Book Read Free

Gate Wide Open

Page 1

by M. T. Pope





  This book is dedicated to the reader, for supporting me

  one more time. It is very much appreciated. Thank you for

  the love.


  This is book number two for me. I owe it all to God for blessing me with a wonderful gift that He chose to spring forth at the appointed time. Thank you, God, for finishing another book for me. You poured out the words once again onto empty pages and made it flow so easily. You know Lord; I agonized over if this whole writing thing was for me and if you were approving of it. You answered by filling up the pages once again. I thank You for the grace and mercy that allowed me to get this far in life. I am…because You are, and I live…because You died. And I will die because You showed me how to live.

  To my Mom, Lawanda Pope, a little woman with big strength. You make me smile every time I see you. You are the best mom in the world. I love you. My brothers and sisters: Shirley, William, Darnell, Darlene, Gaynell, Latricia, Nathon, and Yvette. I love you guys.

  To my Pastor, Melvin T. Lee, and First Lady, Tanya Lee, for coming out and showing love at my first book signing and everything else I do in this life. I promise dad that the Christian fiction is coming. Lol. To all my Because He Lives church family members, I love you with only the love that God shines through me. We are…because He lives!

  To Tracey Bowden and Arnisha Hooper, my two best friends in the world, I can’t even begin to say how much you mean to me. I don’t say it enough, and I don’t show it enough, but I can’t pay for friends like you two. You put up with my mess and my mouth, and I am grateful for all the book signings you drove me to, all the books you sold for me, and all the bookmarkers you passed out. I appreciate it so much. There are just some things in life that you just know. I know that only God could have put us together, and you two were chosen just for me. I am honored to have you as my friends.

  Carl Weber, once again, you had faith in what God has put in me to pour out of me. Thank you for this opportunity, and all that you do.

  To all the Urban Knowledge Bookstore workers that pushed my book, it is appreciated. Will, Tracey, Renee, Daisy, Chris, Ruthanne, Tonya, Latonya, and any newcomers, thank you. May God bless you in all your endeavors.

  To the Urban Books home office family: Carl, Karen, Natalie, George (Gee), Brenda, Shawn, A.D. (I still don’t know what that stands for, but I will find out), you guys make this easier for me.

  To Nichelle Washington (the first reader, again, lol), Darlene Washington, Renee Warner, Ruthanne Ryan, Latonya Towns, Aleesha Rock, Antonio Glover, Lakeyshia Dorsey, Latricia Baker, Martina Doss, Karen Williams, thank you for reading the first draft of this book.

  To Kenneth Goffney, I am totally blown away by God and how He used you to bless me. You came out of nowhere and lent a helping hand when I needed it the most. I thank God for you and the time you’ve put into this project. Thank you, friend.

  To all the book clubs that hosted me, thank you for the love and support as well. Especially my hometown book clubs: The B’more Readers with W.I.S.D.O.M. Kudos to Tasha and Pat. ShayRod Bookclub, my first book club meeting. Y’all are the bomb.

  DC Book Diva (Tiah)—Thank you for having me as my first away signing. You are the best.

  Davida Baldwin, Oddballdesigns (, Thank you for another slamming cover.

  I want to give a special thanks to a couple of people who really supported me from a distance:

  Martina Doss, for giving me my first official review and selling my books down there in Atlanta. Also, thank you for calling me and letting me know how my book moved you. You have to finish your book now. Lol.

  Leona Romich, my Facebook friend, thank you for being honest and supportive and passing my book on to the appropriate people. You were such a great person from the first time we chatted. Thanks to Toka Waters as well.

  My literary best friend, J’son M. Lee (Just Tryin’ to be Loved). Man, you are the best. We clicked from day one, and we have so much in common. Thank you for answering the phone every time I call. I’m waiting on that second book, sir. Chop, chop. Lol.

  To Ashley & JaQuavis, you guys are the best at what you do, and you always are humble when I see you or talk to you. Thank you for the encouragement and the support.

  My author friends that supported me. Karen Williams, Anna J., Dwayne S. Joseph, Ashley Antoinette, Jaquavis Coleman, Wahida Clark, Michel Moore, Kiki Swinson, Anya Ellis, Tina Brooks McKinney, Tra Verdajo, Kashamba Williams, Danette Majette, Tiffany Wright, Deborah Cardona (Sexy), La Jill Hunt, Kwan, Zoe Woods, Nanette Buchanan, Treasure E. Blue, Marlene, Dwayne Vernon, Mike Warren, Azarel, J’son M. Lee, and so many others.

