Gate Wide Open

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Gate Wide Open Page 19

by M. T. Pope

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  I got up and pushed the dresser in front of my door over, so no one could just come in. I was about to light into her and didn’t want anyone interrupting me.

  “What gave you the right to hit me?”

  “Ashley, I was raised in a tight-knit family that was taught to stick together in a fight. When you fight one of us, you fight all of us.” She paused. “Once when I was in school, my sister got into a fight and I stood there watching her and didn’t jump in. Well, after she got finished fighting, she was pissed that I didn’t help her, so she beat my ass because I stood there and watched her fight. She won the fight nonetheless, but the point was, to stick together.”

  “Yeah, and! I’m not a part of your family.”

  “So you just going to get tough with me over the phone and you couldn’t even check the girl’s chin that was getting the ups on me.”

  “It wasn’t my fight, so why should I have helped you?”

  “Because I was your lover, bitch!” she yelled into the phone.

  “You got that right—was!”

  “Oh, it’s like that?”

  “Yep, ever since you decided to lay hands on me.” I was standing and making hand gestures like I was sure enough through. The truth was, I was a lover, not a fighter.

  “Oh, okay. I guess you will be ready to let your parents know about your little secret life.”

  I paused as soon as she said that shit. I wasn’t ready to let the perfect couple, Mona and Shawn Black, know about their lesbian daughter. But she didn’t know who she was fucking with. I had one up on her, and it was definitely a trump.

  “Well, I guess you got me there,” I said, letting her think she won.

  “I thought so,” she boasted.

  “Not.” I paused for effect. “You must have thought you were dealing with an adolescent.”

  “Oh, wait a minute, you are!”

  “You must have forgotten you were fucking a minor. In the state of Maryland, it is considered statutory rape. Punishable by time in jail.” I had a huge-ass smile on my face.


  “Next time, know who the hell you dealing with when you want some young pussy. You dumb-ass trick!” Click.

  I hung up on her silly ass. She really thought I was a dummy or something. Ashley one, Antoinette zero. She will definitely have something to think about for the next couple of days.

  I went to the shower and cleaned myself up and hopped into bed.

  As I lay back in my bed, I thought about how I got to where I was right now. A lesbian. Who would have thought I would turn out like this? I didn’t even know what it was until I used to see the girls stripping down to their panties and bras in the locker room before and after gym class. There would be breasts and ass everywhere. If I was a guy, I would have had a very noticeable erection for hours.

  I tried my best to hide my lust for womanly flesh, but it got harder and harder every single day that I had to watch the girls shower next to me. Most of the time I would wash my private area until I came.

  Once, a girl noticed how much attention I was paying to myself down below and called me on it.

  “Oh, my goodness! Ashley, girl, you gon’ leave any pussy left down there? Because you been scrubbin’ for days!” She laughed, and so did the other girls that occupied the shower with us.

  “You betta leave something for the boys to lick down there.”

  Everybody was laughing pretty hard and loud after that comment.

  I laughed nervously too because I didn’t want to let on to what I was really doing. “Naw, y’all. I just like my stuff to be extra clean. I can’t catch a man with funky pussy. If a nigga smell a funky pussy, his ass will be running for the hills. The last thing I need is to have a nigga spread some shit about I smell like a sewer or some shit.”

  They all laughed again. “Shit, in the yearbook, my ass going down as the girl with the cleanest pussy. Fuck the most successful or the prettiest. A clean pussy get you a house and a car, and I won’t have to work a day in my life.”

  Everyone fell out laughing.

  “And a nasty one will get you ass-stripping and sucking dick on the block.”

  Again, everyone fell out laughing.

  They didn’t know I had actually come in the shower twice in ten minutes, looking at all of the breasts and pussy walking around. My mind was racing as I saw several of the more attractive chicks bend over and scrub their ankles. I could see their pinkness, and it was driving me crazy. Mentally, my tongue was wagging and panting like a dog. Many times I would walk out of the shower wobbly-legged from coming so much, I would be famished by the time we got to lunch period.

