to her front door.

  Over the past five months he often thought about Summer. Wondered what she was doing, mostly late at night when he was alone. Gazing out of the plane’s window into the dark night sky his mind wandered to the first time he laid eyes on her. He’d noticed her the moment she’d entered the ballroom.

  Summer was exquisite in a bronze gown that made her light complexion glow. Nick studied her face that barely had any makeup applied to it. Her eyes were a medium brown framed by naturally arched thick brows. Eyelashes so long they nearly touched her cheeks whenever she blinked. High cheekbones, a small nose, and full perfectly shaped lips complimented her beautiful face. Lips, Nick told himself he could kiss all night.

  A woman’s hair was always a complete turn on for Nick, Most of that night he kept his hands deep in his pockets to keep from running his fingers through her thick, black waist length mane. Usually he was attracted to taller women; they had to stand at least five-eight in their stocking feet. . Summer’s height was only about five-five, accentuated by three-inch heels.

  Although she was petite, she had nice breasts, not too small, yet not too large, just the right size to fit in his palms. A tiny waist that flowed into round feminine hips and a nice firm behind that co
uld stop traffic on Broad Street during rush hour.

  What intrigued Nick the most was Summer’s oblivious nature to how she unintentionally caused male heads to turn as she strutted by. The girl had no idea whatsoever she was a real live walking brick house, au natural, no artificial parts. Nick was even amused that other women in the room were envious of her beauty with the exception of the two women who accompanied her. “Humph, now she knows all that’s not her hair.” Said one woman, while her friend commented, “Mmm hmm, that weave must of set her back a few pennies.” Ignoring the snide comments, he studied the trio. Nick found each of them beautiful; however, there was something special about the petite beauty which drew his attention.

  Nick smiled to himself remembering the encounter that gave him the opportunity to meet Summer.

  From across the room he watched as she refused dance after dance from would be suitors. Nick was pleased when she literally ran into him causing him to splash his drink down her cleavage. Temptation told him to wedge his tongue between her breasts to remove every drop. Logic ruled and instead he opted to offer his handkerchief.

  He waited for what seemed like an eternity for Summer to come out of the ladies’ room. While waiting he was approached by a woman who decided to mosey on over and strike up a conversation. He attempted to be polite as the woman chattered on and on about nothing.

  Nick wasn’t the least bit interested as his eyes darted from the entrance of the ladies’

  room back to the cosmetically enhanced nuisance jutting out her fake boobs.

  Nick knew it was rude to abruptly end the conversation. However, he couldn’t help but be mesmerized by Summer’s beauty as she timidly made her way toward him. The graceful sway of a woman’s hips had never aroused him as it did that night as he watched her movement. Without a choice, his body on its own volition set itself into motion, meeting her halfway, closing the distance between them.

  Being so close to Summer again for the second time that night had him fully captivated. This one is different. Nick was an expert when it came to women. She was rare in some sort of way, which meant she’d be a challenge. He was used to women throwing themselves at him, ready to do whatever, wherever, but not this one. She’d actually attempted to flee his presence the moment she returned his handkerchief. If he hadn’t been so eager to know who she was, Summer would have made her escape. Nick could still hear the softness of her voice. “My name is Summer Jackson.”


  Restlessly, Nick shifted in his seat as he told himself he had to see Summer soon. He felt she at least deserved an apology for hurting her the way he had.

  The more he thought about her over the past five months it became clear to him that Summer was in love with him. It was evident in all the special little things she’d do for him.

  Things she didn’t have to do, things she wasn’t obligated to do, like making sure his dry cleaning was sent out and picked up. Sensing he had a trying day she’d bring him a double scotch, sit in his lap, loosen his tie and delicately place kisses at the base of his throat, relaxing him, and evaporating the stress away. Or she would simply listen intently as he went on and on about whatever was on his mind at the time.

  Damn. I messed up bad, real bad.

  Chapter 3

  Early November the Previous Year

  “Summer, you have a call on line three,” Ava yelled.

  “Ava, take a message for me please. I’m about to medicate Mr. Smith.” Summer yelled back as she stood at the medication drawer filling a syringe with pain medication.

  Padding over to Summer Ava reached for the syringe. “Here, give it to me. I’ll give Mr. Smith this; you go take your call.” Ava motioned to Summer with her hand as if she were shooing a fly away.

  Briskly, Summer went to the phone snatching up the receiver. It always annoyed her when she was interrupted, especially when she enjoyed spending time with a patient. Mr. Smith was going to tell her about the time he caught the ball at the 1985 World Series. Summer had zero aptitude for sports; however, she loved to see the twinkle in her patients’ eyes when they shared their stories with her.

  Who in the world is this bothering me? “Hello, this is Summer Jackson. How may I help you?”

  “Well, you’re one hard lady to catch up with, Miss Jackson.”

