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Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection

Page 71

by Ember Michaels

  I chuckled and shook my head. "I swear I've never come so hard in my life," I said and scrubbed a hand down my face. "Hell, I need to make sure my dick is still attached when you get off of it."

  I bit back a groan when she slowly slid off my sensitive dick and worked the cock ring off. I took it from her and shook my head. "This little thing made me feel like that?"

  "Yep," she said and smiled, settling next to me, draping her arm over my waist as she rested her head on my chest.

  I placed the cock ring on the nightstand and wrapped my arms around her, closing my eyes. "I think that's the best sex we've ever had. Maybe I should be blindfolded more often," I said and released a tired chuckle.

  She giggled. "I told you it would make the pleasure better."

  Everything was silent for a moment before I kissed the top of her head. "I really am sorry for hurting you, baby," I murmured. "I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you even though you were fucking annoying me."

  "It's water under the bridge now, Bennett. I just hope tonight makes you realize what you have so that you don't throw it away," she said softly.

  I idly ran my hand up and down her bare back as fatigue began to settle over me. I definitely learned my lesson tonight. Aside from the mind-blowing sex we had tonight, I didn't forget the whole point of tonight. It wasn't lost on me how easy it would be for her to leave if she truly wanted to. I didn't want to think about how lost I'd be if I would've lost everything that meant the most to me. My men used to warn me all the time about how I'd lose my family if I didn't learn how to properly balance work and my home life, and this was the wake up call I needed to make that change. I thought back to when I'd lost her before, when she was pregnant with Liam and I thought my world was over when she didn't choose me after all of our monsters were slain. I'd had this grandiose vision of what our life would've been like after we'd dealt with Wilson, but none of those plans involved her leaving. I was practically in a state of depression those few months she was gone. Even though I tried to keep up a brave face around my guys, I was hurting. Hurting that she was gone. Hurting that she didn't love me back. Hurting that despite everything, I still lost everything that meant anything to me.

  The entire time I'd been on the plane, I paced the floor of the aisle, rehearsing what I'd say to her. I was a very cocky man, but there was something terrifying about being vulnerable in front of a woman who could shatter you. Whatever I said to her would make or break her decision on whether she'd come back to California with me and raise our son together. I wasn't approaching her as the scary mafia boss or the psychotic monster I'd introduced myself as. I wanted to approach her as myself, as her husband and protector, as someone she could see herself loving for the rest of her life.

  Anything I'd rehearsed on the plane went out the window when I'd laid eyes on her. Even though she pointed a gun at me, I couldn't focus on anything but her belly, which was bigger since I'd seen her last. It made me feel warm all over that my seed blossomed within her and in that moment—despite the exhaustion and discomfort that pinched her gorgeous features—she'd never looked more beautiful. So instead of giving her bullshit that I thought she wanted to hear, I told her the truth. I put my heart out on the line and took the biggest risk of my life to win back the woman who'd somehow forced her way into my heart.

  And the gamble paid off, making me the happiest man alive.

  I didn't want to feel that emptiness again. I didn't want to think of the possibility of what life would be like without my wife and son at my side. Hell, La Fedeltá existed because of her. I'd wanted to make a fresh start, to break away from the toxicity of my father and the mafia family that took away my mother, my pregnant ex-fiancée, and now my father. I wanted to create something better, to break the old cycle and start something new with her. Without Aurora, there was no family. Without the queen, there was no king. I wouldn't make this mistake again. And as she snored softly in my arms, I vowed that I wouldn't put my family on the back burner. In our line of work, anything could happen to either one of us at any moment. I didn't want to go to bed angry at her or have her hating me. I didn't want to fight with her. I just wanted us to create memories, start new traditions, and fill our house with beautiful babies and love and—

  Liam whined from the living room, breaking into my thoughts. Aurora groaned and put her hand over her eyes. "He probably needs a diaper change," she murmured and moved to sit up.

  "No, I got it, babe," I said softly.

  She looked up at me with tired eyes. "You sure?"

