aHunter4Fire (aHunter4Hire Book 7)
Page 18
“Now,” she gasped when he pulled away.
“I never realized how wonderful impatience was before.”
“Get used to it.” Marissa leaned back on her elbows and watched as Firbin undid his zipper and let his pants dropped to the ground.
He was gorgeous.
And in full arousal.
She gulped at the size of him and then pushed aside any doubts. They were meant to be together. Everything was going to work out just fine. She patted the bed beside her.
“You’ll have to get closer.”
Firbin grinned. “As you wish.”
He bounced onto the bed beside her. “Is this close enough?”
Marissa shook her head. “Not nearly enough.”
She stroked a finger down one of his arms. There were some strange tattoos on the upper muscles. “What are these?”
“My clan, creation date, and battles.” Firbin took her hand in his and kissed her fingertips. “I was fortunate to get assigned to the High Council’s elite guard. That meant I’ve been able to learn from the best Hunters, including our leader, Ardal.”
“Somehow I don’t think luck had anything to do with you being chosen for that unit. I’m just glad that you were, otherwise we would never have met.”
“We have been lucky.” Firbin’s voice took on a husky tone that sent a shiver through Marissa. “You will have to show me what you want.”
Marissa’s throat went dry.
Here was a man that could kill without a blink of an eye, and yet he was willing to take direction from her. It was a unique situation for her. She was used to powerful men who demanded that a woman stroke their ego and comply with their wishes.
Clearly, she had been associating with the wrong men.
She pushed Firbin back on a pillow.
“We’ll start with touching.”
Her fingers caressed his broad chest. A twist of excitement settled in her lower abdomen at Firbin’s groans of approval. She let her hand trail past his stomach until it rested on his hardened arousal. She grasped him and stroked down.
Firbin’s body arched in the air.
“Did you like that?”
“Very much.” Firbin’s voice was a low whisper. “I think I understand what you mean about touching.”
He sat up and brushed her hair away from her face. “It’s my turn.”
Marissa was about to protest when Firbin shook his head. Instead, she let him ease her back against the pillows. His first touch brought a sharp inhale of breath and then she relaxed into the luxuriating feel of his fingers feathering across her cheek, neck, and breasts. His lips replaced his fingers and excitement built within her.
Wonder and beauty were in every touch and caress.
She stopped herself from demanding release.
Anticipation and denial were sweeter.
Firbin kissed and licked every inch of her body. His fingers continued to stroke and tease. She floated in a sea of euphoria, as elation filled her. Wave upon wave of sensation washed over her until she could stand it no more. She took his hand and guided him to where she ached most.
Firbin didn’t disappoint.
Strokes of pleasure built until she exploded with ecstasy.
When she opened her eyes, Firbin was grinning down at her. “Should I touch you again?”
Love filled her.
Firbin never failed her. His eagerness for life and pleasing her was addictive. He might be younger than she, but that didn’t make what they felt for each other any less real. They were bonded. It was a sacred connection. Now, she needed to show him that pleasure wasn’t just for her.
“It’s my turn.” She leaned up onto her elbows.
Firbin frowned. “Did I not do it right?”
“You were perfect.” Marissa pushed him onto his back. “There is more to the lesson.”
“There are more ways for us to connect?” Firbin’s eyes widened. “You must show me.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.”
Marissa lay across his chest and ran her fingers through his hair. “You have to promise not to interrupt me.
Marissa kissed him, letting her tongue twirl around his until she felt his heart race. When he tried to shift her onto her back, she ended the kiss.
“Remember your promise.”
“As you wish.” Firbin tilted his head. “Does this give you pleasure?”
“Immense.” Marissa ran her hand over his chest. “Being able to arouse you, gives me joy. Loving each other physically is not one-sided.”
Marissa silenced any further conversation by kissing Firbin again. This time she let her hands roam over his chest and abdomen as she tasted and teased him with her lips and tongue. When she’d worked them both to a fevered pitch, she moved her hand lower and clasped his manhood. She stroked him. He was definitely ready.
She released him and straddled his chest.
Easing closer to him, Marissa let her lips and tongue roam over Firbin’s muscular chest. When she could handle the tension no longer, she moved into position and then guided Firbin inside her.
He filled her completely.
Edging lower, she let the sensation of their union wash over her.
It was heavenly.
A shiver of joy raced through her. “Now we are truly one.”
“We are forever joined and mated.” Firbin’s words whispered through her mind.
He was right. Their bond was strengthening with every minute they spent together.
“I love you.” Marissa whispered as she tilted her hips and moved.
“You are my one and only.”
Marissa rocked back and forth.
Firbin grinned. “I like this.”
“I thought you might.” Marissa eased forward and with deliberately slow movements she began a leisurely dance of loving her mate.
Firbin clasped her hips and thrust upward as she moved down. They found a rhythm that had Marissa spiraling into a climax within minutes. Firbin held her close as she descended from the heights of ecstasy. When her breathing had eased, he flipped her onto her back and took control of their lovemaking.