  To the people that encouraged me along the way. Kenneth Goffney, your words are so inspiring. I am glad to call you a friend. Marcel Emerson, boy, you are the coolest. Keep pumping out them hot books. To Dullivan Chavis for pushing my book like you wrote it…LOL!

  A special shout-out to Deborah Richardson for helping a brotha out (wink, wink). You were a lifesaver. Thank you.

  My Wal-Mart family: Shernae, Tamara, Renee, Wanda, Gary, Ms. Val, Danuiella, Keisha, Wayne, Sharon. Thank you guys for your love and support. I miss you guys, but not the work. Lol.

  My Baltimore customers that I can count on: Ms, Cheetah, Ms. Janet, Ms. Connie, Charlene, Ebonee, Tanesha, Keyonne, Shavonni (Vonnie). If I left you out, put your name here: ________, because you are important to me too.

  I can be reached at,

  or email me at

  Thank you for the love.

  Letter to the Reader:

  First, I want to thank you for picking up book number two. If you haven’t read part one, please put this one down and go find part one first. Now!

  Secondly, I hope that I have grown as a writer and that my messages will come across loud and clear to you. This book was a little harder for me, because I really didn’t plan on doing a sequel, but you guys asked for it. So here it is.

  I have to say that I love the characters and that they did whatever they wanted to do in this book. I mean it. I had no control over them. They are just off the hook, every single one of them. LOL. And, yes, just like the first book, I pushed the envelope to get my point across. So take your time and pay attention to everything. The gate is wide open in this one, so once again buckle up, enjoy the ride and turn the page.


  M.T. Pope

  Be Encouraged.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38r />
  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Book Club Discussion Questions

  About the Author




  “Shut the fuck up!” I yelled out as I had my head in between my legs. Just leave me alone! I can’t do this anymore!”

  I rocked back and forth in the corner of the room, the only light illuminating from a small window just above my head. I banged my head against the wall several times, trying to get the voices to go away. I just wanted to knock myself unconscious so I could rest in peace.

  “Ah!” I yelled again, this time clutching the sides of my head.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I heard someone yell.

  Or maybe it was one of the voices in my head. At this point, I was truly unaware.

  Click! Click!

  I heard what sounded like the door being unlocked and opened. Then a strange man in a white uniform walked in and headed toward me. I tried to focus my eyes, trying my best to get reacquainted with them again.

  It seemed like I was in this room for years. My hair was matted to my head, my facial hair had grown to an unbelievable length, and my mouth tasted like I hadn’t brushed my teeth in weeks.

  As he walked toward me, I tried to get up in a defensive stance, but my legs wouldn’t budge.

  He put his hands underneath my underarms and helped me to my feet. “How are you feeling?”

  “Uh,” I moaned as my weak legs fought to straighten up.

  He put one of my arms around his shoulders and his arm around my back and helped me take a few steps. “There you go,” he said as I started to get the hang of using my legs again.

  We walked down a long hall that seemed to lead to nowhere. After several minutes of walking, we finally made it to a dimly lit room. There was one table in the middle of a room with two chairs that sat across from each other.

  “Here you go,” he said as he sat me in one of the chairs. He then chained both my hands behind me, and my legs were shackled to the chair with handcuffs.

  “What’s going on? Why the fuck is my arms and legs cuffed?” I asked, puzzled by my now being held hostage.

  He just ignored me. “Somebody’s here to see you,” he said with a smile.

  I smiled as well because I needed to see a familiar face. As the unknown man made his exit, I sat there wondering who had come to pay me a visit. Just then I heard the doorknob turning and the hinges creaking as my visitor made his entrance. It seemed like an eternity as he made his way around the table.

  My heart racing, I braced myself. I knew whoever came to see me must have loved me, because this was the only visit I’d had in my ten years trapped in this hellhole. I felt very special at this moment. I was overjoyed.

  When my visitor finally came around, my mouth hit the floor when I saw the large jagged knife and the look of hate and revenge. Tears flooded my eyes, as I knew this wasn’t a friendly visit.

  My visitor scowled as he inched closer to me. “You thought you could just ruin my family and walk the fuck away?”

  I yelled, but the words never escaped my throat. I thrashed in my chair, trying to break free, but I couldn’t budge.

  He began to call me all manner of obscenities, his face inches from mine. “I’m here to get my family back!” he yelled, the hot air that he breathed invading my nostrils. “The only way I can do that is to get rid of you.”

  I thrashed about even harder this time, knocking over the chair I was sitting in over and landing on my side.

  “Please, God! Please! I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you!” I begged, my head on the ground, and tears and snot running down my face.

  “You shoulda prayed before you ruined my family. Bitch!” He picked me up by my collar and sat me upright. Then he made his way behind me. “Jesus is waiting to see you,” he whispered in my ear. He placed the knife to my neck, getting ready to take my life.

