Business: Phoenix #1

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Business: Phoenix #1 Page 11

by Danielle, Zoe

  “I love this car.” I tell him.

  He looks at me wide eyed before turning back to concentrate on the road ahead of us. “Do you? I thought it would be a little…fast for you.” Slight arrogance in his voice.

  “I like going fast.” I laugh.

  Matt drives fast. I watch as he operates the speed machine, I watch as one hand rests effortlessly on the wheel whilst the other switches gears. I can see his muscles clenching underneath the tight fitting shirt.

  He parks the car and I turn to look out the window to see where we are. We are at the side of a huge building but I can’t see any signs. I look at Matt questioningly and he grins.

  “What the…?” Is all I say.

  “We are at a movie theatre.” He explains. “Kate told me you wanted to see that 50 Shades of Grey. So I booked us a VIP box.”


  The theatre is extremely busy and I had forgotten all about Matt’s ‘celebrity’ status over here. As soon as we step inside there are tons of women staring at him open mouthed. He takes my hand and we head over to the prebooked ticket station where a young attendant can’t help but stare at Matt as she serves us. She hands Matt our tickets and directs us to an elevator which takes us up to the private VIP bar.

  There aren’t very many people in the bar, us, another couple and four women.

  “What would you like to drink?” Matt asks me as a waiter approaches us.

  “White wine, please.” I smile.

  “Can we have a bottle of white wine, one glass. And scotch, neat please.” Matt asks handing the waiter a note. The waiter nods his head before retrieving our order and we both thank him.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I joke once the waiter leaves us.

  “I think we both know you don’t have to be drunk for me to have my way.” He says with a sly grin as he takes a drink of his whiskey.

  An attendant comes over to us and directs us to our VIP box. We are right at the back of the theatre in a private room with six black leather reclining chairs. We watch everybody entering the theatre but they can’t see us as there is privacy glass.

  I take a seat on the middle chair and cross my legs. Matt sits beside me and places the bottle of wine in the holder between us.

  “Thank you for all of this, Matt. It’s perfect.” I watch him take another drink as he watches people fill the theatre before he turns to face me.

  “I’ve heard women loved the book, so I just thought we could get some ideas,” He says playfully.

  I furrow my brow and playfully hit his bicep. “Oh behave!”

  Matt tips his head back and laughs. “It was worth a shot.”

  We sit in silence as we wait for the movie to begin; I wonder what he is thinking. Is he thinking of me, of us? Or is he thinking of somebody totally different? Melissa, Jess, another woman? I can’t take no more.

  “Matt…” I say and his attention is back on me, he searches my face. “I think we need to talk…”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Well… I need to know what is happening with Jess… and Melissa?” I say, my voice low so nobody can hear us, I don’t know why because we are completely alone.

  His facial expression changes from calm and collected to frustration and I worry that I have over stepped the mark.

  “Nothing is happening with Jess.” He states. “And Melissa is just a friend.”

  Just a friend? Kate told me they were something more than that, but I don’t want to drop her into deep water by admitting she told me. I think back to the day in James’s office. “When James and Grace spoke about her they referred to her as ‘girlfriend’”

  His face impassive as he speaks. “We are just friends.”

  “For some reason Matt, I don’t think you are telling me the entire truth.”

  He stands and puts his hands to his head. “You are so frustrating Casey, do you know that?”

  I don’t respond. I just watch him as he puts his hands on the privacy glass.

  “I was fucking her.” He says.

  “Was?” I ask.

  “Was.” He confirms. He hasn’t turned to face me; he is still standing at the privacy glass.

  “When was the last time…”

  “Before I met you.” He responds instantly.

  “And you haven’t been with her since?” I probe. When he remains silent, my heart begins to pump through my chest and I start to panic. “Have you fucked her since we have known each other?” My voice is demanding.

  He nods curtly. “Once. When I first came back to Cali. I didn’t expect you to come over. I’m sorry. I wish I hadn’t. If I had known you were coming, that you were even considering it…”His voice trails off.

  I feel as though he has taken a bite of me, chewed and then spat me back out. I put my head in my hands. I feel betrayed all that time I was miserable because I missed him and was beating myself up he slept with another woman? The woman who was watching me the first day I got here. But, I can’t feel anything else, because we weren’t exactly together.

  I feel Matt sit back on the chair beside me; I raise my head and meet his remorseful eyes.

  “And you promise you haven’t done anything since I have been here?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

  “Yes, you know that.”

  “So why was Melissa in your office? Why was she waiting for you in reception the first day I was in Cali?”

  “We were supposed to go to lunch. When I first saw you in my office, I couldn’t wait to touch you, to hold you. You consume my thoughts, my mind. She was just a distraction.” He answers sincerely and I believe him. “What are we, Matt?” I ask next.

  The lights dim as the screen lights up and the advertisements start to roll. Matt reaches across and puts his hand on top of mine, “We’re together.” He says looking at the screen.

  “Are we a couple?”

