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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

Page 5

by Wells, Victoria

  He rubbed his hand across his face and spat out in disbelief, “What are you saying, Summer? Are you trying to tell me it’s my baby?”

  Tears that momentarily dried begin to spill again. Summer could not stand to have Nick look at her with such anger in his eyes so she averted her gaze to the other side of the room focusing on a picture that hung over the mantle. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Frustrated, he grabbed Summer by her upper arms and forced her to make eye contact with him. His grip was so tight she winced at his touch. The space between them so oppressive she felt his hot breath on her face.

  Through clenched teeth he hissed, “Speak up, Beautiful, I can’t hear you.”

  Summer’s lips trembled as she whispered, “Yes, Nick, it’s your baby.”

  Feeling like he’d been kicked in the midsection, Nick released his hold on Summer stumbling backwards. Only once had he believed he was going to be a father. He was in love, or so he thought with Veronica Taylor. Nick begged her to marry him; he wanted to make an honest woman out of her. Give their child his name, but Veronica refused his offer of marriage. It became apparent to Nick why she had refused him when an ex-boyfriend showed up demanding a paternity test to prove the baby was his. Test result later confirmed the ex-boyfriend was the child’s father.

  Veronica’s scheme had been to use the baby as a means to Nick’s bank account to start a business, which she’d successfully accomplished.

  Humiliated and feeling like a complete fool he swore one day he would get revenge.

  Five years later, Veronica owned and operated a successful boutique on Fabric Row at 4th and Christian Streets. The very building she had leased to run her boutique out of was the very building Nick would later unbeknownst to her purchased as prime real estate. All Veronica was aware of was that there was a new owner of the building.

  Nick raised the rent so high, at the end of each month she was scrambling to pay the bills. Months of juggling finances to pay merchants, employees, back rent, late fees, and legal costs

  forced Veronica to close the doors of her business. In the end, Nick’s retaliation financially ruined her.

  She’d lost everything. Her business, her home and her new model Volvo she fell in love with the second she spied it on the showroom floor.

  To add insult to injury, Veronica’s ex-boyfriend turned out to be a deadbeat dad. The child support he paid, when he paid it, was hardly enough to feed the poor child.

  Nick never showed any remorse; it was his money Veronica had swindled as capital to start up her business. Twisting the knife deeper he leased out the building to the local fashion design school on the Avenue of the Arts for a nominal monthly fee.

  Several years later here he is again in the same predicament of being played like a fiddle. He had told Summer about Veronica and her conniving ways. How she had stooped so low as to claim a child was his knowing it was a damaging lie. Nick made it clear to Summer that he never wanted to be in such a position again. “I have no intentions of being anyone’s father. . .ever.”

  Walking to the other side of the room, putting distance between them, he asked, “How far along are you? When is the baby due?”

  “I just turned seven months. The baby is due the end of February.”

  Gathering up her courage again, Summer waddled over to Nick. Touching his arm she pleaded, “Nick, please let me explain.”

  Snatching away he roared, “Take your hands off me! Explain what? That you’re practically ready to deliver a baby that you claim is mine and you didn’t tell me?”

  Summer tried to interrupt. “Nick, I ”

  “Shut the hell up! I thought you were different, Summer! But you’re no different than the rest of those skanks! What were you going to do? Hit me with a paternity suit?”

  Summer cried, “No! Nick! I wouldn’t do something like that! I never asked you for anything!”

  Pacing the small living room back and forth like a caged animal, Nick kept his gaze on Summer, who was too afraid to move.

  “Summer, I don’t know what the hell you would do! And you didn’t have to ask me for anything! I pampered you like a spoiled little brat! But that wasn’t enough for you, was it? I can’t believe you would do something so stupid as to get yourself pregnant!”

  Summer stared at him in disbelief and sobbed uncontrollably as Nick ejected his venom. He was being so cruel. Did the raging lunatic think she had conceived a baby on her own?

  “Thought you were clever not telling me, didn’t you?” He stopped his pacing, towering over her. “Because you knew I would’ve told you to get rid of it! I told you I never wanted children!”