  The truth was, I couldn’t beat the boys off of me, because I was far from an ugly sister. I wasn’t model material, but I got more than my fair share of glances.

  I would even go as far as hanging out with a boy every now and then, just to throw the snooping-ass chicks off my trail. A free dinner and a movie never hurt a sister, but that was as far as I would let that shit would go. No kissing or holding hands. I would hug you, but only when I knew some of the chicks from school was around. That mess was getting old quick.

  It was cool up until a dude that drove me home one day tried to force me to have oral sex with him. His ass is damaged goods for sure. Let’s just say, his ass needed a dick doctor when I was finished with him.

  After that, I swore off men and started actively pursuing women. I stumbled onto Antoinette by chance and was in love ever since I met her. Up until now, that is.

  I rolled over, shed a few tears and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 40


  A Dream Come True

  December 28th, 2018, 11:15 A.M.

  I was so glad that I was finished with that get-a-bitch-back shit. I was getting too old for that shit, and was about to retire as “king bitch.” They all got what they deserved.

  And I definitely got what I deserved. A well-endowed man with money, power, and he could cook his ass off too.

  When I got in the house last night, Wallace wasn’t in the house yet, and I was glad. I had to wash the smell of burnt fish off of me before he got home. It was only about ten o’clock when I got in the house. Wallace usually didn’t get in the house until about one or two in the morning. Which left me enough time to shower and clean up and dispose of the Taser and the gun. I put all of the clothes I used for this last act of vengeance in the dumpster along with all of the hurt I had endured in my life. Wallace was a dream come true, and I loved and wanted him forever.

  I must have been awfully tired, because I didn’t realize I had slept through his coming in last night. Damn, I must have been spent. Again, I was glad to leave that beat-a-bitch-down shit alone.

  Wallace had the house smelling good. He must have gotten up early this morning and started cooking breakfast.

  Before I could get out of the bed, my baby was walking in the room with a tray of food and a huge smile on his face.

  “Hey, baby,” I said with an even bigger smile. It was a smile of love and adoration. I finally had a man that loved me and was always honest with me. “What do I owe this pleasure?”

  He stopped in his tracks and did a little shimmy dance, all seductive, like he was a stripper with the tray in one hand. That really made me smile. He was so sexy, I wanted to pinch myself.

  After his little dance, he instructed me to sit back as he placed the tray on the bed and pulled out an eating tray from under his bed. He pulled a silk napkin and placed it in the collar of my shirt, so I wouldn’t mess up my silk pajamas.

  “Baby, I don’t know what I would do without you here when I come home from grinding in the streets.” He looked at me with his sexy eyes, a tear sliding down his face.

  I wasn’t one for the mushy stuff, but the moment had me about to shed a tear or two. “I know it was wrong, the ways I went about trying to get you, but know I am glad that I did it, because we wouldn�
��t be together now, if I didn’t.”

  “I’ma go get my plate, so I can eat and talk to you about something.” He walked out of the room.

  After we both ate, he immediately went into the kitchen to clean up the dishes. I laid back in the bed and watched cable until he returned.

  In less than ten minutes, he was back in the room, on my side of the bed. He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth with a wet, passionate kiss.

  “What was that for?” I asked, my dick rising fast in my pants. I was always ready for some dick, and now was a good time. I could stand to work off that good breakfast he just cooked me.

  “Because I love you.”

  “I—I love you too.” It was the first time I had said it to anyone in a long time. It felt strange, but right.

  “Sit up for me, baby.” He looked deep into my eyes. “I don’t know how to say this, so I’ma just do it.”

  I did what was asked, a puzzled look on his face. All kinds of crazy shit was flowing through my head. Was he about to tell me he had a wife, and I was his side piece? That shit would be uncanny and definitely shocking. Or maybe he was HIV positive and had given it to me? Shit, I hated not having control of any situation.