  "Yeah, I got it. Get some rest. I'll be back," I said and kissed her. She gave me a small smile and nodded, rolling over and drifting off. I looked around the room and located his diaper bag, getting out of bed on shaky legs—yeah, fucking imagine that—and grabbed what I needed from it before pulling the robe back on and taking the diaper stuff into the living room.

  He was sitting up in his crib, rubbing his eyes and crying. "What's wrong, Little Ducky?" I murmured as I reached into the crib and picked him up. I kissed his head a few times and I took him over to the couch and laid him down. "Daddy's here, buddy."

  He stopped crying and watched me, his big, brown eyes never leaving me as I cleaned him up. He didn't squirm around or whine, entertaining himself with a baby wipe he'd managed to pull from the container. When I finished, I picked him back up and kissed his soft, dark hair again as I bounced him in my arms. He rested his head on my shoulder, perfectly content. I closed my eyes as I held him close.

  "Daddy will always be here for you, buddy," I murmured. "I promise I won't leave you again."

  And I meant it. I'd do whatever it took to make sure they were happy and okay. I walked back over to the doorway of the bedroom, peeking in. Aurora slept peacefully, the sheet draped over her naked, spent body as the moonlight filtered in, dancing along her creamy, exposed skin. I smiled to myself. I had everything I could ever want. The stress with the new family no longer mattered. Everything I needed was in this room, and that was all that mattered. After Liam dozed back off, I put him back in his crib and rolled it back into the bedroom before collapsing back into the bed with a tired sigh.

  Everything would be fine. Just fine.


  When I woke up the next morning, it was nice seeing Bennett next to me in bed. It'd been so long since I'd seen his sleeping face when I opened my eyes that it almost felt like a dream that he was still here. I reached up and caressed the growing stubble along his jaw, causing him to stir slightly.

  "What's wrong?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

  I smiled and sat up on my elbow, kissing him on the forehead. "Nothing's wrong, baby. Go back to sleep."

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, sleepily kissing my bare shoulder. "Lay with me for a little while longer," he murmured. And as bad as I wanted to, Liam babbling across the room made it painfully obvious that it was past time to get my day started.

  "Your son is awake. I need to get him a bath and a bottle," I said, prying his arm from my waist. He groaned.

  "He's not crying though."

  "He doesn't have to be crying to need attention, babe. Besides, you don't want him to actually start crying when he's hangry. He's a screamer," I said. "Anyway, get some rest. I'm sure you're still exhausted after last night."

  He chuckled and rubbed his eyes as he turned onto his back. "I don't think I'll be able to come for the next few days. You literally drained me last night." He looked at me, his eyes a little red. "Just thinking about last night is making my dick hard."

  "Well, the more you're home at night, the more often you can have mind blowing orgasms," I mused.

  He pushed me onto my back and got between my legs, kissing my neck. "Orgasms aside, I already promised I'd be home at night." He looked down at me with serious eyes. "I meant what I said when I told you I heard you loud and clear last night. We don't have to have sex every night in order for me to come home."

  "I know." I reached up and caressed
his cheek. "As long as you keep your word and you're not too tired, I'll still be sure to blow your mind before you go to sleep."

  He chuckled. "I won't object to that." He looked over his shoulder at Liam before turning his attention back to me. "I guess a quickie is completely out of the question, huh?"

  I laughed and pushed against him to get him to move. "Definitely out of the question. Your quickie is never a quickie, so yes. That's completely out of the question."

  "Wait." He kissed me gently and grin. "How about we do something special tonight? Maybe talk to Carrie about possibly looking after Liam while we have a sexy date night."

  "I don't know, Bennett. I've never been without Liam ever since he was born," I said, frowning. And it was true. Liam was now seven months old, and I'd been with him every single day. I didn't even think I'd be able to focus on having a good night with Bennett because I'd be too busy worried about whether or not my baby was okay. But as I looked up at my husband, I sighed. I knew this was something we needed. After everything we'd been through lately, we definitely needed some uninterrupted time with each other to freely fall in love all over again and all over this penthouse suite.

