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Romance: The College Bad Boy: A Young Adult Romance

Page 86

by Veronica Cross

  “God, you’re so stimulating,” he said, grinning. He kissed her ravenously while rubbing the head of his erection against her swollen folds, gathering her anticipatory juices.

  “Llewis…” she whispered as he kissed her rashly, biting her bottom lip and groaning when pursuing her tongue slipped in his mouth. She was surprised with the sound she never thought she could make.

  Filling her with one thrust, Llewis cursed how good it felt to have her around him. He moved in and out of her, rotating his hips as when she tried to match his demanding strokes.

  “Ohhhh…” Miranda whimpered as her fingers combed on his wavy dark hair when his thrust turned powerful.

  Moaning and clapping of skin filled the air as they went on. Miranda cried as she began to feel her orgasm nearing, her legs locking tighter around his waist.

  “Say my name,” he whispered huskily in between heavy breathing.

  “L-Llewis…” she murmured, biting her bottom lip.

  Llewis’ thrusts grew faster and hard, reaching her G-spot. And so, she came violently – her back arching up and off the flat surface of the table.

  He took her lips in a passionate kiss as he scooped her small figure into his arms. A few moments more, she was already lying on the soft bed mattress. He claimed her body once more as they drove each other to another climax.

  Llewis moaned against her mouth as he shot his load, muscles stiffening and heart racing. His heart rejoiced knowing that she was also trying to catch her breath as he collapsed on top of her.

  Weeks passed and Miranda could swear that she didn’t feel like they were in the run. Being with Llewis was like having a trip around cloud nine.

  Llewis Summers was not only good-looking but also good-natured. He was sweet and nice and caring. He was always concerned for her. And she knew he was sincere. He may not say it. But Miranda could feel that he was serious about taking care of her.

  Over the things that had happened to her, having Llewis was the only thing she was thankful of. She knew she was safer than ever – in his arms.

  “Mira,” she heard him whisper. “Are you okay?”

  Miranda blinked at the cup of espresso she was staring at. She was drifting too much in her own thoughts.

  “Y-Yeah,” she smiled, raising her head to see a worried face of the man who undoubtedly caught her heart.

  Yes, she liked Llewis Summers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep, I’m okay. I’m just thinking about how long it was since I went out,” she chuckled, looking out the glass walls of the coffee shop they were in.

  They went buying grocery stocks and a few clothes for her hours ago before she begged Llewis to have something in the nearest coffee shop. He didn’t like the idea at first. But with her charms, she was able to make him say ‘yes’.

  “What do you love about staying in a cafés anyway?” he asked.

  He has been watching over her for more than a decade. And Miranda knew half of it was in a café.

  “I love the smell of coffee and the cozy feeling,” she answered, giggling.

  Shaking his head, Llewis shrugged in response. As a man, she knew it was hard to understand what she was trying to imply. And being an individual, Miranda always loved spending time to herself. She was more comfortable being alone – before.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” she spoke out of the blue, feeling like she needed to pee.

  Llewis face stiffened. He looked alert and worried.

  “I’ll be fine. It’ll be quick. I’ll be back in a second,” she reassured him before taking her flight to the café’s restroom.

  Miranda finished her business in the restroom as fast as possible. Llewis can overreact sometimes and she didn’t want that to happen.

  She was on her way back to their table when she bumped into a blonde woman. She was about three inches taller than her and had overly sexy body. She was exceptionally beautiful and oozing with sex appeal.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “No, no. It’s okay. I wasn’t looking,” the woman replied, tilting her head to Miranda’s direction. “Are you the woman with Llewis Summers?”

  With that, Miranda stopped in her tracks. She wasn’t expecting anyone who knew Llewis. In her knowledge, he barely had any contact with anyone for the last decade except his family.

  “Yes,” she nodded. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, no. It’s nothing, really. We were friends back in med school.”

  “I see. Do you want to talk to him?” she asked, feeling happy that there was someone who could still remember Llewis.

  “Oh, no. There’s no need for that,” she heard the woman reply.

  Miranda pressed her eyes closed. Her head was spinning and she was having a hard time to balance herself. She didn’t know why but she was sure something was odd. There was so much sound but she could hear the woman’s whisper.

  “I wasn’t looking for him. I came to get you.”

  She thought the strange woman was just spouting weird things but then she felt her body falling into her arms. With that, Miranda knew her life was on the line.

  6 Choices

  Miranda opened her eyes with a throbbing forehead. Her vision wasn’t quite clear but she was sure she was in a cold and dark place.

  Where could she be? She didn’t have any idea.

  “Hello?” she called out, trying to get up from the cold concrete floors where she found herself lying helplessly.

  Looking around, Miranda realized that she was in a boxed room with brick walls and the only way out was the steel doors. The space was empty and dimly lighted with a five-watt yellow bulb.

  “Hello! Is anybody there?” she called again, pressing her ear against the cold steel doors, expecting to hear anything. But there was none.

  Where am I?

  She was starting to panic but it would be of no use. Nobody could hear her even if she screams on the top of her lungs.