  Shaking her head, backing away from Nick’s tyranny, Summer placed a protective hand on her belly.

  Completely paralyzed by Nick’s barbaric behavior she braced herself. The building storm was about to erupt into a full-blown monsoon.

  Shoving his hands in his pants pockets to keep from shaking Summer, Nick continued with his line of attack.

  “You wanted to start this little game, Summer. Now I’m going to finish it for you. I told you I only give a person one chance Summer to cross me.” Nick rubbed both hands over his short-cropped hair in frustration, letting out a deep breath. “Summer… you crossed me.”

  This is what Summer feared more than anything. He was going in for the kill. She had to make him understand. Begging she said, “Please Nick, I…I never meant to. Let me explain, help you understand.”

  Banging his fist against the wall, he yelled, “No, Summer! You need to understand that a paternity test will be done! For all I know it may not even be mine! But if it is, trust me, you’ll never see your precious baby… ever!”

  Nick stormed out the door, slamming it shut.

  Summer’s heart wrenching sobs could be heard as Nick made his way to his vehicle.


  Kevin sat at a table in the back and looked at his watch. This had better be good. He was already in hot water with Trina. Tonight had been the second time he bailed out on her at the last minute. A wry smile crossed his face as he thought about all the ways he would make it up to her.

  Trina was not the type of girl you would take home to mom, but for the present time she would do. Trina was a straight up freak in bed. Kevin blew out an annoyed breath as he mumbled, “Nick better have a damn good reason for dragging me down here.”

  He checked his watch again and signaled the waitress to come to his table. He had just told her ten minutes ago he was waiting for his brother and would wait to order when he arrived. Agitated, Kevin suddenly needed a drink.

  “Yes Sir, what can I get for you?” The waitress asked as she showed off a set of deep dimples when she smiled. Kevin was a sucker for dimples.

  “How ‘bout your number and a shot of Hennessy?” Kevin winked as he flashed his Mack Daddy smile.

  Flattered by the come on the waitress blushed. “I’ll be right back with your drink, Sir?”

  Kevin leaned back in his chair and grinned as he watched the young woman seductively sway her hips as she strutted away. That’s when he spied Nick thundering through the door. What the hell is his problem? He looks like he could kill someone with his bare hands.

  Nick and Kevin Dawson had been boys since their high school days at Central. Since the age of fourteen the pair had been more like brothers than friends. They even referred to each other as brothers in the literal sense. The bond they shared was almost psychic in nature. The mere sight or sound of the other’s voice always revealed if trouble was headed their way. Whether it was an affair gone wrong or a business deal gone south, the other always knew when something was off kilter. Tonight there definitely was a problem with Nick. Kevin knew something was up when he called, telling him to meet him at Warm Daddy’s.

  When Nick approached the table Kevin stood, the two greeted each other with a handshake and masculine hug.

  Kevin was the first to speak as he gestured for Nick to sit. “Man what gives, you look like you could spit fire?

  Before Nick could respond, the waitress was at the table giving Kevin his drink.

  Roaming Nick over appreciating what she saw, smiling seductively her voice dropped a sultry octave. “What can I get for you, Sir?”

  “A double scotch.” Nick’s tone was flat letting her know he wasn’t interested.

  Embarrassed by his dismissal the waitress quickly fled their table, muttering, “I’ll be right back with your drink, Sir.”

  “Man, did you have to be so cold?” Kevin asked chuckling.

  “Brother, I am not in the mood for any females tonight,” Nick responded tersely.

  “Whoa. Dude, what gives?”

  Nick dropped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Summer’s pregnant,” he grinded out through clenched teeth.

  Kevin was aware Nick was going to see Summer tonight. However, in a million years he would’ve never guessed the bomb Nick had just dropped would be responsible for his friend’s foul mood.

  Kevin choked on his drink and waited for the waitress to leave as she sat Nick’s drink down in front of him. Kevin cleared his throat and tried not to choke again.