  "Well, when I'm devouring you on the kitchen counter, I think you'll be okay to have one night without him," he murmured, grinding his hardening cock against me.

  The thought alone made me shudder, slightly disappointed that he didn't finish that task the night before. But at the end of the day, he needed that a lot more than I did. I couldn't begin to imagine the stress he was going through at work, but it made me feel so good that I was able to please him enough that he could sleep through the night. Even now, as he jokingly hinted at a quickie, I could still see how tired he was.

  I giggled. "If I agree, will you get off of me so I can take care of our son?" I asked.

  He smiled softly and kissed me. "I guess I can do that for now, gorgeous. But I'm getting a few more minutes of shut eye. I'm fucking exhausted," he said and flopped back onto his back. I kissed his cheek just as my phone rang on the nightstand, displaying Bruce's name.

  "Hey," I said upon answering as I got out of bed.

  "Morning, Boss Lady," he said. "Sorry to call so early, but I couldn't reach Bennett. I think his phone is still off."

  "Yeah, probably. Is something wrong?" I asked as I walked over to the closet to grab the other robe from the hanger and slipped it on.

  "Well, he'd wanted me to bring him some things and I just wanted to check with him to see if there was anything in particular that he wanted," he said. I glanced over at Bennett, who was on his back with his arm draped over his eyes.

  "Um, one second," I said and walked over to him. "Babe, Bruce is on the phone. He's asking about the things you wanted to bring."

  Bennett groaned and stretched out his hand to take the phone. I handed it to him and focused my attention on Liam, who grinned at me when I approached the crib.

  "Hi there, mommy's handsome boy," I cooed as I picked him up and kissed his cheek. He giggled and continued babbling as I grabbed his diaper bag and took it into the living room as Bennett tiredly joked around with Bruce. I tried to occupy myself with preparing Liam for a bath, but I couldn't help but listen to Bennett's conversation.

  "Oh, fuck off, asshole," he said and chuckled as he sat up on the side of the bed, running a hand down his face. "Yeah...yeah, that's, not that one, the other one. Okay, good. Uh huh...sounds good enough. Hold on, let me see if Aurora needs anything she may have forgotten."

  I busied myself with pretending to be occupied with taking off Liam's clothes when Bennett strolled into the living room naked. I blushed, keeping my eyes down to keep from staring at his semi-hard cock.

  "Babe, do you need Bruce to bring anything?" he asked, coming to a stop behind the couch.

  I shook my head. "Not that I can think of," I murmured, not that I could think straight in the first place.

  "She's good," he said into the phone, listening for a moment. "Yeah, you can grab all that stuff from the bathroom. Okay, cool. I'll call down to the front desk to have them give you a key to get up here. Okay, man. See you in a few." He finally ended the call and passed the phone back to me.

  "He said he'll be here in about an hour or so once he gets everything settled at the house," he said. "In the meantime, I'm going to go try to rest a little longer if that's okay with you."

  I gave him a small smile. "I told you that's fine, babe. I can have breakfast here for you by the time you're ready to get up. What do you want me to get for you?"

  "I wouldn't mind having you for breakfast," he said and winked before yawning. "You know I'm not too picky, babe. I'm not even thinking about food right now, just sleep."

  He leaned over the couch and planted a sweet kiss on my lips before trekking back to the bedroom and getting back in bed. Liam gnawed on the teething ring I'd given him, babbling and giggling to himself as I got his clothes off. No sooner than I had him completely undressed and ready for a bath, my phone rang again, Carrie's name popping up on the screen.

  "Hey there, sunshine," I sang upon answering.

  "Well, good morning to you, too! I'm assuming things went well last night?" she asked coyly. I smiled as I carried Liam into the kitchen with his bath stuff, cradling the phone between my ear and shoulder.

  "We had a long talk about some things and now have an understanding of each other," I said, my cheeks warming as I thought of the other things that transpired last night.