  “Well, baby, it’s been a couple of months, and my life has been all the better with you in it. It feels so good to have a man to come home to that I know I ain’t got to worry about you cheating on me. I just want you to know that I want you in my life forever and I want you to be in my life forever.”

  When Wallace got down on one knee, like you see in the movies, and pulled out a black box, my eyes got as big as dollar coins. I was totally shocked, but I held my shit down. I wasn’t going to be screaming like no bitch.

  “James Parks, will you marry me?”

  I immediately shook my head yes, and we embraced. It felt like, finally, my world was coming together. It was a dream come true.

  He slid the ring on my finger and just gazed into the platinum band that fit perfectly on my ring finger.

  “When we going to do this?” I said, a smile on my face.

  “Well, I made reservations in Vermont at a bed-and-breakfast in two weeks, so we could get married and have a honeymoon all at once. I made my arrangements with my boys on the block to hold shit down while I was gone, so I could be with my boo. Here’s some cash.” He placed a knot of money in my hands. “Go and get us some clothes we could wear for the ceremony and the rest of the week.” He kissed me on the cheek and left the house to take care of some business.

  I walked around the house in a daze, excited and scared at the same time. Could I actually live with one person for a lifetime? I was willing to give it a try.

  I was so amped up that morning, I had showered, shaved, and dressed within forty-five minutes and was out the door. I planned on getting the best clothes money could buy, because we were going to do it up in Vermont big time.

  Two Weeks Later

  The flight to Vermont was a very peaceful one. No turbulence or wild children crying out in displeasure. We had arrived at the bed-and-breakfast about twelve noon. I was taken aback by the wonderful décor of the plush close-to-the-mountains retreat. The air was fresh and crisp, unlike the stuffiness of Baltimore.

  As soon as we walked into the room, it seemed like all my pain and fear was washed away. The thoughts of my past vanquished under the tranquility of the atmosphere. I was a little nervous about the ceremony, but that was probably the wedding morning jitters or something.

  I went back outside and retrieved the last of the bags, while Wallace paid the taxi. I again stood in the middle of our cabin-like suite.

  Wallace snuck up and grabbed me from behind. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in. “You ready to make this happen?” He started blowing and licking in my ears, seriously turning me on.

  “Of course, baby.” I turned around and softly kissed him on his lips. They were so moist, I took another kiss.

  I pulled away and walked toward what looked like the bedroom. He followed behind me as I grabbed a couple of bags along with me.

  “Wow,” I said in awe of the heart-shaped bed adorned with large pillows the top. On the bed was a big basket filled with fruit, wine, and chocolate. I really wasn’t a fan of red, but it was only for two weeks.

  A single tear slid down my face as I thought all about the pain my first lover caused me. It was now that I realized that all the hate and rage I perpetrated against other people was needless. Here I was now with the man of my dreams. I’d said I would never love again, and here I was, about to jump the broom and pledge to spend a lifetime with one man. I deserved this, and I was truly going to go through with this and be happy forever.

  As I reminisced, Wallace drew me back to the present with a kiss on the lips.

  “I love you,” I whispered. It was true this time. I felt it deep down inside and I knew it was real, what I felt at that very moment. True love.

  The ceremony went off without a hitch. It only lasted a couple of minutes, and we were out of there.

  We spent almost the whole trip in our room fucking like rabbits and eating up a storm. I was going to enjoy life with him and I knew my being around made him the happiest man on earth.

  Chapter 41



  December 29th, 2018, 11:30 P.M.

  I was so emotionally exhausted when I woke up the next morning. I had mixed feelings about not talking to the kids about this whole paternity issue. I got up and walked around the house. It was Saturday, and everybody was gone out of the house.