  “Is there anything else I can get you gentlemen?

  “No thanks,” Kevin said.

  The second she was out of hearing range, he wanted to know. “Whose kid is it?”

  Kevin was aware Nick never wanted children. Damn, I thought Summer was one of the good girls.”

  “She says it’s mine.” “Daaayum. Man, are you sure it’s yours?”

  “Yeah, man, most likely. She says she just turned seven months. If that’s the case, it’s my kid.” Nick grimaced as he let the strong liquor slide down his throat.

  “Get the hell out of here man! Summer’s seven months pregnant and you’re just finding out about it.” Deep.

  “Yep, just found out tonight. That’s why I had to see you. I needed to bounce this off of you.”

  “Well how’d it go?” Kevin raised his hand and signaled for the waitress to bring him another drink and Nick one too. This was going to be a long night.

  “Man, you know I lost it.”

  Kevin nodded his head. When out of control Nick’s temper was beyond nasty.

  “Bro, there’s only one other time I wanted to put my hands on a woman.”

  Kevin sat erect, stared at his friend bug eyed as he groaned, “Tell me you didn’t, Nick.”

  Offended his closest friend would think such a thing of him, he said through clenched teeth, “I said I wanted to. I would never hurt Summer, though I wanted to shake the mess out of her.”

  Easing back into his chair, “So what are you going to do?” Kevin inquired as he took a large gulp of his drink.

  Nick never batted an eye when he said, “I’m going to get custody of my kid.”

  “Nick, come on man. What are you going to do with a kid, an infant at that?”

  Nick became irritated with Kevin. He always defended Summer.

  “Summer should have told me she was pregnant. Instead of doing that, she hid it from me. What was her motive?”

  Trying to reason with him, Kevin pleaded, “Come on man, even you yourself said Summer was the best thing that ever happened to you. Maybe she had a good reason for not telling you.”

  “Like what Kev?” Nick challenged. “I’ve been trying to figure that one out.”

  Letting out a deep breath, continuing his defense, “Man, I don’t know. All I’m saying is that you should talk to the girl again. Summer is a sweetheart and you know it.”

  “Whatever, man. All I’m saying is that she should’ve told me. I’m not letting some scheming, lying, whore, raise my child. If it’s even my kid. She’s probably just having it to try to get money out of me. All females are just a like, greedy, little tramps.”

  Kevin shook his head in disbelief. “Nick, dude, you know you’re wrong as hell. That girl is nothing like Veronica or the other women you traipsed around with for that matter.”

  Kevin didn’t often get angry with Nick, but he bordered on it as he locked eyes with him in a primal stare down. “You can’t even compare the two. Summer wasn’t some gold digging, hoochie with her hands in your pockets every time you turned around, let alone a whore. That girl loved you. Was heartbroken when you broke things off with her. I told you how shook up the girl looked when I saw her downtown the week after you left for Canada. What you need to do is give her a break and stop threatening to take her baby. Excuse me, your baby.

  “Remember, you’re the one who dumped her with that lame excuse of not wanting to be in a long distance relationship. And you’re the one who said you didn’t want any kids. You should be glad she didn’t tell you. Maybe she didn’t want to put you on some guilt trip about running off to conquer the damn world.”

  Nick sat seething. If it had been anyone else ripping into him, he would’ve given them an uppercut. Kevin had given him much food for thought with his brutal honesty. However, that didn’t change his position on the paternity test. He didn’t care what Kevin said, he was getting a paternity test and do what he had to do, even if it meant getting custody of the kid.

  So what, he didn’t want to be a father. It didn’t matter now, did it? Regardless whether he wanted to or not, it didn’t change the fact he was going to be one. And it was all Summer’s fault. Whatever her reasoning, Nick didn’t care. All he knew was she would pay one way or another.

  “Listen, Kev, I know I’m not straight about this situation. You know how I get when someone I’ve trusted lies to me. I hear everything you’re saying, but I gotta do what I gotta do man. You feel me?”