He thrust deep.
Withdrew and lunged again.
He brought her to the brink within seconds. She was suspended there for what seemed like ages as he continued to move within her, building her tension until she reached the screaming point. Marissa shuddered into another orgasm when she felt Firbin’s release. Together, they floated down from the heights of euphoria.
It was several minutes before either of them could move. Firbin eased away from her and flopped onto his back beside her. She pulled the covers over them and snuggled close to him, letting his body heat warm her. She considered herself experienced in the ways of lovemaking, but never before had she ever been this wholly satiated.
They completed each other.
They were bonded now and forever.
“That was wonderful.” Firbin stretched his arms over his head and then pulled her into his arms. “Let’s do it again.”
Chapter 25
MORNING CAME MUCH too soon for Firbin. He had fallen asleep with Marissa in his arms. A sense of well-being and peace that he’d never felt before filled him. His need to pleasure Marissa was insatiable. Even now, after making love almost non-stop, he wanted to join with her again.
It wasn’t possible.
Already, he could hear some of the others moving about the villa. Duty called. He was a Hunter and he must report for the planning meeting. With a sigh, he pushed upright on the bed. A quick shower and then he’d be ready for new orders.
“Where are you going?” Marissa’s voice was groggy with sleep.
“To shower.”
Marissa rubbed a hand down his back. “I know a wonderful way for two people to share one.”
Firbin grinned at Marissa. “We don’t have much time. The others are already gathering. It is important fo
r us to leave Vadim’s hotel soon.”
Marissa shrugged. “We both need a shower. It will save time.”
Firbin reached for her and gathered her in his arms. “A Hunter obeys a woman’s wishes.”
Marissa wrapped her arms around his neck. “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
Firbin stood and carried her to the shower. “I love everything I do with you.”
Thirty minutes later, they were toweling themselves dry when a knock came at the door. “Ardal wants to finalize the plans.”
Firbin jumped into his clothes and was at the door in a few seconds. He turned back to Marissa. “You can stay and sleep if you wish.”
Marissa shrugged into her t-shirt and jeans. “I want to be there.”
They left the room and found their way to the main living area. The others were assembled and once Firbin had made certain Marissa was comfortably seated he went to stand beside Niail.
“Vadim has advised me that there have been some developments.” Ardal turned to Firbin. “This concerns your mate.”
The muscles in Firbin’s chest tightened. “She must be protected.”
“Always.” Ardal turned at the sound of the main villa door opening. “Vadim is here.”
The casino owner entered the room along with one of his security men. He motioned for the man to set down a computer on the large bar. When it was opened, the man stepped back and Vadim hit a button.
“We have managed to crack the hidden security in Norcott’s computer.” Vadim moved away from the screen. “It is very damaging. It seems Mr. Norcott saved everything. He trusted that his encryption would never be penetrated. He was wrong.”
“Does it prove that he killed Rebecca?” Marissa’s voice sounded hesitant.
Firbin felt the tension leave Marissa. “So what do we do now?”
“I’ve already done it.” Vadim leaned against the bar. “All of this information was sent to the FBI over an hour ago. Right now they are escorting Mr. Norcott out of my security area and into their cars.”
“He won’t stay there for long.” Niail’s voice was dry. “From what we know about the Albireon organization, there is no place that hasn’t been breached.”
“True.” Ardal frowned. “I think we can safely say that they won’t be coming for Marissa though.”
“Yes.” Vadim closed the laptop. “I’ve sent copies of these files to all of the news organizations across this country. Hopefully, someone will pick up the story.”
“Don’t count on it.” Marissa crossed her arms. “Norcott has money and influence. There are very few willing to take him on.”
“Agreed.” Vadim’s voice was firm. “That is why I’ve arranged to have you flown out of here. It isn’t safe for you until this has settled.”
“Marissa stays with me.” Firbin took a step closer to Marissa.
“We’ll make certain she is protected, Vadim,” Ardal said. “We appreciate your offer, but Marissa will be secure with us.”
Ardal’s voice eased the tension that Firbin felt at the thought of being separated from Marissa. He had only just found her and he wasn’t ready to trust her to anyone else’s care. Unless she was safe with the other mates in their compound, he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight.
“All Hunters have taken a vow to protect another’s mate at all costs.” Ardal’s voice was firm. “We would appreciate your help in getting away from Las Vegas without being tracked, though.”
“My helicopter is on standby.” Vadim nodded. “Or we could take you to the airport. My private jet is at your disposal. When would you like to leave?”
“An hour should give us enough time to sort everything out.”
Vadim handed the computer to his security man. “I will meet you back in the monitoring room. Arrange breakfast to be delivered immediately.”
When the man had left, Vadim turned to Ardal. “Everything I have is at your disposal. My pilots are on standby always. Just let me know where you wish to go.”
“You have been most helpful.” Ardal looked at Firbin. “I would like your mate to stay with the other women. Would you feel comfortable leaving her there?”