  "What's my knucklehead brother up to?"

  "I think he just went back to sleep. He seemed exhausted, so I wanted him to rest for a little while longer."

  "Well, I'm on my way to the city because I have couple of appointments later. You and Liam should come to breakfast!"

  "That sounds good. He and I are just getting up though, so it'll take a little bit. I'm about to give him a bath."

  "No worries. Should I come to where you guys are or are you going to meet me at the restaurant?"

  "You'll have to come here. I'm 100% certain that Bennett brought the Lamborghini here and there's no way in hell I'm driving it."

  Carrie giggled. "You already know he did. How else would he be able to get to you fast enough?" she mused. "Well, I'll be there in a little bit. Text me the details!"

  "I will as soon as I finished bathing this little worm in my arms," I said as I turned on the water, Liam happily kicking his legs.

  "Okay, see you soon! Give Liam kisses for me!"

  "Will do! Talk soon, girl," I said and hung up, putting the phone on the counter as I placed Liam in the sink.

  He immediately began splashing the water and laughing as he usually did at bath time, which always brought a smile to my face. It was so refreshing to have a sweet, innocent soul to ground me throughout all the madness. Looking at his sweet face every day reminded me that not everything was bad. He looked so much like Bennett that it would sometimes break my heart when I would look at him when missing my husband. But on the positive side of that, this little boy represented the love I had for my husband. He represented how the sweetest things could be created in the darkest times. I remembered how scared I was when I was pregnant, thinking that I wouldn't be able to fully love Liam since I would never know if he was conceived during a rape or not. But the moment I saw him and held him in my arms for the first time, I knew I'd love no one more than I loved him.

  I jumped when Bennett's arms circled my waist. "I thought you were going back to sleep?" I said breathlessly, trying to calm my racing heart.

  "I can't sleep anymore, even more so since you're not in bed," he replied, reaching around me to stroke Liam's cheek. Liam giggled and continued splashing. "I'm starving though."

  "Your sister just called and invited Liam and I to breakfast. You should come."

  "Sheesh. If she didn't invite me, then I probably shouldn't."

  I smirked at him over my shoulder. "That's because I told her you were still in bed and you were exhausted. I'm sure she won't mind."

  "I'll probably stay behind anyway. I don't want her to ruin my appetite with her lectures and fuckery," he said with a chuckle. "Just bring something back for me."

  "Of course, baby," I said. He continued holding me, watching as I bathed our son. The moment felt so intimate, so normal, and a part of me wondered if moments like this were truly realistic for our life. It didn't feel as if we were mafia bosses with dangers surrounding us at every turn. We were just parents in this moment, watching our baby splash around in the sink with a bubble crown on his head.

  As if reading my mind, Bennett kissed my neck. "Don't think too hard about it. Just enjoy it for what it is," he murmured.

  "I know. It's just...I wish this could happen all the time, you know?" I murmured as I wiped down Liam's chubby arm with a soft, soapy baby towel.

  "And once we get another place, it will. You were right; it'll be so much easier to focus on us as a family when it's only just us to focus on. Days will be just like this soon, and I can't wait because then I can do this."

  Before I could even question him, he was on his knees and sliding between my legs to put his back on the cabinet. Goosebumps rose on my skin as his fingertips lightly made their way up my thighs, his hands pushing my robe apart as if it were a pair of curtains hiding a beautiful view from him. I hesitated when he lifted my leg to drape it over his shoulder, forcing me to take a small hop back to make room for him.

  "Bennett, I'm bathing Liam," I hissed as Liam giggled and splashed some more.

  "So bathe him," he murmured and took my clit into his mouth. My knees nearly buckled as I tightly gripped the edge of the kitchen counter. Liam obliviously played in the water as I struggled to not moan, pleasure licking up my spine as I grabbed Bennett's hair with a soapy hand, bucking against his mouth. Liam looked at me with curious eyes when a moan slipped from my lips. It didn't feel right to do this with my son practically staring at me, but my body was too hungry to push Bennett away.


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