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Page 8

by R. J. Wolf

“Yeah she’s right. I do have a problem with her.”

  “Well don’t bite your tongue.” Nickie snapped.

  “You show up out of the blue and the next thing we know someone is trying to kill Anthony. We try to get out of town, somewhere he’ll be safe. Aside from us I’m sure you were the only person who knew where we were going. Yet before we can make out of the state we’re already being shot at.” Steve pushed the throttle harder as he spoke, the speedometer sliding back into the triple digits.

  “Sticks gets killed and I damn near lose my life. We make it back and what two years Nickie…two years before you said a word. And now that we’re close to finding him, here you are. What’d you come to try and finish the job?”

  The Camaro roared as it approached 150 mph. Mikey tried to lift his head, but he was glued to the backseat.

  “Just say it, tell me I’m not lying.” Steve yelled.

  “Um, dude slow down. I mean really slow down!” Mikey screamed trying to latch his seatbelt together.

  Steve slung the car off an exit ramp and mashed the brakes. The car began to fish tail as he sped around the winding road. In a storm of dust and gravel, the Camaro spun onto the shoulder of the road and stopped.

  Nickie glared at Steve with absolute loathing in her eyes. Her mouth hung wide open in disbelief. Her face was drenched with tears.

  “You don’t think that maybe I was scared? Maybe I was terrified of everything that happened. Maxey was gone, Sticks was dead, even you didn’t come back. All anyone could talk about is how Anthony had been murdered.”

  Mikey squirmed in the backseat uncomfortably. He cleared his throat and Steve shoved his hand over his face, smashing it into the charcoal leather.

  “Go on.” Steve said annoyingly.

  “I was scared Steve. Scared to death, but when Mikey told me I could help and maybe get Anthony back…I had to try.”

  Slapping Steve’s hand off of his face, Mikey sat up. “We don’t have time for this. You can either let her tell you where to go or turn Sweetness around and take me home.”

  Steve grinded his teeth and cut his eyes at Mikey. He squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white and took a deep breath.

  With his foot slammed on the gas the Camaro spun back onto the road and sped off. “Where to Nickie?” Steve asked through clenched jaws.

  “You need to get back on the interstate.” She responded.

  Mikey smirked at both of them from the back seat. He’d come along to look for answers, not referee a verbal throw down. He knew sooner or later they were both going to have to get on the same page.

  It was completely dark when they finally turned onto Highway 92. Mikey snored loudly in the backseat while Nickie stared out of the window, refusing to look in Steve’s direction.

  “The silent treatment is cute and all, but you are gonna tell me when to turn right?” Steve glanced over.

  “Hmph!” Nickie responded. “I guess. You should probably turn now.” Nickie smirked as the car blew past the street.

  Steve slammed on the brakes, slinging Mikey into the back of Nickie’s seat.

  “Nice.” Steve rolled his eyes as he shifted into reverse.

  He backed all the way down to the intersection and stopped. The long narrow street was dark and desolate.

  “We’re going down there?” Mikey mumbled from the back seat.

  “You scared?” Steve shot back.

  Revving the engine, he tore off down the empty street. Nickie smirked at him and shook her head. Mikey anxiously looked from side to side trying to pretend that he wasn’t afraid.

  “Slow down. You can pull over up there.” Nickie pointed at an empty lot.

  Steve let off the gas and the car coasted onto the cracked pavement. He let the car roll in between the fence and a row of dumpsters and stopped. From there he could see the beige building up ahead, but his car was hidden from the road.

  “Well, that’s LSK.” Nickie nodded.

  “Doesn’t look like much.” Steve smirked.

  Mikey leaned up from the backseat and poked his head out of the window. The building was a wide one-story office set in the middle of nowhere. A motorized fence wrapped around the back of the facility and a tarp had been attached to the mesh, making it impossible to see behind.

  “So what makes you guys think Anthony is here?” Nickie asked curiously.

  “Mr. Clark found something about a holding facility, said it was in North Shore. So unless you know of another one…he’s in there.”

