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Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance

Page 24

by Veronica Cross

  Ara who had been giving Alex strange eloquent looks since the time she had knocked on her door, just as Alex had finished dressing and called her for dinner, now got up from her place, looking splendid in her long black dinner dress with a bold slit up her calf, and said to her nephew.

  “You seem in real high spirits, Jim.”

  Dr. Scot, the minute he heard the front door open, had risen to pour their drinks, now came forward and handed each of the two men a glass of scotch. Jim threw back his in one go, strode to the sideboard to keep his glass then turned to Ara and said.

  “A long thundering horse ride with uncle Archi can put any man in high spirits.”

  Then as if to make a point he walked to his wife, gave her a quick peck on the forehead the turned and addressed the room in general.

  “I apologize, ladies, for being late, I will take ten minutes to shower then we can eat.” Saying that he walked out of the room.

  Archi who still had his drink in his hand slid down to an overstuffed walnut winged armchair and crossed one long leg over the other.

  “Since I don’t have Jim’s refined tastes…” he began and looked at Alex, then knowingly at Ara, which made Alex think with mortification that they both knew what she and Jim had been doing earlier. Ara smiled like a cat as her twin continued.

  “… and as I am just a plain rancher, I don’t think I need that bath before dinner.”

  “Archelaus Rubeus Sullivan…” Andreadora thundered and the tall burly Archie cringed like a puppy. Alex smiled in glee. This was something only a mother could manage.

  “Rancher or no, I will not have a son of mine eating at my table with dirt on his clothes.”

  Reluctantly Archi rose and lumbered out of the room mumbling.

  “Well then ladies, I will take less than ten.”

  Eight and a half minutes later, as Dr. Scot timed it, Jim walked into the room. He was dressed impeccably in a charcoal gray business suit and a dark blue formal tie. He looked handsome and dashing and vulnerable at the same tie with his hair still wet from the shower curled around his forehead and over the brim of his collar.

  “Archi is just around the first-floor landing, coming down, wearing his boots on the way.” he declared coming in. Once again he singled out his wife from the entire group and went to her. He had a sapphire colored shawl that he draped around her then and said.

  “This is not New York my dear. It gets real cold here. You need to be careful. You can get sick or worse catch your death. And we don’t want her dying before she has served her purpose do we?” he said the last part looking straight at his grandmother and Andreadora looked at him with something akin to regret.

  Archi walked in at that moment. He was dressed in an old faded pair of jeans that was clean, ironed and starched, a blue checkered shirt and a sleeveless logger’s jacket with numerous pockets. He wore a pair of solid work boots and if only he had a Stetson he would have completed his cowboy look.

  As they sat down at the table Alexandra blurted out of habit.

  “Let us say grace.”

  Everyone at the table was surprised for a moment. Then they started joining hands when Jim suddenly declared.

  “No. No, we don’t say grace usually. And we don’t need to change our ways of living for a stranger. Alex has come into this family and she will adapt to our ways. Not the other way round.”

  Alex knew it was her first test. So she nodded. Thanked the lord for the food silently. And began to eat her soup.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning Alex woke well before dawn. The first thing she saw upon opening her eyes was Jim. He was sleeping on his side of the bed, his quilt pulled into a hug like a sleeping woman, one hand folded under his head, sandwiched between the side of his face and his pillow, his hair was tousled, and the front of his nightshirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest gave an unrestricted view of a thick mat of curly hair growing there. He looked endearing.

  Alex threw her quilt over him to keep him warm then went into the water closet to use the facilities and take a quick shower. What she had not expected was for the water to be so cold. She came out dressed in one of her plain dress, still shivering and shaking. She crossed to her closet and took out the shawl Jim had given her the evening before and wrapped it around her shoulder. Then she went down to the kitchen.

  As she went out of the room and down the staircase that had turned cold in the night, she shook and shuddered violently. When she reached the kitchen she was shivering so badly Rosa dropped the pan she was about to put on to the stove and ran to her.