  The sound of the voice was deep and sexy. She knew it could only belong to one man. Nick Stiles. She’d been making every excuse in the book, and then some not to take his calls for all week. Pressing her lips tight together, I’m gonna kill Ava.

  “Hi Mr. Stiles, how are you doing today?” Summer could have kicked herself; she sounded like a complete nerd. Good, maybe he’ll leave me alone.

  “It’s Nick, and I’m fine now that I’m talking to you.”

  She shook her head. Oh, this brotha is a hot mess.

  Cutting to the chase, Summer wanted to know, “Is there a reason for your call, Mr. Stiles? I mean Nick?”

  Nick chuckled. “Right to the point, I like that. I was calling to see if you would have lunch with me?”

  What! Is he crazy? I can barely talk to this man let alone eat in front of him. “I’m sorry, Nick, but I can’t.”

  Summer rolled her eyes at Starr as she mouthed, “I’ll go.” Starr didn’t even know what or where she was consenting to going to. For all she knew the man could be a serial killer.

  “Why?” He asked in a tone that made Summer raise an eyebrow.

  “Why?” Because I said so!

  “Yes. Why can’t you have lunch with me?”

  This was something Nick wasn’t used to. Women always jumped at the chance to be in his presence.

  Letting out a deep breath she explained, “Because I can’t get away from the unit for more than thirty minutes.”

  Summer stomped her foot, signaling Ava to shut up as she yelled in the background, “I’ll cover your patients for you.”

  Nick didn’t want to push the lunch issue or her excuse for not having lunch with him. He’d heard one of her coworkers offer to cover her patients. Leaning back in his leather chair he said, “I see. What about dinner? You work the day shift right?”

  This brotha won’t quit! “I…I don’t know.” Coming up with any lame excuse she added, “I don’t stay out late on the nights I have to go to work the next morning. My day starts pretty early.”

  Nick wasn’t dissuaded. “I’ll have you home by ten.”

  “I’m sorry Nick, but I can’t.”

  Nervously, Summer breathed heavy into the phone waiting for his response.


  When he didn’t say anything she took that as her cue to end the conversation.

  “I have to get back to my patients, thanks for calling. Goodbye, Nick.”

  Nick couldn’t believe it. The young, beautiful woman that haunted his dreams every night since meeting her actually turned him down. That never happened.

  Stroking his goatee, Miss Summer is a shy one. It’s been years since he encountered such a shy woman. Most women he met were the aggressors with nothing shy about them. This was definitely a change, a refreshing change. His primal instincts immediately kicked in. The chase was on.

  Swirling his chair around facing the window he gazed out at the surrounding skyscrapers hovering over William Penn. This isn’t over. When Nick was determined to have something he went after it until he got it. And that included Summer Jackson.

  Hanging up the phone, Summer hissed at Ava and Starr. “Y’all make me sick, the both of you.” Yanking a chart from its holder, she fussed, “Ava, why didn’t you tell me it was him calling again? I told you I didn’t want to talk to him.”

  Sucking her teeth, Ava snapped, “Then you shouldn’t have given him your work number.”

  Summer threw her hands up in the air and huffed, “I didn’t think he would call. We pretty much said everything we had to say. I told him I was a nurse in a hospice unit. He told me his mother had died from pancreatic cancer three years ago and that he had attended and donated
money to the benefit every year since. I told him I had to go. He asked for my number, I gave him this one. I didn’t think he would call.”

  The truth was Summer always had some crazy reason as to why she didn’t want to go out on a date. She didn’t know how to tell her friends it made her uncomfortable when men ogled her. Not to mention on those rare occasions when she did go on a date, by the end of the evening the jerk thought because he bought dinner that gave him the privilege to fondle her. So whenever her friends set her up, she always found a reason to break the date. Once, she even went to the extreme of working a shift in the emergency room on a Saturday night when there’d been a shortage of nurses, to get out of going on a blind date. The sham wasn’t a complete lost though. Summer enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the emergency room so much that occasionally she worked a shift here and there when the ER was short staffed.

  Starr eased up next to Summer, putting her arm around her shoulder, “What’s the matter Boo? You act as if you don’t deserve to go out on a date or something. I know you get tired of hanging with me and Av all the time.”

  Laying her head on Starr’s shoulder, “I don’t know. It seems like every time I like a guy he turns out to be a jerk. The only thing they’re interested in is the booty and you know I’m telling the truth.”

  “I hear you girlfriend, but give the brotha a chance. Okay? It seems like he’s feeling you girl, and I mean strong. Brotha is definitely sweating you.”

  Summer thought about it for a second. “I’ll see. Let me get into Mr. Smith’s room. He was about to tell me a story about the Super Bowl.”

  Ava who was standing within earshot laughed at Summer. “Crazy girl, it’s the World Series, not the Super Bowl. One is football, the other baseball, duh!” Ava knew this because Mr. Smith told her the same story two days ago when she was his nurse.

  “Whateva!” Summer threw over her shoulder as she bounced down the hall to Mr. Smith’s room.


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