  “We need a plan on getting in there.” Steve said more to himself.

  “I’m sure Mr. Clark and Mit will figure it out.” Mikey grinned.

  “Get down!” Nickie said in panic.

  At the top of the street a black suburban was slowly rolling their way. The headlights flashed past the garbage bins as the car rolled by. It pulled up in front of the building and stopped under a streetlight.

  Steve slowly lifted his head and peered down the street. A skinny man in jeans and a t-shirt hopped out of the driver’s seat puffing on a cigarette. Leaning his head back, he blew a cloud of smoke into the air and walked to the back of the car.

  “You think they can see us?” Nickie whispered.

  “Nah.” Steve responded without moving his eyes.

  A slightly larger man in cargo pants and boots with a fatigue long sleeve shirt got out of the passenger side of the truck. He spit a wad of tobacco on the ground and joined the other man at the back.

  They both looked back and forth down the empty road, their eyes lingering for a moment on the trash bins hiding Steve’s car.

  “You see that Patterson?” The smaller man asked.

  “See what?” He responded. “Look, nothing’s down here, let’s just finish already and leave. This place creeps me out.”

  “You’re right.” The skinny man said as he flicked his cigarette into the air and opened the back of the suburban.

  Cautiously, he reached into the truck and started tugging on what looked like a black rolled up tarp. As he pulled it to the edge Steve could see that it was actually a long black bag like the ones used in a morgue.

  Together the two men grabbed the bag and heaved it out of the truck and laid it on the ground. Something inside of it moved and the men stepped back.

  “You think it’s alive?”

  “Nah, probably just nerves, they like em fresh here.” Patterson spit to the side then knelt down and grabbed the bag again.

  “I think somebody’s in there.” Mikey mumbled.

  The two men picked the bag back up and started heading into the building. Steve watched them closely trying to detect any movement. Suddenly a loud bone crushing moan erupted from inside the bag and then men dropped it again.

  “Argh! What the hell!” The men screamed in unison.

  The front door swung open and a stubby gray haired man walked out. He wore a white lab coat and green corduroy pants. He waddled towards the men like a duck, shaking his finger angrily.

  “What on earth is all the commotion about? Pick the subject up and bring it inside now!” The man was nearly yelling at the top of his lungs.

  “It’s…it’s alive. They promised us no problems, said we wouldn’t have to deal with anything. Look at it Dr. Young.” The skinny man pointed.

  The bag was flopping about like something was trying to rip its way out. The imprint of hands could be seen clawing against the black nylon material.

  “Oh dear!” Dr. Young exclaimed.

  “You’re damn right oh dear. There’s somebody alive in there mister. Come on Earl help me get this thing open.”

  “You don’t understand.” Dr. Young said calmly. “You’ve already seen too much.”

  Patterson and Earl looked at each other dumbfounded. They were still trying to decide what to do when another man walked out of the front door directly towards them. He was at least seven feet tall and built like an NFL quarterback. His dark brown hair hung over his angled face covering his eyes.

  “Oh yes Daniels please do something about this.” Dr. Young pointed at the black bag.

  Reaching for his utility belt Daniels pulled out a long silver coated syringe. He knelt down beside the bag and smirked at Earl and Patterson. Then raising his hand to eye level he stabbed the syringe into the bag. There was a quick jerk and the squirming stopped immediately. Daniels huffed and then stood back up.

  “Drop that off and then do something with these two.” Dr. Young said dismissively.

  Daniels tossed the bag over his shoulder and headed back inside. Earl and Patterson shared anxious glances.

  “Now…now we still get paid, right?” Earl stuttered.

  Dr. Young smiled. “Oh yes, of course. Daniels will be back shortly to sort that out.”

  Earl grinned at Patterson and winked. Patterson nodded back at him then turned to Dr. Young.

  “And…and what about that bag? We was told no trouble.”

  “I’m certain Daniels can more than accommodate for any inconvenience. Ah here he comes now.” Dr. Young raised his hands and walked towards him. He paused and whispered something into Daniels ear and headed inside.