  I pleaded one more time. “Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. Please, just listen to me. I—”

  Before I could get out my last plea, I felt a sharp pain around my neck as the knife cut my flesh, scraping my Adam’s apple. I tried to grab my neck with my hands to hold the blood and life in, but my hands were tied behind me. Blood poured out of my throat like a running faucet. I gargled in my own blood, as more cries of distress tried to escape my throat.

  The man turned and walked out of the room, and I felt myself slipping away into eternity.

  “Ah!” I quickly sat up in my bed, drenched in sweat, breathing uncontrollably. I had been having this dream every night for the last couple of weeks and just couldn’t shake it. “This shit is ridiculous.”

  I walked to the faucet in my cell and washed my face. I looked over at my cellmate and noticed his ass was out like a light. I’d polished him off with my signature blowjob that had him sleeping like a baby.

  I prepared uneasily to make my way to the shower, to wash away the anguish of my nightmare. As usual, one of my loyal conquests, who I named Officer Buck, because his ass loved to buck and ride my dick like a soldier trying to ride a bull, came and opened my cell to let me use the shower before anyone else. On many occasions, we would sneak off together so I could fuck his ass in an office or a janitor’s closet.

  After my shower, I made my way to the phone to make a call to ensure my ride back to Baltimore would be ready to pick me up at the appointed time.

  Back at my cell, I decided to read a book by Carl Weber called So You Call Yourself a Man. One of my accomplices on the outside had sent me this book and assured me it would be a good read. I finished the book in about six hours and was bored once again.

  I lay back on my bed and reminisced on how I got where I was.

  Well, let me start by re-introducing myself. My name is James Parks, and I have been spending the last ten years behind bars for embezzlement. Yeah, ten years ago, I was running around town on a revenge tip. I was caught up in some mess that ended with me spending time behind bars.

  I am being released in a couple of days, and I plan on going after what is rightfully mine, my children, and I don’t plan on getting caught up this time. Well, I don’t really want them per se. I just want compensation for not being told about them.

  About a year into my sentence, a friend of mine had sent me some info that I needed. I found out that Mona, one of the only bitches I’d actually fucked, was the mother of three kids that were mine.

  When I get out, I am going after my kids and the family I’m supposed to have. I also have to pay a few other people from my past a visit, to impose some revenge.

  Chapter 1


  Off the Wagon

  October 28th, 2018, 10:15 P.M.


  I had hit the ground with a thud, but I didn’t feel it. I was numb from the alcohol I was drinking. I had been sneaking off to this bar called Naughty’s on Reisterstown Road. I had been cheating on my wife again, but this time with liquor. I had beaten the demon that was my homosexual desires, only to fall prey to the bottle.

  Ever since I found out that the kids I have been raising are not mine, I just sunk deeper into depression.

  I still love Mona, but sometimes I just can’t seem to look at her. Ashley and Alex are sixteen now and are shining stars in high school. They are sure to go on to some prestigious college of their choice. Little Diana is ten and blossoming, growing more intelligent as the days go by. James still haunts me every time I look at Alex because he is becoming his spitting image.

  “Yo, you all right?” a thuggish-looking guy said as he helped me back on my stool.

  “Yeah, man, just a little too much to dringg,” I said, slurring my words. “Thanks for the help, partner.” I got back on my seat and proceeded to order another drink.<
br />
  I felt my bladder about to explode, so I got up and stumbled to the bathroom to take a piss. I had been in the bar for over an hour and I already had five drinks. I stumbled my way to the urinal and whipped my dick out from behind my zipper.

  I put one hand on the wall to hold myself up while I held my dick in the other hand and I relieved myself into the urinal. “Ahh!”

  “Nice piece you got there.”

  I looked to the left of me, still a little unfocused, and noticed the thuggish guy standing next to me, his tongue wagging like a dog in need of water.

  “Yeah, man, whatever,” I said, brushing him off, and zipped my pants up.

  “Man, you know you want this mouth on your dick. I’ll give you a blowjob your grandfather could feel.” He moved closer toward me, the look of lust in his eyes.

  I glanced around to see if we were alone. I looked him up and down and noticed this dude was seriously flirting with me in a bathroom at a straight bar. Built like a pro wrestler, this dude was a straight-up thug type dude that you see on the block hustling rocks. And I knew he was strong, because I could see his pecks through his loose-fitting shirt.

  When I pushed past him, trying to make my exit, he grabbed my arm and threw me against a wall and kissed me with a deep, passionate kiss, forcing his tongue in my mouth. As his tongue explored my mouth, I continued to struggle for control of the situation.


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