  Kevin nodded his head. He felt Nick all right; he just prayed Nick would remember how special Summer had been to him. If he did, maybe he would have some mercy on the poor girl.

  Nick stood, threw a large bill on the table, enough to cover their drinks and a healthy tip.

  “Where you headed man?”

  Glancing at his watch, it was only a little after midnight and Trina would still be up. If not he’d wake her. He could feel his groin tightening as he imagined her coming to her front door with nothing on but a thong. That’s how she usually greeted him when he called late at night.

  Smiling broadly at his buddy, he declared, “To make that booty call you interrupted my brotha.”

  Nick chuckled. “More power to you man.”

  Chapter 6

  The holidays passed by in a blur, a distant memory. Summer hadn’t told anyone about Nick’s visit; she was still in shock by his reaction to her pregnancy. Although she had not seen him since, he stayed true to his word. On Tuesday afternoon, Summer received a letter from Nick’s lawyer, Mr. Steinberg. It was official; her back was up against the wall. The baby’s paternity would be determined once she gave birth. At least he wasn’t crazy enough to demand an amniocentesis for confirmation of paternity.

  When Summer received the letter via certified mail she immediately phoned the lawyer. Never being in such a position before, she had no idea what to expect. She was anxious to know if Nick had begun the legal process to get custody of her unborn child. Mr. Steinberg assured her custody arrangements could not be initiated until the paternity of the baby was established. He also informed her that a family court judge would have to review the case in order to grant custody to either parent or both parents in the case of joint custody. For the moment, Summer breathed a sigh of relief.

  Mr. Steinberg’s assurances hadn’t meant much to her. Summer found herself crying over the whole mess every time she thought about Nick’s threat. Mostly because she knew what the test results would reveal, which meant there was a strong possibility he would immediately file for custody.

  Summer had given some thought to hiring an attorney. The thought of it only gave her a headache, depressing her even more. Nick had enough money to afford the best legal counsel; she would never be able to compete with his caliber of attorneys.

  Besides, she had to spend her money sparingly since she’d taken an early maternity leave. W
ith the stress of her now hectic life, she had begun to have sporadic episodes of premature contractions.

  Brrrg. Brrrg.Brrrg.

  Rising up off the sofa, waddling to the phone on the kitchen wall, Summer answered, “Hello?”

  “Did you sign the consent form yet?”

  This man is making my life a living hell. “Yes.” Summer lied. She was too afraid to tell him she hadn’t signed the dreadful piece of paper. She had put off signing the document hoping Nick would change his mind. Fat chance. I’ll sign the darn thing after I get off this stupid phone with Ivan the Terrible.

  “Good. Bring the document to my office so I can FedEx it to my attorney.”

  Nick was determined not to make any of this easy for Summer, he very well could have sent a messenger service to her house to retrieve the document.

  Stunned, Summer’s mouth dropped open. Didn’t this fool know there was supposed to be a blizzard later in the afternoon? Although it had not yet started to snow, she didn’t want to take public transportation into Center City. And no way was she going to drive with the threat of a blizzard. The last time she drove in heavy snow her life flashed before her as she slid through a stop sign and nearly collided with a SUV.

  “Summer, did you hear me?” Nick snapped, irritated by her silence.

  Too afraid to voice her concerns about the impending weather, she didn’t want to fuel his anger by refusing to come to his office.

  “Yes, I heard you. I’ll bring it now,” Summer mumbled in defeat.

  It’s a good thing she kept an outfit ready to wear at all times. She glanced at the kitchen wall clock and noticed it was eleven forty-five. The weatherman predicted the snow wouldn’t start for another few hours. If she hurried, she could make it back home before it started to come down.

  Making her way up the stairs, Summer put on a pair of stylish black denim maternity pants foregoing tights, and a gray cable knit maternity sweater. She didn’t want to put too many clothes on since she’d taken to having annoying hot flashes at the most awkward times. Summer could just hear her mother admonishing her. “Girl you’re gonna catch a cold in your hind-parts going out half naked.”


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