  “Yes.” He confirms as he turns to look into my eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-six


  “I haven’t got anything to wear!” I whine once I complete my hair and makeup, I opted for natural looking waves I created with my straighteners and glamorous looking makeup, completed with the smoky eye effect.

  “Are you sure?” Matt smirks.

  “Well you are going suited and booted. I have nothing like that here.”

  “I like what you are wearing now.” He teases. I glance down at my tank top and pyjama shorts, put my hands on my hips and shake my head at him. “Alright, come here.”

  He takes my hand as he leads me to a bedroom at the far end of the hallway. There are numerous boxes stacked up on top of each other – some big, some small. He leads me to the closet and opens the door. There are four dresses hanging.

  “What the ?” I ask as I take everything in.

  “Grace and Kate wanted to make sure you had a good choice so I just gave them my credit card and let them get on with things.” He shrugs like it is no big deal, but I know for a fact the garments won’t be cheap.

  “Thank you!” I grin and kiss him on the cheek. The height difference between us apparent when I don’t have heels on, so I have to boost myself by balancing on my toes.

  When Matt leaves me to continue getting dressed I search through the boxes which contain beautiful shoes, bags and accessories.

  I step into my black Chanel dress and Jimmy Choos before fixing my hair one last time. I add some tiffany earrings and bracelet. The dress is elegant and I don’t want to ruin the look by adding too much jewellery so I keep it plain and simple.

  “You look beautiful, Casey.” Matt is standing in the doorway and my eyes meet his in the mirror. I give him a small, shy smile as the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter and my heart starts racing as I look at him in his black tuxedo.


  The two charities supported are called Cash for Children and Beat Cancer. The first was created to support less fortunate families with children. The money donated would be shared between numerous families s
o they are able to buy clothes, toys and learning equipment. The second was to help raise money and awareness of people living with cancer. To help pay for medical bills and it instantly reminds me of Joshua, the little guy Phoenix corps supported.

  Matt holds his arm out and looks at me.

  “Do you think you are able to behave yourself tonight?” I put my arm in his and smile.

  “I can’t make any promises.”

  “Are we strictly professional tonight?” I ask.

  He nods. “James hasn’t told anybody. We haven’t spoken properly yet.”

  We walk to the entrance and step inside. The room is breath taking as were the people who attended. Men wearing suits, women in expensive dresses. Matt leads us to a table reserved for Jackson Industries. He finds the place card with his name on and pulls the chair for me I sit; he is beside me and moves the place card to the side.

  I take notice of the beautifully carved ceilings and décor of the room, the walls are painted a beige colour but the lighting is all golden. The chairs at each table are mahogany. A dance floor and stage are in the middle of the room. Off to the side is a large wrap around bar that was also complimented by the mahogany wood and marble tops.

  Matt excuses himself as he goes to the bar to get our drinks. He didn’t have the patience to wait for the waitress around the room to come and get our orders.

  I find the card he moved from his place which states ‘Melissa’. He was planning on bringing her as his date? Why didn’t he tell me? What else hasn’t he told me? I bite the inside of my cheek as I torture myself running through images of the two of them together. The perfect couple. He handsome, rich and confident, her beautiful, lean and confident. I remember all the images I found when I was searching for Matt on the internet and I realize the blonde woman beside him was actually Melissa. She was the one who attended high end parties with him, his date.

  Grace and James approach the table and I stand to greet them. Grace looks like she could be a movie star. Her hair brushed in an up do and her long, elegant neck is modelling a beautiful Tiffany necklace. Her figure is shown off with a long silver designer gown. James is also wearing a black tuxedo. He looks good, but not as good as Matt does.

  “Casey! Hi!” Grace hugs me tightly.

  “Hey Grace.” I give her the best smile I can manage. “How are you?”

  “Good!” She grins. “I’m glad you came. We’re going to have so much fun.”

  James holds my hand out to me and I remember that Matt and I are acting on a strictly professional level tonight. This is fine by me because I couldn’t think of anything worse than acting ‘lovey dovey’ with him right now.

  “Casey.” James nods his head as I take his hand.

  “Hi James.” Is all I say.

  Grace sits herself beside me and James spots Matt speaking to a group of men at the bar. “I’ll be right back.” Is all he says.

  Grace watches her husband walk away before turning her attention back on me. “So. How are things?”

  We swap pleasantries for a few moments and Grace gives me a commentary of everybody who enters the room. Numerous people call over to our table to say hello to her and Grace does an excellent job including me into conversations, introducing me as her ‘friend and business partner’ to everybody. Grace is mid conversation with an older lady when Matt sets a glass of white wine down in front of me, his usual choice of whiskey in hand.

  He lightly grabs my elbow and escorts me over to a couple who are staring our way.

  “Good evening, Matthew.” The older gentleman says as he shakes his hand.

  “Hello David, Kathryn. I would like you to meet our new business partner, Casey Phoenix.”

  The man takes my hand and lightly kisses it. “Nice to meet you, Miss Phoenix. You have a beautiful business partner, Matthew.”

  I gently smile at his compliment and glance over to the woman beside him who is eyeing me up and down before looking at Matt…Ah another admirer I assume.