  “Miss Alex. You are shivering.” She said putting her hand around Alex and pulling her inside. She kicked a low stool and pushed it in front of the blazing hearth before pushing Alex down on to it. The sudden warmth of the fire brought tears to Alexandra’s eyes. Just then Rosa pushed a steaming mug of coffee into her hands and though she only ever drank tea she slurped at it eagerly.

  “An early riser are we?” another voice said from behind a huge steaming pot kept on one of the numerous kitchen cooktops and Alex saw the welcome face of Morgan Langdon peeping out at her. She was happy it was not Ara with her teasing looks, Archi with his smart comments or Andreadora Sullivan with her foreboding looks that she had to face first thing in the morning. Rosa and Morgan suited her just fine.

  Morgan gave one last stir to her pot, peeped into it, nodded satisfactorily then wiping her hands on her apron she came to sit from across Alex. She sat there then took Alex’s hand into hers, caressed it absently and smiled at her affectionately. Alex knew her type well. They were born to be a mother, ease troubles and to spread their light. It came to them naturally and Alex had always secretly called them the human angles.

  “I always rise before dawn. It’s a habit of sorts. But you are up and in the kitchen too early.”

  “Well, after you and Jim are married in church tomorrow, there will be a big gala later. I am helping Rosa prepare for it. Feeding hundreds of people is not easy.”

  “Hundreds? I thought it was going to be a modest affair.” Alex said and Morgan laughed.

  “You will learn pretty soon that nothing about the Sullivan’s is modest. They are a loud, boisterous lot.” When Alex giggled like a school girl Morgan smiled at her benignly.

  “Are you comfortable here Alex? She enquired and Alex nodded.

  “What happened to you?” she asked still holding her hand.

  “I am used to waking up early, taking a bath, then doing my chores. I tried to start the day the same way here. Only I did not bank on the water being so icy cold.” She said and the two women giggled.

  “I am sure you will learn these things soon enough…um…after all your husband decreed so at dinner last night…Alex, I am sorry about what he said, about not letting you die till you have served your purpose. He just likes to show himself as a rough and tough heartless rogue. It’s his style. But underneath he is a very nice man. Give him time Alex. He will love and cherish you for life.” Alex looked deep into Morgan’s blue eyes the color of which she shared with Ara and Jim.

  “I was wondering what he could have meant by that remark.”

  “To tell you the truth, I have no clue. Looks like it’s something between him and mother. They have this connection you know. He respects and adores her and she is proud of him. But they mostly behave like business competitors with their wagers, bets, stakes and risks. They never tire.”

  “And you two love each other very much. You share a special bond. It’s quite evident.” Alex presumed. Morgan nodded smiling sadly and patting Alex’s hand.

  “Right After Jim was born Eileen became very ill. My eldest had been born a month before. My husband had had to travel to Canada and he had left me here for the childbirth. When Eileen could not take care of Jim, I cared for him along with my Bobby.”

  “Jim said she left him.”

  Morgan was surprised that in such a short time Jim had told her something he never shared with his closest kin.

  “Don’t judge her too hard Alex. She had her reasons.” She said looking into the fire. Alex had always believed that when people spoke looking into the fire they always told the truth. But she could not find it in her heart to pardon Eileen Sullivan.

  “Does she live in these parts?”

  “Oh yes, she lives right here on the estate. In Gray Cottage. It’s a property on the south side of this estate. She has a small outbuilding where she runs the primary school. She also has a library for the kids. You might want to take a look at it. You were a primary school teacher and librarian back in New York, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, I was. But I have left that life behind a long time back.”

  “Well, you must think of reconnecting with it. After all, that’s who you are. Don’t let Jim bully you into doing otherwise. The Sullivan men have a knack for it. It is your duty to comply with his wishes but he has no right to oppress you. And if he does you know where to go.” She said sitting up to her full height. She was taller than her mother but certainly shorter than Jim. But Alex had no doubt she possessed the capacity to manipulate the mighty Jim Sullivan.