  “Uh Dr. Young there said you’d have our money.” Earl said anxiously.

  Daniels smiled at him. “If you two will follow me.” He said calmly.

  Steve watched as the three men headed around the building and entered through the mesh gates. They slowly closed behind them and the men disappeared out of sight. Moments later there was a loud crack, followed by another, and then complete silence.

  “That was a gun.” Mikey jumped up from the backseat.

  “No way. That could’ve been anything.” Nickie said dismissively.

  “We need to get out of here.” Steve said as he reached for the key.

  Nickie grabbed his hand and stopped him. “No, look.”

  Up ahead the gate was starting to open again. Daniels stepped out with the lifeless bodies of Earl and Patterson hoisted over each of his shoulders. In four strides he was back at their SUV. He tossed the limp bodies into the back and slammed the lid shut.

  Nickie gasped and covered her mouth. Steve looked on in shock as Daniels turned around and headed back inside. He waited for a few minutes to pass then cranked up the car and pulled off in silence.

  Once they were on the main road and were certain they weren’t being followed, Steve finally spoke.

  “Okay, I think it’s safe to say that’s the place we’re looking for.”

  “Yeah, but there’s no way we’re getting in there. They killed those guys.” Mikey said grimly.

  “More reason to get in there. What do you think they’re gonna do with Anthony? And who was in that bag? I say we go tomorrow.”

  Mikey just shook his head and took a deep breath. Nickie was still covering her face in the front seat. She hadn’t said a word or moved since they’d left the LSK office.

  Steve stared at her for a moment and then looked back at the road. “Mr. Clark is gonna flip huh?” He asked.

  Nickie slowly turned her head to him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. “He killed those guys. He just killed those guys. Maybe you were right…maybe this is too much.”

  Steve didn’t respond. He looked back at Mikey then back to Nickie.

  “I think I’ll just go home.” She sobbed.

  Steve thought about responding, but simply smirked and bit his lip. Nickie sighed and slumped back in the seat.

  The Camaro sped down the dark highway cutting through the night like a bat. Mikey had fallen back asleep and was busy covering Steve’s leather seats with a fresh coat of drool. Nickie stared out of the window in silence.

  As they pulled up in front of Mr. Clark’s house, Steve tapped the brakes hard and Mikey was slung face first into the front seat.

  “Oh sorry. It was a cat.” Steve grinned.

  Mikey groggily wiped at his face and rubbed his head. He shot Steve an angry look then yawned. Sniffling, Nickie stepped out of the car and slid the seat forward. Mikey tumbled out of the door and rolled into the grass and stood up.

  “My face hurts.” He mumbled.

  “I know.” Steve laughed.

  Nickie turned and started to walk towards her car. Shaking his head Steve jogged after her.

  “Nickie wait up. You’re coming back tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah…yeah I’ll be back. Just need to clear my head and let this soak in. Besides, I wanna see what else my stepdad has lying around. You’re gonna need help figuring out how to get in there.” Nickie leaned back against her car and grinned. “Why? You gonna miss me Stephen Hanson?”

  Steve let out a little laugh. “Yeah, you’re okay Sutherland. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Nickie smiled back as she got in her car and started to drive off. Steve waved then turned towards the house. Mikey was standing behind him grinning from ear to ear.

  “Nice to see you two making up. Is Anthony gonna have some competition when he gets back?”

  “Shut up.” Steve said as he shoved him and headed up the porch.

  Mikey rolled his eyes and followed Steve into the house. The front door squealed as it opened, a sound that had become so familiar to them they didn’t even notice it. The rusty hinges barely held the door anymore, the screws clinging to the rotted wood.

  Stepping into the foyer, a carpet of darkness fell over them. It blanketed the house, suffocating the rays from the streetlight outside.

  “You trying to go green Mr. Clark?” Steve yelled as he flicked the light switch on the wall.

  When nothing happened he flicked it again then stumbled to the lamp in the living room and tried that.