  “This is my wife, Kathryn.” David smiles.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” She smiles, but I’m unsure whether or not it is sincere, there is something about her. Probably the way she looks at Matt like she wants to take a bite, she probably has.

  Kathryn is attractive and she is around 25 years younger than her husband, I assume she is around Matt’s age. David wraps an arm around Matt and escorts him over to the side, whispering so we can’t hear. Matt shakes his head and the two of them come back to where we are standing looking at each other, trying to suss each other out.

  Matt nods at Kathryn as he lightly puts his hand on the small of my back and escorts me back to our table.

  “What was that about?” I ask.

  “It’s just business.” He looks at me strangely for even asking.

  “Well, I am your business partner after all.” I state as we sit back in our places. Grace, who is in conversation with James and another two couples who are also sitting at our table, leaving one spare seat beside Matt now.

  “It’s nothing to be concerned about.” He smiles at me before taking another swallow of his drink.

  I wonder if he is being completely honest with me, about women and in general. I have put my heart on my sleeve for this man, something I have been against for such a long time. I have travelled thousands of miles from home to come and visit him and I wonder if I have made a mistake. He attempts to make conversation with me, but I can’t bring myself to properly speak to him so I give him one word replies and I don’t offer anything more.

  I excuse myself from the table and head to the ladies room. Once I finish my business I head to the stalls, I realise Melissa and Kathryn are standing at the far end stalls. I don’t acknowledge them and continue to wash my hands before touching up my makeup in the mirror.

  “So you’re Matthew’s new toy?” Kathryn remarks and I look at her trying to absorb what she meant; I remember that Matt and I are on professional form this evening so I shake my head.

  “Matt and I are nothing more than friends.”

  Melissa shakes her head. “Right, well, I am only saying this to help you out, woman to woman, because you seem like a nice, innocent person. Stay away from Matthew Jackson. He’s bad news.”

  I can’t hold back the laugh that escapes. “What, so you can have him all for yourself?”

  “Excuse me?” She narrows her eyes at me.

  “He’s told me all about you, Melissa. He also told me he wasn’t interested in you and that it is me that he wants, I’m the one he cares about.” I cross my arms and wait for her reaction. She glances over to Kathryn who is glaring at me.

  “You don’t know him like I do.” She says. “He will fuck you – use you, till he emotionally breaks you down. Then when he finds another woman he will toss you to the side like you are some kind of trash and come back to me.”

  I study her face, her perfect features and overly done makeup. She has confirmed all the doubts I had in my mind of Matt. The picture of the monster in my mind, I shake my head as I remember the conversation I had with Kate. Matt may have been a player in his time, but he is certainly not a reckless person.

  “Didn’t it ever cross your mind that maybe he tossed you to the side like you were trash, because you actually are?” I shrug my shoulders and turn to walk away. I catch a glimpse of her shocked face.

  “He always comes back to me, Casey!” She calls to me.

  “Not this time,” I grin as I turn and open the door to exit.

  Once I am back in the hallway I take a few moments to compose myself and thank my inner bitch for saving me once again.

  I can see James speaking to a group of men next to our table. Grace is speaking to a blonde woman and I can’t stop myself from thinking she is more than likely one of Matt’s bimbo elite stand bys. I scan the crowd to find Matt and eventually see him standing talking to a woman. He looks angered as he grabs her arm and leads her out of sight. My stomach ties itself in knots. What the hell am I even doing here?
I don’t know anything about the man I’m with, even though he says we are ‘together’.

  When tears threaten I decide that it’s probably best to get a drink, have a few moments to pull myself back together, I remind myself I am here with business partners and that I must act professional. I can’t be sloppy over a man. That’s not who I am.

  I twist and turn throughout the tables and head across the edge of the dance floor towards the bar.

  Taking a sip of my white and watch as a man approaches me. “Hello, I’m Daniel, I was wondering if a beautiful woman, such as yourself, would like to share a dance with me?” He is very well spoken. I quickly glance around the room; Matt is nowhere to be found – probably with his woman or another. The nerve of him, leaving me alone like this.

  “Of course.” I smile.

  I didn’t mind dancing with Daniel, he was handsome, light brown hair and blue eyes, he was tall and athletic, but nothing compared to Matt. Still, I could feel his strength in his arm which was wrapped around me.

  Daniel tells me a little about himself, he is working at his parent’s company Perylex which they are planning on retiring from and signing over in his name. He tells me that the company specialises in agency workers - Personal Assistants and Publicists that they forward to celebrities, high flying business people, etc. I wonder if he supplies Jackson Industries.

  I begin to tell him about myself, that I am over from the UK visiting business partners. I avoid telling him that the partners are actually Jackson Industries as from being here tonight I have realized how big of a deal they actually are.

  “Excuse me, Daniel. She’s here with me.”

  Daniel looks at Matt. “Mr Jackson. I apologize. I didn’t know she was yours.”

  He smiles at me before walking away and Matt steps in his place, wrapping his arms around me the same way that Daniel’s were and I can feel the difference of the men instantly. Matt is so much stronger and firm.


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