  Instead, she quietly sat on one corner and tried to remember the last encounter she had before passing out. The only thing she could recall was the blonde woman who knew Llewis.

  Is she a wolf?

  Miranda shivered at her thoughts. The weeks she spent together with Llewis went really smooth, making her believe and think that everything’s turning out to be fine – that she was safe. But Llewis was right – one wrong decision and their lives will be in danger.

  And there she was – alone in a freezing cold and dark four-cornered room.

  As much as she wanted to think of a way to escape, Miranda thought it was useless. She didn’t have any kind of superhuman powers to destroy either of the brick walls nor the steel doors.

  Hugging her knees, Miranda felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She was feeling a mixture of fear, frustration and worry. If she was kidnapped, what would happen to Llewis? Where would he be right now? What’s he planning? Was he taken as well?

  No, she shook her head. Llewis was strong enough to protect himself. They can’t hurt him. And she believed that he’d come looking for her.

  A few more moments have passed, after she made up her mind, Miranda focused on conserving her energy.

  I need to be strong. This could be the chance to know about what happened to Papa. I need to be alert.

  It didn’t take long when she saw light illuminating the dark room. The steel doors creaked open, revealing a white five-inch pump shoes.

  Her heart raced when a beautiful brunette woman emerged from the other side of the steel doors. Despite the dim lighting, Miranda could see the resemblance they had. The woman had the same Italian features like hers. And if it weren’t for her overly-huge eyes, they would be mistaken as fraternal twins.

  Who are you? Miranda wanted to ask but she was choking with her own saliva.

  “Well, well, you must have been shocked, dear cousin,” the woman spoke in a high-pitched voice. She was grinning mockingly, looking down at her.


  “I’m Marcella.
This is the first time you saw me and I had pretty much the same reaction when I saw you for the first time as well. We look like each other, don’t you agree?”

  “W-Where’s my father?” she asked in a quivering voice. They were so alike that it’s bothering her a lot. But she needs to know what she needs to know.

  “Your father?” Marcella chuckled taking few steps closer to her and then yanked to level their gazes. “Don’t worry he’s safe.”

  Miranda let out a deep sigh before speaking up again. She felt relieved. Questions about her father have been haunting her all these weeks. And now she got an answer.

  Her father was alive… But both of them were not safe.

  “Why are you doing this?” she hissed, gathering all the courage she had left. Rising up from the cold concrete floors, Miranda stood up and balanced herself as her knees grew wobbly a few times. She was still dizzy.

  Marcella raised both of her hands in the air before giving her a mocking grin. “You’re doing all the asking. I think I deserved to get some answers with mine too,” she leaned on the steel doors and looked at her. “Where’s my mate?”


  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Miranda asked confusingly.

  “Where’s Jacob?” Marcella questioned, glaring at her with gritted teeth.

  “Who’s Jacob?” Miranda swore she saw a glint of red flash on her cousin’s eyes when she said that. Did she say something wrong?

  “I don’t want to make this more complicated, dear cousin. Jacob is my mate. He’s mine. No matter how many times you sleep with him in his human form. His wolf is mine.”

  With that, Miranda felt a bucket of cold water splashed all over her weakened body. Did she mean Llewis? Why was she calling him Jacob?

  Mate? What the fuck is a mate?

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Miranda heard her voice croaked and her mouth twitched.

  “In human words, it means we’re engaged.” Marcella informed, confirming the realization she had in her mind.


  Miranda fell silent to think. Llewis was engaged. And she slept with him. Worse, she thinks she had fallen for a man who belongs to someone else.


  “Jacob and I had a bit of misunderstanding before he left the pack. He’s too loyal to your father. I did not understand why he had to leave me,” Marcella shrugged. “But he’s always like that. He decides on his own, thinking what is the best thing to do. But I couldn’t. I could never disobey my father.”

  Marcella smiled bitterly. “He told me that it’s going to be alright as long as we’re on the right path and we support and believe each other. But he left without saying goodbye.”

  “And why are you doing this?” Miranda raised a brow. She wanted to understand why her cousin was telling her all of these.

  “Because I realized that he was right. My father was too greedy and I can’t let him do what he wants.”

  “And you expect me to believe you?”

  Marcella sighed. “Look, I was not the one who kidnapped you. It was my dad. I’m sorry for all the trouble. I just wanted to fix things with Jacob. As for you…” she paused. “I understand that he was doing his job to protect you and he needed a diversion... We look so alike that he saw me in you…” her voice was gentle and sweet. But beneath the angelic and beautiful face, Miranda saw a woman willing to fight a dirty war.

  “Where’s my father?” Miranda asked in a firm and stiff voice. They need to get away from that place before anything else. She would think about her heart later.

  “Mira honey, do we really have to make him choose?” Marcella shook her head and clicked her tongue, masked with a sad look on her face.

  “I will tell you where he is in one condition.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I have arranged everything for you and your dad to escape,” Marcella informed. But she couldn’t get herself to trust the woman.

  Miranda took the piece of paper the woman had handed her. Written in the parchment was the time scheduled for her to leave the place. Marcella even wrote down the address where her father was staying.