  I decided to do the same. I wasn’t in the mood to be in the house cleaning and doing other various household things. I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat. I noticed two notes on the table, one from Ashley, the other from Shawn.

  Ashley had taken Diana to the mall, and Shawn wasn’t specific about his whereabouts. I assumed he was somewhere trying to get himself together. After the talk we had last night, I knew he had a lot to think about. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to be alone to sort things out. He deserved that much, since we went through so much in the last decade.

  Alex didn’t leave a note, so I assumed he was out with his friends, or boyfriend. I shook my head at that thought again. How was I supposed to deal with this? Give him his privacy, or expose him and force him to alienate himself from his family? This shit was too much to deal with at one time. Good thing Diana and Ashley are doing good and have very little issues. I’m so glad my girls are stable and responsible.

  I decided I would go through my list of things that needed to be done just before the ceremony. I had to get my mind clear and get away just to cope with these things going on in my family.

  I was out for about three hours before I had gotten tired and was ready to go home. When I got home, I was tired and hungry. Getting something to eat while I was out wasn’t on my mind. I went straight toward the kitchen to get something to eat. It was about two o’clock in the afternoon, so everybody was still gone, or so I thought.

  As I made my way toward the kitchen, I heard music coming from Alex’s room in the basement. It wasn’t that typical music that teens his age listen to, like rap and hip-hop, but some old-school music, like he was sure enough grooving.

  “What in the hell is he doing down there?” I whispered to myself.

  I leaned up against the door to see if I could hear anything. Nothing. The music was too loud to hear what was going on.

  Against my gut feelings, I eased my hand around the doorknob, turned, and opened the door. The steps were carpeted, so I could not be heard coming down the stairs. There was a little hallway before I got to his room. I took my time, because I didn’t know if I was ready to see what I hoped I wouldn’t. It was now or never.

  I peeked in his slightly open door, and what I saw blew my mind. My son was on the bed, pushing the large dildo I found in his dresser drawer into a girl on all fours, while he jerked on himself, and another girl was underneath t
he first girl as they performed oral sex on each other.

  I could see the reason why he had to use the dildo on the two young girls. Let’s just say, he had a shortcoming. He wasn’t well endowed like either one of his “fathers.”

  I silently mouthed, “Thank You, Jesus,” to myself. My son isn’t gay. He is just an under-endowed freak.

  I stood there still in shock. I was glad he wasn’t gay, but I wasn’t letting him have a fuck-fest up in my house. Me and his father were doing the only fucking in this house.

  “Alex!” I yelled as I entered his room. “What in the world do you think you are doing? Have you lost your mind?” I wanted to go over and hug him and his girlfriends, but I had to put on the pissed-off-momma act, to show him I meant business.

  “Um, uh, uh, Ma,” he stuttered, trying to cover himself up. “I’m sorry. I—I—I thought you would be gone a little longer.”

  “Oh, really?” I said, my arms folded. “I think you and your little tricks need to get the heck upstairs before I start doing bodily harm to all of you, okay!”

  I made my way upstairs as they scrambled to get themselves dressed.

  After about five minutes, they were upstairs and in the kitchen, where I was waiting for them. I chastised them all and sent the young ladies home.

  I didn’t even bother punishing Alex, because I was too overjoyed about the whole not-being-gay thing. I told him I wouldn’t tell his father if he promised not to repeat what I saw in the basement, until he was married and out of my house.

  Chapter 42


  Honey, I’m Home

  January 11th, 2019, 11:59 A.M.

  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  I jumped up from a deep sleep. And I was sleeping really good, you know, slobber running down the side of my face. I squinted my eyes at the clock that showed that it was only twelve o’clock in the afternoon. Shit.

  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  “Who the fuck is it?” I moaned in disgust and pure laziness. I reached for the phone just to see who was ringing the hell out of it. I looked at it, pausing just to see if I wanted to deal with the caller, who I knew would call back again if I didn’t answer it this time. I wasn’t for it.


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