  “Actually you will have plenty of occasions to visit Gray cottage. Mother will be soon shifting there with Eileen.”


  “Oh well,” Morgan said faltering. Then she exchanged a knowing look with Rosa who had been quietly kneading the Doug at a nearby counter. Morgan gently put her hand over Alexandra’s then continued.

  “Well once you and Jim are married, Mother would not want to stay here, you understand,” she said looking tentatively at Alex. As the meaning of what she was trying to say dawned upon her, Alex nodded without looking her in the eye. Then feeling compelled to say something to end the long silence that ensued she said.

  “Jim says that the proxy marriage, signing the agreement and depositing it to the magistrate, is good enough for him. But he feels that saying our vows in front of the Lord matters to me. And so he says we will not live as man and wife until we are married in church tomorrow.”

  “And I was wondering why you needed a desperate shower this morning,” Morgan said relieved to hear what Alex had told her. Then faltered as Alex gave her a blank look not having understood what she was trying to say and as Rosa snickered behind her back.

  “I don’t know what you mean Morgan. Nonetheless, I thank you for not saying it in front of Ara. I have a feeling if you had, I would never have heard the end of it.”

  And at that Morgan and Rosa burst out into peals of laughter.

  Chapter 8

  The day went by in a frenzy. After breakfast, the men closed themselves up in the study room to discuss Scot’s new hospital wing. After lunch, they went off to his clinic to take a look at the prospects.

  The Bolstons, who owned a fashion boutique in town had been invited. The husband and wife arrived just after breakfast with yards of fashionable fabric, a large assortment of jewelry and four skillful seamstresses. They worked on the women all day till their dresses for the day after were fixed. Ara had declared that she was going to be maid of honor.

  Andreadora was in her best of moods and she ordered for Alexandra a lot more dresses than was necessary for her wedding the next day. Alex had to beg her to take it easy on the silks and order her a few simple ones if she had to.

  Alex was also stunned by the energy and swiftness with which the old woman moved. She was eighty-three and she reminded her of Mother Bernardine. As she thought of it Alex’s eyes stung with tears. Making sure no one was looking her way. She quietly went to one of the window seats and sat dabbing at her eyes. Andreadora followed her there.

  “Morgan tells me that Jim’s comment the other night at dinner distressed you,” she said sitting next to her. She put her frail wrinkled hand on to Alex’s and the tears came once again.

  “You make me think of my Mother Bernardine,” Alex said not answering her question directly. She thought something passed behind those shrewd eyes before the old woman said.

  “You do me great honor by saying that. And so you must believe me when I tell you, that Jim is an honorable man and he will never let you down. “

  “But he did not choose me. You did.” Alex said and Andreadora appreciated her courage to stand up for herself. The girl was no pushover.

  “None the less you are his wife. And he will always honor that commitment. As for love, you chose this marriage knowing well that it was one of convenience, didn’t you? So now the two of you are on equal score and it’s up to you to build yourself something of value.”

  Alex nodded. She kept thinking of what Andreadora had said all evening and into the next day. The marriage took place the next day at noon in the small parish church. Ara looked stunning in her bride’s maid dress and Archie as wild in his fine tailored suit as he did in his cowboy get up.

  When the priest declared them man and wife and it was Jim’s turn to kiss his bride, he brushed his lips over her cheek and whispered into her ear so that only she could hear him.

  “Later.” He said and that one word laden with meaning kept ringing in her ears all day.

  The gala dinner that had been arranged for, the people from the parish, the Sullivan property, acquaintances from the neighboring estates, family and friends started at sundown. It was a grand affair.

  A marquee had been set up in the Sullivan gardens, that blossomed on a large parcel of land towards the south of the estate on the banks of a lake. The gray cottage stood to one side of the gardens and was hidden by a small dogwood grove.