  “I will tell you his whereabouts when I get out of here safely,” she spoke, placing the piece of paper in the pocket of her jeans.

  The woman nodded before giving her an impish smile. “Thanks. I had your dinner prepared. Eat. You’ll be needing energy later.”

  Miranda was left alone in the dark-lit room once more with a tray full of food. Amazed with the generosity of her cousin, she helped herself with the steak and soup that was served for her. More than anything, she was going to need energy for her escape.

  There was a letter on the piece of tissue, saying that the barracks she was in was heavily guarded with Marcella’s father’s henchmen and it was not going to be an easy task to get away. But her cousin reassured her that she would be able to leave the place safely.

  After mulling over things, Miranda came up in a resolve to trust her cousin, Marcella. The woman might not be trustworthy enough but it was better than letting herself rot in that four-cornered room. She would risk her life to save her father.

  I don’t have anything to lose after all… Llewis… No… He’s Jacob… He was never mine in the first place.

  When the night has grown late and quiet, Miranda stayed alert more than ever. She did not sleep or even relax. She was nervous and anxious and scared. But she needed to make a move or else it would be too late.

  In her analysis, her Uncle Jomari was a ruthless man. He never cared about anything except for power. And it would not be impossible that she might end up food for the worms the following morning if she stayed there.

  Hours have passed when the steel doors finally opened again. This time, a tall and bulky man with a scary face came. His expression was empty, making her feel a bit hesitant to follow him.

  “Where are you taking me?” she cried in pain when the stranger grabbed her arm forcefully.

  “The boss is waiting for you,” the man growled, revealing a fake silver tooth.

  The man took quick and large footsteps, literally dragging her out of the dark room. It took a moment before her eyesight could adjust to the brightly laminated lobby.

  She was in Wakerlin all along.

  What happened to the people here?

  Following the way led by the scary guy, Miranda held her breath until they reached the lobby where her father’s study room was located. A surge of anger and fear covered her. She would be meeting her uncle who betrayed her father for the first time.

  Two others were standing right by the doors of Marco Walker’s office. Filling her lungs with air and gathering all the courage she had left, Miranda entered the room without second thoughts.

  The room was dim-lighted and very quiet. She felt goosebumps when the large sliding window behind the swivel chair opened as a black and white wolf entered it.

  “L-Lewis…” she murmured, pressing her eyes closed when she saw the black wolf jumping to assault her. For a moment, she thought she was fine but when she felt blood trickling down her left leg, a tear escaped from the corner of her eye to the carpeted floor.

  7 Rebirth

  “Mira… Mira… Are you okay?”

  Miranda opened her heavy lids. She felt tired. She was naked and her body felt cold and lifeless and she didn’t have the energy to move an inch.

  “W-What are you d-doing here?” she mumbled weakly.

  “I came to take you back,” Llewis replied. Sweat has covered his face and she could see blood on his forehead.

  “What happened?” she inquired before her vision went dark and blurry again.

  Miranda felt creepy when her body hairs started growing abnormally. Her eyes were closed but the sensation coming from her pores were way too great for her not to notice. And the pain she had on her left leg wasn’t helping at all. Her heartbeat was erratic and she could feel her body getting hot.

  As nails starting to grow longer, Miranda sensed her
teeth have become sharper. Her weakened body was in excruciating pain and she couldn’t stop screaming. She felt like she was dying and there was nothing she could do about it.

  A few more moments have past and she found herself standing on her feet, catching her breath after making a loud and long growl. Her consciousness was present but her body wouldn’t move the way she wanted it.

  “M-Mira…” she saw Llewis looking at her with horror. He raised his hands in the air taking a few steps away.

  Miranda balanced herself, limping with her left hind leg. She had turned into a wolf. And she didn’t have any idea how. The last thing she could recall was when a black wolf jumped on her.

  “What happened to me?” she said remorsefully. She was in her wolf form and she didn’t know if Llewis could understand her.

  “What happened?!”

  She could hear Llewis’ heartbeat as well as his heavy breathing. The breaking of twigs from the tree in the garden was clearly audible. And if she was right, there was someone else struggling with pain in that room.

  Looking around, Miranda saw her cousin, Marcella lying lifelessly on the carpeted floor – next to the black wolf.

  “She saved you,” Llewis spoke softly, watching his mate wither away like a dried flower. Marcella lost so much blood and was beyond saving.

  “Why?” she whimpered, feeling guilty.

  “Because her father tried to kill you,” he mumbled softly. Llewis’ expression was empty. And she knew how much pain he must be feeling. Marcella was his mate and he was not able to save her.

  Because of me… She died because me…

  Feeling her eyes welling up with tears, Miranda settled down in one spot. She never knew wolves could shed tears, too. She never knew animals could feel pain and remorse as well. And now she’s one of them.

  She became a wolf.

  Before any emotion could devour her system, Miranda remembered her father. Where could he be? Was safe?

  She wanted to ask Llewis but when she opened her mouth, she felt a seasick and her limbs started growing back. Her fur had disappeared and her teeth went back to what it was originally. She was weaker than ever but her wounds have disappeared, like it was never there a few minutes ago.


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