  “Mikey don’t close the door, I can’t see a thing.” He yelled back as he wiggled the switch on the lamp. “Mr. Clark, Mit where are you?”

  “Steve! Steve, there’s blood on the door handle!” Mikey yelled in panic.


  The bright lights of the waiting room were dizzying. The smell of death mixed with sanitation clung to every particle of air. Mr. Clark shook his leg feverishly, his eyes swept back and forth in a blur. Every time someone passed he jumped to his feet and in disappointment he slumped back onto the pink vinyl chair.

  “I think that’s him!” Mit said anxiously.

  Springing out of the chair, he pointed down the hallway. A middle-aged, brown haired man wearing glasses was slowly walking towards them. He kept his eyes on the floor and didn’t look up until he was standing directly in front of Mr. Clark.

  He held his hand out and forced a smile on his face. “I’m Dr. Novacks; I handled your mother’s surgery.”

  “Surgery!” Mr. Clark repeated.

  “I was certain someone had told you.” He reached into his pocket and took out a white rag. “Oh boy.” He sighed as he wiped his face. “Fullerton, there have been some complications.” The doctor said in a monotone voice.

  “Why was my mother in surgery?” Mr. Clark asked forcefully.

  “The CT scan revealed an aneurism in your mother’s brain. We had to perform emergency surgery to save her life.”

  “I don’t…I don’t understand.” Mr. Clark started to mumble. “We brought her here for stitches. The other doctor, he said she might have a slight concussion. That was all.”

  “Honestly Fullerton, that’s what saved her life. I’ve never seen anything like it. The onset was immediate, it developed so quickly. If you hadn’t brought her here tonight she would’ve certainly died. As it is she has a tough road ahead of her.”

  “Can I see her?” Mr. Clark asked with tears in his eyes.

  “Most certainly. She’s in an induced coma right now, recovering from the surgery.”

  Mit grabbed Mr. Clarks arm and started to walk him down the hallway.

  “Nurse.” Dr. Novacks called. “Can you escort these gentlemen to room 306.”

  “Right this way sir.” The nurse said.


  Nickie slowly cracked open the door to her step
father’s office. She glanced behind her ensuring the coast was clear then disappeared inside.

  The office was dark except for the faint glow from the computer screen. Tiptoeing, she made her way across the laminate floor to the bookshelf on the far wall. She ran her fingers across the book spines trying to remember where she’d last seen something about elementals.

  A light flickered on in the kitchen and Nickie whipped her head around. The cadence of footsteps headed in her direction clicked loudly. She dropped to her knees and crawled under the metallic desk.

  The door to the office eased open. From under the desk Nickie could see a pair of hairy feet rocking back and forth in the doorway. Slowly, they marched towards her and stopped just in front of the desk.

  Nickie’s heart beat like a battering ram threatening to tear loose from her chest. Her whole body vibrated from the pounding metronome. She wiggled her nose fighting the sensation to sneeze, squishing her upper lip and shaking her head.

  The wrapping of nails on the top of the desk made her hair stand on end. Each nail sounded like thunder as it collided with the metal surface. She watched in horror as the feet started to move around the side of the desk.

  Nickie closed her eyes and pulled her legs to her chest, clenching into a tiny ball. She held her breath and tried to ease the thundering of her quaking heart. The sound of rustling moved closer and closer and then suddenly stopped.

  There was a long silence and she didn’t move a muscle. Her ears soaked up any noise like an owl. Eventually she had to pry her eyelids open. The dark office was stale and empty.

  Hesitantly, Nickie poked her head out from under the desk. The office door was closed and she was alone in the dark. She pulled herself back to her feet and quickly ran to the bookshelf.

  As she started to scan the books again, a twinkle caught her eye. She turned around and the computer that was on the lock screen earlier was now sitting open with the cursor blinking.

  She walked back to the desk and grabbed a pen and pad of sticky notes. Sliding into the chair, she started searching through the computer. Within five minutes she’d written a small novel and was headed out of the door.


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