  Tables had been laid out for people to sit and partake of the festive dinner. An elaborate menu was being served with dishes from many different cuisines along with the finest wine. An orchestra from Washington played beautiful music to entertain the people. A fine dance floor had been prepared for the young enthusiasts.

  After the inaugural dance that she had to dance with Jim, Alexandra took her seat next to Andreadora and watched the festivities with interest.

  “Do you like the party?” Andreadora asked

  “This my first. I haven’t ever been to another one in my life. But I can safely say that none other could be grander than this one.”

  Andreadora smiled at her guileless manner.

  “You are very honest.”

  “Mother Bernardine always said that lack of honesty is the beginning of a corrupt mind.”

  “Your Mother Bernardine seems to be a very wise woman,” Andreadora said and once again Alex felt she saw something pass behind her eyes.

  But before she had a chance to say anything, Jim walked over to them and declared.

  “Come Alex we have to leave.” Alex rose from her place hesitantly.

  “Leave? Where are we going?”


  “But the party is not yet over.”

  “The party is not meant for you Alex. And the people it is meant for are already here enjoying themselves. You, my dear, are expected to be elsewhere. You have duties to fulfill.”

  Once again he threw that bitter look at his grandmother and this time, Andreadora was about to reiterate when Archie walked over.

  “Your carriage is ready Jim. And Mother, Eileen is waiting to take you back to the cottage. Don’t worry about the guests. Myself, Ara and Morgan will take care of them.”

  Andreadora nodded and took Archi’s hand. As he helped her away Alex felt she saw tears glistening in her eyes.

  Chapter 9

  Alexandra stood at the window of her bedroom clad in a white nightgown. It was a chaste piece of clothing that covered her from neck to toe. The curtains were pulled apart and she stood looking out at the moonlit night. The window faced east so she could not really see the festivities but she could hear the distinct sound of the music muffled by the cool night breeze.

  She had gotten quite used to the cool breeze now and even enjoyed it a little. Another thing she enjoyed and had never experienced in the confined surroundings of the convent was the starry sky. Hundreds of thousands of stars in a
sky spread across thousands of acres of land certainly made a breathtaking sight.

  When the door to the room opened and closed behind her a thrill of anticipation ran through her body. She felt Jim’s presence around even without turning to look at him. She was surprised by that connection she was already forming with him.

  “Come away from that window Alex. It’s cold,” he said sitting down on the bed and starting to undress. He took off his shoes and his socks and placed them neatly in his closet. Then he pulled off his tie and threw it across a chair that stood next to the bed, followed by his coat and vest. He then unbuttoned his shirt halfway down to his midsection and pulled it out of the waistband of his trousers, then sat back down on the bed again.

  Alex had been watching him and had derived immense pleasure out of that small conjugal observation. She came away from the window now and as she approached he caught hold of her wrist and pulled her forward so that she was standing between his thighs.

  “You look beautiful in that nightgown Alex.”

  “It’s a simple nightgown without any fashion. You must have seen much better.”

  “Is that your way of asking if I have been with other women?”

  “No, I really didn’t mean it that way,” Alex said looking up horrified then as she saw the smile tugging at his lips realized he had been teasing her.

  “I have no right to question you Jim.” she said softly and Jim stood taking booth her hands into his.

  “You have every right to question me Alex. Let me tell you this. I have not lead the life of a monk all these years but my heart has never been touched. And since the time I have met you all other women of my acquaintance have faded into oblivion.”

  You have come dangerously close to touching my heart, he had wanted to add but refrained. Instead, he gently pulled at the pins in her hair and watched her hair cascade down to her shoulders. He then shoved his hands into the mass of auburn curls and brought her head slowly forward as he bent down to claim her lips. At first, she resisted slightly then allowed him access. Then the magic happened. Sensations she had never imagined coursed through her body.


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