As much as he didn’t want to be separated from Marissa, he knew that there was still a battle to be fought. He could not concentrate on the work that had to be done if he was worried about Marissa’s safety.
“Where is this place?” Marissa asked.
“In northern Canada.” Firbin kept his voice steady. “It is well guarded and secure.”
“My mate and her children are there now,” Niail said.
“As is my wife and daughter,” Ardal added. “Some of my best Hunters are guarding the compound. You will be comfortable there.”
Marissa bit her lip. “You think that would be better than me staying with my parents?”
“Yes.” Firbin’s voice was definite. “I could not continue fighting, if I knew you might be at risk. Just because the charges have been dropped against you, doesn’t mean that you are safe.”
Marissa sighed. “You’re right. I’ll go where you want.”
The band of anxiety that had tightened around Firbin’s chest relaxed. “You will like the compound.”
Marissa smiled. “I believe you.”
“That is settled.” Ardal looked back to Vadim. “I have access to transportation in Chicago. We will need help to get there.”
“I’ll notify my pilot. He will file a flight plan immediately.”
There was a knock at the door and Vadim admitted several waiters who were carrying large trays of food. They laid the spread out on the bar and then left.
“Eat. If there is anything else let me know.”
“You have been most helpful,” Ardal said. “By Cygnus and Warrior, you will not be forgotten.”
Vadim smiled and left the villa.
There was silence in the room for several seconds and then Jehon picked up a plate and loaded it with food. Everyone else followed. Firbin handed Marissa some scrambled eggs and bacon and sat beside her. The atmosphere was relaxed and when they were finished eating and sipping their coffee, Ardal stood.
“It is time to discuss what has been happening through the night.”
The room became silent.
Firbin put his coffee down.
“We’ve been successful in North America. The Albireons have been eliminated from all of their hiding places. They no longer have any strongholds on this continent.”
“That is good.” Jehon’s voice was gruff.
“Several of the H.R.F. lives have been lost in the battles.” Ardal lowered his eyes. “Sadly two of our brothers have died in combat in Europe.”
“When?” Firbin asked.
“Last night.” Ardal crossed his arms. “We lost Cael and Feil. By Cygnus and Warrior, we will bring honor to their memories.”
Firbin nodded. Death was part of battle. They had died with honor and their deeds would be remembered. To live and fight another day was what all warriors wanted, but to die fighting was the ultimate reward.
“Eogan has reported that they did not experience any problems when they stormed the bases in Europe or Australia,” Ardal continued with his update. “There were no Ancient Staffs found.”
“They have a new hiding place.” Niail spoke what all of them were thinking.
“We must find it.” Jehon’s eyes narrowed. “There must still be some Albireons alive.”
Marissa cleared her throat. “It might be a human who has them.”
“I have considered that.” Ardal sighed. “It is hard to accept that humans would participate in the destruction of their planet, but we must face that possibility.”
“Some people will do anything, if they think there is a profit to be made.” Marissa shook her head. “Look at Norcott. He knew the destructive capabilities of the Staff and he was one of the humans who authorized its manufacture.”
“Where do we search?” Firbin asked. “I’
ve seen what it is capable of. I can’t rest until all of them are found.”
“Darrogh reports that there is unusual activity in London and Germany,” Ardal advised.
“What is happening there?” Jehon straightened up in his chair.
“Computer chatter and it looks as if a new organization has popped up.”
“Friend or enemy?”
“We need more information.” Ardal leaned against the bar. “Darrogh’s team is searching now.”
“There is another problem.” Jehon’s voice was hesitant. “When we were in Nellis we found evidence that our attack may have been anticipated.
“You think there is a traitor?” Ardal frowned.
“It would have to be someone in the Human Resistance Force. No Hunter would betray one of his brothers.”
“Agreed.” Ardal’s voice was clipped. “I will speak with their leader, Hank Davis. He will be meeting us in Chicago.”
Thero held up a memory stick. “We still may find out what we need in these files from Creech.”
“You will have time to search them on the plane.” Ardal straightened away from the bar. “It is time for us to leave. Firbin, you are to take your mate to the compound and once she is safe, meet us in London.”
Firbin nodded. “I will join you as soon as possible.”
“Good. Your skills will be needed, if we are to find these Staffs.” Ardal motioned to the other men. “Gather your stuff. Vadim’s helicopter and plane are ready.”
Within minutes, they were heading to the top floor of the hotel.
Firbin held Marissa close as they climbed the stairs to the roof. She leaned into him and let him help her into the chopper. His heart soared as they rose into the air. His greatest desire was to keep Marissa safe. The Albireon threat must be put to rest. The Earth had to be cleared of those who sought to menace and destroy the human population. Firbin had a renewed desire to defeat their enemy quickly. Then the world would be safe, and he could return to Marissa, his one and only.
As he held Marissa close, he saw his future in front of him.
A life with Marissa by his side.